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The pizza was really good! DS made this dough, added some herbs to the last pint of that sauce I canned this summer, and added pizza cheese.

After making the pizza and a salad, he said making dinner is exhausting, and he would like to eat restaurant food every day as an adult. I don't think that's the lesson the scout leaders are going for. ;)

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I keep procrastinating balancing the checkbook and paying bills - I think because I cannot stand to be interrupted and I can never find a time when I can rule out interruptions.  Like I really want everyone else to leave the house before I work on it.  


Do y'all have any tasks like that or quirks about doing tasks you don't like that become an obstacle to getting it done?  


(Not asking you to solve my problem, just commiserate.....)  



Oh yeah, there are things I just do so much better when I can get everyone else to leave the house and let me at it, like mopping floors and clearing certain clutter.  Of course the danger is I get to enjoying the alone time and am tempted to do my own thing instead of finishing the tasks I planned to accomplish....

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I don't like making phone calls, and yet I'm happy to do it, and prefer to do it when I need answers to questions. BUT, if I'm going to be required to remember a date or deal with numbers, I really, really, really hate making that call. I get a block on dates, and if they are not written down in front of me, I will be paralyzed on the phone. It's truly ridiculous. 



I have a year-at-a-glance poster calendar hanging in the hallway precisely for use when on the phone.  It's also for use when talking with family about stuff (and for the family to refer to in general), but I really need it when talking on the phone.

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I just yelled downstairs to find out who is playing on the Wii.  The answer from ds17:  "All four of us."  Um.  I had six kids the last time I counted.


Dd9 clarified: "The Fantastic Four!"  Oh.  That would be the four oldest.  The two youngest are known as The Dynamic Duo.  

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I made chili and a side salad. It was delicious. I should make chili more often.


Weapon X says he's feeling well enough to help decorate the tree tonight. Hooray! I love our trim the tree tradition. Hot cocoa and carols and 90% of the ornaments on one low-hanging branch. We were going to do it yesterday but the kiddo wasn't up to it.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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Oh, thank you for the lovely birthday wishes. They helped lots. Praying for you lovelies, and for Josalyn and her family, too.


Sometimes, when I'm too tired and sore to do anything, I pray. And sometimes, that kind of tired prayer is blissful and makes me forget the tired.


I've been praying like that for all of you.


I keep checking for updates. I don't think they have thing like smart phones.

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When I was too young to graze from garbage cans I would eat butter because it was all that was left. I can't imagine doing that on purpose. It's unpleasant. It does cure cavities though, so there is that.




I feel the same way about mustard.  My dad fed us mustard for lunch one day.  My sis and I drew pictures on the kitchen table and then used our fingers to lick it up.  It only happened once that I remember.


I can eat mustard if it is mixed with other things, but just plain mustard on a burger or whatever, no.

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I feel the same way about mustard.  My dad fed us mustard for lunch one day.  My sis and I drew pictures on the kitchen table and then used our fingers to lick it up.  It only happened once that I remember.


I can eat mustard if it is mixed with other things, but just plain mustard on a burger or whatever, no.



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Dh took dd15 to a nearby (empty) parking lot to try her hand at driving. :svengo: He said she's a natural. I told her that's great, she has another 10 years to hone her skills. :D


Dd8 is trying to think of something to give Choir Boy for Christmas. He gave her a cute necklace tonight at rehearsal. Nothing expensive, just something a 9/10yo boy might make for a girl. 🙄


We went to the first hour of the Mega Christmas Extravaganza - it is being filmed and televised by PBS, so this was a kind of "dress rehearsal performance." (They gave parents of choir members a couple free tickets to the dress rehearsal filming - we had to leave early to get the others to their rehearsals elsewhere.) We got to practice clapping at three levels of excitement for the sake of the recording. The sign language interpreter was awesome and actually signed the orchestra tuning. I've never seen that before but it was cool. I don't think there were any diplomats in my area, but Sheryl Crow sang a song that was pretty nice. I have to leave in an hour to pick up dd11 and ds13 from the place.

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I'm tired. And it appears that working every damn day isn't making enough, so I'm out job hunting again, this time for a second job. Wth, God? I know there's a plan. I know it. And this will be good. I know that, too. I'm just tired. And discouraged. And DH is on the verge of freaking out, so I'm trying to keep my downness under wraps, which makes it burrow instead of pass.


Is any of this making sense?


Book #I don't remember right now - Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.


Have you thought of working from home?

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Ugh.  I despise the phone.  I don't even like to call for pizza (though my aversion to cooking occasionally often every other night exceeds my aversion to phone calls).


I think I rely a lot on body language to communicate, and the phone messes with that.  


Facetime would be lovely except:  a) it never seems to work right for me; b) all five of my darlings insist on being in view; and c) the world does not need to know how often I'm in my yoga pants and robe.



Hey!  An Introverted Homebody Booyah!

