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1. Go through the PSAT practice booklet. Take the PSAT in 10th grade and 11th grade, and 9th grade if it is allowed.


2. Our umbrella program allows for 2 high school credits taken in 8th grade for lab science (physical, bio, chem, or physics), math (algebra 1 or higher) or a high school level language. If you don't think an 8th grade credit will be allowed, then I'd wait and list the class and award the credit when they are in 9th grade. I definitely would not make them take it over again if they have indeed done the high school level work. Dd14 is taking physical science with lab for credit in 8th grade. Her tutorial also offers some advanced science courses, so I think they start a bit early in case students want to take advanced bio or chem or anatomy or something.


3. You should make brownies and bring them over so we can eat them and watch something on Netflix. I will provide the vanilla ice cream and will make popcorn in case we need a change of pace.


Thank you, thank you, thank you.  This is very felpful!

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Then, yes, absolutely I would.  Without a second thought.


High school credit for credit-worthy classes taken in 7th and 8th is no biggie here, BTW.  In fact, most college-bound kids will have them, because we have a Fast Forward program in which the state encourages-and pays for- early college credit.


Thank you!


I agree with the extend and augment the chemistry part.  Homeschoolers don't stick to traditional school years much anyway.  She will just have started her 9th grade science early!  The description of the course did say it was 8th & 9th grades, right?  And wouldn't be offered again in her actual 9th grade year?  She started it early, is doing 9th grade work in it, and will extend to augment a portion that was lightly covered.  Sounds like potential honors credit to me, if she's diligent about the extended studies.  



Thank you.  I like your explanation.  (Hmmm.... the extra hours could qualify it as honors, but it doesn't "feel" like honors to me - in content or mastery -  :D .  I will not add the honors designation, though I appreciate the suggestion!!!)

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You have to say it with a French accent.

While hurling coconuts.



Plush coconuts.  We don't aim to actually hurt here, and real coconuts are hard.


I can't insult Slashie.  Especially since I apparently can't type today and have to keep fixing typos.

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I KICKED ASS! I didn't go as fast as I wanted or jump as high as I wanted, but I did it! I feel so good! My first big workout! I'm in so much pain. I have to go die now.



Good for you!  Now rest up a bit, then get ready to do it again every day or two.  Speed and jump height will come as you continue trying.



My doc wants me to lose another 13 pounds by my next visit in June.  My younger SIL was telling me I'm too skinny now and I need to stop.  (She keeps putting on weight despite her best efforts and her doctor hasn't figured out what's causing it yet.  Apparently not the thyroid.  I need a longer conversation with her to ask gently if she has gotten checked for diabetes -- her Dad did not control his and died from it.  There are others potential causes, too, however.)

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It's Presidents Day tomorrow! I get to sleep in a bit! Woo hoo!



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We are not sleeping in as late as we would have liked.  We have a big storm front racing through.



How has everyone who has already gotten nasty weather these past few days fared?  Some parts west of us apparently were hit rather hard.

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Do you know what week you are in school?



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Nope.  We fragmented some subjects, postponing science labs and certain writing exercises until other stuff is done so we can concentrate on them more, and working faster on other topics to get them over and done with.  Math, too, might have to be lightened up on until we get the allergies under control.


It might be time for the lot of us to visit an allergist to see what else can be done to help with the seasonal befuddled heads.

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Good Monday Morning!  Happy Presidents' Day!


Hope everyone is sleeping in.


Yay for Slache and her kick burro workout!


This week is week 26 of school for us.  I always put the week number in the top left corner of my assignment sheet for the week.  




I love the Music Man.  (You probably already know this, but I think it's really cool that Goodnight My Someone and 76 Trombones are both the same melody.)


I love the Holy Grain insults.  (oops, Holy Grail) 


The info about Stalin and Hitler is really interesting.  I think the first time I learned more about Stalin was when I read the Albert Marrin biography a couple years ago.  I'm sure it's toned down a bit since it's aimed at Middle School / high school, but even so, it was chilling.  


In the Garden of Beasts sounds both frustrating and fascinating.  I'll have to see if the library has that one.  I knew we were very isolationist as a country after WWI, but still....



I wonder how many other songs carry the same tune?  It might be like Pachelbel's Canon in D, where it's EVERYWHERE.  


