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Slache -- 


IRL, I'm a very nice person who can't stand confrontation of any kind.


Soooooo…..  If it were me, I would just find a new church.   :)


(j/k.  But then again maybe not?)


However, swellmomma is right about boundaries.  She is waaaaay over them and needs to be reminded of that.  And if you want I will put on my superhero cape and do that for you.  (From way over here.  In a very polite non-threatening voice.)  


So sorry you have to deal with that.  


I agree because 15 people.  (Did you really say the church only has 15 people?  That was really hyperbole, right?)  Small churches often have people with boundary issues. 


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I am sorry. I always hated that username, and the thread on novelty titles made me think about revamping it along with everything else. Plus, I'm procrastinating. I'm Tsuga now. Tsuga is a lot more me.


Though, I still have two nipples.

What's Tsuga?

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I agree because 15 people. (Did you really say the church only has 15 people? That was really hyperbole, right?) Small churches often have people with boundary issues.


It's about 15. I really don't understand how we survive financially. We tithe very little, many don't tithe, and the church gives out a lot of money. We don't have a mortgage, but I make $250 a month as secretary and several others have paid positions. Someone had an emergency surgery and couldn't work for a month so the church gave the family $2,000. I guess a few tithe large amounts.


Why would there be more people with boundary issues in smaller churches?

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It's about 15. I really don't understand how we survive financially. We tithe very little, many don't tithe, and the church gives out a lot of money. We don't have a mortgage, but I make $250 a month as secretary and several others have paid positions. Someone had an emergency surgery and couldn't work for a month so the church gave the family $2,000. I guess a few tithe large amounts.


Why would there be more people with boundary issues in smaller churches?

I would think it is because they start to think of the small group as being more like a family than a congregation.  People say and do things with family they never would with outsiders ya know.

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It's about 15. I really don't understand how we survive financially. We tithe very little, many don't tithe, and the church gives out a lot of money. We don't have a mortgage, but I make $250 a month as secretary and several others have paid positions. Someone had an emergency surgery and couldn't work for a month so the church gave the family $2,000. I guess a few tithe large amounts.


Why would there be more people with boundary issues in smaller churches?


Wow! That's small.  A start-up?  Or older congregation that's gotten smaller over time?


My guess is that there are just as many boundary issues in larger churches, but they become really apparent in smaller congregations where people are likely to be crossing paths more frequently.  I have absolutely no studies or official numbers on this, just generalizing from my life's few experiences.   In the super large four-service church we used to attend, I could easily be more selective about who we connected with each week.  In the small church (~50) that we attended before moving, we couldn't be selective. Relationships were less likely to be superficial, but they were also (like a marriage) prone to far more challenges. Especially when an individual did have emotional/personal issues on a clinical level. There are pluses and minuses to both settings, IMO.  


ETA:  Okay.  What swellmomma said, but I was far wordier and probably made much less sense!

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Are... are you OK Binip? Your name's... um... different.


I'm confused.


This is hard.


Binip!  Okay.  I'm glad I didn't give you the big ITT WELCOME! that I was just about to give you.   :D


We'll still give you a party, of course.  I just don't know what to call it.  


:party:  :party:  :party:

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I am sorry. I always hated that username, and the thread on novelty titles made me think about revamping it along with everything else. Plus, I'm procrastinating. I'm Tsuga now. Tsuga is a lot more me.


Though, I still have two nipples.


Wait...are we allowed to write "nipples" in this thread???

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Wow! That's small. A start-up? Or older congregation that's gotten smaller over time?


We're probably 50 years old. It was so big once that they built a bigger building so that everyone would fit. I think they're being judged. When I moved away it was a large, doctrinally sound, evangelizing church, but they stopped serving the community and became legalistic. We brought some things to their attention and were dismissed. Within 2 years the church was cut in half and we showed Pastor the sins of the church in the bible and how we felt the church was being judged. We held a meeting and have since made drastic changes. If the congregation will take it seriously the church will survive, but I don't know what I think will happen. Everyone knows something needs to be done but no one wants to do it. They made Matt a decon and put him in charge of outreach and a returning member is stepping up with church activities so that's good. We'll see.

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I should start slow with Xanax.  Work my way up and all.


But, but, but!!!  You should see what I did with the SL Core 100.  Ripped that sucker up until you could not recognize it.  Shared it far and wide.  I am almost famous for my deconstructed SL Core 100.  You'll just have to trust me on that. :hat:   Best.time.ever.


