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I have to have my divorce stuff, which apparently was misplaced in the move! And I had tried to start a business but then pursued a gov. job instead (much better for this mortgage business) BUT! now I need an affidavit regarding the business! And the license! Which expired two years ago.


OMG, if we don't get this house because neither of us received the order of child support in the mail I will be devastated.


We won't have the cash to buy this house until... well, I mean until the mortgage is supposed to be paid off, LOL.


Housing is so expensive here. It really bothers me that everyone says, "Oh just move somewhere cheap." Um, okay, commute for two hours each way and live far from grandparents and facilities and just up and move your family for a cheap house? And then if we all do that, of course, it won't be cheap anymore! Because supply and demand. I don't want rent control or anything, just some kind of understanding from mortgage companies and the government that we are not horrible people for wanting to spend 25% of our income on housing rather than 10% on housing and 10% on transport and 10% on daycare which is what we'd be doing if we moved into the sticks to buy a cheaper house. There's no winning this game...



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Thanks. If we do get this house we will be HUGE winners. Prices are only going up. I would say about 70% of the pacific rim cities are already completely at capacity. We are one of the only cities that doesn't require 1.5m to buy a home within safe walking distance of a school like on the coasts of I don't know how many countries.


I am trying to be grateful but this is stressing me out! But I am grateful.

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Good morning, ITT. 
Had to share a funny from my kiddo yesterday. 

Daddy took her to Bass Pro yesterday, or as she calls it, "The Fish Store". They walked in and she immediately went up to the greeter.
"Hi! I'm ____________." 
"Well, hi, __________. I'm Jasmine."
"Oh, well then, I will be Cinderella." 

Because, apparently, you can't have the name Jasmine and be a real person. You obviously have to be a princess, which means everyone has to be a princess. 

I just love her. 

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Good morning, all! My fruit salad tree is in full bloom! It's gorgeous. One light pink branch (the nectarine graft), one dark pink branch (the peach graft) and one white branch (the plum branch, it's on plum stock). And my forsythia is in full bloom. It's a mass of color in the back hard!


Tsuga, hope the house thing comes together. I hate buying houses. They are a pain!


Ellie, hope you feel better!


Good Sunday Morning!


We had friends over last night. A good time was had by all!

Lynn, I love those "fun night with friends over" hangovers. You're kind of tired, but that good time feeling still lingers. We haven't had people over in ages.


Prairie, glad the sink is fixed. Our sink had a leak and dh had to replace the whole thing. I am so glad I married a guy who is handy. He can fix anything!


Mary, dd sounds adorable!

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning, everyone!


Ellie -- I am glad you are alive. :001_wub:  What a lovely Booyah to kick start my day.


Tsuga -- hugs on the housing costs. East coast isn't much better, and we've struggled with the same alternatives (bigger house = long commute and no family time).  


Jean -- Mr. Bumblebee needs a name.


Mary -- Cinderella is absolutely adorable!


Lynn -- Sounds like a fun evening!  


Tex -- Are you and the ITT Globetrotters back yet?  We need a homecoming parade!  




I am finally sorting Christmas ornaments to put away, so that I can then put away furniture, so that I can then patch and paint the ceilings.  Ceilings wouldn't bother me in the least, if they weren't so.......up.    Hugs in advance would be greatly appreciated by my neck, which will undoubtedly hurt tomorrow. 




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The Queen who Lived!


Mary, I could just squish your dd for hours! She probably wouldn't like it much. :D


Leaks stink.


Tex, did you correct the grammar in your reply? :D


Thanks to you all, I dreamed last night that our power had been off for two days and our house was being over-run by rodents and bugs. I found a fluffy rat-bunny making a nest in a tin can under the kitchen sink. It was terrifying at the time.

