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Someone tell me to start writing the first week of Beginning Spanish and Conversation 1a. I have ideas written down, and a basic outline of how each class should be broken down, but I need to write out/plan the slides, activities, and Parent Notes.


Maestra Procrastinator

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Someone tell me to start writing the first week of Beginning Spanish and Conversation 1a. I have ideas written down, and a basic outline of how each class should be broken down, but I need to write out/plan the slides, activities, and Parent Notes.


Maestra Procrastinator


Start writing slides, activities and Parent Notes!   :toetap05:   So you can make your squillions and buy our island!   :thumbup:

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Another query letter constructed and set in the inbox to go out after I think about it some more. If I still like it, I'll send it and another one out the door on Monday and call it good for the month of December. Then get to work on the next group to go out in January.

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In this online game I'm playing someone started a chat with me, saying that she was glad to have found another girl playing the game. Which, honestly, I think is a bit of a weird thing, since who cares what gender players are, so I didn't know how to respond. I ended up saying that I'm probably a bit too old to be called a girl. And then she was all like "I just meant a female, and saying that you're too old to be called a girl makes you sound young and immature". Okay then. I'm not big on chatting anyway. Well, other than here, obviously, but y'all aren't real time (as in, no instantaneous back-and-forth required). 

Edited by luuknam
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I went to the grocery store today. Every time I go to the grocery, I wish I lived somewhere with curbside pickup. The nearest store with curbside is 45 minutes away, which kind of negates the point of ordering for pickup. But... if we start doing robotics next month, I could maybe pick up after class without a problem... I think that might work.


I just want to do more fun stuff and fewer chores.


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Do you all know your neighbors? A neighbor I didn't know organized a cookie/wine party for our street. She made up lovely invitations and stuck them in everyone's mailboxes addressed to the "Lady of the House," because she didn't know anyone. I almost didn't go because of many lame reasons, but I'm glad I did. There were about 12 neighbors there which is about half of the houses, and most of us didn't know each other. It was really nice. She's going to have another neighbor meetup in January. 


DH was annoyed because I said I was only going to stop by, share some cookies, and not stay long but I stayed 2 hours when I knew Baby was being high maintenance. Sorry, not sorry. I had him high maintenance for um....13 hours? 

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Y'all are making me use up my likes.





I moved all the pantry foodstuff out of the laundry room and discovered the source of the mild oil odor.... a small saturated piece of old carpeting underneath the "pantry" bookcases.  It's not coming from any leak, so all I can figure is that Boiler Guy (you know, the not exactly neat one) spilled some oil there when switching out the tubing two years ago.  Hence the lingering smell since having the new boiler installed. 


The carpet (just a few square feet in size) reeked and is now outside for Trash Guy.  I also dragged out both heavy particle-board bookcases (the bottom edges of which drank up the oil, too), and trashed pretty much anything else in the vicinity that may or may not have come into the slightest of contact with oil, including the gloves I was wearing.   I may burn my clothes as well.  (j/k.  Maybe.)


I hate oil.  :ack2:    


Oil Guy told me where to get a cleaning solvent that will clean up any stinky residue left on the concrete floor.  I hope to grab it tomorrow.  





I also got four loads of laundry done and put away.  And grabbed the last farm share.  And donated some baby clothes.   And showered.  All of which earned me an over-priced coffee from the drive-thru.  :cheers2:

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Do you all know your neighbors? A neighbor I didn't know organized a cookie/wine party for our street. She made up lovely invitations and stuck them in everyone's mailboxes addressed to the "Lady of the House," because she didn't know anyone. I almost didn't go because of many lame reasons, but I'm glad I did. There were about 12 neighbors there which is about half of the houses, and most of us didn't know each other. It was really nice. She's going to have another neighbor meetup in January.


DH was annoyed because I said I was only going to stop by, share some cookies, and not stay long but I stayed 2 hours when I knew Baby was being high maintenance. Sorry, not sorry. I had him high maintenance for um....13 hours?

