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I'm bored. My husband convinced me to take a week off from everything and here I am 2 1/2 hours into it with absolutely no idea what to do with myself. What would you do if you had a week off? 


Today it will be making sure the minions get their studying done, drink more tea, write like a crazy person, do some laundry and cook chili. 

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We will be going to Six Flags on Friday for the tree lighting. We're currently trying to figure out the logistics. DH may be able to come, but would have to be back for work on Saturday morning. That's a lot of driving and a super late night.


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Morning folks.  Lovely morning here (total sarcasm) dd9 starts school in 5 minutes, of course we have not even left the house yet (and she goes to school in the next town over) because dd17 is taking too long to get ready.  Standard story here.  Boys are still asleep.  I have my bootcamp class at 915 and someone will die this morning in my home if I miss my class haha. I have a crap load of housework, my own homework and teaching of ds13 to do today.  And need this 60 minute fitness class as my me time to start the day and burn off the irritation I have with my dd17. Lifting heavy does that for me. 

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I made the kids have a group practice session and they did fairly well with only minimal complaints of various limbs dying and falling off from exhaustion. Really? Try playing a 2 hour concert of Baroque music or a Mahler symphony and then tell me about exhaustion. :D (They have a group piece to play for their recital and a few others for the December Old Lady Birthday/Christmas party.) I think dd10 was mostly complaining because it is their week off, and she feels she is being cheated out of valuable play time.


I need to clean the oven. Fortunately, it's a self-cleaning oven, so my involvement is limited to pushing buttons. If I get cranky again, I may take a quick trip to the dollar store to check for red plates. Also Goodwill because dh needs brown/tan pants.


(((Critter))) Dh has had that happen to him before. Just a weird small movement that his back did not take kindly to.

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Does anyone have information about living in Maine? My dh is retiring from career #1 and is looking for a job in Maine. We are currently in Georgia, but we all have had enough of the summers here and miss snow.

I would love to live in Maine! I hate California! I have no information about living in Maine!
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I would love to live in Maine! I hate California! I have no information about living in Maine!


I would like to *visit* Maine, but there's no way I would want to live there. Because snow. Because weather in general. Give me a good southern California day any time. :-) Or a good San Francisco Bay area day. Love me some California weather. :-)

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I would like to *visit* Maine, but there's no way I would want to live there. Because snow. Because weather in general. Give me a good southern California day any time. :-) Or a good San Francisco Bay area day. Love me some California weather. :-)

The weather is why we want to live there. We love the cold and snow. Give me a good blizzard anyday🌨☃ï¸ðŸŒ¬ðŸ’¨


It's a buuur-ya!

Edited by Schadenfreude
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Does anyone have information about living in Maine? My dh is retiring from career #1 and is looking for a job in Maine. We are currently in Georgia, but we all have had enough of the summers here and miss snow.

Dh and I visited Maine for a week this past summer. Acadia National Park. It's beautiful. Mount Desert Island also has the Jackson laboratory and a college. Lobsters and blueberries, and other yummy foods. Whales, puffins, and sea otters. Summer weather is divine (especially coming from the South.) That's all I've got.

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I know a woman who believes that children should always be quiet, never run, and never play unless they're in a play setting like a playground or play room. Even if they are in a play setting they should be properly dressed and never do anything to ruin their clothes. She thinks my children are terrible because they play at church before and after the service and they initiate conversations with other adults. This woman is now pregnant and I am sad. I feel guilty for being sad.

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I managed to get the female children to school, youngest was 30 minutes late grrr.  Went to my bootcamp class, had a good workout.  Sitting here with a cup of coffee planning out my next race season rather than taking a shower and tackling what needs to be tackled.  And I am not in the least bit sorry haha.  Today was the first day in a very long time I was not either nauseous and/or headache-y, stomacheache-y, or otherwise feeling like crap.  Gives me hope that I will actually be able to train this season and race next season.

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I know a woman who believes that children should always be quiet, never run, and never play unless they're in a play setting like a playground or play room. Even if they are in a play setting they should be properly dressed and never do anything to ruin their clothes. She thinks my children are terrible because they play at church before and after the service and they initiate conversations with other adults. This woman is now pregnant and I am sad. I feel guilty for being sad.

That's a sad life for the kids. It's disturbing when the whole "children should be seen and not heard" is acted out in such a way. 


As for the clothes, I love boutique outfits and I will pay a decent amount for them -- at a consignment sale. I never pay full price. Because I can resell them in a year, I have struggled to not freak when she gets them dirty or worn. But, I've really had to tell myself - it's just money. She didn't choose to wear those clothes. You put her in them. Now, let her be a kid. 



ETA: I'm sure it's not a "sad life" for the kids. To them it's normal. But from the outside looking in, I find it sad. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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I managed to get the female children to school, youngest was 30 minutes late grrr.  Went to my bootcamp class, had a good workout.  Sitting here with a cup of coffee planning out my next race season rather than taking a shower and tackling what needs to be tackled.  And I am not in the least bit sorry haha.  Today was the first day in a very long time I was not either nauseous and/or headache-y, stomacheache-y, or otherwise feeling like crap.  Gives me hope that I will actually be able to train this season and race next season.


