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I'm awake.




This is how I always wake up when I have a nursling. Or two. Dd2 turns 3 this week though and my plan is to wean her, which will leave me with just baby Kernel nursing.

Gymnast told me she wasn't ready at 3, lol! She went until 5, but since my kids are 11 years apart I only had one breastfeeding at a time. And it wasn't daily. Kudos to you!


Now I just wake up hungry. Just because.

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I often feel that I should have stuck with piano lessons and kept at it. I love to play, and I used to just compose stuff for fun and play it, but I don't have the skill to do anything with it. Probably too late now.

It's never too late to learn something.

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My Christmas Break To Do Siggy is dwindling!  Might finish it before February.   :laugh:


This morning:


-Music.  Celtic guitar playlist, I think.

-Mop.  (This is a favor to myself because I love freshly mopped floors. I'm starting with my bedroom.)

-Coffee.  (Um... also a favor to myself, because it's cup #2 for the day.)

-School record-book.  

-Clean up girls' room because I discovered scratches on the new floor due to all the stuff they've shoved under the dresser.  :-(

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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For Thanksgiving I take a week off. For Christmas, two to three weeks. It was four weeks this year because of holidays, surgery and illness. Because I have four quarters and do school through the summer (the weather here isn't very enjoyable from late June to middle September) we take a week off every six weeks or so. Give me time to catch up on projects and the boys can catch up on their own projects and relax.

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Ed Po 




So, I choose what we're using for the year.  Some of it is do the next thing, some of it is a selection of books with some degree of freedom or whatever.


For 10 years or so my method was to make an excel spread sheet for the week.  When we used to have a morning time, I put morning time subjects at the top and then kid 1 and all his subjects, kid 2 and all her subjects, etc.  Days of the week across the top.  It didn't take long because I would always copy and paste (including formats) into a new sheet for the new week and then update each cell for the new page numbers, chapters, assignments, etc.  


The two boys are in Challenge and basically keep their own paper planner based on the Challenge guide (though this will probably be our last year with anyone in Challenge).  The girls each have their own paper planner and I just write in that now instead of doing it in Excel.  When I had so many younger students, I liked using excel because it was quicker and I printed a copy for each student and then combined them all on one page and printed a copy for myself. 


For my youngest we're trying out using a 3-ring notebook for the week with a divider for each day and the day's work behind the divider.  It's a little extra work and requires taking some workbooks apart (which is sort of a pain), but she likes it and she feels more confident jumping into her independent work.  Also behind each divider I list all the school work for the day so that we have a place to check off things that don't have workbook pages (Bible, violin, read alouds, independent reading, etc.).  


I don't do a major planning session for the whole year.  For one, I'm sure it would be useless after the first 4 weeks of school.  And two, I just like to keep things streamlined, not terribly intricate.  

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Good Morning!!!




Sunday!!ðŸ‘👠But no church for me. DD struck a fever last night and still has a mild one this morning. So, she and I are staying home. I think I will watch a John MacArthur sermon on the Internet for “church†this morning and do a couple more lessons in my Westminster Confession study book.

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Trigger Warning!!!




Copy that!!




Planning for me is in the form of assignment sheets for the kid. On a Word Doc. For each kid I make a table. The rows are subjects, the columns are days. So, they have a week’s work of assignments in front of them. Generally, we just “do the next thing†but it also helps me know where they are supposed to be so things don’t get “forgottenâ€. And each week I copy the table and write the new assignments. So, by the end of the year, there are 30-some odd pages in the document which tells what the kid accomplished during the school year.

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Good morning.


Pastor Dh kept putting me off and didn’t confirm with me until this MORNING that I am teaching the women at church. I told him that we should impeach the pastor. ;) But I also told him that I had prepared anyway because I had a feeling that I would be teaching. (I was supposed to be teaching but we have some other church stuff going on so the schedule was a bit up in the air.)

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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7 1/2 hours of sleep. Having breakfast this morning. And folding. My hair looks good.


Good Sunday Morning!




Slache, go to bed.  Time for 2nd sleep.

I did.



Good morning!

Sleep, Slachey! Sleep!

Church this morning and a make-up cello lesson for ds13 this afternoon.


I did, I said.



3 of our sweet pepper seeds have sprouted! We planted them about 3 weeks ago in an egg carton - red, yellow, and orange. I can't remember where I planted the different colors, because like a bad gardener I did not label them, so it will be a surprise if we get any actual peppers out of it.

I never labeled. And I have a really bad memory so it was always very exciting.



I'm sorry :(

It's kewl. I read.




Lunch at church!

Church again!


Is this weekly?




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I'm terrible about labeling things.

I'm a very sloppy gardener in general. I like fruit trees because you only have to plant them once and they keep producing year after year. My vegetable garden usually ends up messy and a bit disappointing.



Usually by mid-June we aren't sure which parts are the planted plants and which parts are weeds. :D


I often feel that I should have stuck with piano lessons and kept at it. I love to play, and I used to just compose stuff for fun and play it, but I don't have the skill to do anything with it. Probably too late now.

Not too late! And if it's just for you, then who cares what comes of it! :) I started learning the folk harp when I was 40 and I'm still pretty bad to the extent that it is possible to make a harp sound bad. :D (I'm sure an actual harpist would be horrified at my technique.)