*No, spell check, I did NOT mean Bellyache's.  Add to dictionary!*

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These unorganized replies have been brought to you by a lack of COFFEE!!!  Which I am consuming now!


I need to make a tackle list.  


I don't wanna.


Slache says I should put exercise at the top.  


Don't wanna.


More COFFEE!!!!!!



Slashie's right, though, for both of us.

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The brunt of the storm front has past.  DD15 has started her laundry and gotten into the shower.  I have rounded up ALL known trash in the house and taken it out to the can DH rolled to the curb.  The trash truck is now making the rounds, so we did that in time.  I waded through our driveway lake and cleared the drain cover of debris, so that is draining into the ditch now.


I need breakfast, glucose check, and tackle list.  It's also getting light enough (belatedly) to see the swale lakes in our backyard.  There's bound to be street flooding, but with luck it will drain by the time the girls and I have to leave for music lessons, and with luck everything moved through fast enough the streams and bayous will stay in their banks.

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Victoria is good if you like British period tv shows.


We read Between Shades of Grey for our church book club. Someone in the group thought we were reading 50 Shades of Grey and was horrified. 😂


We had storm damage last night. Again. 🙄 Anyone know if you can repair a leaking transom window or if you have to replace?

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Continuing the educational posts....


I looked up my state's science requirements just for kicks (knowing I'm not bound by them!)  It says this:  "3 credits which shall incorporate lab-based scientific investigation experiences and include the content strands of biological science, physical science, earth and space science and unifying concepts."


I think this is supposed to reflect common core.  When I was in high school (in the same state), we were not required to have earth and space - that was our 8th grade course.  


Also, I looked up the science requirement at my oldest ds's private high school and they do Biology in 9th, Geophysical Science in 10th (physical + earth and space), and Chemistry in 11th.


Our state is usually near the bottom of educational lists and I suppose the state has to consider the difficulty of requiring real chemistry and real physics in some areas of the state.  Just a guess.   


I'll go look up a couple colleges later just for some more kicks, giggles, and laughs. 


Carry on!



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FWIW, I have tailored our (tentative) 4-year high school plan to the admissions requirements of the University of Our State.  Not surprisingly, it bears some similarity to the high school requirements.  Happily, though, the requirements are pretty broad, so I have quite a bit of leeway.

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Continuing the educational posts....


I looked up my state's science requirements just for kicks (knowing I'm not bound by them!)  It says this:  "3 credits which shall incorporate lab-based scientific investigation experiences and include the content strands of biological science, physical science, earth and space science and unifying concepts."


I think this is supposed to reflect common core.  When I was in high school (in the same state), we were not required to have earth and space - that was our 8th grade course.  


Also, I looked up the science requirement at my oldest ds's private high school and they do Biology in 9th, Geophysical Science in 10th (physical + earth and space), and Chemistry in 11th.


Our state is usually near the bottom of educational lists and I suppose the state has to consider the difficulty of requiring real chemistry and real physics in some areas of the state.  Just a guess.   


I'll go look up a couple colleges later just for some more kicks, giggles, and laughs. 


Carry on!



FWIW, I have tailored our (tentative) 4-year high school plan to the admissions requirements of the University of Our State.  Not surprisingly, it bears some similarity to the high school requirements.  Happily, though, the requirements are pretty broad, so I have quite a bit of leeway.


I looked at the state hs requirements, state uni requirements, and dd herself, and came up with our own plan. There are things I require of her, that are similar to state and uni recommendations but instead of 3 sciences (2 lab), she'll have 2 lab and physical doesn't count. Hmmm, actually, if she takes de science, she'll get a science for the AA, making it 3 sciences for hs.


I forgot the original question...

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I am alive. Thank goodness I'm not doing school today. I'm tired and feathered. And the feathers are still fluffed.

Somebody dumped chickens on our road again. The boys and I tried to catch them, but they are built on the Leghorn model, and are very suspicious of strangers. We fed them, and left them alone. Will try again later.

I'm going to do my cleaning, then take a nap.

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Good for you!  Now rest up a bit, then get ready to do it again every day or two.  Speed and jump height will come as you continue trying.



My doc wants me to lose another 13 pounds by my next visit in June.  My younger SIL was telling me I'm too skinny now and I need to stop.  (She keeps putting on weight despite her best efforts and her doctor hasn't figured out what's causing it yet.  Apparently not the thyroid.  I need a longer conversation with her to ask gently if she has gotten checked for diabetes -- her Dad did not control his and died from it.  There are others potential causes, too, however.)