What is "SL core 100"?

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You know how people post about their annoying, obsessive, over-explaining, over-literal ASD, flaky ADHD kids? That is me. I interrupt (but apologize) because I literally cannot hear people's post-pause breath to speak, over my own thoughts. At least I know I do it, so I wait a really long time before talking. Until I forget that I am supposed to be listening and not thinking, and then I interrupt and apologize. I know this is bad because people post about their irritation at this exact behavior.


But I do try. And I have friends so it must be working okay.


Yup, I have a touch of that, too.  It has gotten better with age, probably due to decades of training.

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I'm pretty sure I have some sort of undiagnosed disorder. I don't always catch on to facial expressions, and sometimes people's humorous comments zoom right over my head.


But I am still loveable...I think... :blink:


I think, too.

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One of the Best.Songs.Ever.  In honor of the above discussion.



Thank you!  I started today's schooling with this video, and a discussion of the hours and days of effort by a whole team of people to craft the "looks" that are touted in the media.  I kept it short, and DDalmost14 and DDalmost11 both agree that was a lot of fuss for the "easily attainable look".


I made sure to point out the photoshopping that changed the shape of the models' faces.  And we all agree -- we prefer the girls the way they are without the makeup.

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1. You're not allowed to go off topic here. There are RULES!


2. Awesome name!


3. I have no idea how to potty train a child. None. I taught John how to use the potty, gave him cool Cars underwear, and told him he had to use the potty from now on or his pants will get wet/dirty and it would be gross. He was 2 and never had an accident. Now she's 2 and won't use the potty. She doesn't get it and I have no clue what to do.


A guy I once worked with said his method of teaching his boys was to toss mini marshmallows into the bowl and tell the boys to sink them.  Maybe something similar would work for your girl?  Only instead of trying to sink them (girls trying to aim can get messy) perhaps she should just shoot for volume or yellow color.  If a #2 is in the offing she could try bombing them. 



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THERE IS A TOPIC??? :willy_nilly:


My girls potty trained easy and before they turned three.  My boys were hard, hard, hard.  They were more like 3 1/2.


Kid #1 (girl) - Mostly was willing to wear cute undies so went to the potty.  She was going between mine and my ex's house, which made the process more drawn out.  Too many cooks and all.  She continued to wet a little bit here and there even after she was in undies for a long time.  Also, I still remember the time when she was four and pooped in her pants in public because she did not tell me she had to go.  Ewwww.


Kid #2 (boy) - He is my ASD kid and was generally delayed in everything. Essentially, the special needs preschool aide trained him.  I heart her for that.  He went to preschool at age 3 in diapers and she did something magical and after awhile he was not in diapers.  She was a sweet grandma type lady so it worked.


Kid #3 (boy) - My most stubborn child in all areas.  Refused to potty train.  Got a terrible bleeding diaper rash at the age of 3 1/2 so I stayed at home with him and let him run around nakey.  Told him that he needed to potty in the toilet since he had no diaper.  He was unwilling to pee and poop and have it run down his legs.  Two days later, he was potty trained and never looked back.


Kid #4 (girl) - At about 2 1/2, I gave her some cute undies.  I don't remember the rest.  I think she potty-trained herself.


I bribed when needed, but mostly I didn't worry about it.  It happened when it happened.  No one will mail you or your kid a medal or anything.   :D


Okay, PSA here regarding diaper rash:  GET LANOLIN WIPES.  Eldest DD had diaper rash occasionally until I discovered these wipes.  Using lanolin wipes on diaper rash heals it up a lot more quickly, and continuing to use lanolin wipes helps prevent diaper rash from ever returning.  The only time youngest DD got diaper rash was when a new aid at the daycare didn't use the lanolin wipes I packed for her.  We straightened that out right quick.


While eldest was still in diapers she had some classmates that also came in with raw diaper rash.  When I found out about it I gave permission to the aids to share DD's lanolin wipes -- I even gave them explicit permission to give some to the parents of kids with diaper rash.  I kept them well stocked in packets of lanolin wipes and printed instructions on where in the stores to find them.


Here is where:  next to the breastfeeding supplies.  For some ridiculous reason the stores never put the lanolin wipes with the rest of the baby wipes; they only put them with the breastfeeding supplies.  While you can use these wipes for cleaning chapped nipples you do want to wash your nipple before allowing the baby to nurse again.  Lansinoh makes these wipes and puts them in a purple package.  There are often store brands, too, that might be in purple or might be in other colors (Target used yellow at some point in the past).  Check the ingredients and look for lanolin.