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Our cat has gone exploring.  This is the first time she has gone further than 2 feet from the back door.  She was last seen dashing for the bushes a couple hours ago.  Dh looked for her later and couldn't find her in the bushes.  It's possible she's under the deck.  Or, who knows?  We set out some tuna to lure her back.  I know this is typical of cats, but still, I hope she comes back! 

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The Queen who Lived!


Mary, I could just squish your dd for hours! She probably wouldn't like it much. :D


Leaks stink.


Tex, did you correct the grammar in your reply? :D


Thanks to you all, I dreamed last night that our power had been off for two days and our house was being over-run by rodents and bugs. I found a fluffy rat-bunny making a nest in a tin can under the kitchen sink. It was terrifying at the time.

 I thought of correcting all of this emails and replying, but my email addy has my last name in it, 


May Lynn's cat return and the Queen enjoy better health. :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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Well, the one Sunday that I miss church is when there is an adventure.


Apparently, not long after Mass started, about 10 people walked into the church and up to the altar. One of them was blasting away on a trumpet. Another announced that Jesus was coming. The priest walked up to that one and asked him to leave; he was helped out the door by several ushers. The priest continued with Mass; at the end, when he makes announcements, he told the congregation that there was no extra charge for the entertainment. :D


It is ironic that this happened when it did; at last month's pastoral council meeting (I'm on the pastor council), our COO talked about security issues and how those were being worked on; I'm sure we'll have a lively discussion next Saturday at the next meeting!

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Not my circus.  Not my monkeys.  My circus is small, and  my monkeys all live with me. 


So you know when you realize things are out of balance but this is actually your life and there are some things you can do about it?  Yeah, that.  BOOM.

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Just finished talking with a baby homeschooler.


It is hard for me to imagine, in this day and age, someone not being able to find an actual homeschool discussion forum, or legal information, or a statewide group in a large, organized state like Texas. Instead, someone can only find an umbrella-type school, in a state where umbrella-type schools have no true value at all, and in fact, one that uses all ACE, and who then has no idea of what ACE is like but now thinks this is how one homeschools in Texas...

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Well, the one Sunday that I miss church is when there is an adventure.


Apparently, not long after Mass started, about 10 people walked into the church and up to the altar. One of them was blasting away on a trumpet. Another announced that Jesus was coming. The priest walked up to that one and asked him to leave; he was helped out the door by several ushers. The priest continued with Mass; at the end, when he makes announcements, he told the congregation that there was no extra charge for the entertainment. :D


It is ironic that this happened when it did; at last month's pastoral council meeting (I'm on the pastor council), our COO talked about security issues and how those were being worked on; I'm sure we'll have a lively discussion next Saturday at the next meeting!

Wow - that is so weird! And cudos for thinking to include the trumpet - it really adds to the overall effect. :D

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I have been pondering my natural and chosen role of mediator.  I am a bit full up with all of the mediation I've done for the past several years in basketball and co-op.  I've offloaded crazy in-laws and am now looking at ways to decrease my mediation role in other areas.  This goes against my natural bent, so it will take effort t nod and say, "Gee, that sounds hard" and walk away, but I think I need to employ this.  


Not my circus.  Not my monkeys.  My circus is small, and  my monkeys all live with me.  I just emailed the co-op director and told her that I am open to not being on the Advisory Board.  (She has recently been asking feedback about it.) I will teach one more year of high school English and then be done with that.  It will be the only class I teach or assist in next year.  I am giving myself a freaking break, yo, which is lacking this year.  Also, I will work on doing some ground-laying before the basketball season next year in order to smooth the path during the year.  I prefer being proactive.  This will include new parent interviews and detailed parent commitment forms.  The plan is for dh and his assistant coach to switch roles next year.  Dh will still be involved, but he will be less "front and center".  The current assistant has coached longer and at higher levels than dh.  Dh has now been with these boys for three years as head coach.


So you know when you realize things are out of balance but this is actually your life and there are some things you can do about it?  Yeah, that.  BOOM.




