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That is nuts. Maybe they really couldn't afford more heat? It's sad. My dad's family couldn't afford heat and the stories he tells makes me grateful for central heat and the money to use it!


But if it's 25 degrees outside and my kids are running around inside like they are heading to the swimming pool, maybe we could turn the heat down, right? Today DDa said I made her put socks on because it was a little cold! DD(10) said she was still hot. I can't tell now if she's messing with me or not! My nose is cold. Everyone else seems fine though. It's at 65. If DD(10) changes into a tank top and shorts after school like she normally does I'm going to turn the heat down more! I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable who is wearing seasonally appropriate clothes, but we have a big house and maybe we could save some money. It also really annoys me to see DD walking around half dressed when it's freezing out; or anytime really. 



Right, I didn't mean that as a criticism - of course you can turn down the heat some. I was just saying that I don't care all that much about the numbers other people post. 


I don't remember the details of the thread, but iirc the thing was that they weren't destitute. Some people do think they're in a contest to show who's the most Spartan. Anyhow, making the kids put on a sweater and socks when cold is perfectly reasonable. 

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I'm introverting today. I was all dressed and ready to go to the baby group and then I didn't leave. I'd been planning to go all week but...people. And it's cold out and Baby doesn't have a coat. Not because we are too poor- don't feel sad for us, but because I'm lazy and haven't bought one and nobody else bought us one, and it hasn't been that cold until today. He has little, thin jackets that aren't sufficient for 25 degree weather, and I don't want to haul him into the building in his carseat because it's heavy and the meeting room is too crowded. And then he fell asleep in my arms right as I was going to put him in the carseat and I thought, nope. I don't need the baby scale because he went to the doctor Monday, and I don't need the lactation consultant, and I don't need anyone's advice on infants. 


I want IRL friends but I don't want to go do all that awkward meeting people stuff. Maybe I'll buy Baby a coat and go next week.

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Right, I didn't mean that as a criticism - of course you can turn down the heat some. I was just saying that I don't care all that much about the numbers other people post. 


I don't remember the details of the thread, but iirc the thing was that they weren't destitute. Some people do think they're in a contest to show who's the most Spartan. Anyhow, making the kids put on a sweater and socks when cold is perfectly reasonable. 


Some people said they keep it below 60. I honestly can't imagine that feels warm in any house. I couldn't handle going that far. Maybe some people can set their temperature at 60 and the actual temperature in the house will be 68 or so for other reasons. 


I'm afraid my kids might win on this, though, and I'll be cold and continue being annoyed seeing them in summer clothes. 

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We keep the house warm in the day and turn it down at night. I'm a layer person, so I might start out in a tank top in winter and then go to the flannel shirt over and a blanket. Our feet stay cold with the crawlspace and all the hardwood and stone in the house. But the fire is really toasty, and there's plenty of room to pull up a chair and prop your feet in front of it.

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I had a minor query letter revelation this morning. Got to tease it out and then share it with my fellow writers in the trenches if it turns out to matter. I have a feeling it will. It's just a subtle nuance, but I think it's an important one for that particular piece of writing.

Edited by Critterfixer
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I read it just now, but I agree with people that one number in one person's house is not the same as the same number in another person's house. Also, I remember some thread one or two years ago about some family who didn't turn on their heater until it was really quite cold out, and who'd make the kids run outside to warm up because it was so cold inside, so, I take the people who post really low numbers with a grain of salt. It's not a contest of who can be the most Spartan, kwim? 


I told Dh that I work 40 hours a week so I can be warm.  Full stop.  Feed me rice and beans, but don't take away my heat.  :)


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Whinging makes me cringe. Why the extra 'g'? (like someone else mentioned, it's probably British or something, but it still makes me cringe). That said, at least I knew what it meant.


To me, it's a completely different word.  And I was vindicated in my thinking when watching season two of The Crown this past weekend.  They were both used in the same sentence.  As in, stop whining and whinging!


I just googled it, and lo and behold:

Though Americans use only one word, “whine,†the British use both: “whining†covers a variety of meanings, including sounds made by people, animals, or inanimate objects, and “whingeing†(also spelled “whingingâ€) is more specifically for peevish or fretful complaining. The British sometimes use the terms together for emphasis: “Stop your whingeing and whining!â€


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I read it just now, but I agree with people that one number in one person's house is not the same as the same number in another person's house. Also, I remember some thread one or two years ago about some family who didn't turn on their heater until it was really quite cold out, and who'd make the kids run outside to warm up because it was so cold inside, so, I take the people who post really low numbers with a grain of salt. It's not a contest of who can be the most Spartan, kwim?

