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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Did we already talk about chiropractors? or about chiros who are also physical therapists? I recovered from a major rotater cuff issue because of a PT/chiro.



We have a great chiro we've been seeing for years. He even adjusted Gymnast when she was about 6 weeks old. I intuitively knew she needed to go, I don't know why I waited so long. He expanded his office and has a massage therapist and acupuncturist serving in his clinic.

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Popping in to snoop & catch up. Who am I kidding? I'm never going to catch up. I need the Pink Monkey version. 

My news: I have a biggish thyroid nodule. Thyroid fnx normal. Already had ultrasound. Already have referral for fine need biopsy.  Waiting on endo appt. When doctors say "I'll mark this referral urgent" it's not reassuring though I know most thyroid nodules are totally benign... 


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Horn blower, that is scary. We have a lot of thyroid issues and growths in my family. So far, it has never killed anybody... or even really done anything noticeable to them but make them skinny and slightly nervous. This in spite of surgery, biopsies, some kind of iodine treatment I don't know about, etc. I hope your issues are similarly benign.  :grouphug:

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The baby's good. I'll post if he's not. You all have an incorrect impression of me if you miss me this much. I'm actually very, very annoying. Red Fiestaware from before 1944 was radioactive. Peace.

The Annoying Frankenslache may find it interesting to know that in some traditions, Sundays are not included in Lenten fasts (or any period of fasting) because, well, it's the Lord's Day/feast day.

Edited by Susan in TN
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I will spend Vacation Week finishing drywall. :001_huh:

That sounds like fun. Do you get to prime and paint it afterwards, too? That's my favorite part, assuming the drywall was installed and skim coated properly.


Painting gets me off my butt. Housework does not.

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Popping in to snoop & catch up. Who am I kidding? I'm never going to catch up. I need the Pink Monkey version.


My news: I have a biggish thyroid nodule. Thyroid fnx normal. Already had ultrasound. Already have referral for fine need biopsy. Waiting on endo appt. When doctors say "I'll mark this referral urgent" it's not reassuring though I know most thyroid nodules are totally benign...



Keep us updated.

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I was one of 3 people at work today. The salaried people I get. But when they say, if you work it's holiday plus overtime, something they have never said to us before in the 3 years I have been there, I really expected to see more people there. I guess people actually have lives and do stuff. Interesting.

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If you did I don't remember. For her skin issue?


Yes. The corticosteroid cream made it grow faster, so she stopped using it 4 days after she started. We called the doc and she said some people respond well to it and some don't. The doctor has her scheduled for an earlier appointment in March rather than May. She mentioned giving her a chemo pill or doing light therapy. Research shows light therapy works well. I haven't read up on a chemo pill yet, but is sounds drastic, no? Dd heard chemo and said, No way!


Now I do remember sharing this. Still don't know what to do.

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Simultaneously impressed at the tininess and delicate touch of your darling, and also, jealous of anyone whose child did not attempt to climb to the ceiling at 6 months old.


I have a picture of dd16, when she was 6 months she had climbed up one of the push walker toys, was standing on top of it, and holding on to the back of the dining chair. She may have continued upward if there were more rungs to climb...

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Today was a laundry day. I piled a bunch of bags in the car, and dd5 and I went to the laundromat. We had 6 regular big washers and 2 quadruple washers (those were for sheets and blankets, yo). Gymnast was actually quite helpful, and I was quite pleased. 


I am now trying to plan dd16's math and chemistry.

Edited by Renai
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Yes. The corticosteroid cream made it grow faster, so she stopped using it 4 days after she started. We called the doc and she said some people respond well to it and some don't. The doctor has her scheduled for an earlier appointment in March rather than May. She mentioned giving her a chemo pill or doing light therapy. Research shows light therapy works well. I haven't read up on a chemo pill yet, but is sounds drastic, no? Dd heard chemo and said, No way!


Now I do remember sharing this. Still don't know what to do.

I'd be looking for alternatives. Ugh.


(Conversation is coming back to me. ;) )

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Which chemo pill?


Gold standard treatment is still the laser therapy. I've been kinda aghast for you and dd.


I...don't remember which she said. We were on the phone and I was a bit in shock.


Also, if the chemo is methotrexate, that's what I'm on and it's been fantastic for me and my issues.


I'm putting this down in my notes to ask about during the appt. on March 10.

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Hello friends.


I am planning my English class for Friday.  Can't you tell? :lol:


Everyone left me, and that is what I do, plan English class.  I need to do two weeks really because I need to create a plan for the lady who is subbing for me when we go to state tourney next week.



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What chaps my hide about that doc is that she said, "It's only disfiguring." Like, that is nothing. No matter that her previous career choice was dance, where that would really matter. I know she doesn't dance anymore, but still.

I don't think the word "only" belongs with the word "disfiguring" in the same sentence unless one is speaking of their own issue, not someone else's.


But I think everyone gets a say in whether or not they want to be "only disfigured". :confused1:   What the heck was that doctor thinking?

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I have finished planning for Friday and also for my substitute in two weeks while we are gone at state bball tourney.  (The team that beat us at Regionals has opted out of State, but we are playing Division 1 so the competition will be fierce.  Once again, we are the little guys playing with the big guys.)

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I don't think the word "only" belongs with the word "disfiguring" in the same sentence unless one is speaking of their own issue, not someone else's.


I saw ds15 coming out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel today and noticed he has a couple of new patches of vitiligo on his back.  He has had one on his chest for 6-7 years.  We discussed it, I gave him the information about it, and asked him what he wanted to do about it.  He said "nothing", and I said okay.  I think his answer may have been different if he was female.  It's not too noticeable and covered by a shirt so he doesn't want to get any creams to use on it. College girl had it, too.  We are rife with vitiligo.  


But I think everyone gets a say in whether or not they want to be "only disfigured". :confused1:   What the heck was that doctor thinking?


Especially a teen girl with already low self-esteem issues. It's like saying, "It's only going to make you uglier than you think you already are." I'm hoping I didn't have it on speakerphone when she said it, but I can't remember.

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Hornblower, come back in a jiffy and let us know when you get the good report!  :grouphug:


Renai.  :grouphug:   Can't advise you about the chemo option, but the doc saying it was "only disfiguring" is totally ridiculous! 


Iklso, I wondered if you were off today.  Yay for making the big bucks, extra Washingtons and Lincolns, on Presidents Day today! 

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Oh, and about that Political Science class that I'm putting together.  (Renai, I think you asked about this a few weeks ago.)


I just found this on C-SPAN, so now I am trying to mesh what I had already done with what is on this page. 


I wish I had found this first, as it looks like plenty for a half-credit class.



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DD did math and Latin.  Then we friended all day.  The two besties are currently playing Splatoon, and the smoker is valiantly trying to yummify a tri-tip (Although 42 degrees is super warm for February, it may still be a wee chilly for the smoker.  But I begged.  I am ashamed. blush03.gif)


Make that a Booya for Besties!

Edited by JoJosMom
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