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The World Series is over.  What a wild ride.  I'm so happy for Houston (while at the same time I'm sad for Krissi).


I made the youth pastor at church laugh tonight.  I asked him to pray for me that my migraine would be mild for my trip to Pennsylvania.  He said that he would pray for NO migraine instead.  :)  I think that where my health is concerned my faith might be lacking...


Anyway, I will miss all of you.  :001_wub:   I will try to ketchup next week.  (I'm not entirely sure when the return trip will be.)



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Good Thursday Morning!


Bookmom, I think that sounds like a great plan!  You'll hit the essentials every day, and you'll hit the next layer of "importants" regularly.  



We gave ds20 his homeschool high school diploma tonight. We hummed Pomp and Circumstance. Ds asked ya why we were humming the wedding song. [emoji849]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



:smilielol5:   (Did you want to say, "Wait, you can't have the diploma until you finish music appreciation!")



(((Mr. Critter)))


Safe travels Junie!  Praying for relief from the migraine!  

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Possibly eosinophilic esophagitis. So far he seems to be responding to proton-pump inhibitors. No diet change yet until another scope and biopsy in January.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Sounds scary.  Halloween's over.  Tell it to go away.

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The neighbor is home! :party: She woke me up to clean up dog vomit. She didn't know I was asleep and she couldn't do it herself. Let'shope she doesn't go back to the hospital whilst I live next door.



I'm glad she is better.  I'm sorry about your interrupted sleep.  I hope you got more good sleep afterwards!

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Ok, so. I've decided to read 100 books. I just really love the idea of something so quantifiable without a due date because my time is restricted and I really need to read more so 100 books.


Ground rules:

Must be cover to cover.

Books I'm already reading count once finished.

Bible counts as 4 (Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, NT).

Reread books count.

Books for school don't count.



Books read as research for homeschooling totally count.


As for books read with the kids -- perhaps start another list for those?  Because reading aloud with the family is also a very good thing.

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I'm back. Not exactly ketchupped. We all have colds. I had hoped it was allergies.... But alas, it is not to be.


I Awana-ed. Our church is very involved in an orphanage in Thailand. It is for kids who are true orphans and have HIV. Our pastor took a trip there a couple weeks ago. Anyhow, this evening we Skyped with one of the gals who works at the orphanage. It was cool. It was 9:00am Thursday there.


Dodgers aren't doing well.😩😩⚾ï¸âš¾ï¸ðŸ‘ŽðŸ‘Ž



I liked for the bulk, not for the fact your team wasn't doing well.



I went to bed early last night and woke this morning to morning news insanity.  I'm glad for the team and the fans, but not quite so loud so early, okay?  Stop the intermittent screaming at least for the weather report!

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The World Series is over.  What a wild ride.  I'm so happy for Houston (while at the same time I'm sad for Krissi).


I made the youth pastor at church laugh tonight.  I asked him to pray for me that my migraine would be mild for my trip to Pennsylvania.  He said that he would pray for NO migraine instead.  :)  I think that where my health is concerned my faith might be lacking...


Anyway, I will miss all of you.  :001_wub:   I will try to ketchup next week.  (I'm not entirely sure when the return trip will be.)



Bon Voyage!  Return safely!

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(((Hugs to the peoples)))


Happy Thursday morning! Co op day today. No pictures scheduled, but I think I'm still going to bring a covered coffee cup. I like the director lady, and I'm hoping we can be friends, white pants aside.


Dinner is thawing, to go in the crockpot. We're going to have minestrone. I need to bake the biscuits and the cookies before the little people wake, because no cooking and no baking happens post co op. Know thyself.


I love the 100 books idea, and I like the ground rules you set, Slache. Good luck and God speed, Slache and Critter.


I tried tracking my reading on GoodReads this year, with a goal of 140. I lost interest and stopped tracking somewhere in April, with a count of 60, iirc. I counted books I read aloud to the kids, though, because I love kid lit and middle grade lit, and often read it just for me.


Edpo - you have been warned.


I'm having trouble getting to all the things each day, so I think I'm going to start doing school differently. My kids are still really little, and I want them to have free afternoons, so I think I'm going to set a standard work day of Bible, phonics/reading, handwriting, math, recitation, and exercise, along with their usual expected chores and my reading aloud to them. Then everything else will go into a loop schedule, and I'll have an hour for loop stuff. Do you think this will work for the next year? I know regular instruction in writing and grammar and spelling and history and science and Spanish and art and music and....are important, but with daily speech practice with the 4 year old and the 1.5 year old's baby-toddler Must-Touch-All-The-Things deal, it's hard and something's gotta give. I'm gonna plot it out this morning and put it in practice tomorrow.




Congrats and lots of cheering to all who NaNo this year (is that a verb?). One of these years, I will join you.


And now, the coffee.



Your kids are all quite young (right?), so your plan sounds very good.  Free time to play is very important and helps their brains cement the things they learn in their studies.


