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Thank you! 


I really need to get some smaller icing tips. My Walmart didn't have any decent sizes, so I had to make due. I think it might work a bit better/easier when I have the right tips. 

They're still drying a bit and some now have cracked faces and hats thanks to dd's fingers. haha But, they were mainly for practice, so I'm not too worried.  





Frosty the snowman

Was a jolly happy BOOYAH!

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

And two Booyahs made out of coal


So, his nose is a button?  I was trying to figure out why it was round and red.  It definitely isn't a carrot or a piece of coal.  But it doesn't have the holes that a button has, does it? 


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Laundry - Two loads, one of which was due to cat throw up.  She managed to throw up on a comforter, a sheet and a pillowcase.


Reason #4,012 why I don't want a cat.   :laugh:


Oh yeah? Well, I watched three episodes of that new (to me) spy flick I've been in to.




I wonder if the CIA would be interested in taking a middle aged homeschool mom with 5 kids. I really feel like I need a change in my life.


What series are you watching?  Ds15 is interested in CIA/FBI/SOA (Some Other Acronym).


You all have been busy today! 


I spent the day dealing with dd who is, once again, running a fever. This has not been a relaxing break.  :crying: 

BUT, I did spend naptime making and decorating cookies. That was actually rather relaxing. I've never done cutout sugar cookies or even used royal icing, but I think they turned out ok. 



Awesome cookies!!



Edited to give the question a question mark.

Edited by Junie
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So I went to PetSmart and got some t/d canine food for the dog, only Critterfixer forgot to tell me that it is prescription only. :huh:  I didn't want to say, "Well, Critterfixer from the ITT said I should get this to avoid tooth rot on my dog."  Instead, I said my friend the vet recommended it.  The lady pushed in a bunch of numbers and said, "I will sneak it through for you this time." :lol:


I know this happened because I look like a soccer mom and not like someone who has nefarious plans for tooth rot prevention dog food.


This is so funny.  It is also reason #3,845 for not wanting a dog.

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Cats have a special skill of throwing up one teaspoon but strewing it over three loads of laundry. They also will not throw up twice in the same place so they move to a new location and ruin something else. And they only like throwing up on s soft surface. We are mostly tile and hardwoods here but the cats find an area rug or bed to hork on.

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When dd5 was born, a man that I know gave us a baby blanket for her.  I was surprised to find out that he, not his wife, had knitted the blanket.  He said that he learned to knit when he worked for the CIA -- he needed to have something to do with his hands while he was on stakeouts, apparently.


After he left, I looked at the blanket very carefully, to see if there were any secret messages.  Because of my favorite Charles Dickens novel.   :lol:

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Cats have a special skill of throwing up one teaspoon but strewing it over three loads of laundry. They also will not throw up twice in the same place so they move to a new location and ruin something else. And they only like throwing up on s soft surface. We are mostly tile and hardwoods here but the cats find an area rug or bed to hork on.


Sounds like most toddlers that I know...

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When dd5 was born, a man that I know gave us a baby blanket for her. I was surprised to find out that he, not his wife, had knitted the blanket. He said that he learned to knit when he worked for the CIA -- he needed to have something to do with his hands while he was on stakeouts, apparently.


After he left, I looked at the blanket very carefully, to see if there were any secret messages. Because of my favorite Charles Dickens novel. :lol:

So cool!
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Elsa was at the zoo. I teach my toddlers to vomit in the toilet as soon as they can walk. My dog vomits in the tub and then tells me, my cat used the box.



Eta: I didn't actually train the cat to do that, I was just lucky.

Edited by Slache
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What series are you watching? Ds15 is interested in CIA/FBI/SOA (Some Other Acronym).



I am watching "Covert Affairs". Not groundbreaking television, but moderately clean and entertaining. I'm not sure what your standards are for a 15 year old, so you may want to watch an episode first.
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Well today started out crappy. First Matt couldn't go driving costing us $60-$100, I felt extremely sick and Matt couldn't go get me anything to make me feel better because he couldn't drive, then we realized they shorted us on our meat pack, then I found out my packages were going to be late, then the nurse informed us that we wouldn't be getting an ultrasound!


