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Such an odd thing just happened. :confused1:


I was sitting here bossing people around on the ITT and exempting people from things willy nilly when the doorbell rang.  I answered it in my colorful pj pants.  It was three little girls, and I thought they were going to ask me to contribute to a school fundraiser or something, but instead, they asked for five cups of powdered sugar to make icing for their cupcakes. 


I don't know these little girls, but I kind of assumed they were our neighbors across the way whose mother I have talked to about three times in four years.


I invited them in and gave them my brand new Sam's bag of powdered sugar, telling them to not worry about returning the remainder if any was left over.


They thanked me enthusiastically, and ds13 and I watched them return to their house to confirm they are indeed our neighbors.


Isn't that so odd?  They didn't say who they were - they just asked for powdered sugar. :lol:  They came to the right place, though, because I have everything and don't mind sharing it with the neighbors I barely know. :hat:

Edited by texasmama
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I'm really not normally a Debbie Downer, but after this Christmas break, you guys probably wonder. lol  

Seriously, though, I want a do-over on this break.  


So, y'all know that dd was sick before Christmas, then I was sick on Christmas day, then Wednesday dd started running a fever again.

I took her to the dr on Thursday morning to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. We ruled out strep and ear infections and chalked it up to a viral infection. With ibuprofen, she went from a 105* fever to 99* and was fine the rest of the day so we decided to go ahead and down to my mom's to do a quick late-Christmas get together. By 5:00 that night, though, she was again running a high fever, but was now complaining of her back hurting and complained when she went to the bathroom. So, we took her to the emergency clinic to get checked out again. 


By the end of that visit, we were sent to the ER! Dd was severely dehydrated and had a very bad UTI according to the dip test urinalysis. We took her to the ER and got in within 5 minutes. I have never seen the ER so cleared out. Definitely a blessing. The ER doctor did some more tests and said that DD has a really bad kidney infection. 


They had to stick her 4 times to get a good IV. :crying: Her other 3 veins blew because she was so dehydrated. Watching them poke and prod and having her bloodcurdling screams fill the room was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. 

We spent about 5 hours at the ER, getting fluids and antibiotics. We left with a prescription for more antibiotics, told to push more fluids, and have to have a followup with our normal physician later this week. 


We got home a little before midnight, but I don't think I slept more than 3 hours. This mommy is wiped out emotionally and physically. I have huge respect for parents whose children have to go through this daily. I don't know how they do it. It's incredibly draining. 



ETA: Boo-on IVs and sick babies-ya.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


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I'm really not normally a Debbie Downer, but after this Christmas break, you guys probably wonder. lol

Seriously, though, I want a do-over on this break.


So, y'all know that dd was sick before Christmas, then I was sick on Christmas day, then Wednesday dd started running a fever again.

I took her to the dr on Thursday morning to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. We ruled out strep and ear infections and chalked it up to a viral infection. With ibuprofen, she went from a 105* fever to 99* and was fine the rest of the day so we decided to go ahead and down to my mom's to do a quick late-Christmas get together. By 5:00 that night, though, she was again running a high fever, but was now complaining of her back hurting and complained when she went to the bathroom. So, we took her to the emergency clinic to get checked out again.


By the end of that visit, we were sent to the ER! Dd was severely dehydrated and had a very bad UTI according to the dip test urinalysis. We took her to the ER and got in within 5 minutes. I have never seen the ER so cleared out. Definitely a blessing. The ER doctor did some more tests and said that DD has a really bad kidney infection.


They had to stick her 4 times to get a good IV. :crying: Her other 3 veins blew because she was so dehydrated. Watching them poke and prod and having her bloodcurdling screams fill the room was probably one of the worst experiences of my life.

We spent about 5 hours at the ER, getting fluids and antibiotics. We left with a prescription for more antibiotics, told to push more fluids, and have to have a followup with our normal physician later this week.


We got home a little before midnight, but I don't think I slept more than 3 hours. This mommy is wiped out emotionally and physically. I have huge respect for parents whose children have to go through this daily. I don't know how they do it. It's incredibly draining.



ETA: Boo-on IVs and sick babies-ya.


(((Mary's DD)))


You are hereby granted an extra week off as a do-over - guilt-free.

Edited by ikslo
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Healthy, uneventful holidays here. No special dinner today, though. Yesterday Mr. Ellie and I were talking, and I said that I could whip up something fancy-schmancy for just the two of us, and he said, without hesitating, that NO, I had done enough fancy-schmancy stuff and that Marie [Callendar] had something tasty for him in the freezer.




He has my computer almost completely restored, except for the almost 1000 contacts in my Outlook and all my Notes. :( I have all my e-mails back, and I can harvest some contacts from those, but that will be only e-mail addies, not addresses and phone # and all that. And I had some pretty important Notes, such as all my passwords. Happily, I had printed out that list a while back, so I have them all, but still...

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Tex, if you were here I would be ALL FOR you using Elegant Essay with all my kids.  I did try it once (maybe 4 years ago??) with oldest and had a hard time using it.  I'm suspecting it has been revised since then.  I think I have a certain kind of incompetency when it comes to writing curricula.   

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Tex, if you were here I would be ALL FOR you using Elegant Essay with all my kids.  I did try it once (maybe 4 years ago??) with oldest and had a hard time using it.  I'm suspecting it has been revised since then.  I think I have a certain kind of incompetency when it comes to writing curricula.   

