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Nope. Less real chocolate and a lot of artificial. Or, maybe I'm just spoiled.

No, I think you are right. The last one I had was yucky. 

I do have a recipe for GF Cupcakes with cream filling and chocolate frosting that the boys want to make. Or to eat. I'm trying to get them to see the connection.

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No, I think you are right. The last one I had was yucky. 

I do have a recipe for GF Cupcakes with cream filling and chocolate frosting that the boys want to make. Or to eat. I'm trying to get them to see the connection.


Critter!  Hope you're feeling well enough to enjoy another day of R&R, but not so energized that you actually get up and do things! 

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I am on drugs this morning. I held out until five. The pain medication makes me itch unmercifully. I knew it would, but there's no help for it. So I scratched in my passed out state until three, woke up around four, held out until five and then had to take something because I was tearing up. Things hurt quite a lot. 

Better now. I'm hoping I can cut back to twice a day tomorrow.

The boys have done most of the chores without too much complaining. They are good boys.

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I’ve pretty much gone off TWTM with this kid. I’ve been looking at some 9th grade reading lists on the Web. DS who is in B&M school read Animal Farm last semester. It’s on all the lists, but I think it’s ridiculous. DS had no idea what it was about, (he still doesn’t, even after reading it) and I remember reading it as a freshman and actually cheering for the pigs until I realized they were the bad guys. In theory, communism sounds great. And so, unless a kid has some kind of background on political theory....I really don’t think Animal Farm is the best choice. One list had The Yearling, which I haven’t read, yet looked good. DS’s might like it. A couple lists had “The Hound of the Baskerville†which I think would be a good choice, too.



Books and authors I remember reading when I was in junior and senior high (not all of them required by the school, and in no particular order):


Jim Kjelgaard

Walter Farley

James Herriott

Where the Red Fern Grows

Louisa May Alcott

A Patchwork Child

Dick Francis (a bit more adult that my parents realized)

Mary Stewart

Curse of the Concullens -- required for a high school English class as an example of Gothic lit.  A very stereotypical Gothic story, deliberately written that way by the author.  A real hoot to read!

1984 (read for high school English in 1980)

Pearl S. Buck

John Steinbeck

Slaughterhouse 5

lots and lots of tall tales -- please do not neglect tall tales in high school!

O. Henry -- so worth it!

Mark Twain

Jack London

Emily Dickenson (please read poetry, too!)

Robert Frost (my third favorite poet, after Emily D. and Robert Louis Stevenson!)

Shel Silverstein

Terry Pratchett


Edgar Allen Poe

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Critter!  Hope you're feeling well enough to enjoy another day of R&R, but not so energized that you actually get up and do things! 

No worries about me jumping around and doing stuff. I handled the light stuff this morning and then sat down to drink my tea. The boys are handling all the major stuff.


ETA: Post-surgical-lazy-day Booyah!

Edited by Critterfixer
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I am on drugs this morning. I held out until five. The pain medication makes me itch unmercifully. I knew it would, but there's no help for it. So I scratched in my passed out state until three, woke up around four, held out until five and then had to take something because I was tearing up. Things hurt quite a lot. 

Better now. I'm hoping I can cut back to twice a day tomorrow.

The boys have done most of the chores without too much complaining. They are good boys.


I'm sorry!  That's not quite the R&R I had imagined for you.  Hope everything lessens today!  (I know you've shared the itching side effect with us before, but I have forgotten....does benedryl help?)   :grouphug:

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I'm sorry!  That's not quite the R&R I had imagined for you.  Hope everything lessens today!  (I know you've shared the itching side effect with us before, but I have forgotten....does benedryl help?)   :grouphug:

Benedryl does help the itching, but it drugs me up so bad that I just sort of lay there and hope I don't stop breathing. Best thing I can do is get off the danged stuff as soon as it is prudent to do so. I'm going to do some ice today for the inflammation. That ought to help more than anything.

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Good morning!


Breakfast is ready - Greek yogurt with blueberries and granola (and/or cheerios), coffee.


Hints of a snowstorm on Friday. This would put a major kink in pretty much everything we have planned. :glare:





Yes, nearly 60 degrees expected today, and 20s with snow this weekend.   :hurray:  for 50s.   :glare:  for 20s.  



The only Park Day we can make this month is this Friday.  Right in time for colder and wetter weather here, too.

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I am on drugs this morning. I held out until five. The pain medication makes me itch unmercifully. I knew it would, but there's no help for it. So I scratched in my passed out state until three, woke up around four, held out until five and then had to take something because I was tearing up. Things hurt quite a lot. 

Better now. I'm hoping I can cut back to twice a day tomorrow.

The boys have done most of the chores without too much complaining. They are good boys.



