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I think my house may smell like farts occasionally, but not rotten milk.  I'm not sure if that's better or worse.


That smell of farts is the main reason we needed another sofa. Of course, it was mostly on dh's side, but you can't replace just half a sofa.

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I have now frantically searched my house for my wayward checkbook, to no avail.  I did, however, lay my hands on my box of checks -- one book of 'em left.  Hazzah!  I'm off to pay for my soon-to-start personal training.  (They don't take credit cards any longer, darn it).


I"m going to tell DH tonight about my frustration over having misplaced the checkbook I know I saw just days ago.  And then he will turn and say, "What, this one?" and hold it up.  It's laying in plain sight somewhere, I just know it.  That's always where stuff is when I can't find it.  I swear, these items have cloaking devices!

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I miss getting new homeschool books.   It is hot and not raining here.  I saw the drought update and while part of my county (northern) got enough rain to go down one drought level, my area has not.  THe forecast doesn't look good.  THe NWS expects us to be in drought through October.  I guess higher water bills for us.

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I miss getting new homeschool books.   It is hot and not raining here.  I saw the drought update and while part of my county (northern) got enough rain to go down one drought level, my area has not.  THe forecast doesn't look good.  THe NWS expects us to be in drought through October.  I guess higher water bills for us.


It's thundering here.  Looks like I'll get to test out how my new car handles in the rain.





ETA:  It's a summer storm âš¡âš¡Booyahâš¡âš¡

Edited by ikslo
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I made it to Goodwill, recycling center, library, and Costco. I successfully wore out Youngest so I can get things done while she is napping.


Also, our Costco has playdoh out now for Halloween. It sold out in a week last year, so if you are into non-candy treats--here's your notice. :)


I picked up Mr. Midshipman Hornblower at the library today for Oldest.

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I am sitting with a hot pack on my neck and wishing my headache would just go away already. One boy is still wading through the math that he didn't want to wade through this morning. I have re-upped for homeschooling officially, so now I guess I'll have to get my fall curriculum list up. Despite the headache I did some cooking, and cleaning, but now I think I'll pile up some pillows on the bed and write for the rest of the day. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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I am having lots of people at my house tonight.

I am having anxiety over having lots of people at my house tonight.

My perfectionism has kicked in, and I need to tell it to shut the heck up.  Gracious & welcoming > pristine home, right??!!!!


Gracious and welcoming far outshines a pristine home and glosses over any non-pristineness.


Pristine without gracious and welcoming is artificial, cold, and showcases the minutest imperfections in anything.  So,



Gracious & welcoming > pristine home


'nuf said.

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I was the one with the dripping hair.



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Ah, the you-would-be-amazed-at-the-feats-I-have-accomplished-already-this-morning-before-I-even-took-my-shower look!  Confidence and aplomb, and you can carry it off with ease. 

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The rain came back again today.  :thumbup1:


I am signed up for personal training 3 times a week starting on Monday.  :thumbup1:


The cousins are being taken back home again tomorrow morning, so neither they nor Grandma & Grandpa will be available for fun, visiting, or being the recipients of kids for me to dump and run again.  I guess the kids will have to make do with my company, and my insistence on no TV while I shop for curricula tomorrow.  How will they ever survive?  :ohmy:

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Got my Latin done. Put ice cubes in the kitties' water bowls, poor things. But, they seem to find shady spots to sleep and are none the worse for wear. It's hot out there. Now, on to reading about Theodore Roosevelt and then back to lesson planning. I' working on putting together a little unit on the election process for my two oldest. Got a couple books from Amazon. It won't be huge and in-depth, but hopefully it'll give them an idea of the process and how it works!

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The good:  I had a lovely time with my friend.  We met at her house in the Big City.  We took her dogs for a long walk at a park that I like very much.  We then went to a very nice vegetarian Thai place where I was able to stick to my dairy free, gluten free diet.  (She didn't even know about those requirements when she suggested the place.)  The food and the conversation were very yummy.  I got over 10,000 steps just on this one visit.


The bad:  My friend was bending over backwards trying to accommodate me.  She was concerned because the walk turned my face almost the color of my delicious plum from exertion.  I told her that it was all ok.  (And I wasn't lying.  I believed it at the time.)


but. . .


