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I have a deeply seated belief that organists all have a slightly loopy aspect to their personalities. I.e. They are just a leeeetle bit crazy. [emoji16]


The organ professor taught one of my college music history classes and it was a *very interesting* class indeed. :D


The music director of our church said it was definitely true of the church organist when he was growing up. He would break out in "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" for baptisms. :lol:

In college I used to work as a reader for a blind student. He was an organ major. Imagine reading aloud for an hour on F stops and bourdans.

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I have a deeply seated belief that organists all have a slightly loopy aspect to their personalities. I.e. They are just a leeeetle bit crazy. ðŸ˜


The organ professor taught one of my college music history classes and it was a *very interesting* class indeed. :D


The music director of our church said it was definitely true of the church organist when he was growing up. He would break out in "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head" for baptisms. :lol:


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:


Also, my dad was an organist.  Just more anecdotal proof to strengthen your belief.   :thumbup1:

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Since I don’t know what a chocolate chess is (I’m assuming that it doesn’t look like a chess set) that doesn’t help me! I’m pie ignorant.


It's kind of like pecan pie w/out the pecans. Plus chocolate.

Edited by Paige
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Thanks for the menu ideas! We have clipped dog nails, bathed dogs, cleaned both bathrooms, washed and dried my sheets and remade bed, washed and dried and folded and put away one laundry load, unloaded and reloaded and started dishwasher, vacuumed and dusted living room and den and foyer, shopped at aldi and meat market, played and visited out front, cleaned off kitchen table, and prepped meat for suppers.


I also ate at Wendy's with my neighbor.


We are cooking Italian chicken, glazed salmon, burgers, steak, kielbasa, and shrimp (all on the grill), pinto beans, corn, salad, and roasted red potatoes. That should last 3 or so nights!


I bought a frozen cheesecake so I wouldn't have to bake for church tomorrow.


I'm ready for a nap.



:hurray:  :hurray:   Angi goed, too!

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Nobody is taking this thread seriously!!


I cleaned out the Hall Closet. And I didn't just re-organize.

2 huge bags of trash!

A box of things to take to the thrift store

2 bags of fabric scraps to take to the thrift store


And the whole time I was humming to myself, "free, free, I'm free at last!! Thank God Almighty I'm free at last"

Free of all this clutter!!



:hurray:  :hurray:   Go, Krissi, go!

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I worked. I'm home and I have kitty boxes to clean. Then Imma probably bathe, put on my toga (don't ask) and ask everyone to deal with their own stomachs for supper. I had a good day at work, but I have a headache that is just hammering my brains to bits, and that makes me a little bit...less perky.

Since we are rhyming with turkey.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:   Did the headache get better?  Maybe after some weather passed through?

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:blushing: Minor brag alert:

A published poet just told me that a poem I sent her for critique (with some minor changes) should be submitted for publishing. I'm kind of ridiculously pleased right now.



:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:



Hey, wait a minute!  WE have been telling you this for quite a while now!  So what are we, chopped liver?   :toetap05:  :toetap05:

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I have never had or even seen a buttermilk pie. I’m imagining that it looks sort of like banana cream but without the cream?

They are very similar to a Chess pie. Creamy, custardy, with a tangy lemon taste that isn't really lemon. It's kind of hard to describe.


ETA: Yes, very sugary. Small pieces are best.

Edited by Critterfixer
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But I might have watched this first.  :o





I've got another one for his classifieds:  Over the weekend someone on our Nextdoor down here posted what they had to tell: Queen bed and one night stand.  



One night stand does NOT equal one nightstand, fellas!

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The boys and DH and I have been watching Ken Burns Baseball. It's ten DVDs long. I borrowed the first five. :svengo:

Good, but when it is over, I think I'm going to know more about baseball than I ever wanted to know.


I just looked and our library doesn't have it.  Ds17 is a fount of knowledge about baseball already; I don't know if he would actually learn anything from it.


He will often make a comment about some player or fact or statistic while we are watching a game.  I can't tell you how many times -- probably hundreds -- the announcer or color commentator will state the same information within seconds of ds17 stating something.


We have joked that our house must be bugged.  :)

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I just looked and our library doesn't have it.  Ds17 is a fount of knowledge about baseball already; I don't know if he would actually learn anything from it.


He will often make a comment about some player or fact or statistic while we are watching a game.  I can't tell you how many times -- probably hundreds -- the announcer or color commentator will state the same information within seconds of ds17 stating something.


