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Good Morning!!!


I have a problem. Dd16 has been "talking to" this boy. "Talking to" means going with or some form of exclusivity. This boy is a year older and has been kicked off the basketball team for drugs. Dh took her to a ball game Wednesday evening and found her at the very top of the bleachers with this boy, and he had his arm around her. Dh was not happy. He said he stared until the arm was removed. So last night ds20 and dd16 went to the YMCA to swim. So I call ds, and make sure this boy is not going to be there. He assures me no, not going to happen while he is around. Ok good. But however, apparently, he tells dd about the call. Dd16 then sends me a big long text about why I don't trust her. She wants to talk. Ok fine I told her we would talk.


My plan was to just keep a really close eye on her, and not let her be alone with the boy. I figured the relationship would fizzle out in a couple of weeks. But now I have been called out on it. What do I do? I trust her completely, she is a wonderful daughter, but I DO NOT trust this boy. I know his parents and some of his family. Dh is firmly against any type of relationship. Again, what to do?



Stand firm, and prepare for her to try to work around you.


My niece, when she was just 13, was "kinda going with" a boy at school who didn't treat her all that well.  Her parents told her she was not to talk to him anymore.  Her grandparents were cajoled into taking her to the movies to meet friends there (all girls), and that boy just "happened" to be there, too.  The grandparents didn't know there was any goings on they should be aware of, and allowed the boy to join the group and sit next to DN.  DN and boy proceeded to text throughout the movie -- he broke up with her that way.  When the grandparents got her home she ran to her room crying, and the grandparents told the parents what happened at the movie.  They got in trouble for allowing the boy to sit with her (even though they were never warned), and DN lost the trust of every family member involved.


Stand firm, and be vigilant.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Dd's fever is finally gone...but as soon as I left for work this morning, her whole body exploded in hives. They were bright red and covered every inch of her body - face, legs, back, tummy, feet.

Mom gave her a dose and a half of Benadryl. I ran home on my break and they were still massive, even after 40 minutes of meds; but they were going down. 

I feel so bad for her. :( She can't catch a break this week. 


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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Good morning.


Your talk last night about dating has filled me with dread.  See, I pattern most of my parenting in that regard on my dad.  And his approach to the situation mentioned was, "If you really like that boy, you don't want him to be dead."  DH is kind of squishy on things like this and I would need his help to dispose of the remains.



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Yesterday was a very bad day.  Today was a very good day.  Tomorrow?  We'll have to spin the roulette wheel to find out.


 It's a fun way to live. NOT! I need a barfing icon.


I'm not sick.  I have not been to the dentist today.  I never get carolers at my door.  In fact, although I remember caroling with my church as a kid, I do not ever remember having carolers come to my door.  Ever.


I have only caroled once. Before kids. With people from our church. We went to the home of one of our members whose wife was dying of cancer. They were both very sweet people. I had forgotten about that. I did have wine beforehand. To stay warm you know:-)


I have been thinking about one of my grandmothers a lot lately myself.  One of my deep regrets was that my daughter was terminally ill at the same time she was. I didn't get to do all of the good-bye-ing that I had hoped to.  I really wish that I could've spent more time with her and just really talked.  She went through some hard things in life (like losing a young daughter herself) and she was one of the kindest people I have ever known. She was always bringing people meals, caring for them, and showing a lot of love and acceptance.  I hope to become more open with my heart.


So many hugs to you. 

So, tomorrow is the day when the hula teacher makes her announcement that she is retiring and I'm taking her place. I'm excited, but what if they don't like me?


Perhaps I should celebrate 600 ITT pages instead of worrying about tomorrow.


:party: :party: :party: :party: :party:


This would go against the laws of nature. How could anyone not like you? You are loved by all of us, therefore, you should be loved by everybody. Now, I am going to go do a logic lesson with ds :D


I feel so tired of my love and goodwill to my children and attempts to give them a better life being wasted. I am beginning to thing that it's true that we were poor because we are not good people and that's why my kids are so hard. That I was never worth the time put into me and they aren't worth the time put into them because they just argue and the world doesn't need arguers. The world needs people who can follow

Directions! Just. Stop. Arguing. Stop. It's an a note. You can't win this one.

