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Not to my knowledge. They sent out search parties in the summer for remains but as far as I know, didn’t find any.

I just looked at her profile again. She's never started a thread stating that he's been found. He had two small kids and I just really wanted him found to simplify their lives.


This story is so sad, too.

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My sister’s BFF’s father just died, too. Natural causes/bleeding ulcers. She’s thinking maybe he also had cancer that he didn’t address, because the last few months he would occasionally ally mention a loss of appetite and some other comments.




ETA: I did not know him. No hugs needed for me.

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My sister’s BFF’s father just died, too. Natural causes/bleeding ulcers. She’s thinking maybe he also had cancer that he didn’t address, because the last few months he would occasionally ally mention a loss of appetite and some other comments.




ETA: I did not know him. No hugs needed for me.

So sad! Hard time of year, too.

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What’s the workload like for LToW? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around only one essay every three weeks and the presence of worksheets doesn’t sound promising...but everything else everyone says about it is so good. Is it less challenging than WWS?

I will come back and give you my .02 when I'm home and using the keyboard. 😊

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This ITT page is sad...too sad for the holidays. I'll join the Debbie Downing: My high school friend's DH passed away suddenly leaving 2 little kids under 5. :sad There's no stated cause of death; is it bad that when that happens I think OD? The holidays sometimes seem cursed in our family.


I am unreasonably, super unreasonably, annoyed by listening to DH and MIL facetime with Baby. I'll have you know that Baby looks just like DH. There's apparently none of me there. Baby is also fat- much fatter than any of her kids ever were (doubtful). And normal baby reflexes are amazing, surprising signs of something, and I'll just shut up because it's petty. I hate when I know I'm being a jerk and I can't help it. DD(10) is annoying me too- even as a kid I wasn't a fan of drama queens. In my kindergarten "About Me" book I wrote that I like friends who are quiet.


I think I'll open some wine or something and chill out. I haven't had anything like that since last year.

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Praise God!


When I took ds10 to the doctor today, he gave us 2 full size asmanex inhalers. That's $400 worth!!


Then we went to the pharmacy, and I was able to tell them to put on hold the steroid inhalers since he had given those to us. Still got a regular inhaler and nebulizer solution unit doses, and will pick up his prednisone tomorrow (they were out today).


When I got home, and checked the mail, my bonus check from one job was here! For pretty much the same amount I spent at the Dr and on meds!!


Can I borrow $20 for wine and cookies?


Sincerely though, great about the freebies!

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I had GF breakfast pizza. 

We have no wine.

I've been taking notes on how to structure my query letter. I have twelve pages of information that I think will be helpful. I may be a compulsive note-taker.

I got another rejection today.

What am I going to do about it?

Work on my query and go right on writing. :thumbup1:

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Oy, it was a triple!


So, I had this dream a couple if weeks ago, and it was a wonderul story. Just wonderful, and like it was plunked there in my head fully formed. I used to write a lot when I was a teen, and early twentysomething, but writing got shunted aside by the time SuoerDude came along. I think I want to write this story-dream, see if there's anything more than smoke and shadow. The trouble is, it's set in either Florida swamp or Louisiana bayou...and I know neither of these settigs. What should I do to research it? Read a bunch of fiction set there? Go the nonfiction route? Both? The main issue is I want the supporting characters to be realistic, not insultingly overblown.

Yes. Research your settings. Yes. Read a bunch of fiction set there. Yes. Read a bunch of non-fiction about the area.


Has nothing to do with your characters being real people. What makes real people? Hopes, dreams, what they want, what they care about, what makes them ridiculously angry and ecstatically happy, what hurts them, what they are afraid of, and what little things about them drive everyone around them crazy. 

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What should I do to research it? Read a bunch of fiction set there? Go the nonfiction route? Both? The main issue is I want the supporting characters to be realistic, not insultingly overblown.


Vacation! Can aspiring writers write off research related trips as work related?

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My house is almost put back together and fully functional. This is exciting. A couple more hours worth of work and the roof is finished.


I think I've decided I am going to put Weapon X in robotics. But it doesn't start until mid-January, so I'm going to join the Y on the first and work that into the schedule. Then after a couple weeks, robotics will start and we will do all the things.


Then I will be the do-all-the-things-always-put-together-immaculate-house-homeschool mom instead of the super-lazy-don't-want-to-pantz-when-was-the-last-time-I-banished-the-goat mom that I am now.


Sent from my HTCD160LVW using Tapatalk

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I fell off the wagon when it came to housekeeping a few weeks ago. I'm keeping up in places, but barely. That's another reason to take next week off and start the Christmas break early. I need to do things like actually mop the living room and get the dust off this fan over the dining room table. At a glance I'd say circa September was the last time I cleaned it.

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What’s the workload like for LToW? I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around only one essay every three weeks and the presence of worksheets doesn’t sound promising...but everything else everyone says about it is so good. Is it less challenging than WWS?


It is probably less challenging than WWS.  Imho, there would be fewer tears with LTW than WWS.  But I don't think that makes LTW a lesser program.  It's designed to teach the persuasive essay, and it does.  I think I read somewhere that SWB deliberately left out discussions of topic statements and thesis statements in WWS, which is kind of hard for me to understand.  Though it's been a long time since I heard Kern explain the program (LTW), it's very logical and easy to understand in principle.  While I've read lots of praise for WWS, I can't explain an overview of it to you.  To me, it seemed complicated and "all trees."  I never understood the nature of the whole forest, so to speak.


With LTW the concepts are more important than the worksheets.  The most important worksheets are the ANI chart and the outline/template.  The 5 common topics are good, but some of the worksheets for the 5 common topics are "meh," imho, and more complicated than necessary.  (See a pattern?  I'm a real simpleton, lol.)  


So, here's the LTW overview which you may already be familiar with.  Every writing problem you've ever had or ever will have will fit into one of three categories - Invention (content), Arrangment (organization) or Rhetoric (style).  Thus the three weeks per essay.  The first week of each essay "unit" you learn a new tool to help you with Invention.  The 2nd week of every essay you learn a new tool or aspect of Arrangement.  The 3rd week of each essay you learn a new element of Rhetoric.  Easy essay requires everything you did on the last essay plus all the new things taught.  The basic pattern is - week 1 - come up with a "should question" (based on characters and their actions in the novel).  Create an ANI chart (A - Affirmative, N - Negative, I - Interesting) starting with 10 - 15 in each column (except Interesting - fewer are okay there), and growing to 30 in each column after a couple essays.  Week 2 - pick a side, choose your best three reasons (later you learn to sort the reasons and pick three categories), and write your outline.  Week 3 - learn the new stylistic element and write the paper, proofread and edit and check again the checklist. 


LTW is definitely a thinking program as much as a writing program. 


For my ds in Challenge, while he's doing one paper for 3 weeks, he is also reading his next novel, making a couple notes after each chapter about characters and their actions or choices. 


Honestly, I don't know how well I would be able to implement the program on my own, but I love the ideas behind it.  It makes sense to me.    

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Isn't that what towels are for? 



Normal towels, yes.





  \ ________ But that towel, right there? Nope.  I bought it (and a couple others) for myself years ago in a pathetic attempt to make my kitchen pretty.  It's for drying clean hands only, as opposed to, say, hands covered in tempera paint or tomato sauce, which may freely wipe themselves on the crappy towels that hang on the oven door.  (I admit I'm a little obsessive about it.  Just a little, though.  ITTers visiting me are exempt from the Duck House Rules Regarding Towel Usage.)



(edited to adjust my adorable little arrow there)

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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