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What magic potions are you employing?


Not so much a magic potion as it is understanding the weird alchemy of me.


I suspected that the problem was chemical, either perimenopause, blood sugar, or both (obviously, both of those are chemical conditions, so most likely both.) I have been not so diligent with my eating habits lately, so I cut the carbs back drastically. Two days in and the sleep has improved dramatically. 


(Please don't anyone think that I need to do blood work/check for diabetes. I have been testing my blood sugar, and there is nothing extreme going on. My fasting blood sugars had gotten slightly elevated [like, 120], but nighttime/morning has always been weird. My system in general leans hyperreactive, and I am afraid that my body has now developed a weird, extreme reaction to what would be in a normal human just a slightly elevated blood sugar. I have a history of weird reactions. In fact, I had an endocrinologist tell me that it was physically impossible for my blood sugar to behave in the way that I had documented. Except when I was comatose in the hospital hooked up to every medical device known to God and man, it did. Sorry, doc, but I really meant it when I told you that I'm a mutant. :glare: )

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Oh, hallelujah dancing over here! 
Riv has been on ADHD meds and now, she can remember 3 letter sounds. We've covered 3 this week and she can still remember them all and identify which letter it goes to. I'm ecstatic. I feel like we're finally making progress. 

It is also is the 96th month anniversary of the first time I wrote a certain bald guy on Christian Mingle. (I've seen a lot of "happy 2 month anniversary to my boyfriend" posts on FB lately, so I had to get in on the action. haha) 

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This is great, Krissi. What a loss for your family (and for our whole society as we lose the Greatest Generation. They have so much to teach us, if we would just shut up and listen.)


In my DA days, there was a judge on the bench who was a cranky, obstreperous liberal. He and I were besties, and no one could figure out why. (The cranky and obstreperous description might, just might, have applied equally to moi, but that last part? Umm, NO.) Despite his horrendous rulings (well, they improved significantly over the course of time, at least when I was in his court ;) ), he was an amazing man. He came from an old southwest family (one of his ancestors was the subject of a Disney movie) and knew BOATLOADS about the history of the southwest. He was a gunner in WWII in the Pacific and participated in an INCREDIBLE number of combat missions (Guys in the Pacific had a better chance than the guys in Europe.) Oh, the stories he'd tell! I adored him. He passed away a few years ago. Can't wait to meet with him again. He's probably up there giving St. Peter H*ll; "Let 'em in! Let 'em all in!" :001_wub: :001_wub: :001_wub:

Lol!! I love hearing stories about that. And it does seem like a lot of heroics happened in the Pacific Theater. A friend of mine’s father was a naval pilot in the Pacific Theater. I remember hearing this story several times growing up. One morning their CO told them they had located a Japanese weapons depot that needed to be taken out. It was a suicide mission, so he could only ask for volunteers. Mr. C volunteered and his CO volunteered to go as his tail gunner because he knew Mr. C was a Christian and believed God would protect him. So, they ran the mission in a stripped down plane with only a couple of bombs and a gun for the rear gunner. They were successful and came back and when they inspected the plane after it was completely full of holes from enemy fire. I always got chills when I heard that story.
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It is also is the 96th month anniversary of the first time I wrote a certain bald guy on Christian Mingle. (I've seen a lot of "happy 2 month anniversary to my boyfriend" posts on FB lately, so I had to get in on the action. haha) 



Ha, yes. It's our 169.5 month anniversary of knowing each other.  :party:


Yay for reading!

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:party: :party: :party: :party:

Christmas Break! Christmas Break! Christmas Break! Christmas Break!

I wish we could quit early, but we are behind. In everything. We go at a slower pace. We’re barely a third done in the grammar books, a third of the way through history and science. So, we’ll be plugging along through next week and still probably working through half the summer. Both DS and oldest DD are a couple years behind in math, so we do math every day of the year, almost. Well, not Christmas and Easter break, but they do a math lesson each day through the summer.
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DH and I met at a singles group activity, walking down Christmas Tree Lane in the Big City, 17 years and a couple weeks ago. Which would beeeeeee......204 months ago. And the girl who introduced us called him by the wrong name. She’d been calling him the wrong name ever since they met and he never corrected her. But when he met me, he made sure I knew his right name.💕

Edited by KrissiK
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Any hint of drug use would have been a complete stop, do not pass go, do not collect $200 end to even thinking about a dating relationship for me.


He was an addict, fell in love with me immediately and was clean in two weeks. We were married less than a year later. Everyone said I was crazy, that he'd go back to drugs but it's been 11 years and he never did.
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Spudz, those musics are beautiful! We did the 2nd one at our lessons and carols service.


I broke up with dh about 336 months ago, which was about 3 months after we met. I was practicing in a practice room and he thought it would be funny to jump into the room and scare me. I was not impressed even though he said I have beautiful eyes.


I have done the things. Now I go do more things.

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I wish I had your strength.

You are an inspiration to us all. I'm going to go resist the cheesecake that DH brought home.

Well done! I should buy some ice cream and employ the same tactic.

Always best to go with the method that works. Which is why I'm bringing the box of Andes Mints down to the pantry with me while I clean.

Edited by Susan in TN
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The pantry has been dealt with and the stuffed mouse Hufflepuff scarf and formal bow tie are finished. Next up - triangular shawl and reading wrap. Why am I making Christmas gifts for stuffed mice? You all are supposed to tell me when I start to go loopy!

I was kind of wondering about that, Susan.
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