"NaNo" is quite a legitimate verb!  Thanks for the cheers, and we'll be glad when you do join us!



I am having hot cider.  Mmmmmmmm......................  (from a powder packet, but it still counts)

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Good Thursday Morning!


Bookmom, I think that sounds like a great plan!  You'll hit the essentials every day, and you'll hit the next layer of "importants" regularly.  





:smilielol5:   (Did you want to say, "Wait, you can't have the diploma until you finish music appreciation!")



(((Mr. Critter)))


Safe travels Junie!  Praying for relief from the migraine!  



:smilielol5:  :smilielol5:  :smilielol5:

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CF--I have done the GFCF egg-free thing. Almond milk, Earth balance spread, and coconut oil/milk (which I can't use) takes care of the milk in cooking issue. Egg-free is the harder one. There is a good substitute product for baking--can't remember the name but it's in a little box--will look it up for you--or flaxseed or chia gel sometimes also work.

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Good morning!


Congratulations Texas! âš¾ï¸


Condolances to Krissi! :(


Must bring dd14 to tutorial. Her economics class is holding their "small business project" sale today. Dd's team is selling edible cookie dough snacks. Also I am picking up 2 bushels of apples this afternoon - Fuji and Ida Red. I'll be making and canning applesauce and apple butter all weekend!



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I got at least 8 hours of sleep last night, which I apparently needed.  I was losing my patience with various numbskulls other drivers yesterday evening getting home from the last activity.  And I resorted to Sonic for supper, too.


Today is a less-scheduled day, with only short Aikido tonight.  However, I think I will still end up running out and about for some errands that I couldn't get done yesterday, plus one more that came up (vehicle registration).  I also completely spaced out calling my Dad yesterday, so I need to do that this morning.


Tomorrow doesn't have anything scheduled, and I might bow out of going to ILs' house for supper just to be selfish and get some alone time for writing or whatever.  I don't think I can get caught up on my NaNo writing until I get a few things done, and I'll want to write ahead for the coming week if possible, since it's going to be PACKED.





Things that need to happen sooner:

  • truck registration
  • early voting
  • cash
  • buy wedding card, write up photo package description, everyone sign card

Things that need to happen by early next week:

  • wash all sheets and remake beds
  • everyone runs their laundry
  • clean all bathrooms
  • mop the kitchen floor, for pity's sake!
  • reach 15,000 words by next Thursday (if not sooner), if I can (and more, if I can manage it)

Ongoing project bits that should be done before my December trip to see Dad (could wait until after dear niece's wedding, if needed):

  • Dad's VA paperwork
  • Dad's medical, financial, and legal stuff
  • start the hunt for local places that have lift chairs Dad can try before buying
  • visit again with certain places still under consideration, to get more details on care, options, and costs

And keep encouraging DD16 to not only keep going on her studies, especially Geometry, but maybe consider doing some Geometry over parts of certain breaks, so she can finish before June.

Edited by AMJ
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We forgot to put recycling out yesterday, too.  My routines are all wonky and I'm not remembering anything on time!  WAAA!!!!   :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:



Okay, I'm done now.  

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CF--I have done the GFCF egg-free thing. Almond milk, Earth balance spread, and coconut oil/milk (which I can't use) takes care of the milk in cooking issue. Egg-free is the harder one. There is a good substitute product for baking--can't remember the name but it's in a little box--will look it up for you--or flaxseed or chia gel sometimes also work.

If he has to do the restricted diet--no nuts of any kind for six weeks. So almond milk and coconut milk are a no-go. I rather think we will all lose weight for a while which wouldn't be a bad thing. 

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Caffeine. :zombie: I didn't have a team in the series, but stayed up to watch it anyway. Or parts of it. I kept editing and listening, then running in to check the score. 

Today I need to get another 3K for NaNo because I'm going to the lake on Friday for inspiration and relaxation after a long week of pretty intensive pre-writing, writing and then editing. :willy_nilly:

I also have art, cooking and cleaning to do.

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Ener-g Egg Replacer is the one in the little box I was thinking of. I've found that even in small town grocery stores.  Bob's Red Mill also makes an egg replacer.  I haven't used that one as much, but it gives you more options.


Some people use applesauce in place of egg.  I hate how it changed the consistency of my baked goods--everything became denser.

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I have an out-of-body experience to write for the protagonist today. I like those--they depart from the more gritty urban fantasy tone into a more epic, poetic, flowing cadence. The problem is that I have absolutely no idea the shape this particular vision will take for him. I guess I'll just bull ahead and see what happens when I start writing it. 

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Aaaaaaaaaand...it's snowing, people! It started about 5:30/6ish and we have about an inch on the ground. Kinda :glare: , but mostly :001_wub: .  MIL is still in the hospital, so DH decided to leave next Monday.  He'll be there to take her home and stay with her at least until her birthday party, in about a month.  So at least I don't have to blow this snow.