Matt got the car working (hence the being at the doctor), the doctor came in with the ultrasound machine "I heard some siblings were disappointed they weren't going to see their baby today" :001_wub: then we went to zoo lights because it's the last day of our passes and Elsa was there, then we stopped by New Seasons where they apologized about the meat mistake and gave us some higher quality replacements, then I called Amazon and when the service rep realized that every package I've ordered in last 3 months was late issued me a full prime refund of $99. And since Matt was home all day he bathed the dog and cleaned the bathroom.


Booya.  :coolgleamA:

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So, his nose is a button?  I was trying to figure out why it was round and red.  It definitely isn't a carrot or a piece of coal.  But it doesn't have the holes that a button has, does it? 



There are those half-sphere type buttons with the loop on the bottom. His nose could be one of those.

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Elsa was at the zoo. I teach my toddlers to vomit in the toilet as soon as they can walk. My dog vomits in the tub and then tells me, my cat used the box.



Eta: I didn't actually train the cat to do that, I was just lucky.

We teach our kids to use the toilet, too. Once we had a friend over and he did it in the sink. And I'm like, "What's the matter with  you? Now I'm supposed to clean that up?" Of course I didn't say that, but I was definitely thinking that!

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When dd5 was born, a man that I know gave us a baby blanket for her.  I was surprised to find out that he, not his wife, had knitted the blanket.  He said that he learned to knit when he worked for the CIA -- he needed to have something to do with his hands while he was on stakeouts, apparently.


After he left, I looked at the blanket very carefully, to see if there were any secret messages.  Because of my favorite Charles Dickens novel.   :lol:

Seriously? That is so awesome! I've always wanted to be a spy! And now you have a spy blanket!

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We teach our kids to use the toilet, too. Once we had a friend over and he did it in the sink. And I'm like, "What's the matter with  you? Now I'm supposed to clean that up?" Of course I didn't say that, but I was definitely thinking that!


I had the hardest time training dh to not vomit in the sink. He cleans it up himself, but still. Use the toilet, folks, then flush. Easy peasy. Sigh. I'll do snot. I don't do vomit.

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Matt and I have been irritating each other like middle school children with crushes. It started when he called me large. I just locked the bathroom door with nobody inside so he had to get the tools out to pee. He walked into the bedroom with a look on his face that showed he had some sort of plan. I just looked at him and said "Remember, you're nicer than me." I think he's taking the hint and dropping it. It's been a fun day though.

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New Years Eve plans?


We are boring. This morning we'll open the Christmas gifts from my side of the family that came in the mail while we were gone. Then dh plans to clean the garage. I should plan to do something. For dinner we'll have the much anticipated lobster bisque and salad and then watch movies and eat junk until midnight, if we can stay awake that long.

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I'm currently sitting here drinking coffee, checking the boards, and ignoring the mess. DH left while I was still asleep do do the grocery shopping, and DS is still asleep (we're night owls, and he keeps that schedule on vacation -it makes going back to our ref schedule easier).


Plans? I should probably take the tree down and clean. Maybe.


Then again, there is always tomorrow.

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I plan to go to sleep early. Tomorrow I think we might go take a drive somewhere quiet and peaceful, but it is going to be cold. I hear the fireplace going. The boys and I had a deep philosophical discussion of how two very different people use two very different means to get a fire going in the morning, and both means work. (Mine is better because it doesn't involve buckets of ash, ten tons of paper and a degree in engineering to get the stack correct. :D )

And the roof guy is here so I can't run to town yet. I've got to get cat litter, dog food, chicken food, special cat litter for Pampered Princess kitten, and shaving for the chicken house. Amazing how all of those things have something to do with poop.