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I don't label my garden either. But, I do have a gardening notebook where I have everything planned out, so I pretty much know what everything is. More or less (things shift sometimes). The notebook goes back to around 2005 or so. And it's small and really cute. And I haven't lost it. Well, maybe a couple of times, but I"ve always found it in time for growing season. :D

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So I'm trying a garden related experiment right now:


I have some ramson seeds from Switzerland; I 'm trying to find out the best way to sprout them. I've got one set of seeds that I stratified in the fridge (with damp paper towels in a plastic bag) for a month and one set that I didn't. I'm now trying to sprout both sets to see if stratifying makes a difference to sprout rate.


I used to collect the leaves in the spring from the Vienna Woods and eat them in cheese sandwiches. I've been wanting to grow my own ever since.




Edited by maize
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So I mopped our master bedroom.  Which required moving baskets from under the tall dresser.  Which made me realize the baskets might hold my Hebrew books.  Which is good because we are having serious lack of bookshelf issues and they've been tossed to and fro for the last two weeks.  


Which meant I had to move the contents of the baskets (sheets and picture frames).  Which meant I had to clean up under the bassinet in our room so that the sheets would fit there and then haul the frames to the basement so they can eventually get boxed in the crawlspace.  And then I had to crawl into the crawlspace to get felt, and then glue the felt onto the bottom of the baskets so that they don't scratch up the new floors when I slide them full of heavy books every day.  Which required finding cardboard and setting things up in the garage so that I could safely spray the adhesive.  


I finally finished, with everything set up and put away, and made my lunch.  And as I sat my tired arse down to enjoy it.... the garage door opened.  Dh and 5 kids all piled in noisy and wondering why I'd only managed to mop one bedroom while they were gone.  

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So I mopped our master bedroom.  Which required moving baskets from under the tall dresser.  Which made me realize the baskets might hold my Hebrew books.  Which is good because we are having serious lack of bookshelf issues and they've been tossed to and fro for the last two weeks.  


Which meant I had to move the contents of the baskets (sheets and picture frames).  Which meant I had to clean up under the bassinet in our room so that the sheets would fit there and then haul the frames to the basement so they can eventually get boxed in the crawlspace.  And then I had to crawl into the crawlspace to get felt, and then glue the felt onto the bottom of the baskets so that they don't scratch up the new floors when I slide them full of heavy books every day.  Which required finding cardboard and setting things up in the garage so that I could safely spray the adhesive.  


I finally finished, with everything set up and put away, and made my lunch.  And as I sat my tired arse down to enjoy it.... the garage door opened.  Dh and 5 kids all piled in noisy and wondering why I'd only managed to mop one bedroom while they were gone.  

You made me tired just reading this!!!!!


And this Booya/h is dedicated to Quackers and her new book, "If you Give a Mom a Mop...."

Edited by KrissiK
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I need to start thinking about Lent.


The real tough part seems to be picking what things to give up/take up instead of trying to do them ALL.

I pick my worst vice. Deciding whether or not to participate on Sundays, as not everyone does, helps to achieve some of the more daunting tasks.

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So I mopped our master bedroom.  Which required moving baskets from under the tall dresser.  Which made me realize the baskets might hold my Hebrew books.  Which is good because we are having serious lack of bookshelf issues and they've been tossed to and fro for the last two weeks.  


Which meant I had to move the contents of the baskets (sheets and picture frames).  Which meant I had to clean up under the bassinet in our room so that the sheets would fit there and then haul the frames to the basement so they can eventually get boxed in the crawlspace.  And then I had to crawl into the crawlspace to get felt, and then glue the felt onto the bottom of the baskets so that they don't scratch up the new floors when I slide them full of heavy books every day.  Which required finding cardboard and setting things up in the garage so that I could safely spray the adhesive.  


I finally finished, with everything set up and put away, and made my lunch.  And as I sat my tired arse down to enjoy it.... the garage door opened.  Dh and 5 kids all piled in noisy and wondering why I'd only managed to mop one bedroom while they were gone.  


New book: "If You Give a Duck a Mop"

Edited by Renai
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How's your cough?


Still going. :glare:   It's not as bad as it was, though. I appropriated Nana's old inhaler and I'm having it for breakfast every morning. That and I'm taking Clear Lung religiously. I'm trying reallyreally hard not to get pneumonia (it tends to be a challenge for me.) I considered dying, but that. darn. rule.


Thank you for asking. :001_smile:

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That may be so, but do consider that some down time can be healthy.


No, this is beyond down time. I always schedule in down time. I mean actually sitting around doing nothing for hours on end (like messing on the computer). I have a lot of work on the computer, but not that much.

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Still going. :glare:   It's not as bad as it was, though. I appropriated Nana's old inhaler and I'm having it for breakfast every morning. That and I'm taking Clear Lung religiously. I'm trying reallyreally hard not to get pneumonia (it tends to be a challenge for me.) I considered dying, but that. darn. rule.


Thank you for asking. :001_smile:


Oh, so you passed it to me, eh? I see how you are.

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No, this is beyond down time. I always schedule in down time. I mean actually sitting around doing nothing for hours on end (like messing on the computer). I have a lot of work on the computer, but not that much.

I know how to solve that problem. How many of my kids would you like me to ship out to you?



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