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Good Morning!


It is raining, but soon to ice and snow.  All the schools everywhere from here to the end of the universe are closed and dh just gave me his farewell kiss because he is foolishly driving off to work in our 16 year-old civic with bad tires and even worse wipers, in spite of the fact that no one else will even be there to witness his due diligence because they wisely recognize the folly in such a thing, or at least wisely listen to their wives who recognize the folly in a such a thing.  


You're a computer scientist, for pity's sake, and can work remotely, yo. But no.   :toetap05:




In other news, I am thawing a pie crust so I can make a garden quiche for breakfast.   And wondering if I should go back to sleep while it thaws, because kidlets are still sleeping soundly and because I was up late last night for an impromptu girls' night out.   And thinking about my personal laundry situation, which has. to. change. (I've been thinking that for 3.8 weeks now.)  



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Good morning Dawn and Quackersh and all!  I waited up last night for ds to get home which he did without problem.  (No school today for him).  So, I slept in a little bit this morning. 


Breakfast quiche!!!  I'm there! 


Personal laundry - I always move my personal laundry to the head of the line when I need it.  Yes, I keep my own dirty clothes separately from the rest of the barbarians in this household and wash it separately.  But maybe that's not what you meant? 

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Good morning Dawn and Quackersh and all!  I waited up last night for ds to get home which he did without problem.  (No school today for him).  So, I slept in a little bit this morning. 


Breakfast quiche!!!  I'm there! 


Personal laundry - I always move my personal laundry to the head of the line when I need it.  Yes, I keep my own dirty clothes separately from the rest of the barbarians in this household and wash it separately.  But maybe that's not what you meant? 



Yay!  Bring brownies.  


And yes, that's exactly what I meant.  When I replaced my wardrobe after being pregnant for 7 years, I started washing my own stuff separately.  Because barbarian roomies.  But I have a lot that I like to hang dry, or dry flat, and very few drying locations, so the logistics have been a bit challenging.  I want a laundry service for my own stuff, really.  That would be the best solution. 


Now three girls are awake, and all three (except dd3's toes) are under my sheets pretending to have a slumber party but really eating muffins and pizza while listening to dd6 give a "Morning Lecture" on three-dimensional owls.  She is using her Grown-Up Teacher Voice and lots of big words that she doesn't really know the meaning of.  


Time to tackle this day.  

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Sanibel Island? You're sending me a ticket, right?

I was thinking somewhere north and/or west - within an 8 hour drive of me. However, in a past life I visited Sanibel Island for dinner and shell collectingand it was beautiful!


The areas between PCB and Pensacola have a ton of very affordable, large vacation homes to rent - right on the beach! Plenty of room for even the most introverted ITTers.

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I was thinking somewhere north and/or west - within an 8 hour drive of me. However, in a past life I visited Sanibel Island for dinner and shell collectingand it was beautiful!


The areas between PCB and Pensacola have a ton of very affordable, large vacation homes to rent - right on the beach! Plenty of room for even the most introverted ITTers.


I've never been to that area, so I'm game.  Count me in. 


We had a February meltdown this week.  Well, it wasn't me melting down, but I had to listen to the whining.  And the crying.  And the bad attitude.  I could use a break. 

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Yay!  Bring brownies.  


And yes, that's exactly what I meant.  When I replaced my wardrobe after being pregnant for 7 years, I started washing my own stuff separately.  Because barbarian roomies.  But I have a lot that I like to hang dry, or dry flat, and very few drying locations, so the logistics have been a bit challenging.  I want a laundry service for my own stuff, really.  That would be the best solution. 


Now three girls are awake, and all three (except dd3's toes) are under my sheets pretending to have a slumber party but really eating muffins and pizza while listening to dd6 give a "Morning Lecture" on three-dimensional owls.  She is using her Grown-Up Teacher Voice and lots of big words that she doesn't really know the meaning of.  


Time to tackle this day.  


