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Good morning!

Coffee, then? I have no idea what I am going to do today. Because now that I am up I don't feel like doing anything I had planned.





Outsides?  Good book?  Go buy more chocolate?

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I never feel like I totally "get away ". I was taught "work before play " and I never get my work done. I do veg out on the computer but that's exhaustion not relaxation.



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I hear ya.   :iagree:

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Yesterday just didn't go well -- sorry I stayed away, but I have caught up again.  I ended up calling the endo's office yesterday and informing them of certain symptoms I'm showing -- I hope they call me back Monday and tell me I can cut back on the Metformin, because I suspect the dosage I am on is behind a lot of this.  It's another month until I get seen again, so I'm crossing fingers.


I have walked 1 mile today this morning, so 2 more miles to go.  I also need to pay attention to food today, and get back to revamping our school year schedule.  Directed attention fatigue is a very likely-sounding culprit here.


Speaking of which, I'll have to remember to mention that at personal training on Monday.  They have a nasty habit of having a TV AND a stereo on at the same time, with volumes gradually cranked up so "they can hear" the danged things.  I spoke up yesterday and they turned off the stereo and turned down the TV for a bit.  



Just to say:  I have done 2 of my 3 treadmill miles, moved a bookcase and a plethora of stuffed animals, ignored everything else, and crocheted.  Now I have nagged the kids into getting lunch and "suggested" to DH that we swing by a certain yarn shop today.  I need red and black of a certain yarn for some chickens.

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Just to say: I have done 2 of my 3 treadmill miles, moved a bookcase and a plethora of stuffed animals, ignored everything else, and crocheted. Now I have nagged the kids into getting lunch and "suggested" to DH that we swing by a certain yarn shop today. I need red and black of a certain yarn for some chickens.

That sounds exhausting.

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Good Morning!  Afternoon!!


I've been to the post office to drop off more ebay sales.


Went to Penney's and bought a skirt (because $10 off $10 purchase made the skirt half price).


Picked up ds16 and dd14 from an overnight campout.  They had fun with their friends, they slept some, and they didn't get eaten by bears.  I call that a win.



Edited by Junie
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I am sorry to hear that Florence Lister passed away this past Sept. 4th, at the age of 96.  She was a big name in Southwestern Archaeology, and did a lot of very good work.

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I wish I lived near enough to you -- I'd attend, and drag my girls along with me!  Shoot, if the timing worked out we might even get DH to join us.  I took hula lessons a few decades ago, and loved it.


that would be so awesome!!! And I would *love* to have kane in my class. :-)

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I'm home from work and contemplating changes to my short story (minor), continued work on my novel (always, always), completing the grocery list (necessary), and a nap (looking better by the minute).

Tomorrow I am going out for my nature therapy to combat my directed attention fatigue, because it sounds better than saying, "Imma gonna go kill some time swimming in the crik." I plan to keep a weather eye out for water scorpions.

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We are back from Even More Expensive University and trying to dry off because it rained a lot. Their dining hall and food options are amazing. They even have a separate chef's area to prepare food on request for those with special dietary needs. Lots of salad, and delicious veggie wraps, fruited waters, and fancy padded "leather" chairs and beautiful woodwork and chandeliers. The whole school is stunning, and I suppose that is part of the price tag of attendance. The opening session in the auditorium was awful and had bright stage lights and perhaps one of the most disjointed and boring "greetings" from a university president I've ever heard. Maybe he was having a rough morning. Once we left the auditorium things got much better. And we ran into old friends which was nice. Their nursing lab facilities are stunning. Here ends today's report.

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I am back home. I woke up this morning answering emails to my Spanish I students and taking care of business with the other teachers and site builder. Then I took Gymnast to her jazz/tap class, came home to eat, left again for gymnastics open gym, then went from there straight to a park for the school districts back-to-school event. We stayed an 1.5 hours, I saw a bunch of teacher friends of mine, and a couple of former students, and even with all that walking, didn't even get barely half my steps in. Dancer tagged along all day. I'm now sitting and resting my feet. Lately, my big toe bones have been hurting when I walk. I don't know why. I'm tired. In a bit, we will be going back to the gymnastics studio for a National Gymnastics Day event.




Edited by Renai
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Driving by to say hello! Life got way too busy to keep up here, 😕, but I do think of you guys!


We are doing well! We haven't started classes yet, but will be on Monday. We were going to start last week, but the older two boys just joined our local ymca swim team and last week was prep camp/assessments. I figured we would be better off holding back on school and I'm glad we did.


So swim team. What the heck have I gotten us into? I figured it would be a fairly inexpensive sport. Heck no! And the pool is a half hour away with meets up in Buffalo, etc. But the boys are excited so....