Whether a person is warm or cold is also a matter of perception. If it is 68 degrees in my house in a sunny day I can be comfortable. But 68 degrees on a cloudy day and I am cold.
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I also do weird things like.... taking the muffins out of the oven, turning the oven off and leaving the door open. Why waste all that good heat?



It'd eventually dissipate into the room whether you leave the door open or closed... but if you can have heat now, why wait?

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Some people said they keep it below 60. I honestly can't imagine that feels warm in any house. I couldn't handle going that far. Maybe some people can set their temperature at 60 and the actual temperature in the house will be 68 or so for other reasons. 


I'm afraid my kids might win on this, though, and I'll be cold and continue being annoyed seeing them in summer clothes. 


Some people just feel temperature differently. My youngest prefers it cooler like her dad, but the oldest and I will be in sweaters or blankets before the cold affects them.

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I also do weird things like.... taking the muffins out of the oven, turning the oven off and leaving the door open. Why waste all that good heat?


For us, it's to help maintain the heat in the front of the house, lol! We don't have central heat, so our bedrooms are hot, because the heat has to push to the front of the house.



Edited by Renai
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We might be skipping school and watching Miracle on 34th Street. DS has never seen it.


Introduced that movie to dh...maybe 3 years ago or so? He's watched it every Thanksgiving while eating dinner, ever since. It's become a tradition.


In December, we start watching different versions of the Nutcracker. This year, I think we're going to watch the Balanchine version for the first time.

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I ordered a couple more presents from Amazon, added in toilet paper and dishwasher tand, and got my uncle's shutterfly book ordered!!

Thank you for reminding me to add toilet paper to the list of stuff to bring to grandma and grandpa's! 8 extra people in a house for a week means a LOT more toilet paper. :D

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Some people said they keep it below 60. I honestly can't imagine that feels warm in any house. I couldn't handle going that far. Maybe some people can set their temperature at 60 and the actual temperature in the house will be 68 or so for other reasons.


I'm afraid my kids might win on this, though, and I'll be cold and continue being annoyed seeing them in summer clothes.

I have found that sometimes it depends on the general humidity of the region. Lower temps feel colder in humid climates than in dry climates. 64* feels much different in my parent's house in Minnesota than in my house in TN.

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If I get too cold my productivity plummets and I find myself hunching up and tying my muscles into knots. Not worth it. If I’m wearing a sweater, pants, fuzzy slippers, cuddling a warm rice sock, and I’m still cold, I don’care what the thermostat says.


Yeah - being too cold puts me into searing pain.  I control the thermostat.  If other people have higher metabolisms then they can go around in shorts (though the thermostat is set at 70, our drafty house doesn't actually get up to 70 as far as I can tell).  I still wear layers and a fuzzy sweater when it is set at 70.

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He threw up. :/ We didn't finish the movie. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" I asked him as he was hanging out in the bathroom afterward.

"Comfort," he replied.

"A fuzzy blanket?"

"Could you bring me the issue of National Geographic with the black hole on the cover?"


I did. I hope this was a one-and-done and we can watch the rest of the movie later.


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He threw up. :/ We didn't finish the movie. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" I asked him as he was hanging out in the bathroom afterward.

"Comfort," he replied.

"A fuzzy blanket?"

"Could you bring me the issue of National Geographic with the black hole on the cover?"


I did. I hope this was a one-and-done and we can watch the rest of the movie later.

The you go - you got science done for the day!. :hurray: 


I hope he feels better soon, poor little Hawklet.

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He threw up. :/ We didn't finish the movie. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" I asked him as he was hanging out in the bathroom afterward.

"Comfort," he replied.

"A fuzzy blanket?"

"Could you bring me the issue of National Geographic with the black hole on the cover?"


I did. I hope this was a one-and-done and we can watch the rest of the movie later.



I'm sorry that he's sick, but that exchange was freaking adorable!  :001_wub:

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The most annoying thing about having to park on one side of the street some days of the week, and the other side the other days, is that because it's a one way street and there's nowhere for the snow to go, you have to climb over a mountain of snow* and then squeeze yourself into the driver's side door half the days. Or climb over the stick shift and parking break, which in a compact car is just about as much fun (DW did that the other day - I haven't yet (well, I have, but not this year, and not because of snow)).


*Yes, technically it's possible to shovel that away, but since there aren't parking spots, and certainly not assigned parking spots, you probably wouldn't be able to park in the same spot again, and you probably wouldn't be lined up with the part where you shoveled the snow away even if you got more or less the same spot again, so, what's the point (these mountains of snow are already over 3 feet high). 

