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On the gen ed board about the reluctant and disruptive c-op students. Some of the suggestions she’s been given are a lil 🤨 imo. But I have zero classroom management skills so I didn’t feel qualified to post. So I just let the cranky ol lady out here.


I think that some posters don't realize that it is a middle school/ teen class.  Some of the suggestions are fine for young elementary.  Not so much for that age level. 

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My inner cranky old lady is vicariously annoyed on behalf of the students at the co-op who actually want to learn literature. Aaaaaaaand that’s yet another reason we don’t co-op.


(Carve your notes in clay? WHat the flying fudgesicle?)



Is this on a thread somewhere?  I'm curious.



On the gen ed board about the reluctant and disruptive c-op students. Some of the suggestions she’s been given are a lil 🤨 imo. But I have zero classroom management skills so I didn’t feel qualified to post. So I just let the cranky ol lady out here.



I think that some posters don't realize that it is a middle school/ teen class.  Some of the suggestions are fine for young elementary.  Not so much for that age level. 


I think someone should go post "Duct tape."


I dare ya.


I double dog dare ya.

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Birthday season is coming at the Spuds, all three girls within a month. If dh agrees with my picks, Lego Lass is getting a nice rolling backpack so she doesn’t give herself a hernia carrying library books, Snugglebunny is getting a mermaid sticker book and rhyming dictionary for her poetry, and Twlight Sparkle is getting a DVD of the episode where Princess Cadence marries Shining Armour.

I've been meaning to get John one of those electric dictionaries. Maybe you'd rather one of those? Growing up mine had rhyming, definition, thesaurus and word games. It was fun.

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Or we could just totally jump the shark and tell her to conduct the class in interpretive dance. There are no wrong moves, only accidental solos!!


But I’m a chicken. Hiding in a tree from your double dog dare.


You'll note that Miss Big Mouth here is NOT posting over there....

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Sounds breakable. I don’t trust them new fangled things.


Plus books smell nice and feel nice. And we already have a dictionary and thesaurus.


How did he break federal laws?

He was in prison so he got the thing into prison and then to the visitors area and then told us how to get it out. He probably just broke rules, not laws, but it's kind of a tomato tomato thing with convicts.
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Trying to ketchup a bit here....


See, THOSE I know (tostadas and taco bowls). That is NOT what I got on an English search for taco salad, and isn't what those ladies at Bible study meant.


I get this, which is what they were talking about, thus my confusion about the "taco" part of it: 



I don't care whatcha call it, but if you make it, I'll eat it!   :drool5:  :drool5:  :drool5:


I needed to know about this so that I could tell you to Stop It.  ;)


Ironing is optional.  You are sick and recovering from surgery.




(Disclaimer:  I don't iron.  Anything.  Ever.)

:iagree:   No ironing!  


In my defense, I was ironing a watercolor painting that I'm seriously thinking about matting and framing.  :D


In that case, we'll issue an exception.  


I'm seriously thinking of getting a puppy as a substitute child when ds goes out of state to college in the fall. 


You said "when" not "if."  But I don't think the ITT aunties have been notified yet....   :toetap05:



I am so fed up with history. Yet again they have a discussion question in the back of the book that they don’t give enough information in the chapter to actually, you know, discuss. I suspect the real problem is that the writer of the book assumed it would be taught by a nun with lots of free time to lesson plan this stuff that the book only hints at. 😡😩 :svengo:
I am fed up with history in general. It’s extra annoying that I can’t seem to find something that works in one of my favorite subjects.

Maybe it’s time to consider Spud’s Seton Slammer. Grumble grumble grumble.


:grouphug:   Change it!  (And sing "Born Free..." as you write your new plans....)


Not weird.

Hope it all works out. Is he definitely going?


Great minds and all that.  That's my question too!  




Yes!  What time do you want me to meet you there?  

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Trying to ketchup a bit here....



I don't care whatcha call it, but if you make it, I'll eat it! :drool5: :drool5: :drool5:


:iagree: No ironing!



