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Happy belated birthday, Dawn!  I'm sorry I fell off the face of the earth yesterday and missed it.


Friends, I awoke at 2 am and was unable to go back to sleep, which will make today's co-op discussion on Frankenstein interesting. :huh: Also, drama class should be just amazing. :glare:   Also, when I take ds15 to the doctor at 1 for what seems to be an ear infection, I will be super coherent.  Then, when dh and I attend a cryotherapy experience at 4, I will be shocked awake again.  Maybe I should go to cryotherapy earlier because I am going to need more coffee than I own to make it through this day. :hat:  (Note:  I own a LOT of coffee.)


PSA:  When the assistant bball coach's 19 yo dd is diagnosed with ovarian cancer and the family asks for prayers, do not respond to that email with links saying that chemo will kill you, it is not God's way, and they should pursue only treatment with a naturopath.  Not even if you are convinced that this is the only correct course of action.  Particularly if you have only casually known this family for a few months.  This is never the right thing to say or do, and it leaves the mom in a state and texasmama trying to reassure her and put her back together. :mellow:


I will be going to the first oncologist appointment with the family and taking notes.


Friends, I am feeling depleted from the ridiculous schedule I am keeping, continued bball drama, the burden of carrying the above family, and now, lack of sleep,  I could use prayers for strength.  I told dh I feel a crash coming soon, and that is never good.  The weekend is pretty full, too, though I will have some down time on Saturday after little dd's bball game and my little supervisee's visit early afternoon.  I will schedule a therapy appointment soon to empty my bucket cuz it's getting pretty full, and I don't want to be of no use to anyone.


:grouphug: and prayers.

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:grouphug:  and prayers, Tex! 


(And, no one would think poorly of you if you skipped or postponed cryotherapy this afternoon!).


If the "chemo is evil" family is the same one who wrote your dh the nasty email, you know a pack of elephant ninjas is on the next flight down there.  If it's a different one, we'll extend a bit more grace, with application of duct tape.  


More :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  for you and for Asst. Coach's family!   

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And now for a frivolous post. 


I don't know anything about cryotherapy except it sounds cold.  And I don't like cold.  So, I'm trying the reverse.  Thermal-therapy.  I made that up.  I just stole the space heater from the kitchen bathroom (we were keeping it in there on low to prevent freezing pipes) and brought it to my desk and turned it on high.  I may never leave my desk again.  I know this is effective therapy because I no longer care about the state of my house or the work-ethic of my kids.  Heat is SOOOOOOOO nice.   :hat:  

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More silliness:


14yo ds kept borrowing the the kitchen calculator to do sin, cos, tan, etc. functions, so I decided to order one for him to have.  I did not quite realize how old our calculator is.  Sure, I could get him a newer one, but the one we have is so simple, easy to use, buttons are not tiny, etc, etc.  So, I have ordered a "vintage" calculator off of ebay so we'll have two of the same kind. 




I know you're jealous now.  You too can go to ebay and order a vintage calculator from 1986 if you want to be as cool as we are.  :hat:

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And now some beauty....


I've been listening to this Brahms Intermezzo (on cd).  I love it.  It's 6 minutes long, so don't feel obligated to click unless you're just hanging around and want something to listen to.  Here's a link:



(Eta: to link to a better recording.)

Edited by Another Lynn
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Lynn, my calculator looks almost exactly like that.  Except that it's black.  And not solar.  I used it when I was in high school.


This is also the calculator that decided to have dead batteries in the middle of ds15's 11th grade PSAT.   :mad:

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Lynn, my calculator looks almost exactly like that.  Except that it's black.  And not solar.  I used it when I was in high school.


This is also the calculator that decided to have dead batteries in the middle of ds15's 11th grade PSAT.   :mad:


You could upgrade to a "newer" solar one like mine and then you wouldn't need batteries.  :lol: 


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I just played pharmacist and ordered what I hope are equivalent prescription grade supplements at cost to get around my insurance company who will not pay for them.  The doctor helped by giving me specific botanical names and dosages but I still had to combine a few things to get it precisely the way he wanted it.  The good thing is that it cost me significantly less than the pharmacy was going to charge me for the same stuff without insurance.  These are not just vitamins etc. you can get on the shelf.  (We can get stuff at cost because dh is a medical professional). 

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Dd16 has been using the creams since Monday night and says it's been spreading worse. I can't really tell, but it does look really different. We're not sure what to do; I'm gonna have to call the clinic, but I know all the doctors are doing academic today (it's part of a teaching hospital). Sigh.

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I have inventoried the kids' clothes. I have never done this, and because I have never done this, I end up with 18 hand-me-down 2T sleepers but no 2T shirts, and 4 sets of girls' shoes that fit NONE of my girls, and I measure everybody a thousand times because I cant keep track, and I spend three days yelling out "Hey YOU! How old will you be in August?" as I attempt to find deals online.


I have also eaten a stupid salad to atone for my mocha latte this morning.


And collected pieces of the hearth that ds1 disassembled while I was inventorying.


That has been my day. 😎

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Dd16 has been using the creams since Monday night and says it's been spreading worse. I can't really tell, but it does look really different. We're not sure what to do; I'm gonna have to call the clinic, but I know all the doctors are doing academic today (it's part of a teaching hospital). Sigh.