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We have no plans for New Years. When we were younger, BK (before kids), we'd always go to parties, stay up till midnight, etc. Now, we buy frozen appetizers, play a game (until someone starts cheating or throws a fit) or watch a movie. At 9:00 we live stream the ball dropping in NYC (one of the benefits of living on the West Coast) and put the kids to bed. Dh and I go to bed around 10:00, wake up at midnight when our neighbors go crazy with the fireworks, wish eachother a "Happy New Year" and then go back to sleep! We are party animals!

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Good morning!


We have another day around the house planned.  Dh continues to work on a bunch of projects. I think I'm giving the house a good cleaning and I'll do a drop off at the thrift store. I still need to get my schoolroom tidied up and ready to go.


We are having a quiet evening at home. I think I'm making baked potato & leek soup for supper.  I have some sparkling juice for us and we'll probably have a movie marathon.  I have the ingredients for caramel popcorn, and that would be fun.

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DS came home from the seafood place and market, and is now out at the regular grocery. Before he left again he said leave the tree up for now. He likes it. Well, okay then. Maybe I should clean the bathroom and do some school planning.


After a shower. I need pants.


DH got wine for tonight. So now we have a plan. House party.

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Happy New Year's Eve!


We were supposed to be doing a science intensive week, but I evaluated the short person and ruled "Break Time" after she turned in all of her AoPS work yesterday morning.  She and her BFF are still sleeping off the copious amounts of crab (the broken pieces are WAAAAAY cheaper than the legs-YAY!) and chocolate covered brownies consumed last night, and I am planning my assault on Mount Laundry.  Tonight, we shall, in grand tradition, celebrate East Coast New Year's by watching the ball drop and then sleeping.  One downside to living in a rural area is that a shocking number of people drink and drive (Cuz there's hardly anyone on the roads, right? Wrong.) 


I think I need to go hang out at Slash's house; it sounds FAR more entertaining! :lol:

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We teach our kids to use the toilet, too. Once we had a friend over and he did it in the sink. And I'm like, "What's the matter with  you? Now I'm supposed to clean that up?" Of course I didn't say that, but I was definitely thinking that!

One of my first goals as a parent is to teach my kids to throw up in the toilet.

Edited by texasmama
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You all have been busy today! 


I spent the day dealing with dd who is, once again, running a fever. This has not been a relaxing break.  :crying: 

BUT, I did spend naptime making and decorating cookies. That was actually rather relaxing. I've never done cutout sugar cookies or even used royal icing, but I think they turned out ok. 



Oh. My.


They even have rosy cheeks!  ROSY CHEEKS!

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Good Afternoon.


No real plans here. Dd16 is having a friend over. I have to get them later. She spent the night there last night. I am making roast for supper. Ds20 is off work, but dh has to go in.


I have a headache. Not a bad one, but aggravating, however.


So really, just another day here.


I hope everyone has a safe a wonderful New Year's Eve!

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Phew.  Healthy enough now to have my computer back,* so I'm finally caught up.   :hurray:



That Imposter Discussion may have done me in again, though.  Y'all are too deep for me.  Off to contemplate my perfectionist tendencies and find a motrin. Or three. 










*Because Curious George babysits for free.  (Though I'm not thrilled that he taught my darlings how to make pinatas.)





ETA:  Well look at that.  Boo to the Yah.   :D

Edited by Lotsoflittleducklings
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Oh, and Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!


We have have our usual bash at our dear friends' home (remember the ones who gave us a port-a-potty last August? Them ones.  We puffy-heart them.)


My children have been busy making decorations and games and pinatas for the party.  (Thankyoueversomuch, Curious George. :toetap05: ) 

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We do nothing for NYE.  We used to go to a nice restaurant every year for about a decade, and we gave that up a long time ago.  The boy are having friends over today until 5:30 or so.  My friend (one boy's mom) is staying to visit.  It's my lawyer friend so I will tell her how we need to do divorce mediation. :laugh:  She's an introvert.  I collect introverts.  I put them on a little shelf in my room where it is quiet, and I go in every once in a while to check on them, kinda like the hamster. :hat:  


Yes!  This is what I've always aspired to - a figurine on Tex's shelf.


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