I'm planning to rotate Insanity with yoga until I get bored.  

Hey Slache, 

I'm back from Day 1 of C25K.  (Day 1 for the umpteenth time, lol).


:hurray: Yeah, the beginning is the worst. Doing one pushup is an incredibly difficult task. Going from one to ten is very difficult as well, but from 10 to 50 is a piece of cake. I image running is the same.


FWIW, I have tailored our (tentative) 4-year high school plan to the admissions requirements of the University of Our State.  Not surprisingly, it bears some similarity to the high school requirements.  Happily, though, the requirements are pretty broad, so I have quite a bit of leeway.

This is my basic plan.


Good morning. My stupid body woke me up at the regular time. I have been lazy though and haven't left my bed.

I'm starting to wonder if dh has the day off of work since he's usually out the door by now.

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I see you have good communication in your marriage.
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It's Presidents Day tomorrow! I get to sleep in a bit! Woo hoo!

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 the in has been slept!! I am so thankful to have this day off of school. I am trying to balance catching up and relaxing a bit and not getting into my habit of rushing around and trying to cram too much into my day. 

Do you know what week you are in school?

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 I have no idea. But I could find out pretty quick. I type up the kids' assignment sheets every week (as much for my benefit as for theirs, so I know what they should have accomplsished during the week) and I put the date and week number.  

Good Monday Morning!  Happy Presidents' Day!


Hope everyone is sleeping in.


Yay for Slache and her kick burro workout!


This week is week 26 of school for us.  I always put the week number in the top left corner of my assignment sheet for the week.  




I love the Music Man.  (You probably already know this, but I think it's really cool that Goodnight My Someone and 76 Trombones are both the same melody.)


I love the Holy Grain insults.  (oops, Holy Grail) 


The info about Stalin and Hitler is really interesting.  I think the first time I learned more about Stalin was when I read the Albert Marrin biography a couple years ago.  I'm sure it's toned down a bit since it's aimed at Middle School / high school, but even so, it was chilling.  


In the Garden of Beasts sounds both frustrating and fascinating.  I'll have to see if the library has that one.  I knew we were very isolationist as a country after WWI, but still....

. I did not know that about Music Man. Now I need to listen to those songs again! ....... Garden of the Beasts is a great read. Larson's books are written like novels, but they are non-fiction. Next on my list by him is "The Devil in the White City" about the serial killer at the 1893 World Fair. But that will have to wait until I finish "Martha's Vineyard Isle of Dreams" by Susan Branch. I got that one for Christmas and I feel like I need something a little less dark. I started that one last night and it looks to be thoroughly delightful!
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Well, it looks like dd18's one university option is no longer an option because she missed the application deadline to qualify for the ACT-based merit scholarship (dec. 1st) - she wasn't accepted for admission until Jan. 5th. She is at the university's honors college open house with dh right now and is nearly in tears. On the bright side, she can go to community college for free for 2 years and then transfer if she can save up enough money during the summers.

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Well, it looks like dd18's one university option is no longer an option because she missed the application deadline to qualify for the ACT-based merit scholarship (dec. 1st) - she wasn't accepted for admission until Jan. 5th. She is at the university's honors college open house with dh right now and is nearly in tears. On the bright side, she can go to community college for free for 2 years and then transfer if she can save up enough money during the summers.

😢😢((Susan's DD))
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Maybe he's been reading Dante's Inferno?

He just spent the last hour reading Just So Stories to me. It was painful. I think Dante's is a little above his reading level.


I am Grumpy McGrumpFace.


People are stoopid.

School is stoopid.

Pets are stoopid.

Chores are stoopid.

I'm pretty sure that February is stoopid.

I like February.


We want to see his picture when he's finished.

Dude, that was like 20 pictures ago.


Well, my baby just showed me a picture of a skeleton and said, "this is what I look like when I'm in my grave!" I suppose it is a day for the macabre.

They would make great friends.
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Well, it looks like dd18's one university option is no longer an option because she missed the application deadline to qualify for the ACT-based merit scholarship (dec. 1st) - she wasn't accepted for admission until Jan. 5th. She is at the university's honors college open house with dh right now and is nearly in tears. On the bright side, she can go to community college for free for 2 years and then transfer if she can save up enough money during the summers.



