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Good morning!

I think it would be fun to take a rail tour through Europe.

I scolded the Two Youngest this morning because when I went to their room to call them to breakfast, I literally could not see any part of their floor.  They have since made some progress.

Lots going on today.  I was able to change my appointment with my health coach, so after going to pick up dd18's graduation signs, I'll go to that appointment, then to Aldi, then home to pick up pup and take him to the vet.  Kids have youth group at the park tonight.


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I found jam!  People were getting concerned because they couldn't find jam in the pantry, but I found over a dozen jars hiding behind some stuff.  They are only half pints which we mainly use to give as gifts, but at least we have some.  I am not interested in making more jam any time soon!

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On 4/27/2021 at 12:34 PM, KrissiK said:

The portal is still open. I must write something. Hmmm, it’s chilly here this morning. I turned the heater on for the first time in a month.

We will probably be turning our AC on this week for the first time since September. 

Dd had her neuropsych appointment (for adhd screening).   I texted dh how it went and he didn't answer.  Then called and he didn't answer.  Then texted again and said I was getting worried and to answer.  He said it went fine but we'd talk at home.  So now I'm worried. 

They did say she had something where her pupils were not the same size.  Evidently it's seen in around 20% of the population so not rare and doesn't mean anything.    She has a follow up in a month, but no new scripts, so I'm not sure what that means.  And I need to stop guessing and just wait until I get home and can talk to him.   Ugh.  I'm here for another 2 1/2 hours. 


Edited by Wheres Toto
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3 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

I'm headed to Susan's part of the world in June. That will be fun. I actually splurged on myself and decided to take a few days to just vacation by myself. I'm really looking forward to it.

Yay, really?  What do you have planned?  Or just rest?

Speaking of CritterFixers, I’m currently at the vet. Chester is getting his ears taken care of. 

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Ears are all clean and clear of hair.  Poor pup was yelping a bit but he seems fine now. The vet put some ointment drops in his ears so he is shaking his head like crazy.

I really like our vet - when he first came in the exam room he greeted Chester and I swear he was about to start doing the Doodle Dance.  😂

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I got quite a bit done today!


Days like this make me kind of sad because I wonder how much I would be able to accomplish if I actually felt well most of the time.

I mean, it is what it is, and I'm grateful for what I can do.  Just sometimes I wonder how my life would be different if I were healthy.  Maybe God knows it would be bad, so he gave me illness to keep me on the right path.

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10 hours ago, Critterfixer said:

I'm headed to Susan's part of the world in June. That will be fun. I actually splurged on myself and decided to take a few days to just vacation by myself. I'm really looking forward to it.

That sounds wonderful!!! 

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Well, now that I am in, I don’t have much to say.  Baby made our Easter tree into a Memorial Day Tree, which will then be a Flag Day Tree and an Independence Day Tree without changing anything. I have n9 idea what to do in August and then, what would a Labor Day tree look like?? A bunch of hammers and saws? I really like what the tree looks like now. I got red, white and blue shiny garland, some ball ornaments and a whole bunch of little flags.

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Well, the Interweb claims that it should be a Patriotic tree for Labor Day, but I’m thinking I will be sick of the decorations by then. Maybe I will do a beach theme for August, Autumn for September, Halloween for October, Thanksgiving for November and then of course Christmas.

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7 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Ears are all clean and clear of hair.  Poor pup was yelping a bit but he seems fine now. The vet put some ointment drops in his ears so he is shaking his head like crazy.

I really like our vet - when he first came in the exam room he greeted Chester and I swear he was about to start doing the Doodle Dance.  😂

The vet or Chester? 

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Okay, I couldn't get back in last night.

So, dd got really upset after the doctor because when the doctor was explaining that the adhd meds wouldn't help her anxiety, she thought he was saying she didn't have adhd.   We've talked about this quite a bit and her and I both feel that controlling her adhd will help the anxiety since a lot of it is around her feeling like she can't get stuff done.   She misunderstood the doctor and I explained that she's basically getting what we hoped for - trying adhd meds and seeing how that effects her anxiety, if it helps/hurts/no change, and that we may need to do something more to address the anxiety.   

She can try either Focalin XR or Adderall XR starting this weekend.  I think we're going to start with Focalin and she'll come with me to an open house tomorrow and maybe kayaking Sunday so I can keep an eye on her (dh is going to his moms again), then she's at the science center for the afternoon Monday (and dh can be home in the morning).  

From what dh told me, the doctor sounds like he was pretty good. Seemed to come to the same conclusion I had (same group as my pediatrician so he probably had lots of background info), so we'll see.  She has a follow-up in June and I'll be able to go to that appointment. 

The eye thing is no big deal.  He suggested having her go to the eye doctor for a further check.  We have a regular Optometric Physician (I just looked it up and that's what they are called), but haven't gone in over a year due to Covid.  

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Good morning!

It's Thursday.  Calm before the storm.  And literally - it just started raining, lol.  Today I will work on finishing the quartet arrangement of dh's composition so the kids can run through it tonight.  Pup gets his haircut and I have a followup with my surgeon this afternoon.


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Under orders from Dh, I'm planning for next year.  Not because he cares about planning (he's a fly-by-seat kind of guy) but he because he wants me to print off as much as possible before beginning his new job next week (which does not offer him printer use like his current job).  


I really think we just hold everyone back a year and call it a day.  

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Brilliant plan, Ducks!

The surgeon says everything looks good and I need to put cream on my neck and massage it every night and also do neck stretching every day because my muscles there are still in a snit over this whole surgery nonsense.

Chester looks like a completely different dog, but he is still a Very Silly Pup.  He looks and feels like a 70's velvet coat. The groomer said he might experience some anxiety with all his long fur now gone, so we are spoiling him extra hard.  

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Morning!  It's Friday!!!!

Two classes today, an Open House tomorrow, kayaking Sunday.  It's going to be a busy weekend.  Somewhere I have to find time to do some planning.  Yes, I had this week's planning done early because I was getting my second shot and wanted to make sure I had time to rest but no, I didn't use some of that time to get ahead on next week.  Whoops.  

Dh is going to visit his mom this weekend but left me lots of leftovers so I shouldn't have too many worries about cooking.  

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Good Morning!

Happy Friday!

I went to the grocery store last night and was able to get some sushi.  It was really, really good.

Also, I signed a couple of the girls up for camp.  I felt bad that I didn't let them go to camp last year.

I need to do some work today and next week with dd16 -- helping her apply for scholarships and helping her to apply for a job.  

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1 hour ago, Junie said:

Dd16 now has a (partial) transcript.  Now we can put her gpa on her scholarship application!

Oh my goodness I need to do this so we can order dd's diploma.  
I did a mini-hill treadmill trek for almost an hour and a half.  The surgeon gave the all clear so now I have to start training again.  Bah.  On the other hand, it will surely help manage all this stress and anxiety.

More coffee!

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We had arepas for dinner... because that's the gf take-out we can get nearby, and we're glad to have it. DH and I got our second shots today. This has been Cleaning Week and I've done many of the things, but hope to do more tomorrow.

Praying people, would you mind praying for Dear Honorary Niece, who is really miserable without social opportunities right now? She's an only child who is wired 100% Social Butterfly. Looking ahead to, say, August is not much of a comfort when you're elementary-aged.

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