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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Hello, dear friends! I've missed you all and thought of everyone many times each day. Many things have happened, but, then again, it hasn't amounted to very much. Everyone is still alive, with the exception of a dear uncle that passed away kinda suddenly.I


Mom has kept me busy. She is at her home. I have to go everyday. It is hard, but I don't want to complain. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right?


I hope everyone is healthy and happy. :wub: ITT :wub:

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Maybe it wasn't in the food at all. Maybe it was just some roach allergy or something else environmental. 


I very rarely break out in hives. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with food. I am allergic to everything in the environment though - dustmites, tree and grass pollen, mold spores, anything with fur or feathers, and probably some other stuff I'm not currently thinking of. It's not as bad since I've had allergy shots (the allergies in general... the hives are really random, and like I said very rare, but don't seem to have changed in frequency, I think). I should probably move to Mars or something.



Moving to Mars will only expose you to a whole new set of stuff to be allergic to.  Stay Earth-side, where you can ITT!

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I want to do school work today, but the kiddo is still sickly. This is the last week before break starts and I was hoping to finish strong. He apparently has other plans. 



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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DS is making dinner. (Yay for scouting requirements!) I took the pizza out of the hot oven for him, but now he's making salad and I've left the room.


I feel that really good bread doesn't need butter.



Olive oil with a little salt and herbs is also a nice swap-out for butter when the bread is good.

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I was down all day. Like want to crawl back into the bed kind of down. I got a lot done, found the stuff I was looking for in my decluttering of one corner of my desk, and the boys were perfect little turtles today. No negativity out of them whatsoever. And I had to keep biting my lip all day to keep from saying something spiteful just because I felt bad. 

DH let me lean on him and promised me a foot rub. :001_wub:



:grouphug:  :grouphug:


Maybe the weather and the super moon have something to do with it.  I've been a bit down of late, too, even after getting caught up on rest.

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The pizza was really good! DS made this dough, added some herbs to the last pint of that sauce I canned this summer, and added pizza cheese.

After making the pizza and a salad, he said making dinner is exhausting, and he would like to eat restaurant food every day as an adult. I don't think that's the lesson the scout leaders are going for. ;)



Wait until he has to pay for the daily restaurant meals.  He'll start seeing the sense of at least some cooking at home.

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I'm tired. And it appears that working every damn day isn't making enough, so I'm out job hunting again, this time for a second job. Wth, God? I know there's a plan. I know it. And this will be good. I know that, too. I'm just tired. And discouraged. And DH is on the verge of freaking out, so I'm trying to keep my downness under wraps, which makes it burrow instead of pass.


Is any of this making sense?


Book #I don't remember right now - Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Oh, thank you for the lovely birthday wishes. They helped lots. Praying for you lovelies, and for Josalyn and her family, too.


Sometimes, when I'm too tired and sore to do anything, I pray. And sometimes, that kind of tired prayer is blissful and makes me forget the tired.


I've been praying like that for all of you.



:001_wub:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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Hello, dear friends! I've missed you all and thought of everyone many times each day. Many things have happened, but, then again, it hasn't amounted to very much. Everyone is still alive, with the exception of a dear uncle that passed away kinda suddenly.I


Mom has kept me busy. She is at her home. I have to go everyday. It is hard, but I don't want to complain. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right?


I hope everyone is healthy and happy. :wub: ITT :wub:


Hi, Dawn!   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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I've been researching agents tonight. I've gone through about ten and have four contenders. 


ETA: Four that might possibly be half-way interested in thinking about being interested in my story. It's exciting and depressing at the same time.


ETA: 5. I forgot about one and remembered why I really, really want to send my story to him.  :001_smile:

Edited by Critterfixer
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I'm tired. And it appears that working every damn day isn't making enough, so I'm out job hunting again, this time for a second job. Wth, God? I know there's a plan. I know it. And this will be good. I know that, too. I'm just tired. And discouraged. And DH is on the verge of freaking out, so I'm trying to keep my downness under wraps, which makes it burrow instead of pass.


Is any of this making sense?


Book #I don't remember right now - Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman.



I’m glad you’re finding time to feed your soul (aka reading).

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Hello, dear friends! I've missed you all and thought of everyone many times each day. Many things have happened, but, then again, it hasn't amounted to very much. Everyone is still alive, with the exception of a dear uncle that passed away kinda suddenly.I


Mom has kept me busy. She is at her home. I have to go everyday. It is hard, but I don't want to complain. That which does not kill us makes us stronger, right?


I hope everyone is healthy and happy. :wub: ITT :wub:



DAWN!!!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :001_wub:  :001_wub:

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I have my first five agents picked out. Now I get to rewrite the query letter for each one, rewrite the synopsis for one, and get ready to wonder if I did anything right from submission to writing the story for the next 12 or more weeks. I'm supposed to try to submit to 50 agents in 6 months. :svengo:


ETA: Two a week. Keep telling myself that. Two a week.

Edited by Critterfixer
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