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Dd was singing "the song that never ends" for over ten minutes straight.  I only got her to stop by singing Toot-toot! very loudly at the end of every line.  She found that annoying.   :001_rolleyes:


Peanut sits on the railroad track and his heart was all aflutter

Train came along and smashed him flat

Toot!  Toot!  Peanut Butter!



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Nan fell today at the respite care facility. UGH.  That is why we brought her home.  I kept her from falling for a month, and her second day there, she fell!  But I talked to the hospice nurse, who said that she was in her wheelchair at the nurse's station and stood up and fell before the nurse could get to her.  They are ordering a jerry chair and will tilt her back so she cannot get out as easily.  It was discouraging, though.  I told dh that this is the sort of situation that you just don't feel good about no matter what you do.  It is guilt and feelings ridden all the way around.  (Meaning Alzheimers, not the respite.)



:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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I also like making plans. I have not made a syllabus though. I think I'd enjoy that. I need to create one for Spanish as a Heritage Language class. You must teach me this skill.


Me, too, please!  I think I have missed an area in which to attempt micro-management.

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OK - I just totally reamed someone out over the phone and need some rainbows and kittens and cupcakes and unicorns.  


ARRGGHH!  (in supportive frustration)


And Argh!  (because I like you and have run out of likes again)

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My update:


On Friday, I got an email from the school district stating I was hired as a teacher for the summer school program. Since oldest dd had a show on Friday, I did not see the email until Saturday. I emailed back to say I was interested, and she obviously was working too because she answered back. I was in training/professional development today and will be this week. Next week, school starts and is only for the month of June. It is half day, which I'm happy for.


thankfully (?) dh's fingers are still broken so he's watching the girls. No, do not feel sorry for him for broken fingers because it was his own fault.


But, what I really need is a long-term position from home. Since I'm working the summer, I have a feeling they are going to ask me to work this upcoming school year. I can't do that and homeschool. And I need to homeschool. And finish my Masters degree. I would hate to turn down a position without having something else in the works. And it doesn't work for me to homeschool and work outside the home. Been there, done that. The gig I've been working all year ends this week.


Argh!  and :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


*crossed fingers here*

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Posting in this random thread to see my new profile pic.





ETA: Does someone else have this?  It's looking familiar now.  Please advise.

Okay, we need to talk.


First of all, what the heck calling this a random thread???  I know you really meant to write Best.Thread.Ever.  Forgiven.


And I don't know anyone else who has it.  I really love it.  I think TKAM is one of the top five best-written books I've ever read. EVER. 


So if you agree to a few ground rules, you are in.  However, don't call us random.  Kinda like this:



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What is "SL core 100"?


Sonlight Core 100 - US history and literature curriculum.

I think, too.

Lay yourself bare here, girlfriend, and I will make you feel better!  (Probably, unless you have a serious diagnosis, and then you will feel worse.  However, I don't just pass those out over the internet.)  One of the hospice nurses learned I was a therapist and started laying out all of her symptoms.  She wanted to know if she had ADD.  She was 55 and told me some of her childhood issues.  I told her she had some anxiety in childhood and might have ADD but if she has made it this far without meds, she is probably stellar and not to worry.  She felt a lot better.  :D


Okay, PSA here regarding diaper rash:  GET LANOLIN WIPES.  Eldest DD had diaper rash occasionally until I discovered these wipes.  Using lanolin wipes on diaper rash heals it up a lot more quickly, and continuing to use lanolin wipes helps prevent diaper rash from ever returning.  The only time youngest DD got diaper rash was when a new aid at the daycare didn't use the lanolin wipes I packed for her.  We straightened that out right quick.


While eldest was still in diapers she had some classmates that also came in with raw diaper rash.  When I found out about it I gave permission to the aids to share DD's lanolin wipes -- I even gave them explicit permission to give some to the parents of kids with diaper rash.  I kept them well stocked in packets of lanolin wipes and printed instructions on where in the stores to find them.


Here is where:  next to the breastfeeding supplies.  For some ridiculous reason the stores never put the lanolin wipes with the rest of the baby wipes; they only put them with the breastfeeding supplies.  While you can use these wipes for cleaning chapped nipples you do want to wash your nipple before allowing the baby to nurse again.  Lansinoh makes these wipes and puts them in a purple package.  There are often store brands, too, that might be in purple or might be in other colors (Target used yellow at some point in the past).  Check the ingredients and look for lanolin.