:hurray:  :hurray:  for good boys.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  for all the rest.

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I am going to try to go to painting tomorrow. I'm not allowed to drive until next week, but DH will drive me to class on Thursday and work on Saturday. I hope to be off the strong drugs by Friday.



Painting good.  Don't tax yourself physically at work any more than you have to.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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If it helps, in my freshman year of public high school, we read The Chosen, Romeo and Juliet, Ender's Game, and Of Mice and Men. That's all that was assigned. My super cool lit teacher gave up his study hall time and his personal copy of Dante's Inferno to help me read through it. Just because I wanted to. Because nerd.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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More gentle, non-squeezy :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  for Critter.


On the lit front, Krissi, I am no help. J

We have had almost a week of warm weather and now have about 8 inches of slush on the ground. Apparently, we have a snowstorm coming here, too, Susan; 6-10 inches on Thursday. :ohmy:


And there was more, but I forgot. :mellow:

Edited by JoJosMom
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I have a growing list of AFSA stuff to shop for today.   :glare:   DH will say I'm overdoing it getting Dad's place ready, but I'm prepping for him being able to settle in and function for the first day or two after we get there, before we unload and unpack what he's bringing with us.  So, yes, dishes (just a few, from our cabinets).  Yes, O'Doul's, apple juice, and Wasa.  Yes, hand soap and dish soap and TP and paper towels.  And plenty of bottled water.  Dad will have a toiletries bag with him as he comes for the overnight stay(s) in hotels on the drive down, so I am not supplying toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.  Dad will be able to get meals in the dining room, but he will also have a few of his favorite consumables at hand in his apartment when he gets there.


And a few of the AFSA things are for us.


Music class this afternoon, the first one since before my December trip, and the only lesson the girls will get before I return with Dad.

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They misspelled pantz. Hmph.




Yesterday I gave DD13 permission to hang out in her bed all day, so long as she put on some pajama pants in case she needed to run from a house fire while I was out. 


She put on shorts under her (long) nightshirt.  Oh well.  The requirement was fulfilled, even if it wasn't obvious.

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For high school English we do a lot of literature appreciation and not so much analysis.


This is what we have done thus far:


Introduction to Literature -- (8th grade)


American Lit -- 


Brit Lit --


World Lit I -- Fairy Tales, Fables, Epic Stories, Myths


World Lit II  -- Whatever We Missed in the Other Classes



My 3 high schoolers love to read and read a lot.  I'm looking for ds17's reading lists and I'll post them for you.

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American Literature


Rip Van Winkle – Washington Irving

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God – Jonathan Edwards

The Bay Psalm Book (selections)             

Verses Upon the Burning of Our House… -- Anne Bradstreet     

On Being Brought from Africa to America – Phyllis Wheatley    

The Scarlet Letter – Nathaniel Hawthorne          

Of Plymouth Plantation – William Bradford

The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County – Samuel L. Clemens

The Slave Singing at Midnight – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Sifting of Peter – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Poor Richard’s Almanac (selections) – Benjamin Franklin

Common Sense – Thomas Paine (excerpt)

Poetry Selections – Edgar Allan Poe

Moby Dick – Herman Melville

Tom Sawyer – Mark Twain

Pudd’nhead Wilson – Mark Twain

The Ransom of Red Chief – O. Henry

Spoon River Anthology (selections)  – Edgar Lee Masters

Poetry Selections – Robert Frost

Poetry Selections – Carl Sandburg

Poetry Selections – e.e. cummings

The Pearl – John Steinbeck

Poverty in John Steinbeck’s The Pearl (selections)

Rappaccini’s Daughter – Nathaniel Hawthorne

The Princess and the Brownie – Louisa May Alcott

To Kill a Mockingbird – Harper Lee

Poetry Rocks:  Early American Poetry

Poetry Rocks:  Modern American Poetry

Bernice Bobs Her Hair – F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Most Dangerous Game

The Milk Pitcher

The Ambitious Guest

The Catbird Seat

The L1,000,000 Bank Note

A Piece of Steak

The Luck of Roaring Camp

The Cask of Amontillado


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If it helps, in my freshman year of public high school, we read The Chosen, Romeo and Juliet, Ender's Game, and Of Mice and Men. That's all that was assigned. My super cool lit teacher gave up his study hall time and his personal copy of Dante's Inferno to help me read through it. Just because I wanted to. Because nerd.

Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

More gentle, non-squeezy :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for Critter.



