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I'm in bed playing on my iPad. Kids have gone to bed. It has been a bad day. The poop icing on the rotten egg cake was when Incompetent Teacher had the audacity to argue with me about the book *my* class used last year. "It was XYZ book - we have it at home. It's the book my kids used last year." Well yes, moron, your kids had the wrong book all freaking year. Sadly, you are too stupid to catch on, and after the 5th attempt to notify you, we gave up. I feel sorry for his kids. They are really nice and we let them stay in class and helped them get along as much as we could.


Dh brought me a coffee this afternoon. He knew it was going to be a crappy day. I heart dh.


P.S. Next week I invite all Elephant Ninjas to come along with me. I bet the snotty administrator wouldn't use that tone with you all.

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I'm in bed playing on my iPad. Kids have gone to bed. It has been a bad day. The poop icing on the rotten egg cake was when Incompetent Teacher had the audacity to argue with me about the book *my* class used last year. "It was XYZ book - we have it at home. It's the book my kids used last year." Well yes, moron, your kids had the wrong book all freaking year. Sadly, you are too stupid to catch on, and after the 5th attempt to notify you, we gave up. I feel sorry for his kids. They are really nice and we let them stay in class and helped them get along as much as we could.


Dh brought me a coffee this afternoon. He knew it was going to be a crappy day. I heart dh.


P.S. Next week I invite all Elephant Ninjas to come along with me. I bet the snotty administrator wouldn't use that tone with you all.


Did you remind IT (incompetent teacher) that his kids had the wrong book all year? Did you have a syllabus by any chance? You could show it to him.

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Did you remind IT (incompetent teacher) that his kids had the wrong book all year? Did you have a syllabus by any chance? You could show it to him.

I didn't have one on me. I told him the facts of what he needed to know (your son has been to 2 classes now without his book and he needs XYZ book immediately so he can participate in class), and then I walked away. Coffee was waiting.

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Parents are a big part of the reason I decided not to become a teacher. Not the final reason, but a big one.

I taught for 11 years total at a couple of different Christian Schools. Not all the parents were bad. Actually, a majority if them were fine. But the bad ones.... Oh, they made my life a living nightmare. One lady.... I would say she was bordering on being verbally abusive. I'd hide in the back room of the library where they kept the videos teachers could use in class. I'd come in right after school and stay there for a while. The librarian would be like, "ahh, JB get in trouble in your class today?" "Yep, and his mom should be here looking for me any minute!" And the admin. didn't do a lot about it. They always needed students and their tuition so unless a parent was totally over the top, the teachers were left to fend for themselves.

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Hmmm.  I waited and waited and no one came waddling up the driveway.  I had to unload my dishwasher  Myself.  And I had to load it up again by Myself.  So if the little Red Hen does make me a Chocolate Lava Cake I will have to eat it all Myself.  


But I did!!!  I did!!!!






Wait.... which Newcastle are you in?  

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At this age, I think she gets to make the decision. What will replace it, though? Teens need something to do. Is there another place to do dance? What do you mean by social problems?


She has nothing to replace it - part of the problem. I asked a couple of weeks ago if she wanted to try a different ballet studio and she said she doesn't want to dance. It is what she is good at and what she does.Just last year she was planning a professional career in dance. Socially, I don't know. I think she tries to hard. Or did. She doesn't care anymore and says she doesn't need/want friends. If I let her have her way, she'd become a recluse this year.

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Ellie - Hope the rottenness goes away fast.  Happy belated to Mr. Ellie!


Dawn - Hugs again.  Praying for lots of real-life hugs around you.


Tex - Still a sick kiddo??   Sorry to hear that.  


(((Heather))) - Get well soon!


Slache - Glad the kidlets are back safe and sound AND that you are out 17 bags of trash.  Bravo!!  


Renai - I have absolutely no idea what an action thesis is.   :blushing:   But if anyone can find one, I know YOU can!  


Krissi and Lynn and Wintermom and Susan and anyone else I may have missed - Hi!  :seeya:



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So, apparently, the dog with salted caramel lube story will go down in WTM forums history annals. Can someone please explain the thing with yoga pants and the do-it-yourself home waxing kit? Then I'll be able to sleep better.



Yoga pants is because of yoga pants threads where women who wear them were being told that they were um. . . not the nice modest kind of ladies.  


I'll have to see if I can find the waxing story.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/9848-who-posted-the-hysterical-waxing-story-a-few-years-ago/ (post 3 - though this is not the original poster of the story)

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Yoga pants is because of yoga pants threads where women who wear them were being told that they were um. . . not the nice modest kind of ladies.  


