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Critter!  I need a bee expert.  We were putting up my bird feeders which had been tossed aside for about six months (I don't know why. . . they just were).  Anyway. . . I started to move our bird house and it looked like there is a nest in there and we were oohing over that when the biggest orangest bee I've ever seen came zooming out of there.  I looked at images and I think it was a tri-colored bumble bee ?  Do you think it was just checking it out in there when we happened to come along?  Or do you think it would co-opt that nest?  I moved the house some more later in order to get to other bird feeders we have and nothing else buzzed or came out of there.  I'm just wondering if I should put that house somewhere off to the side or if I can safely put it up in our bird area. 

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Boys won second game. One more in a couple of hours.


Young lady with cancer has lymph node involvement and is now stage three. Her attitude is amazing. 100% positive.


(I liked your post for the boys, and her attitude.  Not because of the cancer.)

Edited by ikslo
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We ended up working them together. Same difference, but makes me feel a bit better.  ;)


That was going to be my suggestion. Good job! Never miss an opportunity to show the coolness that is fractions. The boys are still wrestling fraction operations down to the mat. I remain convinced that the key to learning fractions is near constant practice. 



Critter!  I need a bee expert.  We were putting up my bird feeders which had been tossed aside for about six months (I don't know why. . . they just were).  Anyway. . . I started to move our bird house and it looked like there is a nest in there and we were oohing over that when the biggest orangest bee I've ever seen came zooming out of there.  I looked at images and I think it was a tri-colored bumble bee ?  Do you think it was just checking it out in there when we happened to come along?  Or do you think it would co-opt that nest?  I moved the house some more later in order to get to other bird feeders we have and nothing else buzzed or came out of there.  I'm just wondering if I should put that house somewhere off to the side or if I can safely put it up in our bird area. 


I don't know that we have that kind of bumblebee here; most all of ours are either ground dwellers or the wood boring variety. So I'm not sure if that variety likes to use nest boxes as a nest. Many of the bumblebees are solitary, so you might want to check that out. I would think that if it is using the place as a home that there would be enough "bee-smell" that it would return, so you might set it back and see if the bee returns. 


ETA: Looks like that kind of bee is a ground nesting bumbler, so may have just been sheltering in the nest box. What a bee, though! Truly a beautiful bug!

Edited by Critterfixer
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MIL called and is very nervous about making soup for Sunday's church soup dinner. She has a package of Bear Creek broccoli cheese soup to which she needs to add 8C of water, cook and stir for about 10 minutes. She called me to go over the instructions on the package to make sure she understood them.


She said she might call me back tomorrow when she is making it to make sure she is doing it right. :D

Your mother and I were apparently separated at birth.


The Toilet of Doom made me giggle.


Jean rocked it with the teletwit.


Mary, I am :svengo:

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Ok. I am truly an idiot.


I watched The Butler. My heart hurt.


Now, I am watching that movie with Susan Sarandon where she is dying of cancer and Julia Roberts will be her kids stepmom after she is gone. I think it is called Stepmom, lol. I have seen the movie before, and it wrecked me. Why, pray tell, would I then torture myself and watch it again?!


Because I am an idiot.


And I need a hug.


That is all.

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Boys won second game. One more in a couple of hours.


Young lady with cancer has lymph node involvement and is now stage three. Her attitude is amazing. 100% positive.

Yay for the team!  Does she have a date for starting chemo yet?  I would be so anxious to start treatment. 


I will confess I lost my zen when a big guy tackled our littlest guy in a hard flagrant foul under the basket and he did not come up. It's the kid we brought so I am his temporary mom and ran over there with the two coaches. I jumped up and yelled when it happened.


He is fine now but I was worried.

You are a good Mom and a good temporary Mom!


It has been over an hour since anyone has posted.


So I am posting. :D

Good Job!


I cleaned the fridge!


So much easier to do when there is no food in it.

Overachiever!  :hat:

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Still working. Because I have a government job. I was going to stay to finish a big project but maybe I'll just apply out.


