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I think posting more than two or three pages on a Sunday morning is probably not a holy thing to do.   :laugh:


We churched.  Dh and dd went to last soccer game and lost.   :hurray: Then I made spaghetti and started a fire.  Dh brought logs in.   :hurray:


We are/were NFL fans, but less so lately.   :glare:   We don't really care about baseball.  At the college level, basketball reigns supreme.  We are in KY after all!  

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Yes.  All peppers, sweet and hot, as well as potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant.  Oh and tobacco and goji berries.  



The ITT is so educational. I knew about tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes (and maybe eggplant... not 100% sure). I had no clue about tobacco though. Nor goji berries, but I'm not even sure what goji berries are. 


Btw, black pepper is not a nightshade, afaik.

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They will judge themselves the way they judge you. I would consider a discussion about body image and kindness. I apologize if I'm overstepping boundaries here.


And an electric guitar goes great with drums, fyi.

Not overstepping.


13yo girls are hard! I’m a small person. My “big†pants I can wear now are 2s, to give you an idea, so it worries me more than offends me when they comment. I can already tell that DDs are not likely to take after my body shape. I don’t know...would talking about it cause them to obsess more or be more comfortable? One of them had me concerned this summer because she was only wanting to eat salad w/ no cheese or dressing, but she seems to have relaxed.

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You really that you're mostly asking a bunch of gringo's right?  


Jean used an apostrophe to pluralize!  :huh:


De gringo's aten enchilada's. Perfect Dutch. (The gringos ate enchiladas - the conversation was about stacking vs rolling)


I just got back from a block party.  The host and hostess have 4 small children.  They homeschool!  I met a lot of neighbors that live on the block behind me.  One Polish lady was introducing me around to the others as the 'white Japanese person'.   :lol:   PS - she just about flipped when my ds told her that he had learned Latin.  She was sooooo impressed.  (Try explaining classical education to a Chinese couple, Polish couple and a Dutch lady.  They all speak very good English but the concept of another type of schooling was rather difficult to explain esp. when I really hadn't planned on giving a dissertation on educational philosophy!)



It shouldn't be complicated to explain to a Dutch person. The gymnasium track of high school is quite a lot like classical education, with Latin and Ancient Greek. That said, it takes some effort to explain homeschooling to Dutch people.

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I have returned from the water hole. We did the lake and not the river today, but it was still very relaxing. I made good headway on some questions to help me define the path for my protagonist for the sequel, and I'm pretty pleased with where he's going as a hero and a person. So that's nice.

Now time for chores, leftovers for dinner, and quite possibly, I might take a hot, soaky bath just because I want one.

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I have returned from the water hole. We did the lake and not the river today, but it was still very relaxing. I made good headway on some questions to help me define the path for my protagonist for the sequel, and I'm pretty pleased with where he's going as a hero and a person. So that's nice.

Now time for chores, leftovers for dinner, and quite possibly, I might take a hot, soaky bath just because I want one.



We did the lake too. Except we walked next to it and above it (a couple of piers). The kids had fun (me too).

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My kids have never vomited much.  Maybe just once a  year and then it's one time and they feel better.  I don't, because they always choose the sink which gets clogged and then I have to clean it. 



That's how I got sick when I was growing up -- sick one day a year, kinda like a purging of the system, then good for the next 364 days.

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The biggest and noisiest set they make. :laugh:



Electric drum set.  With the amplifier's volume stuck on deafening.


How on earth did I manage to double post?  I've been wondering how this happens, and it has happened in this posting sitting of mine, and I don't even know what I did!

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They will judge themselves the way they judge you. I would consider a discussion about body image and kindness. I apologize if I'm overstepping boundaries here.


And an electric guitar goes great with drums, fyi.



Also with an amplifier stuck on deafening.  Otherwise the parents can turn it down.

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Around here there are the Buffalo Bills, I think, but I'm not sure what sport they play.... football? Hockey is pretty popular around here. I don't think the Bills are doing all that great in w/e sport they play. 





They dance by the light of the moon.

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Too much driving and too many late nights.  


Not really.  I'm just tired and cranky.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:   I hope all goes well.

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We churched. Very good sermon!💒💒


We lunched.💠Costco Chinese chicken salad.


Now COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ And football. ðŸˆðŸˆðŸˆ. Incidentally, Buffalo creamed Oakland 😩😩 (poor DerekðŸˆðŸ‘ŽðŸ˜©), but I will not hold that against you Luuknam or let it affect our friendship.


I'm watching Dallas and Washington. I'm for Dallas because I don't want to be political.

