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So--I had a special gift that I wanted to get the boys for Christmas. What with one thing and another, that gift isn't going to happen. Both of them have said they don't really want anything for Christmas. This is not unusual. They might have one or two things and the moment those items are mentioned, grandma is on it, if you know what I mean. I don't really mind. But I sort of hate the idea of them not having anything here at the house to open. I've got some candy and such for the stockings, and I thought I might go get them the traditional "mom" present of pencils and writing pads, but that might be it this year.


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That bunny is the spitting image of Bailey (aka Fang) in more ways than one.


Which reminds me. Don't you have bunnies? Why don't we ever get to see pictures of them?

I am too lazy to take pictures and post them here. I will try to do better. Pipkin is a gray Polish and Hazel (his sister) is a black polish. They are not interested in people unless the people are giving out raisins or cheerios. :D

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I am back safe and sound at home, but without Dad.  He's staying put in Colorado until we have him packed up and moved.  On the up side: tomorrow I go to sign a lease on a place for him down here -- one of the two best places offered a holiday special knocking $1000 per month off the rent, so Dad sign a DPOA naming me as agent so I could lock in the place for him.  Dad's target move date is now the end of January 2018.


I have been on duty pretty much since I left, so I am taking some time to unload the truck and chill.  I'll try to catch up later.  I hope everyone is doing fine!


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I don’t have a planner. Other than my calendar that hangs on the wall. But it is very important to me. I only use a specific calendar that comes in the mail.



I like my momAgenda (spiral desktop version).  Even thought it doesn't have space for my fifth kid, It does run from August to August. That's gold IMO.

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Tell your dh that when my dh shattered his wrist, he was at work the next day, painting. With his non dominant hand. He brushed his own teeth. He did get some help in the shower. He had to do stuff, or else he would have been sitting around in a lot of pain being angry with everyone. Mama wasn't having it. (When I say shattered, I mean it looked like his hand was falling off, except the skin didn't break.) Let's see if that helps your dh feel more capable of things. ðŸ˜



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On top of all the usual stuff (compounded by the fact that dh can't help out as much),  I dentisted.  Then I got 6 pounds of meat balled and frozed.  1 pound is now simmering in spaghetti sauce in the crockpot.  And I mopped the dining room, which was a major undertaking.  I'll do the rest of the house....some other time.  


I would have gone to the grocery store but dh tried making french toast for kids while I was dentisting, and shattered a full milk bottle in the process.  I got a desperate call from dd8 begging for more milk, so I grabbed it from the nearest convenience store and ended up at home helping out instead of shopping.  


Tomorrow morning, I guess.  I don't think I'll have it in me to shop tonight.  

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I swear on my grandmother's apron (may she rest in peace) that I will never, ever make this trip again. Also, I will quit hoping that dh will manage to get packed before 1am the morning we leave. It's never going to happen, even if he takes off a day and a half off work before we leave. I love driving all day I love driving all day I love driving all day.


We now return to your regularly scheduled program.

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And I will be taking a hot soaky bath tonight. I was all set to tell DH I was going to brave town and go get my pathetic mom presents for the boys. Nope. He's going Christmas shopping tonight. So I'll do mine on Saturday. And I don't get my stuff out of the attic until Saturday probably. Guess who is not going to be helpful when he has no Christmas cards to put his gift cards in? :glare:

Christmas cards? Oh, you mean the ones I could have picked up but didn't because I didn't know we were out until Christmas Eve on Sunday? Dear, dear.

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I refuse to get stressed about Christmas. If you think about it, absolutely nothing is required for us to celebrate Christ’s birth. No cookies or gifts or relatives. ;)





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You are wise.


I did get my cookies out today. I am so glad my kids are old enOugh to be my elves. When they were little we’d all have to go to the neighbors and that totally stressed me out. I hate going to the neighbors. And they are all very nice people. Now, my kids deliver for me. And they love it. Oldest DD was thrilled. She took charge of the whole operation, even assembling the bags. She is a very organized person. And they had so much fun delivering stuff.

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Dinner smells so good. I have Grandma’s chicken in the oven.


Take chicken quarters, dredge them and brown them and layer them in the Dutch oven with onion and Paula Deen’s seasoning. Put a cup of water in the bottom of the Dutch oven and cook at 300degrees all afternoon. The meat just falls off the bones and it is tasty and delicious and the drippings make the best gravy. Comfort food at it’s best.

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I missed it, too.




Me too, but I think I get the idea from a previous post.  (((Spuds)))  Wish I could do more than send a hug.  