We have joked that our house must be bugged.  :)

Our local library didn't have it. I had to go to the library two hours away to get it. I don't follow sports that religiously, but I've got two golf nuts, and baseball was my grandmother's favorite game for sure. DH watches everything, and he's a font of statistics, famous plays, famous players and so forth. 

I think he'll enjoy this series. We planned to watch only about an hour, but nobody was tired. I finally had to shut it down because bedtime, work and school tomorrow.

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About 21 hours (for the washing part... so, 22 hours if you include drying that last load, so, maybe about 22.5 hours for all done). Of course, I also don't know how one would find enough stuff for 9 loads, unless there was an outbreak of lice or something and EVERYTHING needed to be washed. 


More realistic scenario is that some loads were delicates or w/e, which take less time. But still. That's a lot of loads, and more loads than I average per week (DW does her own laundry, but even if she didn't, I still wouldn't average 9/week). 



Down here we can find 9 loads easily with our family of 4.  At least 6 of clothes due to certain requirements of certain people AND Aikido whites, at least 2 of towels, at least 3 of bedding and/or rugs.  More if there has been a lot of cleaning done with rags and mop heads, or if we have gone paddling, or washed vehicles out in the driveway.  Or had kids over to sleep (washing sleeping bags and more towels).


We could go longer on less bedding loads if we didn't get so danged hot and sweaty at times down here, and if the cat would stop shedding and washing her feet all over MY bed (she leaves footprints!).  Towels simply must get washed weekly, or they start to smell mildewy.

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Wait, where in the bible does it ban those?



Please do. Some posts have gotten too much into whether things are methods, convictions, or philosophy.




I don't recall ever seeing a piano in a church though. Organs, yes, pianos, no. Organs don't have strings. They are really old though... much older than I would've guessed (they were around in biblical times). 



I"m pretty sure there are at least some cables in those organs.  There's something making those stops all work!

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I'm in my Sunday Afternoon Happy Spot. Football game, fuzzy blanket, sweats. Derek and his team aren't playing today. 😩ðŸˆðŸˆ I do need some COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸, though!!



I got to have yummy coffee this morning.  DSIL buys a low-acid coffee and brews it by the pot.  I use coffee seldom enough here I've just been buying packets of instant crystals for when I want some, and they don't make those in low-acid, darn it.  I got to have 2 cups today, with yummy creamer!

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I keep thinking I'll go back to your thread and post a "real" answer, but now I'm confused about whether my philosophy and methods are consistent or whether I'm a hypocrite or whether my methods reflect my true philosophy and I just haven't realized what my true philosophy is yet.  


My 2nd snarky, smart alec answer is this:  "My current philosophy is assigning whatever they don't need me for!"  



This is exactly what the plan will be fore any days/weeks I'll be away from home working with Dad on getting his stuff closed down and him moved.  I talked with MIL this weekend, and she and FIL will take the girls to activities for me and oversee their independent studies.


Maybe I can get her to conscript them in the garden, too, for some botany labs....

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Sounds super sugary.


Definitely. My mom makes all of those pies: buttermilk, chess, pecan, chocolate pecan...they aren't for you if you don't like sugary.


DH, DS, and I shaved the mats off the stupid cat. I feel like I should have given the St Crispin's Day speech before we did it. We have conquered a mighty beast- even half sedated with a rx from the vet; he was mighty. 

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Since I don’t know what a chocolate chess is (I’m assuming that it doesn’t look like a chess set) that doesn’t help me! I’m pie ignorant.




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I keep thinking I'll go back to your thread and post a "real" answer, but now I'm confused about whether my philosophy and methods are consistent or whether I'm a hypocrite or whether my methods reflect my true philosophy and I just haven't realized what my true philosophy is yet.


My 2nd snarky, smart alec answer is this: "My current philosophy is assigning whatever they don't need me for!"

Just because they are inconsistent doesn't make you a hypocrite. My philosophy is classical. I love the classical model and I would love to teach my kids that way. But my kids don't want to learn that way. They hate Latin, they honestly learn more history from the A Beka history textbooks than anything else. DD just changed over because she just couldn't do the wonderful curriculum I tweaked from History Odessey, chock full of good literature, primary sources, outlining, map work. etc. So, she and I drill the map work, memorize the American's Creed (which she loves to do) and read the textbook. The only good literature they get is what I read aloud to them. So, I teach my kids where they are at, although personally I subscribe to the classical methodology.
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Just because they are inconsistent doesn't make you a hypocrite. My philosophy is classical. I love the classical model and I would love to teach my kids that way. But my kids don't want to learn that way. They hate Latin, they honestly learn more history from the A Beka history textbooks than anything else. DD just changed over because she just couldn't do the wonderful curriculum I tweaked from History Odessey, chock full of good literature, primary sources, outlining, map work. etc. So, she and I drill the map work, memorize the American's Creed (which she loves to do) and read the textbook. The only good literature they get is what I read aloud to them. So, I teach my kids where they are at, although personally I subscribe to the classical methodology.



