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I hope you were able to get some rest!



:grouphug: For Lynn. I hope your cough gets better.

I don't know what I had, but I got hit with coughing hard right around bedtime. Nothing this morning, though. 



Thanks.  I ended up getting a little sleep on the chaise lounge in the school room - it was the only place I could cough without disturbing someone else.  

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I love rice crispy treats. So easy and yet so yummy!!!


She was so siked too! I told her I wouldn't have her cooking on the stove until she was 7 (in January). As she was stirring, she exclaimed, "I can't believe I'm cooking on the stove, and I'm not even 7 yet!"  :lol:

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I think that may mark the difference between a man and a mother trying to write.


I wonder if his wife gets that/got that?

I'm sure she did. He mentions early on that his wife (a poet, and a darned good one) tried her hand at writing short stories and got the usual quota of rejection letters. He mentions that he feels she would have eventually broken through, had she been given and extra hour or two in the day. 


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I should add that I can get my 3 hours most days and 5 on a very good day--provided I teach school with plenty of independent work, I keep cooking to a minimum, housekeeping to the bare bones, and watch no television and stay off the internet. Particularly on days with no internet, I can be very productive. 

But 5 to 6 is asking a lot of me, and when the boys were younger, and I was at home alone with them all week, and DH worked two hours out of town for years, it was rough getting 2 every day.


ETA: The idea of a steady 5-6 hours a day in which to read and write though? That's a unicorn. I've learned to swing the 30 minute shift pretty well, take 10 to go change laundry, make sure my boys aren't eating each other, and then get back to it. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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Ed Po Warning!


Let's say hypothetically that you had planned on your 9th grader doing a year of Ancient History and Literature and Bible/worldview/philosophy with a group of friends.  Let's say, hypothetically, that you weren't going to continue in the group, so now you'll need to continue these subjects on your own.  Let's say you have a good plan for history and possibly also the Bible/worldview/philosophy, but need to do something about literature.  If hypothetical student had read the following works, what would you add for spring semester?  Perelandra by C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis, (not technically ancient lit, but fit with the themes under consideration at the time), Genesis, Exodus, Job, The Iliad (most of), The Odyssey (most of), Antigone (possibly also Oedipus Rex).  


Currently under consideration:  The Aeneid, Beowulf.  Oldest has suggested I go back and have her read Gilgamesh.  


I've seen a neat thread on the highschool board about comparing modern works based on ancient works, but some of the modern ones look a little too adult for us, imho.  


Any thoughts? 



No advice, but here's a link to the OWC reading list in case you'd like to browse:



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Cooking is a family event for us, so no one is ignored. Thankfully, we all love to cook. Yesterday, Gymnast made rice crispy treats. I helped. :)

I've been to several Thanksgivings but I've never seen this. It would be nice.


And, considering you're a bit color blind...

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Pies are done. Ds13 made the lattice tops for the apple pies and leftover crust leaves for the pumpkin pies. Dressings are made. Turkey is in the oven. Turkey cookies are made and table has been cleaned and tablecloth ready. Now I have a few minutes to sit before the hour-before-dinner whirlwind. I should get the gravy stuff out. And steam the potatoes. And, and...

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Sugar cookies are in the oven. DH and the boys have been sent out of the house with the first wave of food. I will follow with the cookies and the stuffed mushrooms in about an hour or so. :drool5:

Making sure I don't get the two mixed up.


ETA: I also wrote 750 words. :D

Edited by Critterfixer
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I've been to several Thanksgivings but I've never seen this. It would be nice.



Well, also remember we live in 659 sq. ft. We trip over each other way too much to ignore...(our kitchen is not closed off - it's a kitchen/dining/living room).

Edited by Renai
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I won't start making our little Thanksgiving dinner until this afternoon.  I got a turkey breast that I will cook.  And some yams that I will nuke in the microwave.  And some veggies that I will roast.  Easy peasy and not any more work than a usual dinner.  The only difference is that the turkey breast will take a bit longer to roast.  We will eat at normal supper time. 



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I am right on schedule. My sil mocks me for my timeline. But there is so much chaos in my life that I need someone to tell me what to do next without me having to think about it. That’s why I have my timeline.


Dancer does this when doing her commercial cooking. I think the chef wanted a general plan, and she detailed by the moment - mix this, proof this, ingredients that, check proof this, that there in oven, whatever it is she does... I have a more general timeline, but yeah, it's necessary or I forget food... :leaving:

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:ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


Ds is cleaning out his car junk from the garage and he made a gross discovery.  Apparently in the summer when we had cleaned out the chest freezer to degluten it, I had put some containers to the side before disposing of them.  And then forgot to dispose of them.  The ziploc freezer containers with moldy food went directly in the trash.  But there was also one of my good pyrex freezer containers.  I had to clean that out.  And the smell!  :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:

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This is on my list when I get a squillion dollars--a functioning sick room. 


I think we should just move the chaise lounge and put a twin bed in the school room (normally the dining room if you're trying to picture it - you walk through it to get from the kitchen to the living room).  That wouldn't look strange would it?  Bookshelves on one wall, a couple desks and a bed?   :w00t:

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I think we should just move the chaise lounge and put a twin bed in the school room (normally the dining room if you're trying to picture it - you walk through it to get from the kitchen to the living room).  That wouldn't look strange would it?  Bookshelves on one wall, a couple desks and a bed?   :w00t:


I think our houses are set up the same way.  In our front room (opposite the dining room) we have bookshelves and a daybed.  I say go for it.  :)

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I am plum peopled out. :svengo:

My cherry pie was really, truly horrible. Really, and truly. But--I know what to do to fix it. Got to try these things to figure out what's going to go wrong so you can troubleshoot it.

Everything else was really good.


I left early, ostensibly to do chores, but also because I got to feeling overwhelmed and tired. A little bit of time in the quiet house should restore me.

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I'm sorry.  I coughed into my elbow (almost) every time.   :(


Vampire Style! :D

Um, I think you need a raincheck on the cherry pie.  Cough drops are not an acceptable substitute for pie.  If that rule is not already in the ITT handbook, it should be.

I have entered this into The ITT Document.


Kittehs!! :)

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Dinner is eaten and we are all digesting in our own ways. Grandma and grandpa cleaned up. Grandma is trying to clean the burnt-on mess on the stove. We'll probably have pie in a half and hour and then play some games - probably Spot It and Dutch Blitz. Maybe watch a movie?


Tomorrow we'll start decorating for Christmas! (Dd19 especially wanted us to decorate tomorrow because she needs to get back to the University Saturday morning.

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The gf frozen chicken empanadas that I bought at the grocery store weren't very good.  Or rather, they were ok but they were not Filipino style empanadas.  This is why I tried them out today.  I found what looks like a good gluten free empanada dough recipe.  I will try to make them tomorrow.  I said that I would bring them on Saturday.  Living dangerously. . .   the only way to live!

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The gf frozen chicken empanadas that I bought at the grocery store weren't very good.  Or rather, they were ok but they were not Filipino style empanadas.  This is why I tried them out today.  I found what looks like a good gluten free empanada dough recipe.  I will try to make them tomorrow.  I said that I would bring them on Saturday.  Living dangerously. . .   the only way to live!

My whole issue with the cherry pie came down to issues with the GF pie crust. I've got a plan to deal with it, but I will need some time to experiment. GF pie dough is a tricky business.

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