Yes, I had some turtlenecks and other things I should have hung up, but I threw them in the dryer on low because lazy and not enough spots to lay flat. 


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Mary's birthday list (she turns 3 in 2 weeks):


Magnatiles (MIL and SIL are putting money together for this)

Playsilk stuff (my dad likes to give big)

A kids ukulele (maybe, she's the only one without a string instrument)

Pink sand (my mom got this)

We're getting her a Bible and those painter board books we said we were getting her at Christmas.


Good? Any thoughts? Everything is funded but the ukulele. We might wait for that because she's immature. John got his guitar at 3.


Eta: Never mind on the ukulele. She'll get it later. She usually just uses my guitar anyway, and I'm not getting back to that until the baby's sleeping through the night.


So... Magnatiles, Playsilk, sand, a Bible and painter board books. Not bad.

Edited by Slache
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Oh, what kind of cake? Is there a pink or purple cake? I can get white cake and dye it. A pink cake with purple frosting? How hideous. She'd love it though. John's favorite color is green. I made him a green cake with pistachio pudding in it. It. was. awesome.

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Oh, what kind of cake? Is there a pink or purple cake? I can get white cake and dye it. A pink cake with purple frosting? How hideous. She'd love it though. John's favorite color is green. I made him a green cake with pistachio pudding in it. It. was. awesome.

A strawberry cake is on the pinkish side.

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I was thinking somewhere north and/or west - within an 8 hour drive of me. However, in a past life I visited Sanibel Island for dinner and shell collectingand it was beautiful!


The areas between PCB and Pensacola have a ton of very affordable, large vacation homes to rent - right on the beach! Plenty of room for even the most introverted ITTers.


But mosquitoes.  And don't wander into the bushes.  Because water moccasins.



(I'd still go,though.  And I'm not super sure about the water moccasins out there.  They haunt all of my memories of Florida.  Some might be confabulations.  But not the attack on the boat.  That was the reality that started the nightmares.)


((I think I should drink more coffee.))

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Oh, what kind of cake? Is there a pink or purple cake? I can get white cake and dye it. A pink cake with purple frosting? How hideous. She'd love it though. John's favorite color is green. I made him a green cake with pistachio pudding in it. It. was. awesome.


If Princess Mary wants a pink cake with purple icing for her birthday, she should get a pink cake with purple icing.


(It might be a really small cake here, because, well, eww.  Like maybe a big cupcake, with shortcake and strawberries for the people who are smart who are not Birthday Princesses.)


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Good morning.


I stayed up too late watching a Great Courses Tours of Greece lecture with DD. I had bad dreams all night about being tired and sleeping through parts of the day and forgetting to feed the horses and feeling awful.  Hmm, wonder what that could mean?


Oh, and it's Deadline Friday today.  Just call me Mistress Grumpypants.

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When will my kids learn that it will stop taking 2 hours to finish their math lessons when they stop spending 95% of their time complaining about how long it is taking them to do their math? Please please tell me they will get it some day. Please. I need hope.

College. They'll figure it out in college.
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But mosquitoes. And don't wander into the bushes. Because water moccasins.



(I'd still go,though. And I'm not super sure about the water moccasins out there. They haunt all of my memories of Florida. Some might be confabulations. But not the attack on the boat. That was the reality that started the nightmares.)


((I think I should drink more coffee.))

No mosquitos - the ocean breezes blow them away. No water moccasins - they don't live in or near the ocean. We will cut away all shrubbery just in case. :D

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So. . . I'm thinking that I'm reacting poorly to one of two new meds - or perhaps both but probably just one of them.  Both meds have the symptoms listed as side effects, though one more than the other.  And one of the symptoms is something I struggle with anyway - only intensified  So. . . (I'm typing out loud here). . . I guess I'll stop both of these meds for now and will then reintroduce one, wait a decent enough time (if I don't react) and the reintroduce the other.  Now, which are the offending pills in this pill box?  They all look pretty much the same, though they are differing sizes.  Time to play "match the pill" with the ones still in the bottle.