I find that a well-placed blank stare works well for certain situations, too. :laugh:




Or you could carry around a bazooka...



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I have finished teaching for the day (school, anyway). Now I'm waiting on stuffed mushrooms to emerge from the oven and listening to Ice Flat Adventures. Courtesy of my noisy boy that I like. :001_smile:

I really love stuffed mushrooms. Actually, I love mushrooms fixed anyway. Sautéed on top of a steak with sprinkled blue cheese, sautéed on a hamburger... Yumm!
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Cat has not shown up yet.  :thumbdown:


DD is complaining about going to her co-op tomorrow.  (Weird!)  :thumbdown:


I had roast in the crock pot for supper, but no one wanted it.  Which is fine - it doesn't hurt my feelings.  It's just a wasted effort, ya know?  :thumbdown:


I've done about 5 loads of laundry, but who's counting?


Blah!  :thumbdown: 

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:drool5: I stuffed the mushrooms with sausage and cream cheese. They were yummy. I could make a meal of mushrooms, just about any way they can be fixed. The DH hates them. I cook them only when he's out of the house. The very smell of them makes him start to gag. :mellow: I don't understand the man, but more for me!

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Cat has not shown up yet. :thumbdown:


DD is complaining about going to her co-op tomorrow. (Weird!) :thumbdown:


I had roast in the crock pot for supper, but no one wanted it. Which is fine - it doesn't hurt my feelings. It's just a wasted effort, ya know? :thumbdown:


I've done about 5 loads of laundry, but who's counting?


Blah! :thumbdown:

Lynn, I think 4 thumbdowns equals a whole 24 hours of you-time.;)

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:drool5: I stuffed the mushrooms with sausage and cream cheese. They were yummy. I could make a meal of mushrooms, just about any way they can be fixed. The DH hates them. I cook them only when he's out of the house. The very smell of them makes him start to gag. :mellow: I don't understand the man, but more for me!

My DH don't like them either. And I don't understand why. They really take on whatever flavor you cook them with. I am like you though; more for me. :drool5:

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Cat has not shown up yet.  :thumbdown:


DD is complaining about going to her co-op tomorrow.  (Weird!)  :thumbdown:


I had roast in the crock pot for supper, but no one wanted it.  Which is fine - it doesn't hurt my feelings.  It's just a wasted effort, ya know?  :thumbdown:


I've done about 5 loads of laundry, but who's counting?


Blah!  :thumbdown:


Hmph.  You should come over and hang out with me.  I would appreciate you!



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:drool5: I stuffed the mushrooms with sausage and cream cheese. They were yummy. I could make a meal of mushrooms, just about any way they can be fixed. The DH hates them. I cook them only when he's out of the house. The very smell of them makes him start to gag. :mellow: I don't understand the man, but more for me!


Your husband is weird, Critter.  Bring the mushrooms over here; you and me and Lynn can have a party!



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Just finished talking with a baby homeschooler.


It is hard for me to imagine, in this day and age, someone not being able to find an actual homeschool discussion forum, or legal information, or a statewide group in a large, organized state like Texas. Instead, someone can only find an umbrella-type school, in a state where umbrella-type schools have no true value at all, and in fact, one that uses all ACE, and who then has no idea of what ACE is like but now thinks this is how one homeschools in Texas...

I got to one AFTER she had paid for a yearly subscription to "updates in Texas homeschooling laws" for $50 a year. :confused1:   I was all, "Ummm, I'll tell you that for free, and you can google the deets, yo."  It hasn't changed in a really long time and you don't need an attorney to interpret it.


Or you could carry around a bazooka...



I don't actually own one.  This is a pretty tame crowd, so I think all of that *might* be overkill.   ;)

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I finished the day with a migraine, which is not surprising given my eating out diet and lack of sleep the past few days.  It does mean that I will be postponing things I had planned to do which require a brain.  It will be a busy week.


ETA:  What a horrible booya(h)!

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