Too late for me.  Everyone is in charge of their own butts now.  :D

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My apologies!


I can't go back and read 139 pages, are the ground rules just don't call anyone random? Or stupid? I can deal with that.


The rules are much more involved than that, but you are hereby exempt from all rules because I said so.  :coolgleamA:

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My apologies!


I can't go back and read 139 pages, are the ground rules just don't call anyone random? Or stupid? I can deal with that.

Some here want the entire thread read, but I am loosey goosey so as long as you avoid calling our precious thread derogatory names, you're good.

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<3 Tsuga!!!!

dh planted a whole bunch of 8-10ft tsuga a couple years ago, some on our property, some in the ravine/creek which we're restoring to native plants. He babies them every weekend. Last weekend he drove to the nursery place & brought back two huge loads of soil to top dress them.   I love them as they're part of our privacy scheme. We live in the suburbs and walking distance to shops & transit but from many windows in our home, during the summer I can't see a single other house or street. In the winter, we lose that and I actually see glimpses of some houses. The HORROR.


hence planting Tsugas wherever we can fit them in.  Most of them have really taken off - I think some are hitting 20ft.  They're gorgeous.


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Peanut sits on the railroad track and his heart was all aflutter

Train came along and smashed him flat

Toot!  Toot!  Peanut Butter!


I learned it differently :) :


A peanut sat on a railroad track

His heart was all aflutter

Along came a choo choo train

Splat!  Peanut butter!


(I like my version better since the verb tenses are consistent.  Just sayin'.)


I taught my DS this when we were having a discussion about train safety.  LOL  He's allergic to peanuts so he just liked the part where the stupid peanut got squashed.

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John wants to do everything differently for school. He wants to change *everything*. I'm considering taking the opportunity to do something more formal. He's memorized the first 26 phonograms so we can start spelling words. He wants a break from cuisionare rods too. I have the AL Abacus and activities guide and I want to start the zoo book openhearted(?) mentioned. Would you do something formal with a 4 year old? Maybe 45 minutes a day? It's currently about 20 and "math" is usually me telling him to do something and him doing something more fun. At the time I wasn't worried about instilling a bad habit, but now I'm nervous.


Eta: I'm going to start a thread about this at nap time me thinks.

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Peanut sits on the railroad track and his heart was all aflutter

Train came along and smashed him flat

Toot!  Toot!  Peanut Butter!

We sing this at work with my daycare kids every day lol  they love it


though our version goes


A peanut sat on a railroad track his heart was all aflutter

along the line came the number 9

toot! toot! peanut butter.


When my kids were young we sang it 


A peanut sat on the railroad track his heart was all aflutter

along came a choo choo train

toot too peanut butter

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I very much want to view the videos y'all have posted, but it is finally lunch break for me (at 3pm  :ohmy: ), and as soon as I play a video my screen-deprived children will come swooshing out of every corner in the house and adhere to me like parasites.   :svengo:


Nothing is worth that.  Not even hula.  



ETA:  BooyaH

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I am at work on my lunch break getting ready to go get the groceries for the afterschool care and head over there (at the regular daycare right now) and got very exciting news today.  Licensing has approved us to start taking little ones at 12 months old (we were previously only taking from 19 months-5 years.)  AND they will be my group.  So all summer at work along with being "floor manager" at the regular daycare(afterschool care is closed for summer) I will be responsible for primary care of 3 little ones.  I am very excited.  I get my baby fix without the pregnancy, labor and such.  Can't wait.

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My update:


On Friday, I got an email from the school district stating I was hired as a teacher for the summer school program. Since oldest dd had a show on Friday, I did not see the email until Saturday. I emailed back to say I was interested, and she obviously was working too because she answered back. I was in training/professional development today and will be this week. Next week, school starts and is only for the month of June. It is half day, which I'm happy for.


thankfully (?) dh's fingers are still broken so he's watching the girls. No, do not feel sorry for him for broken fingers because it was his own fault.


But, what I really need is a long-term position from home. Since I'm working the summer, I have a feeling they are going to ask me to work this upcoming school year. I can't do that and homeschool. And I need to homeschool. And finish my Masters degree. I would hate to turn down a position without having something else in the works. And it doesn't work for me to homeschool and work outside the home. Been there, done that. The gig I've been working all year ends this week.


Homeschooling and working outside of the home is not an easy task especially if you are the only one doing the teaching.

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