I am going to look up a quote I have from Mother Theresa. I know that our beliefs differe, but there is some wisdom there that might help you feel a bit better. ((Hugs))  

I keep seeing this "Mount Laundry." I'm pretty sure WTM adopted the term "Mound Washmore" a long time ago.


Just a random thought.

Lol. My IRL friends and I call it Mount Laundry. I have seen Mt. Washmore on the boards. Maybe I should convert;-)  

sending rum balls to Tex....

Me too? Pretty please.  



I chose dh's vasectomy doc because I liked the sound of his name.  Mark McCurdy.  I thought it had a ring to it.  He was great.  No more babies. :hat:

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Dd's fever is finally gone...but as soon as I left for work this morning, her whole body exploded in hives. They were bright red and covered every inch of her body - face, legs, back, tummy, feet.

Mom gave her a dose and a half of Benadryl. I ran home on my break and they were still massive, even after 40 minutes of meds; but they were going down. 

I feel so bad for her. :( She can't catch a break this week. 



Oh, my goodness - hugs to your dd.

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Good morning.


Your talk last night about dating has filled me with dread. See, I pattern most of my parenting in that regard on my dad. And his approach to the situation mentioned was, "If you really like that boy, you don't want him to be dead." DH is kind of squishy on things like this and I would need his help to dispose of the remains.



I have several girls and will remember this. :D

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I once had to choose a dentist for myself out of the phone book, so I chose Dr. Mangle.  The staff in the office were polling new patients to see how they found out about the Dr, and so I told them.  They were surprised, for sure!  I told them I figured with a name like Dr. Mangle he had to be good, or he wouldn't still be in business.  He WAS good!  I stayed with him for years.


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This is the one I have hanging at the bottom of my stairs so I look at it almost everyday:


People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.


If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.


If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.


If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.


What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.


If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.


The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.


In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.


Like I said, I understand we come from different places on faith, but I have found that these thoughts help me to look at the ugly in the world in a different way. ((Tsuga))

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I can't we're in a contract. We can't break the contract until the phones are paid for, she owes over $1,000 in iPhone charges, and even then there's a cancelation fee. We took her off as a head person so she can no longer upgrade. We'll talk to her about paying by the 15th. This is her first month of paying her own bills.

You guys sure do know a lot of people without money sense. Wow. $1,000 on a phone? That got me four years of service. Now that I make more I'd say I pay that over two years for an iPhone unlimited data.

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Oh, my goodness - hugs to your dd.

Thanks. Mom says she's doing much better. Apparently, chocolate is the way to heal hives for a certain little girl. ;) 

Mom says it's keeping her happy; says dd is just opening her mouth like a little bird and mom is popping in M&Ms or chocolate balls.  :lol: She's quite a diva, that one.  

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You guys sure do know a lot of people without money sense. Wow. $1,000 on a phone? That got me four years of service. Now that I make more I'd say I pay that over two years for an iPhone unlimited data.

They're related. ;) She's upgraded twice so she has >$1,000 remaining on 3 phones. Who are you with?

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We talked. I was very honest with her, and told her that dh and I are not happy about the relationship. I told her I value our relationship that she will talk to me and tell me things such as her crushes, problems with friends and such. I also said this mother/friend thing is a tough balance to maintain. However my job as a mother is to protect and keep her safe. So I shall. Tears were shed. I told her I am very proud of her and I think she is amazing, and this boy is just not for her. She didn't argue or say much really. But we hugged and said lovely. So I think it went well. I hope. The next few days will tell. We have plans to go shopping this weekend.

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This is the one I have hanging at the bottom of my stairs so I look at it almost everyday:


People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.


If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.


If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.


If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.


What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.


If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.


The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.


Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.


In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.


Like I said, I understand we come from different places on faith, but I have found that these thoughts help me to look at the ugly in the world in a different way. ((Tsuga))


One of the receptionists at my doctor's office has this in her work station.  I'm nice to her, honest! 



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One of the receptionists at my doctor's office has this in her work station. I'm nice to her, honest!





It is just one of those things that reminds me that there is value in doing the right thing, in and of itself, regardless of outcome. It's also funny that *I* needed to hear this today in light of some family things going on.


So Tsuga made my day better by sharing:-)

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Good morning, ITT!