Edited by KrissiK
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For basketball we used to have the Buffalo Braves, before they moved to California (decades ago). Now we basically have the Buffalo Bulls, from UB (so, only college basketball). From Wikipedia:


Sports are a major part of the city's culture. In recent decades Buffalo based teams have become known for crushing, and sometimes controversial, defeats. "Wide Right""No Goal" and the Music City Miracle have come to define the suffering of Buffalo Sports fans. In February 2012 Forbes listed Buffalo #4 on its list of "Most Miserable Sports Cities."[1]


(behind Atlanta, Seattle, and Phoenix) 



nothin' like tenacity!  Never give up!  Never surrender!

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Where do you live again? We're trick & treating at Critter's and AMJ's this year (btw, AMJ, I think I need a reminder on how to get to your place too... go south-west, I think, right?)



Yup.  Just head for Houston and stop before you get there.

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Chess! UTD still stands undefeated in football, btw (afaik). 




No, because you can play that wearing headphones.



Not if it's hardwired to the amplifier stuck on deafening.

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I am sending DH off to eat supper with his folks and collect our kids.  I had supper cooking here when ILs texted asking us to have supper with them.  I bowed out so I can keep certain things going here, so I will eat the supper I am cooking and try to find room in the fridge for the rest of it.


I've been texting myself reminder messages while out and about earlier, and I had DH text me one while we were in the garage.  I guess I had better go find my phone and see what I needed to remember.



DH remarked earlier that it's frustrating not having the tools you need when you need them and not being able to just buy them.  He was suspending our paddle boards (in their trailer rack) from our garage ceiling, and didn't have any block & tackle.  He couldn't find any suitable block & tackle at the local stores, and was looking into ordering some online when I headed in to eat lunch.  When I finished eating I headed back out to see he instead used a system of two racheting tie-down straps per corner (8 total) to slowly but surely get that entire contraption raised.


Engineers do NOT believe in quitting, and they don't take "not possible" for an answer.  They don't even like "wait for better tools".


When he had made his remark about tools I heartily sympathized and agreed, while silently noting that my tools are different from his tools.  Next time he says anything about why I have so many notebooks or whatever I can remind him of his remark about needing to have the tools when they are needed.

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Why is it that cats insist on keeping you company and demanding attention when you are sitting on the toilet, but if you insist on keeping them company and demand their attention when they want to use the catbox they get mad?


Cats have double standards.

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We had to stop at Kohl's to pick up SIL's birthday gift. At the checkout stand there was a 4 lb bag of Reese's. I'm 3 days overdue and could have died crying.



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



Everybody, hugs for Slashie!  Huggaficial respiration!  Don't let her die!

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Why is it that cats insist on keeping you company and demanding attention when you are sitting on the toilet, but if you insist on keeping them company and demand their attention when they want to use the catbox they get mad?


Cats have double standards.

And you're just figuring this out??


If I want attention and you don't give it to me I will scratch you. If I don't want attention and you give it to me, I will scratch you. If don't want attention and you don't give it to me, still...... I will scratch you!!

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My brain clearly has been a little slow on the uptake of late.


Just 3 weeks before her upcoming wedding our dear niece finally got around to actually asking her uncle (my DH) if he would do the photography at her wedding.  She has just been taking for granted that he would, because a couple months ago she asked other people in the family if they thought he might be willing.  Even though I told her quite baldly that if she wants him to do that she is going to have to ASK HIM DIRECTLY.



So she finally asked him.  He agreed, but he's a little miffed that she waited so long.  We have also been wondering what sort of wedding present we could get them, due to the circumstances and living situation they are in now.  We have reason not to want to give cash.


Silly me.  I finally realized the wedding photos ARE our present to them!  We will do a nice write-up of the "photo package" and tuck it into a nice wedding card.  DH will need to sit down with the bride and groom at some point (perhaps Thanksgiving) to see which photos they would like printed (he can do some large-ish prints if they would like one to hang on the wall, and can do some other prints, too, for photo albums and whatnot).  If he and FIL can find a good piece of wood DH has an idea for making a personalized frame for the new couple, too, though the frame will be a surprise at the time of photo delivery (or maybe a Christmas present).


This will do nicely.  Hooray!

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Ok, since November begins this week, I think I need to make my Thanksgiving pie crusts. I freeze them and then take them out Thanksgiving morning at 5:00am and drink my first pot of COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ For the day and bake pie.💕💕

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Ok, since November begins this week, I think I need to make my Thanksgiving pie crusts. I freeze them and then take them out Thanksgiving morning at 5:00am and drink my first pot of COFFEE☕ï¸â˜•ï¸â˜•ï¸ For the day and bake pie.💕💕

Except for the 5:00am part. That's just crazy! :lol:

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I found that drums are expensive. Maybe a recorder would do...or I'll tell my parents I heard that my nephew would love a drum set!

We went to DS's high school's homecoming a couple weeks ago, and there was a group of about 4-5 boys (young boys, I would guess they were 9-11 years old) who had a little drum corps going on there on some plastic trash cans. They kept up a really good cadence most of the game. So, just get a set of drumsticks and a trash can.
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