The ugly:  I am now shaking with fatigue.  I got home and immediately collapsed in my armchair and slept for an hour.  I could sleep for hours more but I have to get up and moving now for my childrens' sakes.  I am so tired that I can hardly move.  I have no idea how I'm going to get my dd from camp and then my ds from his work.  (Don't worry - it will happen.  It always does in the end.)  I also have no idea how I'm going to feed my family or get the energy to get something even simple from the store to feed them.  (Again - it will happen.  It just seems impossible at this precise moment.)


But really.  I did have a lovely time and I don't think I would do anything different if I had a do-over.  Well.  I might get Rocco and Rodrigo to actually show up this time and take over chauffeur and dinner duty. 



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The good: I had a lovely time with my friend. We met at her house in the Big City. We took her dogs for a long walk at a park that I like very much. We then went to a very nice vegetarian Thai place where I was able to stick to my dairy free, gluten free diet. (She didn't even know about those requirements when she suggested the place.) The food and the conversation were very yummy. I got over 10,000 steps just on this one visit.


The bad: My friend was bending over backwards trying to accommodate me. She was concerned because the walk turned my face almost the color of my delicious plum from exertion. I told her that it was all ok. (And I wasn't lying. I believed it at the time.)


but. . .


The ugly: I am now shaking with fatigue. I got home and immediately collapsed in my armchair and slept for an hour. I could sleep for hours more but I have to get up and moving now for my childrens' sakes. I am so tired that I can hardly move. I have no idea how I'm going to get my dd from camp and then my ds from his work. (Don't worry - it will happen. It always does in the end.) I also have no idea how I'm going to feed my family or get the energy to get something even simple from the store to feed them. (Again - it will happen. It just seems impossible at this precise moment.)


But really. I did have a lovely time and I don't think I would do anything different if I had a do-over. Well. I might get Rocco and Rodrigo to actually show up this time and take over chauffeur and dinner duty.

Can you get fast food? Jamba would be GF/DF. You could borrow cash from the kids if you have none. Edited by Slache
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Yes. Does that not work for you?


Sweetheart, I have teens.  A smoothie is something they have along with the actual meal.  Don't worry.  I think I will pick up a hot rotisserie chicken.  I have rice that can be microwaved and some frozen veggies that can also be microwaved.  Not all that special but a balanced meal. 


And with that, I'm out the door to pick dd up from camp.  The plan is to hit the store after camp pickup and to make her get the actual items.  I will meet her at the checkout and will pay for it. 

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Sweetheart, I have teens. A smoothie is something they have along with the actual meal. Don't worry. I think I will pick up a hot rotisserie chicken. I have rice that can be microwaved and some frozen veggies that can also be microwaved. Not all that special but a balanced meal.


And with that, I'm out the door to pick dd up from camp. The plan is to hit the store after camp pickup and to make her get the actual items. I will meet her at the checkout and will pay for it.

A smoothie is a meal! Your plan sounds good. I hope you feel better soon. Consider picking up breakfast and lunch too.

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Slache, write that down and let's talk in 15 years. :) My teen can eat an entire rotisserie chicken &/or large pizza. His dr has been begging him to gain weight. A green smoothie is a meal for me, but half of a snack for him.


Jean, my go-to meal lately has been rotisserie chicken, rice with broccoli cooked over it in the steamer basket, and a box of berries for dessert. Usually my menfolk eat a loaf or two of bread as well, although my dd has been joining them of late. She grew three inches this summer.

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Slache, write that down and let's talk in 15 years. :) My teen can eat an entire rotisserie chicken &/or large pizza. His dr has been begging him to gain weight. A green smoothie is a meal for me, but half of a snack for him.


Jean, my go-to meal lately has been rotisserie chicken, rice with broccoli cooked over it in the steamer basket, and a box of berries for dessert. Usually my menfolk eat a loaf or two of bread as well, although my dd has been joining them of late. She grew three inches this summer.

They make sammiches and stuff too, but I couldn't think of fast food with a GF/DF option for her. I figured this way she could slip the kids a $20 and stay in the car. That's enough for 3 smoothies and 2 sammiches.