I'll have to see if I can find the waxing story.  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/9848-who-posted-the-hysterical-waxing-story-a-few-years-ago/ (post 3 - though this is not the original poster of the story)

Yoga pants - seriously?  :huh:


Waxing - OMGoodness - I remember this story! The actual, real-time (almost), post... yep, yep, yep. I'm old.

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The apple orchard was wonderful yesterday! It took 2 minutes to fill my bag with apples, and 20 minutes to eat a few more right off the tree. So beautiful and delicious, and no allergic reaction at all aside from a bit of a sore tummy (but I deserved that eating 3 apples in a row).


Dh and I had a lovely tennis match going with friends yesterday when the rain dared to come and put a stop to all our fun. Bummer.  :crying:​ 


Barky puppy is gone and I had a WONDERFUL sleep until 8:30am. I do NOT miss that puppy one bit. ;)


And on the agenda for day 2 of our homeschool is basement carpet removal. Dh took the day off to lead in this project so we can breath in the basement again. 


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Renai - That is really so sad about your dd's sour feelings toward dance. Hopefully she can find a new class, studio or activity to enjoy. I believe that it's quite common for teens, especially girls, to drop a physical activity for one reason or another (according to my Master's Thesis research). Hopefully you can help redirect her toward something new and fun. (((hugs)))

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She has nothing to replace it - part of the problem. I asked a couple of weeks ago if she wanted to try a different ballet studio and she said she doesn't want to dance. It is what she is good at and what she does.Just last year she was planning a professional career in dance. Socially, I don't know. I think she tries to hard. Or did. She doesn't care anymore and says she doesn't need/want friends. If I let her have her way, she'd become a recluse this year.

She sounds depressed. 

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Can I vent for a minute?

I hate this month. In the last week and a half, we've had a death in my family and in DH's family. Things were finally getting back to normal for us. We had a nice outing to the caves on Monday, and yesterday I did a bunch of housekeeping that has been on hold for a while. While I was going to drop off a bunch of books, the boys and I literally were watching a bunch of emergency vehicles streaming past us. It turned out that those vehicles were headed to the wreck that my in-laws were in! Everything is shaking up again, and as with the last few emergencies, there isn't a darned thing I can do about it!

I'm frustrated. My dear MIL is badly hurt. I absolutely love my MIL. Seeing her in so much pain this morning just about made me want to go hit something myself. I don't know how things are going to go, and I'm flailing around trying to do anything I can to help. There just isn't anything.


Vent off. I'm going to go make chicken stew and bake banana bread. At least that's doing something even it isn't doing much of anything. :sad:

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Can I vent for a minute?

I hate this month. In the last week and a half, we've had a death in my family and in DH's family. Things were finally getting back to normal for us. We had a nice outing to the caves on Monday, and yesterday I did a bunch of housekeeping that has been on hold for a while. While I was going to drop off a bunch of books, the boys and I literally were watching a bunch of emergency vehicles streaming past us. It turned out that those vehicles were headed to the wreck that my in-laws were in! Everything is shaking up again, and as with the last few emergencies, there isn't a darned thing I can do about it!

I'm frustrated. My dear MIL is badly hurt. I absolutely love my MIL. Seeing her in so much pain this morning just about made me want to go hit something myself. I don't know how things are going to go, and I'm flailing around trying to do anything I can to help. There just isn't anything.


Vent off. I'm going to go make chicken stew and bake banana bread. At least that's doing something even it isn't doing much of anything. :sad:


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  That's hard to deal with when there is nothing you can do.


I hope your MIL makes a full recovery. 

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Can I vent for a minute?

I hate this month. In the last week and a half, we've had a death in my family and in DH's family. Things were finally getting back to normal for us. We had a nice outing to the caves on Monday, and yesterday I did a bunch of housekeeping that has been on hold for a while. While I was going to drop off a bunch of books, the boys and I literally were watching a bunch of emergency vehicles streaming past us. It turned out that those vehicles were headed to the wreck that my in-laws were in! Everything is shaking up again, and as with the last few emergencies, there isn't a darned thing I can do about it!

I'm frustrated. My dear MIL is badly hurt. I absolutely love my MIL. Seeing her in so much pain this morning just about made me want to go hit something myself. I don't know how things are going to go, and I'm flailing around trying to do anything I can to help. There just isn't anything.


Vent off. I'm going to go make chicken stew and bake banana bread. At least that's doing something even it isn't doing much of anything. :sad:


So many :grouphug:. I have been through periods like that too, when you feel like there is no end to the calamities. Prayers for your mil.

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