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:grouphug:   So is ds fine or is he diagnosed with something and put on meds?  


Re. the teen girl thing.  I find snarky and snotty hard to deal with because it makes me want to respond in kind with snarky and snotty but that would elicit more snarky and snotty making me even more snarky and snotty. . .   so it is best for me to take the high road (and the road I think God wants me to take) to begin with.  So I'm dealing with my inner teenage girl and it isn't pretty.  

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:grouphug:   So is ds fine or is he diagnosed with something and put on meds?  


Re. the teen girl thing.  I find snarky and snotty hard to deal with because it makes me want to respond in kind with snarky and snotty but that would elicit more snarky and snotty making me even more snarky and snotty. . .   so it is best for me to take the high road (and the road I think God wants me to take) to begin with.  So I'm dealing with my inner teenage girl and it isn't pretty.  

Ds has bronchitis and was given a Zpack, not a penicillin shot.


I truly understand the teen girl thing.  I was one and then I had one.

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DH just took me out for an anniversary dessert.  We think our anniversary might have been yesterday, but neither one of us was sure. 



Awwwww, cute pic.  :)


Kristen was here. Eating yogurt with grapes. Grapes that we grew in our back yard. From a vine that we started from cuttings from an old and distinguished grape vine that stands in front of the Enology Dept. at Fresno State University.

We have grapes in our backyard, but they are mustang grapes, which are for making jelly, which we don't make.  They have seeds.

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Let's all ask ourselves The Miracle Question.


If we woke up tomorrow and all of our problems were fixed, what would be different?


Both of our parents would be nice. We would be debt free. I would be thin and able to drive. My husband would like his job.


Our life is pretty good. I really want our parents to be nice though.

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We have grapes in our backyard, but they are mustang grapes, which are for making jelly, which we don't make. They have seeds.

We grow grapes pretty well. We have 3 varieties, all seedless. We used to make raisins from the Thompsons, but it's too much work. Now we just eat them all!
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Okay, I have a few things to say.


One, I have decided that it is too much trouble to try and keep the cat and kitten from eating each other's food.  I started mixing it all together a few weeks ago, and now I am going to leave off buying kitten food at all.  It gives the cat gas, and I think the kitten will be just fine on canned adult cat food.  Plus, twice a day I am mixing two types of canned cat foods and some dry food with water.  It is a bit much.


Second, my sweet little co-op class is the quiestest group I have ever taught.  I heart them, but they are mute and in need of professional evals and help. 

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I am seriously considering making cheesecake this weekend. Just because, well, it's cheesecake. And I might become interested in making a dark chocolate sauce to go with it, or maybe raspberry coulis. Maybe both.

And would you perhaps consider being interested in making another one and sending it to my house?
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Does it grind up the seeds?

No, there are little holes on the bottom that let juice out, but keep the seeds and skins in. Apple sauce is so easy using the foley. You cut the apples in halves or quarters (no need to peel or core them), simmer in water until soft and then put them through the mill. Easy peasy. The apple sauce is the smoothest sauce I have ever had - almost creamy.

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Let's all ask ourselves The Miracle Question.


If we woke up tomorrow and all of our problems were fixed, what would be different?


I'm not 100% sure I'll even sleep tonight, as the puppy we're boarding for the weekend has been whining and barking non-stop. He's cute, but a bit of a pain. 


Other than that, I've no idea where to begin. I'm not sure if many of my problems are caused by my own behaviour and choices. So maybe if I woke up (providing I did fall asleep in the first place), I wouldn't recognize myself. ;)

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Let's all ask ourselves The Miracle Question.


If we woke up tomorrow and all of our problems were fixed, what would be different?


Someone would have kon-mari-ed my house for me, put in new carpet/hardwood and paint and it would be beautiful.  And, while I'm at it, how about a whole addition - a real laundry room, a hang-out / media room for kids, and a bedroom so that three boys aren't crammed into one.  And my family would understand how to maintain their stuff so that clutter wouldn't get out of hand again.  And cooking would seem as effortless as reading.  And I would find the perfect math curriculum (now you know we're in fantasy land!).  And my oldest would think I had interesting opinions.  (HA!) 


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Please remind me to remind tex to give herself a B12 shot, and to give her dog her heartworm meds and flea/tick stuff tomorrow.




Remind me to remind ikslo to remind tex to give herself a B12 shot, and to give her dog her heartworm meds and flea/tick stuff tomorrow.

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Let's all ask ourselves The Miracle Question.


If we woke up tomorrow and all of our problems were fixed, what would be different?


I'd be debt-free, receiving quarterly royalty checks from the curriculum project, have a house, and be content with my life. (the money has nothing to do with contentment, it just happened to be written in that order...)

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Please remind me to give myself a B12 shot, and to give the dog her heartworm meds and flea/tick stuff tomorrow.


I was supposed to do all of this on Sept 1st and just remembered. Too tired to do it now.


Thanks, Renai for the reminder. :)   It is tomorrow for me (12:03 am).  So...



TEX - give yourself a B12 shot, and to give the dog her heartworm meds and flea/tick stuff.


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As I was driving to work today, I looked in the rear view mirror in panic and told dd, "I haven't bought your chemistry book yet!" Class starts next week.


I can't believe you didn't BOOYA, and it's 11:22 and no one has FTFY.


So here:




This is the thread that never ends...

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