We have had almost a week of warm weather and now have about 8 inches of slush on the ground. Apparently, we have a snowstorm coming here, too, Susan; 6-10 inches on Thursday. :ohmy:


And there was more, but I forgot. :mellow:

See, and my poor 8th grader is the complete opposite. At this point in life, he’s devouring “Diary of a Wimpy Kid†books and that is all he reads. Anything else we have to read together. We are going through CLE’s reading program, which I think is really good. Their reader has excellent selections, and the corresponding Light Unit does a good job, I think, of literary analysis. But they only do 2 years of lit in high school. DS is currently doing the 7th grade book, and I’m going to have him do the 8th grade curriculum as a 9th grader, but I would like to include some classic novels also. And it doesn’t have to be a lot. I’m thinking maybe 3-4 during the school year, but I want them to be something he will enjoy and understand. Edited by KrissiK
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British Literature


The Hound of the Baskervilles – Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Time Machine – H.G. Wells

Emma (dvd)

The Screwtape Letters (audiodrama)


Canterbury Tales – prologue plus literature guide

Emma -- dvd

Silas Marner (Eliot) audio drama

Christmas Carol audio drama

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (Carroll) 

Treasure Island (Stevenson)

Jungle Book  (Kipling)

Sherlock Holmes short story mysteries (Doyle)

Peter Pan (Barrie)

Animal Farm (Orwell) plus lit guide

Tale of Two Cities (Dickens)  plus lit guide

Macbeth plus literature guide plus movie

The Hobbit Trilogy dvd

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy dvd

West Side Story (Romeo and Juliet) dvd

Gnomeo and Juliet dvd

Early British Poetry – Poetry Rocks

Modern British Poetry – Poetry Rocks

Chaucer and His World


Edited by Junie
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World Lit (partial list -- ds17 hasn't completed this course yet)


Three Musketeers – Dumas

World Poetry – Poetry Rocks! Series (excerpts)

The Old Testament

The New Testament

Julius Caesar – Shakespeare (dvd)

The Happy Prince, The Selfish Giant, The Devoted Friend, The Remarkable Rocket, The Nightingale and The Rose, The Young King, The Birthday of the Infants, The Star-Child, The Fisherman and His Soul  -- Oscar Wilde

The Odyssey -- Homer

The Illiad – Homer

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea – Verne

The Swiss Family Robinson

The Iliad

The Odyssey

Journey to the Center of the Earth

King Solomon’s Mines


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Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends, and Myths


Fairy Tales

Hans Christian Andersen (complete works)

Grimm’s Complete Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales of the Orient – Pearl Buck

Cinderella Stories

Smoky Mountain Rose

Cinderella -- San Jose

Gift of the Crocodile -- Sierra

Cinderella’s Dress -- Willard

Bubba the Cowboy Prince

 Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters

Ella’s Big Chance

The Jeweled Slipper (from The Beggar in the Blanket)

Cindy Ellen

Cinderella -- Fowles

Rough-Face Girl

Cinderella Stories from Around the World -- Meister

The Golden Slipper -- Pirotta

Ella Enchanted


Snow Queen


Legends and Myths

Sir Gawain – Morpurgo

Merlin -- dvd

Norse Mythology Redmond

Myths and Mythology

Myths and Legends – Horowitz

Myths & Legends – Parker



Fables and Riddles

Aesop’s Fables --  Townsreend

Anglo Saxon riddles (selections) – internet



Epic Stories

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Star Wars: Episodes I-VI


Pourquoi Tales

How the Rooster Got His Crown

Why Mosquitos Buzz in People’s Ears

How Thunder and Lightning Came to Be

Just So Stories


Folk Tales

East of the Sun, West of the Moon

12 Clever Brothers and Other Fools

The Monkey’s Haircut

Castles and Dragons

Grandfather Tales

Princesses and Peasant Boys

Cavalcade of Dragons

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Pardon my long lists...


(I was a high school English teacher in my former life and I hated the curriculum I had to use (Abeka).  I wanted my own kids to read whole works and not have to answer a bazillion questions about everything.


I want my kids to love reading and to read good books.


So far it's working.  We'll see what happens when they get to college, though...

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I really liked The Reader's Odyssey as a good approach to literature for all kinds of readers. There is a another book--The Holding Tank, I think--for middle school readers that I also like. I think it would be good with a really reluctant reader who needs help getting ready for doing literary analysis. 

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I love your lists, Junie!

 I do, too!! Thanks, Junie!! 

I really liked The Reader's Odyssey as a good approach to literature for all kinds of readers. There is a another book--The Holding Tank, I think--for middle school readers that I also like. I think it would be good with a really reluctant reader who needs help getting ready for doing literary analysis.


I just ordered “Readers Odysseyâ€.
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Pardon my long lists...


(I was a high school English teacher in my former life and I hated the curriculum I had to use (Abeka). I wanted my own kids to read whole works and not have to answer a bazillion questions about everything.


I want my kids to love reading and to read good books.


So far it's working. We'll see what happens when they get to college, though...