My boss told me the other day we'd all be lucky to have jobs in a few years.


Yay. So nice to be part of a team where we're all working towards a better future.  :001_rolleyes:

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I haven't told y'all about bowling Wednesday. Oh, and, we bought a new mattress for my bed which will be delivered in a couple of weeks. I have a bed question, too.


So bowling, it was comical. Little ds picked up the bowling ball and slung it down the alley with such gusto and enthusiasm he would fall down most of the time. He was pretty good too. He ended up winning the first game. Little dd found she done better doing a "granny style". She would hold the ball with both hands and swing it between her knees and then roll it down the alley. A good time was had by all. I so wish I had taken some videos, but I wasn't thinking. We will try to go again soon.


So the bed question. I have a king size four poster bed (I think that is what it is called.) It has a tall, almost to the ceiling, post on each corner. I think I want to remove the posts, and make it look like a normal bed. Part of each post unscrews from the base, but the base post is still 2 feet higher than the head/foot board. So those will need to be cut off with a saw, and we will stain the area. Make any sense? What do you think? We have had this bed for 15 or so years, and I am just so tired of the big tall posts. I think it will give the bed/room a whole new look.

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Furniture alteration is beyond me.  But we have a running joke in our family about cutting the legs off of furniture that is too tall because the number of times my Dad has done that.  Actually a friend did that for us once, turning our old kitchen table (you know the kind that seats four, has white legs and butcher block wooden top) into a play table height.  We used it for a school table for awhile when kids were smaller and now it's a lego table in the girls' room. 


As far as the bed goes, if you're sure you won't ever want to go back to posters, then why not?

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Good morning, everyone! It's Saturday! Kids got home late last night from "Rock & Worship Roadshow" so they're all still sleeping. They had a good time.


Dawn, bowling sounds like fun. Our homeschool group traditionally goes bowling for our Valentine's Party every year. Kids always have fun. Of course the alley puts the bumpers on all the lanes so the kids all have high scores. I'm not sure now I feel about that, but... Oh well.


Tex, yay for basketball!


Tsuga, boo for job non-security.


Jean, hope you can get a nap in sometime today.

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Good morning, all!


Principal Daddy declared yesterday afternoon a PE day, so we went hiking to a waterfall.  It was lovely; a very tall, narrow fall with ice all around the bottom.  We were going to do a loop trail, but I chickened out on the way.  We had crossed a bridge which had a REALLY musky odor around it.  I am 99.9% certain that the odor is associated with some sort of weasel-y creature.  But when the hike continued down an increasingly narrow gorge alongside the creek and the odor became more intense, all I could think was, "What do grizzlies smell like?  Do they wake up early when the weather warms up early?"  Once those thoughts started, it was all over.  Nope.  Back the way we came, across the creek, and back to high ground where Mama could see.  It didn't take me long to be embarrassed over my cowardice; it's amazing what a baby I've become since having a baby. :glare:   Principal Daddy was armed, but it was only his former duty weapon, so we were lacking in bear spray and a high caliber rifle. Oh, well.  Better safe than sorry.  On the way back to the truck, we had a discussion with DD about low-frequency, high-risk events.  Do you think we're weird? :laugh:



(The weather has been amazing here.  We had good snowfall, but it was relatively warm this winter and the ground never froze hard.  So now, after a fairly short spell of warm weather, the snow is gone probably to 4000 feet.   We were able to easily drive a road that is frequently blocked until June.  :huh: )

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I killed a huge black widow earlier. Huge.


Just wanted to share.


Good night!

Our former house had a black widow infestation. We found egg sacks in the toy box.




And it's a Black Widow Booyah!!


Sing it with me!


This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they will keep on posting here forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...

Edited by Susan in TN
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JJM, where on earth do you live that you have roads closed til June?!?


Dawn, I think that is a fine idea with your bed - your room will probably feel much more airy.


Just forest roads up in the mountains!  Not everywhere; I'm only kidding when I say we load up the wagon!  :laugh:

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