Glad you are feeling better. You say race season, and I think I'm supposed to be picturing running races, but for some reason, I keep seeing Indy cars. :laugh:

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Glad you are feeling better. You say race season, and I think I'm supposed to be picturing running races, but for some reason, I keep seeing Indy cars. :laugh:

hahaha yes running races (well technically I walk them, not up to running them fully yet).  I do Obstacle course racing mostly (though I did walk a 1/2 marathon this summer and a few other fun runs that were not ocrs).  I am still fat but now I am a fat athlete haha.  Though I think racing indy cars would be much easier.  And I wouldn't have to spend the off season healing injuries and killing myself training for next season lol

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Why does my dollar store not have red plates? Well, they had square plastic plates, and big red chargers, which were tempting, but then I'd have to buy solid white or green plates and that would be stretching my dollar store Christmas budget a bit too much. They had white plates with green and red decorations, but I need a solid red to go with the linens. I suppose I could drive a little farther to the other dollar store and see what they have.

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Dd13 is 1/3 of the way through typing in her NaNoWriMo novel. I wonder what it is about. 


Whatever it is about, love it.  :001_smile:  Young writers are like new plants, they need lots of sunshine and gentle rains, and very little pruning or fertilizer. 

Edited by Critterfixer
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I know a woman who believes that children should always be quiet, never run, and never play unless they're in a play setting like a playground or play room. Even if they are in a play setting they should be properly dressed and never do anything to ruin their clothes. She thinks my children are terrible because they play at church before and after the service and they initiate conversations with other adults. This woman is now pregnant and I am sad. I feel guilty for being sad.

My opinion is that there are a lot of different personalities in this world. She may have been a very quiet orderly child. She may have a very quiet orderly child. Or God might get the last laugh. ;)



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I took two of the dc to the pediatrician for their well check-ups.  They did the usual exam and added a new test -- a hearing screening.


Neither one of them passed.  :(


These are my two littlest.  They have Noonan Syndrome and hearing loss is apparently common with this disorder.  :(



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Dd is unhappy that she has to do algebra over.  She skipped four chapters ahead and did a random assignment.  Who does that?  I'm still not totally sure what assignment she did since the one she said that she did doesn't match up with her answers.  Or it could just be that skipping 4 chapters isn't conducive ot getting correct answers. 

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I ventured out into the chat forum and was chewed up and spit out by one particularly nasty poster. I am very dazed by the experience. It shocked me at the way my child was directly/indirectly attacked. This forum is my first foray into social media. Except for this thread, I don't understand the appeal.

Yeah... you know.... I think I'm not going to say anything about that. I don't want to get into trouble. But there are treacherous roads and dangerous seas around here. ITT is definitely a peaceful path through quiet meadows with friends!


Although sometimes hanging out here is like getting all your girlfriends together and hanging out at a Mexican restaurant drinking margaritas and eating chips & salsa and laughing all night!

Don't go into dangerous waters! Don't swim in the sea! Somebody get Rocco and have him mix up a nice pot of hot chocolate for Schadenfreude. :grouphug: There be places angels (and Critters) fear to tread.

what she said! Edited by KrissiK
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I took two of the dc to the pediatrician for their well check-ups. They did the usual exam and added a new test -- a hearing screening.


Neither one of them passed. :(


These are my two littlest. They have Noonan Syndrome and hearing loss is apparently common with this disorder. :(

I'm sorry, Junie!
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I know a woman who believes that children should always be quiet, never run, and never play unless they're in a play setting like a playground or play room. Even if they are in a play setting they should be properly dressed and never do anything to ruin their clothes. She thinks my children are terrible because they play at church before and after the service and they initiate conversations with other adults. This woman is now pregnant and I am sad. I feel guilty for being sad.

I meant to comment on this earlier. I might be this woman depending on your definition of play, church, etc. even the word "before" (15 minutes before or right up to the second it starts?). I've never been one to allow a lot of chaos inside - even outside, crazy loud yelling ought to have a good reason or be restrained. I am for running and playing outside. I am against running inside unless it's a gym. I also believe in encouraging, modeling, expecting self-control early on, not because they have to be perfect, but because they need to start learning appropriate behavior. Clothes may naturally get dirty playing outside, but children should not be completely careless about it either. Initiating conversations with adults is no problem. But when my children were young I would have been close by in case they needed correction - perhaps were unintentionally disrespectful.

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I'm hungry. What's for breakfast?



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Breakfast at my school is ridiculous. (caution: vent coming up)


It used to be a part of an elementary school, and then moved to a remodeled other school. It seems, though, that the kids in this school (1/2 special needs, 1/2 typical peers) get only whatever leftovers the original school cafeteria manager wants to send us. This amounts to dry toast with some fruit and milk, once or twice a week. Out of a 4 day week. Dry toast. And the fruit. Let me tell you about the fruit. We sometimes get those little bags of chopped apples. More than once, the bags have been expired. We've received black bananas. Black. They weren't even good for banana bread. I told one of the teachers I work with (I'm a floater) today how ridiculous it was. She asked what they were supposed to be getting. I told her the menu is on the district site. She had no idea we were supposed to be getting the same things. I told her that if there is a food truck bringing food, it needs to be bringing what the rest of the PreK students in the district are getting. Not someone's leftovers. It's crazy.  :cursing:



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Who posted the recipe to Becca's Booya Beef sometime last year? I saved the recipe but I lost it. It was slow cooker roast beef with horseradish and vegetables. Renai, is this one in the cookbook?


I need ibuprofin and coffee! Have a great day!


I hadn't remembered that one. It was posted before we started the cookbook, I think. It was Quackers who posted it here: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/545334-ignore-this-thread/?p=6706345

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