Anyways, hope you all are well! Slache, I saw you had your baby! Congrats!


Hope everyone has an amazing school year!

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Driving by to say hello! Life got way too busy to keep up here, 😕, but I do think of you guys!


We are doing well! We haven't started classes yet, but will be on Monday. We were going to start last week, but the older two boys just joined our local ymca swim team and last week was prep camp/assessments. I figured we would be better off holding back on school and I'm glad we did.


So swim team. What the heck have I gotten us into? I figured it would be a fairly inexpensive sport. Heck no! And the pool is a half hour away with meets up in Buffalo, etc. But the boys are excited so....


Anyways, hope you all are well! Slache, I saw you had your baby! Congrats!


Hope everyone has an amazing school year!

Hi Honey! I like all of your Prodigy Math posts. :leaving:


Baby pics and vids. https://www.instagram.com/deslacheable/?hl=en

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My feet are cold.  I suppose that is  my cue to get up and get some socks.  Or I could bribe one of the dogs to come and sit on my feet. 



You need a King Charles spaniel.  That is exactly what they are trained to do -- lay on your feet to keep them warm.

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that would be so awesome!!! And I would *love* to have kane in my class. :-)



As part of our honeymoon we bought Super Ambassador tickets to the Polynesian Cultural Center, which got us our own private tour guide and front-and-center seats for most everything.  At the Tonga village they wanted men in the audience to volunteer, so I promptly volunteered my new hubbie.  They had the volunteers dress up and do some drumming.  I have a picture of DH -- he really got into the role.   :laugh:


I figure after that he needs to learn some hula!

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I'm home from work and contemplating changes to my short story (minor), continued work on my novel (always, always), completing the grocery list (necessary), and a nap (looking better by the minute).

Tomorrow I am going out for my nature therapy to combat my directed attention fatigue, because it sounds better than saying, "Imma gonna go kill some time swimming in the crik." I plan to keep a weather eye out for water scorpions.



We horsed, a watered grass and plants, and swam in the pool (while dodging the pool vacuum).  We rescued live bugs from the pool and fished out leaves, acorns, and dead bugs.  We gazed at towering clouds starting to build, watched the branches in the trees, marveled at how loud a plop an acorn makes hitting the pool, and checked out small critters found in the potted plants (outside).


I feel more grounded now.



Oh, and we yarned on the way over.  DD12 came in with me (DH and DD15 stayed in the car, hoping it would shorten the time we spent inside) and we both overbought on yarn.  After I give my red and black yarns a good salt water soak and get them dried I can start making combs, bow ties, and eyes for my chickens.  


I'm playing hookie from my other responsibilities.  I still need some rest and recuperation for my directed attention fatigue.  I ordered pizza and salads for supper.  I'm just not up to cooking tonight (dramatic sob).

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I wasn't this morning. Perhaps I should have specified. I went blonde, added 2 feathers, punished my unrepentant eyebrows and Mary got a purple streak. We didn't pay for it. :coolgleamA:


Magic markers and craft supplies?

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Driving by to say hello! Life got way too busy to keep up here, 😕, but I do think of you guys!


We are doing well! We haven't started classes yet, but will be on Monday. We were going to start last week, but the older two boys just joined our local ymca swim team and last week was prep camp/assessments. I figured we would be better off holding back on school and I'm glad we did.


So swim team. What the heck have I gotten us into? I figured it would be a fairly inexpensive sport. Heck no! And the pool is a half hour away with meets up in Buffalo, etc. But the boys are excited so....


Anyways, hope you all are well! Slache, I saw you had your baby! Congrats!


Hope everyone has an amazing school year!



Hi, Sweetpea!  Welcome back!


I didn't realize Prodigy was a program or anything.  I just thought you have a great bragging-mom signature!

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Driving by to say hello! Life got way too busy to keep up here, 😕, but I do think of you guys!


We are doing well! We haven't started classes yet, but will be on Monday. We were going to start last week, but the older two boys just joined our local ymca swim team and last week was prep camp/assessments. I figured we would be better off holding back on school and I'm glad we did.


So swim team. What the heck have I gotten us into? I figured it would be a fairly inexpensive sport. Heck no! And the pool is a half hour away with meets up in Buffalo, etc. But the boys are excited so....


Anyways, hope you all are well! Slache, I saw you had your baby! Congrats!


Hope everyone has an amazing school year!

  Hi, Sweetpea!  Welcome back!

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Hi, Sweetpea!  Welcome back!


I didn't realize Prodigy was a program or anything.  I just thought you have a great bragging-mom signature!



I love Prodigy, which is why I promote it. But I got in trouble for that siggie and had to modify it. SWB thought I was making a profit from promoting it. I wish! I tried to make the siggie smaller, but can't.


We missed you so much I had to say it twice!


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