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So. . . I'm thinking that I'm reacting poorly to one of two new meds - or perhaps both but probably just one of them.  Both meds have the symptoms listed as side effects, though one more than the other.  And one of the symptoms is something I struggle with anyway - only intensified  So. . . (I'm typing out loud here). . . I guess I'll stop both of these meds for now and will then reintroduce one, wait a decent enough time (if I don't react) and the reintroduce the other.  Now, which are the offending pills in this pill box?  They all look pretty much the same, though they are differing sizes.  Time to play "match the pill" with the ones still in the bottle.

Except that it could be a combination. So if introducing the second pill doesn't work out well keep in mind that it might not be that pill alone, but the combined effects of both pills. Good luck.

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I was freezing.  I put on warmer socks and warmer sweater and I have my space heater on and I'm drinking decaf. 


One dc is not feeling well and therefore not doing school today.  One dc got up at 5am to get school finished earlier (and is now driving us all nuts).  Youngest had a light day because it's Friday and I said so. 


I'm listening to Mozart Horn Concertos.


LIfe is good. 

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So I am thinking we should dissect a heart tonight.  It's Friday.  Why not, right?  Also, I just ordered new smaller sized gloves for his hands and a lab coat, and I don't want them to go to waste. 


Thinking more on science for next year, and while I still might go with physics, I am tempted to do robotics.  He's been into robots lately.  Maybe start over the summer and see how it goes?  Hmmm.  Have any ITTers done robotics as an actual class/subject with their kids?

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Here's a better idea. Let's eat pizza and watch movies.


Well, that's all good for people with NORMAL schedules, who don't homeschool evenings.  Our school week ends after schoolwork is done Friday night.  That's the deal he made.  He knows it.  So I was thinking fun school night, rather than math and writing. 


Are you on board with us doing our dissection lab and then watching a movie afterwards?  I might be able to make that happen.

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Good morning.


I stayed up too late watching a Great Courses Tours of Greece lecture with DD. I had bad dreams all night about being tired and sleeping through parts of the day and forgetting to feed the horses and feeling awful. Hmm, wonder what that could mean?


Oh, and it's Deadline Friday today. Just call me Mistress Grumpypants.

I'm working in finishing up History of European Art through Great Courses. It really is a wonderful class and I love the professor. I just can't sit down long enough to finish up a lecture. And there are like 48 of them. I've been doing this now for about 4 years. I think I have 1 DVD to go. Edited by KrissiK
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Are you on board with us doing our dissection lab and then watching a movie afterwards? I might be able to make that happen.

Well, I suppose that would work. You could keep with the theme and watch "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Didn't that have a heart dissection in it? ;) Edited by KrissiK
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Well, that's all good for people with NORMAL schedules, who don't homeschool evenings.  Our school week ends after schoolwork is done Friday night.  That's the deal he made.  He knows it.  So I was thinking fun school night, rather than math and writing. 


Are you on board with us doing our dissection lab and then watching a movie afterwards?  I might be able to make that happen.


Sounds good. You can make anything happen. :D


ETA: The most positive Booya post response EVER!



Edited by Renai
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Well, I suppose that would work. You could keep with the theme and watch "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Didn't that have a heart dissection in it? ;)


Winna, winna, lobsta dinna!  I am so totally going to suggest this to DS.  Wicked good idea.


(Recently spoke with relative up in MA,  Can you tell?)

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So I am thinking we should dissect a heart tonight.  It's Friday.  Why not, right?  Also, I just ordered new smaller sized gloves for his hands and a lab coat, and I don't want them to go to waste. 


Thinking more on science for next year, and while I still might go with physics, I am tempted to do robotics.  He's been into robots lately.  Maybe start over the summer and see how it goes?  Hmmm.  Have any ITTers done robotics as an actual class/subject with their kids?


I did with a highschooler but I think your son is much  younger?  We used the Mindstorms books/curricula that is out there and sort of cobbled our own out of that. 

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