I’m not sure what people mean by philosophy vs convictions either. I guess I just ended up making everything more complicated in the end. Basically I was trying to differentiate between my principles (e.g., children are persons) and whatever method (e.g., while I don’t thinkworkbooks are ideal, they have definitely been the best choice for certain of my kids at certain times).


ETA, Booyah!



You both have made me feel much better!  

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Good morning! It's The Queen's favorite day!


I am dragging. Fell asleep sitting at the breakfast table and then managed to repeat some information to the kids almost word for word something dh had just said but apparently I only heard in my sleep. :D I have been fighting this UTI-ish issue for way too long. I really think it's the ice cream that is causing it but I don't know why or if that's just my half-asleep brain talking. Fortunately I have stocked up on cranberry juice from Aldi the past couple weeks. No more ice cream for me. :(



I voted, but haven't read the responses over there. I would have felt horrible if I had! My philosophy hasn't changed since day 1, I don't think. My methods have changed drastically and often. If I'm understanding the question, my philosophy is teach the kids how to learn (so they can learn anything), help them to lean towards whatever it is that God created them to be, and keep them free from what I believe to be the government schools philosophy. My preferred method is classical. I do what I can, and choose something different for the rest.


Does any of that make sense? Sometimes I would rather answer here rather than get jumped on other threads.

I concur.



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Good morning. It's cool here, but not as cold as I'd hoped. Maybe later this week. The old cat was in my lap, but saw the young cat, and decided to go attack her scratching board just to show she's still fierce in her years. She isn't, but young cats must be bluffed.

I have three more chapters to run under the editing knife, then it's time to pack up and get ready for NaNo and the agent hunt. Also I need to do a little research on how to submit my poem to the magazine I have in mind. I might run my idea past the writers' group this meeting. Our fearless leader knows the editor.

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I’m not sure what people mean by philosophy vs convictions either. I guess I just ended up making everything more complicated in the end. Basically I was trying to differentiate between my principles (e.g., children are persons) and whatever method (e.g., while I don’t thinkworkbooks are ideal, they have definitely been the best choice for certain of my kids at certain times).


ETA, Booyah!



I replied to that thread this morning, for what it is worth.  We'll see how people take it.

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I voted, but haven't read the responses over there. I would have felt horrible if I had! My philosophy hasn't changed since day 1, I don't think. My methods have changed drastically and often. If I'm understanding the question, my philosophy is teach the kids how to learn (so they can learn anything), help them to lean towards whatever it is that God created them to be, and keep them free from what I believe to be the government schools philosophy. My preferred method is classical. I do what I can, and choose something different for the rest.


Does any of that make sense? Sometimes I would rather answer here rather than get jumped on other threads.



Quite sensible.

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Good morning. It is chilly outside today. I just spent 5 minutes outside with the dogs, and somehow ended up covered in ants. They were all over my pants leg and one shoe. Now I'm itchy and wearing my second outfit of the day. But at least I have coffee.


The following may contain slight educational content. Reader discretion is advised.


Today's plan: We're starting Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as our new read aloud. We were supposed to start it on Friday, but my Kindle was experiencing technical difficulties. A quick math lesson, followed by some Prodigy. Phonics is solely review for a few more days before I add in any new content. This afternoon, we will be discussing gravity.

After school, I must needs clean this house. At least a little. I did manage to fold my mountain of laundry yesterday.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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After sitting around like a lump yesterday, I need to have a Doing All the Things Day. DS seems to be on board.


Happy Monday! Coffee! (DS had chocolate milk, and one of our errands will be going to the farmers' market for the One And Only Excellent Cider Available Around Here.)

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I received a letter from my company that said I could go online and choose an award for my 5 year anniversary with the company.  I chose the globe for DS.  Because homeschooler. 





Good choice!



I would have chosen that for myself, homeschool or no homeschool.  But I like maps and stuff like that.  

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Good Morning!!!!






DS's school has faculty in-service so he'll be around all day.


MIL is coming over for the morning, as usual on a Monday.


I lost 2 lbs. last week on WW. ðŸ‘ðŸ‘


Yay for Ikslo!! I'm glad you chose a globe and not a leg shaped lamp!


Whitehawk, I am envious of the cider. I love apple cider.


Lana, boo for the ants.


Susan, hope you get a nap in sometime today.

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