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Well, it looks like dd18's one university option is no longer an option because she missed the application deadline to qualify for the ACT-based merit scholarship (dec. 1st) - she wasn't accepted for admission until Jan. 5th. She is at the university's honors college open house with dh right now and is nearly in tears. On the bright side, she can go to community college for free for 2 years and then transfer if she can save up enough money during the summers.

That's hard. ((((Susan's dd))))

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There are 15 sparrows sitting in a row along the back fence. They are so sweet....little brown balls of feathers.


I have a bubbling pot of chicken stock on the stove.... it'll be a nice night for chicken noodle soup. It's gray and rainy out. And I'm making potato bread.


I love vacation days. Got the bathroom cleaned, caught up on my bullet journal, filled out the application for DS to the local Christian School for next year. We are just going to have to trust God to provide the tuition.


And, by way of an update...we went to the "new" church yesterday. It was good. They have a whole new staff from 10 years ago and the Senior Pastor is wonderful. He preached a great sermon, it really spoke to DH and me right where we are at. He even uses the ESV, which is both DH and my preferred translation, but isn't that common yet. So, even though it's still tough, things are looking very positive.

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Victoria is good if you like British period tv shows.


We read Between Shades of Grey for our church book club. Someone in the group thought we were reading 50 Shades of Grey and was horrified. 😂


We had storm damage last night. Again. 🙄 Anyone know if you can repair a leaking transom window or if you have to replace?



It probably depends upon the leak.  Is this a functioning transom, or stationary?

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I'm not even to the halfway point in this year's schoolwork.  That's why I asked.  I hoped that others would be the same but no such luck!  :lol:


Would you feel better knowing that we are pretty much just starting this year's schoolwork? These are the studies that don't end...

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I am Grumpy McGrumpFace.


People are stoopid.

School is stoopid.

Pets are stoopid.

Chores are stoopid.

I'm pretty sure that February is stoopid.



I'm right there with you.  I have no brain today -- spent the bulk of the day without internet (only on MY computer) because I didn't think to do the one little thing.  *sigh*


I cut my finger when making my lunch and had to get DD12 to open my bandaid for me because I simply couldn't get that done.


The dance place where we have music lessons (usually nice and quiet during our music lessons) was a raucous cacophony.  No school means extra dance practice, and younger sibs messing about all over the place.  Some people simply will NOT control their children.  I had to tell one boy quite firmly he is NOT to crawl around under my chair because I have breakable things under there (which he was crawling ON).  His mother looked ready to take me to task for taking her son to task, so I repeated (purportedly to the boy, but loud enough for her to hear) that I had BREAKABLE THINGS under there.  She still didn't bother to take her son in hand, but she left me alone, at least.


People are slip-sliding all over the slick roads and parking lots.  I decided to NOT grocery shop in full after music, and instead stopped at the Mom & Pop store for bacon and some meat to grill.  The rest will wait until the weather dries and people calm down.


I passed some pleasantries and mutual commiserations with the checkout gal, and then said, "Time to get my grumpy self home."  I like having store personnel who know you well enough to take that in stride.


On my way out I waited for several vehicles to all make up their minds as to where they were going to go or whether they actually were going to stop for pedestrians or other vehicles.  I also got to see the oops sorry interaction and checking for damage between two vehicles that bumped noses in parking spots.  There were several wreckers lined up in the parking lot, facing the highway and awaiting calls -- rush hour is beginning, and there WILL be collisions.



It just isn't fit to be out and about right now.


Everyone stay safe and have a good evening.  I'm going to Poirot some more because I cant tipe and Im tired of fizing typos.

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And, Dancer has decided she wants her Associate's in business instead of culinary arts/baking. She's still getting the baking certificate, but since she wants to own her own business, she feels she needs more of those classes. Which is great, I'm just concerned about the math, accounting.  :svengo:

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Well, it looks like dd18's one university option is no longer an option because she missed the application deadline to qualify for the ACT-based merit scholarship (dec. 1st) - she wasn't accepted for admission until Jan. 5th. She is at the university's honors college open house with dh right now and is nearly in tears. On the bright side, she can go to community college for free for 2 years and then transfer if she can save up enough money during the summers.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:

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