In that case, we'll issue an exception.



You said "when" not "if." But I don't think the ITT aunties have been notified yet.... :toetap05:



:grouphug: Change it! (And sing "Born Free..." as you write your new plans....)



Great minds and all that. That's my question too!



Yes! What time do you want me to meet you there?

It’s 90% in favor of him going. But he flies out to visit next month so not 100% decided yet. God has provided finances.

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LOL.  My inner cranky old lady comes out on occasion on different threads as well. 


I want to have an entire website dedicated to questions that are really "how do I manage medium to large groups of people who don't really want to be there" problems. We could answer questions related to public school, private school, Sunday school, low-wage jobs, community college for teenagers, homeschool co-ops, after school activities including the YMCA, the draft, and youth rec sports.


But your main answer is always going to be, "Yeah that work is really hard and horrible and you are all underpaid and underappreciated and you're absolutely right, about half of all parents are entitled jerks."


In addition, I bet you could have one really good leader from the local Boys and Girls club after school program in your local "low performing" school who could answer like 99.95% of the questions about how to deal with non-compliance.

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What's the closest place I can drive to that has 70+ degree weather?



I Googled it... it's pretty much Miami, which is a 20+ hour drive (not counting stopping for gas, food, sleep, sanity). Sigh. Round-trip flights are only $244 tomorrow afternoon (return trip a week later). I might just run off. 


Except I've got a dental appointment on Wednesday. 

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I Googled it... it's pretty much Miami, which is a 20+ hour drive (not counting stopping for gas, food, sleep, sanity). Sigh. Round-trip flights are only $244 tomorrow afternoon (return trip a week later). I might just run off. 


Except I've got a dental appointment on Wednesday. 


I think there are dentists in Miami.  Just sayin.  


Or drive through KY; we have a great dentist.  

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I can't find out when next year's school year is supposed to start at the college that ds is planning on going to.  I had to send them an email to ask.  All they have is this year's academic schedule published.  But surely they know when they are planning on starting next year. . .    I'm running into a possible conflict with my teaching at Bible camp.  :svengo: I'm conflicted between wanting to help ds get settled and my responsibilities at camp.  It may seem weird to worry about this 7 months early but if I have to do some adjusting of things it has to be started NOW.  



Not weird at all. Better than realizing an hour ago that Wednesday's dentist appt for Broccoli, Celery, and me overlaps with guitar/violin for Broccoli & Celery. Not sure what to do... the dentist could probably get 1 or maybe 2 in and we'd still have enough time to get to guitarolin, but no way that all 3 is going to work, and it's already a reschedule from Nov or thereabouts (scheduled before I got the guitarolin schedule). Ugh. I really don't want to miss guitarolin, because while they did have class last week, the week before their heater was broken, the couple of weeks before that was xmas break, the week before that we were sick, and the week before that only Celery had class because the violin teacher was out. 


The reason the reschedule of the dental appt is from so long ago is because one of their hygienists is out on maternity leave. I *might* be able to just reschedule one of our appts for that, but they're probably going to be very unhappy if I tried to reschedule all 3. And I'm sure that if I just reschedule 1, they'll be running late (which they never do), and the weather and traffic will be terrible, and we won't make it to guitarolin on time anyway. What to do???  :willy_nilly:

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Seattle mostly does a great job of making Miami seem positively next door to me. 


Surrounded by such engaging natural beauty in the east and south, that we have managed to keep our city under one million people for over 100 years. We make you all look like a real city.


Third grade is awesome and horrible, horrible at the same time.


She knows how to calculate a perimeter. She knows how to add. She is a critical thinker and doesn't flinch at two start problems in Beast Academy. But it has taken us a full hour to do three addition perimeter problems.

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Surrounded by such engaging natural beauty in the east and south, that we have managed to keep our city under one million people for over 100 years. We make you all look like a real city.



? Seattle has about three times the population we have. And Seattle metro area also has about 3 times the population our metro area has. 

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