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We cleaned out the shed.  I have a carload of stuff to take to Goodwill.  And stuff to take to the dump.  And we made some room to move some of the excess furniture that we still want to hold onto from the Schoolroom of Doom to the shed.  I was thinking about how stress free and fun it was to do this with my kids and without my dh.  I love my dh very much but he is not fun to work with on these sorts of projects.  The kids and I exchanged funny stories and memories about some of the junk.  Decisions to toss or keep were made by consulting each other.  Dh is more efficient but no one wants to do it with him. 

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Ed Po warning....


So, 14yo dd is doing biology this year - mostly with Guest Hollow's Biology, adding in some side readings for evolution and creation, and outsourcing labs with a very good teacher from the local homeschool group, let's call her Mrs. T.  She also teaches the biology class at the homeschool group, but we weren't sure how much work it would be, how much work the rest of DD's classes would be, etc, and science is not typically dd's first love, so why outsource it and work (potentially) harder at it than other classes.  Now that she's had Mrs. T. for labs, we realize what a great teacher she is and that dd jives pretty well with biology topics.  So, I was thinking it might be a real positive to take Mrs. T's biology class next year.  Which leaves the issue of how to transcript it...   I'm thinking I could call this year "Intro to Biology" and next year "College Prep Biology" or something like it (Maybe even honors biology???).  DD will also have a physical science credit and would likely take chemistry her junior or senior year.  (I would add "WIth lab" to one of them as well.)  


What do you think?  She's not shooting for Harvard, iykwim.     

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Ed Po warning....


So, 14yo dd is doing biology this year - mostly with Guest Hollow's Biology, adding in some side readings for evolution and creation, and outsourcing labs with a very good teacher from the local homeschool group, let's call her Mrs. T. She also teaches the biology class at the homeschool group, but we weren't sure how much work it would be, how much work the rest of DD's classes would be, etc, and science is not typically dd's first love, so why outsource it and work (potentially) harder at it than other classes. Now that she's had Mrs. T. for labs, we realize what a great teacher she is and that dd jives pretty well with biology topics. So, I was thinking it might be a real positive to take Mrs. T's biology class next year. Which leaves the issue of how to transcript it... I'm thinking I could call this year "Intro to Biology" and next year "College Prep Biology" or something like it (Maybe even honors biology???). DD will also have a physical science credit and would likely take chemistry her junior or senior year. (I would add "WIth lab" to one of them as well.)


What do you think? She's not shooting for Harvard, iykwim.

Biology I this year, Biology II next year. Or Introduction to Life Sciences and then Biology Edited by KrissiK
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He threw up. :/ We didn't finish the movie. "Do you want me to bring you anything?" I asked him as he was hanging out in the bathroom afterward.

"Comfort," he replied.

"A fuzzy blanket?"

"Could you bring me the issue of National Geographic with the black hole on the cover?"


I did. I hope this was a one-and-done and we can watch the rest of the movie later.


(((sick nerdy Hawklet)))

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We cleaned out the shed. I have a carload of stuff to take to Goodwill. And stuff to take to the dump. And we made some room to move some of the excess furniture that we still want to hold onto from the Schoolroom of Doom to the shed. I was thinking about how stress free and fun it was to do this with my kids and without my dh. I love my dh very much but he is not fun to work with on these sorts of projects. The kids and I exchanged funny stories and memories about some of the junk. Decisions to toss or keep were made by consulting each other. Dh is more efficient but no one wants to do it with him.

Well, that sounds like fun!
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We cleaned out the shed.  I have a carload of stuff to take to Goodwill.  And stuff to take to the dump.  And we made some room to move some of the excess furniture that we still want to hold onto from the Schoolroom of Doom to the shed.  I was thinking about how stress free and fun it was to do this with my kids and without my dh.  I love my dh very much but he is not fun to work with on these sorts of projects.  The kids and I exchanged funny stories and memories about some of the junk.  Decisions to toss or keep were made by consulting each other.  Dh is more efficient but no one wants to do it with him. 




That reminds me: I need to clean out...everything. I guess I'll start with the boxes in the living room that should have been taken to the Salvation Army 2 months ago.  :leaving:

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Trigger Warning!


ChrisPo (aka Christmas Post)








Copy That!


So, I have all my Christmas cards ready to go. Well, I sent out the first batch last week and now I'm finished. I will drop them off at the PO when I pick up DS from piano lessons.  Most of them have COFFEE stains on the part where you lick.  It's taken quite a bit for me to stay awake this afternoon. I still have a few extras.

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