It has been revised since then to be more user-friendly. :coolgleamA:


Writing is hard to teach, I think.  Therefore, it is difficult to write a program to teach it.

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Attention, folks with middle school students!


Use this program sometime in middle school.  Just trust me on this.




Do you think it could also be used for high school?

Is this the only piece you would need?  (So, only $50 total?)

How does this compare to WWS?  (This is what we are currently using for high school.)


ETA:  So many educational posts on this thread today!!  Go ITT!!

Edited by Junie
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My Epiphany letter is done - rather boring, but what do you expect? We are boring people. The highlight of our year was having a picnic on the bank of Plum Creek. Have to print out the letter and address labels and etc. etc. I wonder if we have envelopes.


I am stuffing envelopes as we speak.  Well, not right this second.  But close enough.

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My Epiphany letter is done - rather boring, but what do you expect? We are boring people. The highlight of our year was having a picnic on the bank of Plum Creek. Have to print out the letter and address labels and etc. etc. I wonder if we have envelopes.

Ahhhh, the trick is to make the mundane seem exciting. Then people will envy your life, no matter how boring you are!
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Do you think it could also be used for high school?

Is this the only piece you would need? (So, only $50 total?)

How does this compare to WWS? (This is what we are currently using for high school.)


ETA: So many educational posts on this thread today!! Go ITT!!

Keep in mind I have never actually used this program. :lol: But yes, it is listed as a high school program. I like my high school programs to have a combo of literature and writing and this one does not appear to do so but one could craft a literature program and do this for writing.

My Epiphany letter is done - rather boring, but what do you expect? We are boring people. The highlight of our year was having a picnic on the bank of Plum Creek. Have to print out the letter and address labels and etc. etc. I wonder if we have envelopes.

You are all Little House in the Prairie up in there!

Edited by texasmama
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Attention, folks with middle school students!


Use this program sometime in middle school.  Just trust me on this.




Is this like IEW's other stuff?  Because we tried their Student Writing Intensive in 6th grade and only lasted a couple of weeks before we were both ready to gouge out our own eyes.


(I think writing is really one of those "student specific" areas.  DD is a willing and natural writer.  Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer has finally bullied hectored gently persuaded me to be more Charlotte Mason-ish in my approach to writing with DD.  Which works out well, because it really means just leave her alone and let Brave Writer teach her the necessary skills when she reaches the appropriate age. :thumbup1: )

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Also for educational purposes, I cleaned the gunk out of the cat's ears and then used our microscope and blank slides to look at the gunk for possible ear mites.  I did not let the fact that I have no idea what I am doing dissuade me in the least.  (overconfident extrovert syndrome)  Little dd was really into it.  I got pics of the cat's ear gunk magnified if anyone wants to see it.  I saw no bugs, but I am using a kids' microscope and, as before mentioned, I have no actual skills or experience in the area of cat ear mite identification.

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I'm really not normally a Debbie Downer, but after this Christmas break, you guys probably wonder. lol  

Seriously, though, I want a do-over on this break.  


So, y'all know that dd was sick before Christmas, then I was sick on Christmas day, then Wednesday dd started running a fever again.

I took her to the dr on Thursday morning to make sure it wasn't an ear infection. We ruled out strep and ear infections and chalked it up to a viral infection. With ibuprofen, she went from a 105* fever to 99* and was fine the rest of the day so we decided to go ahead and down to my mom's to do a quick late-Christmas get together. By 5:00 that night, though, she was again running a high fever, but was now complaining of her back hurting and complained when she went to the bathroom. So, we took her to the emergency clinic to get checked out again. 


By the end of that visit, we were sent to the ER! Dd was severely dehydrated and had a very bad UTI according to the dip test urinalysis. We took her to the ER and got in within 5 minutes. I have never seen the ER so cleared out. Definitely a blessing. The ER doctor did some more tests and said that DD has a really bad kidney infection. 


They had to stick her 4 times to get a good IV. :crying: Her other 3 veins blew because she was so dehydrated. Watching them poke and prod and having her bloodcurdling screams fill the room was probably one of the worst experiences of my life. 

We spent about 5 hours at the ER, getting fluids and antibiotics. We left with a prescription for more antibiotics, told to push more fluids, and have to have a followup with our normal physician later this week. 


We got home a little before midnight, but I don't think I slept more than 3 hours. This mommy is wiped out emotionally and physically. I have huge respect for parents whose children have to go through this daily. I don't know how they do it. It's incredibly draining. 



ETA: Boo-on IVs and sick babies-ya.


Oh, no!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:  for you and your baby!


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Soup is bubbling on the stovetop, PBS News Hour is playing the background, Sherlock is on tonight....today is sorting itself out nicely.


I think we have our plan for ds's freshman year next year sorted out, and I can move forward with planning. Hurray!


Oh, do tell!

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Also for educational purposes, I cleaned the gunk out of the cat's ears and then used our microscope and blank slides to look at the gunk for possible ear mites. I did not let the fact that I have no idea what I am doing dissuade me in the least. (overconfident extrovert syndrome) Little dd was really into it. I got pics of the cat's ear gunk magnified if anyone wants to see it. I saw no bugs, but I am using a kids' microscope and, as before mentioned, I have no actual skills or experience in the area of cat ear mite identification.

Wow, Tex! You are my hero!
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