We used A Beka readers for a long time and the kids seemed to like them all right, but we all really like CLE better. And the light units do a better job of literary Analysis. They don’t Do a ton of comprehension questions, but go over theme, literary devices, vocabulary, study skills, and even logic (some of the stuff we’d been going over in “The Fallacy Detectiveâ€).
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We used A Beka readers for a long time and the kids seemed to like them all right, but we all really like CLE better. And the light units do a better job of literary Analysis. They don’t Do a ton of comprehension questions, but go over theme, literary devices, vocabulary, study skills, and even logic (some of the stuff we’d been going over in “The Fallacy Detectiveâ€).


I really like CLE. I think it's an underappreciated gem.

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I gave blood.  I got Fig Newtons.  :D


I saw my old boss (he hired me, was here 6 months before retiring); he came to donate blood.  He's praying for me.  He hopes I don't mind.


I need more coffee.  But first - water.


DS doesn't want to move to Florida.  Sink holes, hurricanes, heat, critters, friends, blah, blah, blah.  He's 11.  What does he know?  ;)


My sandwich for lunch has yummy bread.


I am wearing pantz.

Edited by ikslo
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I gave blood.  I got Fig Newtons.  :D


I saw my old boss (he hired me, was here 6 months before retiring); he came to donate blood.  He's praying for me.  He hopes I don't mind.


I need more coffee.  But first - water.


DS doesn't want to move to Florida.  Sink holes, hurricanes, heat, critters, friends, blah, blah, blah.  He's 11.  What does he know?  ;)


My sandwich for lunch has yummy bread.


I am wearing pantz.


I would need prayers if I were giving blood.   :laugh:    :leaving:

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Edpoish? Ventish?


The honeymoon is over with pawning off dd’s math on dh. Dh’s estimate for how long he would spend each night are way off. He was thinking 8:45 and it keeps being more like 9:45 bc he won’t stop explaining until he’s really sure she gets it. Which is a good quality in a math teacher, but I want to watch White Collar with dh and snuggle a bit before bed and I am not a night owl. And she was super cranky this morning that I got her up at 7:30. I felt like saying, “When I was your age I always went to bed at ten and I got up at SIX thirty!†I seem to be biting back an awful lot of sentences starting with “when I was your ageâ€or “if you were in ps...â€. 😒

:grouphug: Spuds. Maybe the time with shorten as she gets more comfortable with the material?

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I gave blood.  I got Fig Newtons.  :D


I saw my old boss (he hired me, was here 6 months before retiring); he came to donate blood.  He's praying for me.  He hopes I don't mind.


I need more coffee.  But first - water.


DS doesn't want to move to Florida.  Sink holes, hurricanes, heat, critters, friends, blah, blah, blah.  He's 11.  What does he know?  ;)


My sandwich for lunch has yummy bread.


I am wearing pantz.


I love Fig Newtons.  I hope you ate one for me!

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I love Fig Newtons.  I hope you ate one for me!


I grabbed a pack first thing in the morning, ate a pack after giving blood, and took one for the road!  The last pack is sitting on my desk calling to me. "Eat me!  C'mon, you know you want to."


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I need the weather to make a decision. 5 degrees colder on Friday and the mid-state orchestra conference and dd11's friend's sleepover will be cancelled. 5 degrees warmer and it might just be rain. Right in the middle means rain to start but ice by 9:30pm when we have to drive home from rehearsals.

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I need the weather to make a decision. 5 degrees colder on Friday and the mid-state orchestra conference and dd11's friend's sleepover will be cancelled. 5 degrees warmer and it might just be rain. Right in the middle means rain to start but ice by 9:30pm when we have to drive home from rehearsals.

I saw the weather map for y'all. It does look dangerous.

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I gave blood.  I got Fig Newtons.  :D


I saw my old boss (he hired me, was here 6 months before retiring); he came to donate blood.  He's praying for me.  He hopes I don't mind.


I need more coffee.  But first - water.


DS doesn't want to move to Florida.  Sink holes, hurricanes, heat, critters, friends, blah, blah, blah.  He's 11.  What does he know?  ;)


My sandwich for lunch has yummy bread.


I am wearing pantz.


Are these general prayers, or did I miss something?


As for DS, I'm with him.  I spent half my childhood in Florida, and you couldn't pay me to live there. It is, on the other hand, a great place to visit. In the winter. Only in the winter.

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I need the weather to make a decision. 5 degrees colder on Friday and the mid-state orchestra conference and dd11's friend's sleepover will be cancelled. 5 degrees warmer and it might just be rain. Right in the middle means rain to start but ice by 9:30pm when we have to drive home from rehearsals.



:sad:  I hope it gets colder. I hate ice.

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