:grouphug: Sorry she's feeling worse instead of better.

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Dd16 has been using the creams since Monday night and says it's been spreading worse. I can't really tell, but it does look really different. We're not sure what to do; I'm gonna have to call the clinic, but I know all the doctors are doing academic today (it's part of a teaching hospital). Sigh.

A lot of medications make things worse before they make them better. I don't understand why, but it's very common.

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Happy belated birthday, Dawn!  I'm sorry I fell off the face of the earth yesterday and missed it.


Friends, I awoke at 2 am and was unable to go back to sleep, which will make today's co-op discussion on Frankenstein interesting. :huh: Also, drama class should be just amazing. :glare:   Also, when I take ds15 to the doctor at 1 for what seems to be an ear infection, I will be super coherent.  Then, when dh and I attend a cryotherapy experience at 4, I will be shocked awake again.  Maybe I should go to cryotherapy earlier because I am going to need more coffee than I own to make it through this day. :hat:  (Note:  I own a LOT of coffee.)


PSA:  When the assistant bball coach's 19 yo dd is diagnosed with ovarian cancer and the family asks for prayers, do not respond to that email with links saying that chemo will kill you, it is not God's way, and they should pursue only treatment with a naturopath.  Not even if you are convinced that this is the only correct course of action.  Particularly if you have only casually known this family for a few months.  This is never the right thing to say or do, and it leaves the mom in a state and texasmama trying to reassure her and put her back together. :mellow:


Some people are just too stupid to live.  If ever the bazooka were to be justified, this just might be it.


I will be going to the first oncologist appointment with the family and taking notes.


Friends, I am feeling depleted from the ridiculous schedule I am keeping, continued bball drama, the burden of carrying the above family, and now, lack of sleep,  I could use prayers for strength.  I told dh I feel a crash coming soon, and that is never good.  The weekend is pretty full, too, though I will have some down time on Saturday after little dd's bball game and my little supervisee's visit early afternoon.  I will schedule a therapy appointment soon to empty my bucket cuz it's getting pretty full, and I don't want to be of no use to anyone.


I will put you on the prayer list, Tex.  :grouphug:


:grouphug:  and prayers, Tex! 


(And, no one would think poorly of you if you skipped or postponed cryotherapy this afternoon!).


If the "chemo is evil" family is the same one who wrote your dh the nasty email, you know a pack of elephant ninjas is on the next flight down there.  If it's a different one, we'll extend a bit more grace, with application of duct tape.  


More :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  for you and for Asst. Coach's family!   


I've said it before:  It is shocking how many questions in life can be answered with duct tape.

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Dd16 has been using the creams since Monday night and says it's been spreading worse. I can't really tell, but it does look really different. We're not sure what to do; I'm gonna have to call the clinic, but I know all the doctors are doing academic today (it's part of a teaching hospital). Sigh.


In the interim, I would probably google it to see how people usually react to the cream.  But that does open you up to the Dark Side of the Google.


:grouphug: for Beautiful Dancer.




ETA:  Weird factoid:  When I was very small I took ballet lessons.  (I am now a clod, sadly.)  For a birthday gift one year, I was given a music box with a beautiful dancer on the top.  I hear that music in my head when I read about Dancer, Renai.  And I always see "Beautiful Dancer" when I read "Dancer."  So you can tell your kid that some lunatic on the internet thinks that she's a music box character!

Edited by JoJosMom
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Had to take DS back to the doc for his plantar's wart. It was all red and swollen for a few inches all around. :(


He did another freeze treatment. Here is the shocker- attending doc READ HIS FILE and asked if we still had his eczema steroid cream? Good, use that on the irritated skin, he says. No need to buy something else.


No need to go to the pharmacy and spend yet more money on another cream that will only be 10% consumed? Awesome sauce!!!

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Hello, Ladies! I'm back. Had a planetarium field trip today, organized by yours truly. It went well. Got Costco in after. Spent waaay too much $$. But I got a pineapple. I really like pineapple.


Tex, ((hugs))! That's all I got! It is truly astounding how little tact some people have.


Renai, ((hugs)) for your daughter!


Way to go, Prairie!

Way to go, Jean!

Lynn, thanks for the music. It soothes the savage beast, ya know!


And good news for my family, my dad is home from the nursing home. He can walk good enough to take care of his personal needs. He is so glad to be home. And we are so glad he is home. Thanks for the prayers and good wishes!

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:grouphug:  and prayers, Tex! 


(And, no one would think poorly of you if you skipped or postponed cryotherapy this afternoon!).


If the "chemo is evil" family is the same one who wrote your dh the nasty email, you know a pack of elephant ninjas is on the next flight down there.  If it's a different one, we'll extend a bit more grace, with application of duct tape.  


More :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  for you and for Asst. Coach's family!   


No, it is a different family, one that seemed very nice until this.  


My advice is stay away from group activities of all types with any organization ever.  It never goes well, particularly if you are in some sort of leadership.  Thankless and a lot of trouble, I tell you!  Heartache and financial ruin awaits for all who pursue this!


Basically, "Abandon all hope - ye who enter here."

I wish that someone would take over my life for me - all the tedious stuff, anyway.  I need staff. 

Yes.  I'm tired of being my own staff.  Surely there is a better way.

Edited by texasmama
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