Tomorrow I drive to another town (I hate driving) to take the kids to Latin mass by myself (the second one for olders and first for youngers!). So. Much. Out. Of. Comfort. Zone.

But I’m very happy. Latin masses are rare as hens teeth around here and this is hopefully the first of a regular thing. It’s taken a lot of prayer to get to this point.

Happy All Saints Day!


Oooo, there was a Catholic church that did a Latin mass where the short person was at math camp!  I tried to get her to go (for cultural reasons), but 6:30 was just.too.early. (Their classes went until 10 pm every night, so her internal clock was just not ready for action that early.  Making church at 9 was enough of a challenge! :blink: )   Let me know if it becomes a regular thing; we'll probably go next time we're down in that neck of the woods.  That would be awesome!

Edited by JoJosMom
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I have an out-of-body experience to write for the protagonist today. I like those--they depart from the more gritty urban fantasy tone into a more epic, poetic, flowing cadence. The problem is that I have absolutely no idea the shape this particular vision will take for him. I guess I'll just bull ahead and see what happens when I start writing it. 


Hmm. Well, eating a Reese's peanut butter cup does the trick for me, but I don't know that they're on the Critter family menu...pondering-smiley-emoticon.gif

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Hmm. Well, eating a Reese's peanut butter cup does the trick for me, but I don't know that they're on the Critter family menu...pondering-smiley-emoticon.gif

There might be chocolate involved in some fashion for me.

I think I'm seeing ghost forests at this point, but we'll see what happens.

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Did I tell you what we learned about Galapagos tortoises last year at the zoo? Apparently they battle by seeing who is the tallest. Whoever can stretch their head the highest, wins! ðŸ¢


Snapping turtles, on the other hand, are a bit, uh, snappier.

That sounds like my oldest. He gives me a hug and then straightens up and looks down on me with a big grin. He is clearly enjoying his latest growth spurt.
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If he has to do the restricted diet--no nuts of any kind for six weeks. So almond milk and coconut milk are a no-go. I rather think we will all lose weight for a while which wouldn't be a bad thing. 


We can't do nuts here, either.  And spreads usually contain soy.

I'm thankful milk isn't one of DS's many restrictions. 


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ACtually up North is the place to be if you like the Latin mass




But you should come hang with me next time you come south anyway! ;)


Prayers for MIL. A whole month without dh!


cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emoticon.gif Wowsers!


Field trip! Field trip! Field trip!


Imma see if Nana wants to come with and make it an overnighter.  She's Catholic and remembers the Latin mass from her whippersnapperhood!

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ACtually up North is the place to be if you like the Latin mass




But you should come hang with me next time you come south anyway! ;)


Prayers for MIL. A whole month without dh!


Holy cow! (so to speak) I just thought of something. They have daily mass at 12:15.  I could surprise Nana and take her after one of her hair appointments. surprised-bird-smiley-emoticon.gif

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And now, children, it's time for Today's Country Living Tip, from JJM.


Whilst clearing icy wet snow from electric fence tape, one actually can safely and without being zapped clear the icy wet snow from the electrified tape with one's wet leather glove provided that one does so quickly and in short sweeps. Should one begin to slip on a packed icy patch, however, one should NOT grab a metal t-post for balance whilst one's other wet leather glove is in contact with the electrified tape.  You're welcome.


You may now go back to your regularly scheduled school activities. Unless you happen to be studying electricity today.  In which case, feel free to incorporate Today's Tip into your regularly scheduled school activities.  You're welcome again.




ETA: Punctuation.  Because punctuation comes from the brain. Which functions less than optimally after suffering an overabundance of electrical flow. Or at least that's my excuse today.

Edited by JoJosMom
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And now, children, it's time for Today's Country Living Tip, from JJM.


Whilst clearing icy wet snow from electric fence tape, one actually can safely and without being zapped clear the icy wet snow from the electrified tape with one's wet leather glove provided that one does so quickly and in short sweeps. Should one begin to slip on a packed icy patch, however, one should NOT grab a metal t-post for balance whilst one's other wet leather glove is in contact with the electrified tape. You're welcome.


You may now go back to your regularly scheduled school activities. Unless you happen to be studying electricity today. In which case, feel free to incorporate Today's Tip into your regularly scheduled school activities. Your welcome again.

Did you get an instant perm, JJM?

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And now, children, it's time for Today's Country Living Tip, from JJM.


Whilst clearing icy wet snow from electric fence tape, one actually can safely and without being zapped clear the icy wet snow from the electrified tape with one's wet leather glove provided that one does so quickly and in short sweeps. Should one begin to slip on a packed icy patch, however, one should NOT grab a metal t-post for balance whilst one's other wet leather glove is in contact with the electrified tape. You're welcome.


You may now go back to your regularly scheduled school activities. Unless you happen to be studying electricity today. In which case, feel free to incorporate Today's Tip into your regularly scheduled school activities. Your welcome again.

âš¡ï¸ :svengo:

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