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See! See! I keep telling everyone Alex has fantastic physical control. He's kinestheticly brilliant. Everyone just rolls their eyes but here he is at 7(?) weeks old deliberately holding his bottle up. He's been using his hands for over a week. He's going to be great at sports! Hopefully that's not all he's good at...

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Dd got chicken and some mac and cheese from the deli. Ds has some chicken wings which he will supplement with other stuff. Dh and I will have the chicken, rice and veggies. Dd is home and will finish getting dinner together for dh. I gassed up the car and am waiting in the parking lot for ds to get off work.



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See! See! I keep telling everyone Alex has fantastic physical control. He's kinestheticly brilliant. Everyone just rolls their eyes but here he is at 7(?) weeks old deliberately holding his bottle up. He's been using his hands for over a week. He's going to be great at sports! Hopefully that's not all he's good at...

Cello. He wants to play the cello.

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A smoothie is a meal! Your plan sounds good. I hope you feel better soon. Consider picking up breakfast and lunch too.

We are having smoothies and donuts for breakfast because that is dd17's choice for her birthday breakfast! Mmmmmmm....dooooooonuuuutz! :)


We have finished decorating the kitchen with streamers and balloons and I need to clean up a bit of the mess. Then I need to get back to school prep. Then I will finish watching the episode of Bloodline that I fell asleep in the middle of last night.


The plumber is coming tomorrow for my wallet, and hopefully our shower will get fixed in the process. (I really don't begrudge their service and the prices are generally fair. It is just painful.)

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I discovered why ds11's cello is so good at communicating with him - she told me today that she has been married for 20 years to a "brilliant Harvard graduate artist" who has auditory processing issues like ds, so she gets that his brain works differently. She is so patient and knows how to help him focus on one thing at a time and just give him those few extra seconds to process what she has said. 💕

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One of my favorites. String instruments take an enormous amount of hand and finger dexterity and control. And learning a stringed instrument is the best thing a person can do for brain development.

I wanted to get John involved in Suzuki violin. We can't afford it, sadly.
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Got my Latin done. Put ice cubes in the kitties' water bowls, poor things. But, they seem to find shady spots to sleep and are none the worse for wear. It's hot out there. Now, on to reading about Theodore Roosevelt and then back to lesson planning. I' working on putting together a little unit on the election process for my two oldest. Got a couple books from Amazon. It won't be huge and in-depth, but hopefully it'll give them an idea of the process and how it works!


What are the books you got from Amazon?

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We're home! I have picked up supper and printer paper (so glad I don't have to go to Kmart often!), unpacked everything, scooped kitty litter, printed Latin lessons out, looked thfough my Texas history stuff, and have the third of four laundry loads in.


Any ideas for a fun, thorough, interesting Texas history curriculum?


Anyone have any definite preference for Latin? I'm mostly leaning toward Lively Latin or Latin for Children. Not interested in Latina Christiana.

We use Visual Latin, though we go at a slower pace and do the 2 levels over 3 years. We love it and the kids get a kick out of Mr. Thomas's videos and Latin jokes. (Full disclosure - we go to church with the Thomas family and have known them for many years.)

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What are the books you got from Amazon?

I got these three. The activity book.... I didn't look at the recommended ages and it's a little young for my kids, but there are some things I can use.




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It's 10:30. I need to go to bed but my anxiety level is sky high! It's been a busy day and we got home a half hour ago from dd's VBS closing thing. She went to VBS at her friend's church, which was fine, but... I just get anxiety being in a small church setting and there's a lot of noise and commotion and they're trying to get you to come back so they say all these cool things the Youth Group is doing and my boys want to go, and are bugging me to go and dd's friend's parents go and get us the permission slips for the Youth Group bowling thing tomorrow and I'm just wanting to scream, "stop it all! We can't do everything!" I have felt like I am being pulled in a million different directions and I just can't stand it. And tomorrow a friend and her boys are coming over. I am looking forward to it. They live out of state now, so they're just in town for a visit and it will be fine, but I just feel like my anxiety level is rising and rising.

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I need to decide if I will teach Sunday School this year. I was thinking about volunteering in the nursery instead, but I know how hard it is to find people to teach classes. There are only 6 children's classes (preschool to 8th grade) and they need 3 teachers/assistants per class.

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