I talked to my soon-to-be 93  year old mom.  And I had to enforce a boundary and hang up on her.  I was nice about it.  I told her that I had to go and I would talk to her soon and I love her but I'm hanging up now.  And I did.  Then I let my sister know because if Mom complains to anyone about it, it will be to my sister.  Mom doesn't have dementia or anything but she does get stuck on certain obsessions and it doesn't do anyone any good to let her obsess about them. 


(((Jean)))  and good for you!  


I am back safe and sound at home, but without Dad.  He's staying put in Colorado until we have him packed up and moved.  On the up side: tomorrow I go to sign a lease on a place for him down here -- one of the two best places offered a holiday special knocking $1000 per month off the rent, so Dad sign a DPOA naming me as agent so I could lock in the place for him.  Dad's target move date is now the end of January 2018.


I have been on duty pretty much since I left, so I am taking some time to unload the truck and chill.  I'll try to catch up later.  I hope everyone is doing fine!


:hurray:   AMJ is home!  And she did a good job!  Here sit down, someone will bring you chocolate and a drink in just a moment.  


I refuse to get stressed about Christmas. If you think about it, absolutely nothing is required for us to celebrate Christ’s birth. No cookies or gifts or relatives. ;)





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Amen and Amen!  I love Jesus.  I don't love holidays.  An acquaintance seemed surprised I would send Christmas cards late - I'm thinking why should that bother me?   :lol:


Sorry I'm such a Christmas Grinch. I totally need a cave on top of Mt. Crumpet and I'll come out when December is over.


Me too!  When it's time to work (do school), I want to work.  And when it's not, I want to sit on the beach.  Not manage a 3-ring circus.   :laugh:

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I don't get stressed about Christmas. I get stressed about 4 days of driving with a van whose transmission is going out and 3 days with 12 people in a 700 sq.ft. cabin on a remote mountain.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   Stop the madness!  ENB is only a helicopter ride away!


ETA:  It's a Save Susan's Family Booyah!!!  

Edited by Another Lynn
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I am back from celebrating Christmas with the relatives.  (I was in Pennsylvania for most of this week.)  Unfortunately I didn't get to see Ikslo this time :( .  I just couldn't find time to make it work.


I did get to visit my Grammie and the kids got lots of presents from The Spoiling Aunt and other relatives.  We did get them all to fit in the van and we didn't have to leave any children behind.


I still have some presents to shop for now that I know what the kids got from everyone else.


No Christmas stress here.  I just stress about everything else.

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I am back safe and sound at home, but without Dad. He's staying put in Colorado until we have him packed up and moved. On the up side: tomorrow I go to sign a lease on a place for him down here -- one of the two best places offered a holiday special knocking $1000 per month off the rent, so Dad sign a DPOA naming me as agent so I could lock in the place for him. Dad's target move date is now the end of January 2018.


I have been on duty pretty much since I left, so I am taking some time to unload the truck and chill. I'll try to catch up later. I hope everyone is doing fine!

Yay!! You’re back!! You were missed.
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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Stop the madness! ENB is only a helicopter ride away!


ETA: It's a Save Susan's Family Booyah!!!

We'll survive it. Once we start driving I will be OK. The heater went out in the bunk room, but the adjoining room has a wood stove, so we can roast and freeze in turn, depending on which room we escape to. It will be like having a Swedish sauna followed by a jump in a frozen lake!

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For years we did the deliver Christmas cookies and cards to the neighbors thing.  But the last few years the old friendly neighbors have been moving away and new impersonal ones have moved in.  After two years of blank looks when we delivered cookies, we just decided to stop.  It was no longer bringing me joy, so I guess you can say that I Konmaried that tradition. 

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This year I have gone back and forth on whether to send out Christmas cards.  I wasn't feeling it so I was going to just not do it.  But then today and yesterday I had time and thought "why not?"  So I bought the cards and will send some out.  I may send out a minimal number or I may keep on going.  Depends on how I feel.  I'm not going to do it if it stresses me. 


I have no problem putting myself out for people.  I would have sent one to my mother no matter what because it brings her joy and not getting one would bring her the opposite of joy.  But it seems like a lot of people don't care too much nowadays so I'm going to do it based on how it makes me feel for the most part. 

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Well, DH was ahead of me and bought his cards this year. Bottom line, the cards are ready to head out the door, and I think all I have to do is to finish up this graphite drawing, get it sprayed and delivered and locate my mom-gift for the boys to have something to unwrap at Christmas. I did promise the boys we would make GF Rustic Bread tomorrow. I'm trying...

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There are three items I could have sworn I ordered from Amazon that haven't gotten here.  I mean I remember doing it.  I know I did it.  One was a major gift.  One was a not very important gift.  One was for stocking stuffers.  None of them are in my order history.   :willy_nilly:   If they decide to lock me up in a padded cell, promise me you will rescue me and take me to the island.   :001_tt1:

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