That is a great idea. I know most of my neighbors, not very well, though.
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Good Saturday Morning!  Renai beat me up.  I mean, she was up before me.   :D


Youngest threw up in my bed last night.  Then we only partially remade it to go back to sleep, so I didn't sleep very well. Then I dreamt that I overslept and missed ds's play (it's at 2 this afternoon).   :svengo:



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Good morning!


(((Lynn))) Ugh.


Everybody stop being sick.


I have some cleaning to do this morning, then I'm taking ds13 to the Whole Foods cheese department, and later in the afternoon the kids have their recital.


I am pretty sure ds22 is coming home today.


Dd19 wants me to take her to the doctor because her ear is clogged and she is pretty sure it's earwax. She has used hydrogen peroxide about a million times and an ear irrigator and some special earwax removing stuff but nothing has worked. I don't want to go to the doctor.



Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!


Dd19 wants me to take her to the doctor because her ear is clogged and she is pretty sure it's earwax. She has used hydrogen peroxide about a million times and an ear irrigator and some special earwax removing stuff but nothing has worked. I don't want to go to the doctor.


DH had that done and the doctor charged $70, just to reach in there with a long tweezers and take out a chunk of wax. He was a little ticked off.😡


I think I'm going back to bed.

I would like to do that.  But I had a bad dream and I’m feeling a little disturbed.

I dropped ds at the play for set up and last run through.  I'm having 2nd coffee because the first round was too watered down.   :ack2:

boo for watered down COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸ Ain’t nobody got time for that.  



You say that like it's a bad thing. :confused1:


So, I just found out that there is a UK basketball game the same time as the play (both are downtown.)  Maybe you've heard of UK basketball - it's kind of a big deal.   :laugh:   Anyway, I guess we'll be leaving a little earlier and hoping for a parking spot.   :glare:

I have never heard of UK basketball.
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DH had that done and the doctor charged $70, just to reach in there with a long tweezers and take out a chunk of wax. He was a little ticked off.😡

   I would like to do that.  But I had a bad dream and I’m feeling a little disturbed.1) boo for watered down COFFEE!!☕ï¸â˜•ï¸ Ain’t nobody got time for that.   😜   2) I have never heard of UK basketball.


1) Amen


2)  It's a religion here.   :001_rolleyes:

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Glad it was short-lived, Lynn.   :hurray:


Happy Saturday, Everybody!  I'm starting to think about Christmas food.  I'll probably think about it for a few days before I do anything, though.  Dh is taking kids out later today, then we have his work party tonight. 


An updated tackle list.  I added a few things I did yesterday just so I could cross them off.  The last item was crossed-off, but added back again.   :blush:  :001_wub:



-Label the remaining wrapped gifts and stow them away.

-Wrap up stocking gifts too.

-Find that extra Playmobil knights set that I think I'll give to ds10 (it's in the crawlspace).

-Sort all the mixed up Playmobil (which will require entering the crawlspace).

-Put away the luggage and backpack I found on sale for ds' birthday (in the crawlspace).

-Clean up the post-Oil-Guy disaster still sitting in the basement (which will involve shoving things into the crawlspace).

-Those seven garbage bags full of kid stuff that I shoved in the crawlspace when we refinished the floors?  KonMari those. 

-Clean girls' room.

-Pick up the school room mess and file stuff away and fill in the last two weeks of my planner/journal.

-Type up a Tackle List on ITT

-Clean boys' room

-Pop a bowl of popcorn and hang out here. 



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Potatoes are always a winner with pork around here.


Quiet time is over. DH is marinating in the shower and I parked the kids in front of Paw Patrol. I'm trying to keep my head on my shoulders, even though it feels like it's grown 3 sizes and is super heavy.


Okay, I know I live under a rock, but who or what is a KonMari?


Konmari is a weird Japanese lady who talks to her belongings in an effort to declutter.  (It's a method for only keeping things that "bring you joy".) 

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