I'm baking bread to give to DS's teachers. So, the rest of the kids are having a minimum day!


Barfly boy is better. I'm working on washing in hot water everything he touched yesterday. Nobody else seems to be getting sick.


No dentist appointments in this family till next year.


Mark, love the wookie cookies. I'll take a dozen!


Renai, you are beautiful! Don't think otherwise!


I don't want a helicopter car. I have acrophobia.


Heather, congratulations on 1000 posts!


Dawn, glad the talk with your daughter went well. Not looking forward to the day when my daughters start liking boys!

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I'm outta likes.


Neighbor kids stayed for lunch today, and despite the fact that I am not keen on surprise guests for meals or having neighbor kids in the house in general, everyone ate and was happy and I didn't fall apart.


I put the enchilada stuff together in the slow cooker and now the thing is beeping at me. Why? What does it want from me?



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We talked. I was very honest with her, and told her that dh and I are not happy about the relationship. I told her I value our relationship that she will talk to me and tell me things such as her crushes, problems with friends and such. I also said this mother/friend thing is a tough balance to maintain. However my job as a mother is to protect and keep her safe. So I shall. Tears were shed. I told her I am very proud of her and I think she is amazing, and this boy is just not for her. She didn't argue or say much really. But we hugged and said lovely. So I think it went well. I hope. The next few days will tell. We have plans to go shopping this weekend.

You are a terrific mom.  <3


Mark, your cookies are super cute.  

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I'm outta likes.


Neighbor kids stayed for lunch today, and despite the fact that I am not keen on surprise guests for meals or having neighbor kids in the house in general, everyone ate and was happy and I didn't fall apart.



Good for you! I feel for you! I hate having company. It stresses me out. And next week we're having guests two days in a row. I'm already stressing. They're just kids,but kids stress me worse. At least one group I only am providing snack for! Feeding kids makes me batty! Once one of DS's friends was over for lunch.... This kid had such bad manners I was speechless. Absolutely speechless.

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They're related. ;) She's upgraded twice so she has >$1,000 remaining on 3 phones. Who are you with?

GoPhone. Unlimited data at $45/mo month to month. No pay, no service, but you keep your #.


TMobile has a similar offer.


iPhone old model (6 was out when I bought a 5) bought used at Gazelle for $250 or so 32 Gigs.


But I got a free AT&T Nokia, two years old, hand me down, before that and used that for four years w/o data, just wifi, and that cost me only $25/mo plus tax. When the screen shattered it was six years old and I'd paid nothing on insurance or guarantees and I just bought a new to me phone cash.


I like tech but I am careless and clumsy and $200 already seems insane to me to spend on something so easily lost. I will probably sell back to Gazelle or on CL or something if I go back to Nokia.

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:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


You ARE good people and they are going through a phase. Maybe they should join a debate team! Or go into law school.

Everyone told me I should go to law school. I said no, I didn't want to hang around a bunch of lawyers and criminals and both.


I told my six year old we should argue about something else like Donald Trump. She actually held her own in the argument....

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Everyone told me I should go to law school. I said no, I didn't want to hang around a bunch of lawyers and criminals and both.


I told my six year old we should argue about something else like Donald Trump. She actually held her own in the argument....


:laugh: Funny.  We've talked about who would win if dd5 and Donald Trump were in the same room...


She has an argument for everything.  And her favorite comeback is "So?"


Maybe your dd6 and my dd5 should get together sometime.  Or not.   :lol:

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May your hair be shining and bright and your tree evergreen. 


(By the way, my non-food fixer 12yo dd is eating Tostitos as I type.  :D )

Gasp. :huh:


My non food fixer was given a large brekkie of organic yogurt, turkey bacon and a banana.  He complained that the banana was "too heavy" and said, "Why don't you eat it???"  I declined.  Really nice of him to offer, though. :hat: When he was about four, he sat down to dinner with all of us sitting there and asked, "Who made this awful, awful food?" :lol:   I could do nothing but burst out laughing.  We still say this to each other, over a decade later.  I think he landed in the right family.


He eats On the Border chips, btw.  


My hair seems good, and I made it through another dye.  I hate dyeing! (Lots of opportunity in that one for those who are so inclined.)


Dh came home with a table top Christmas tree after going to a different Sams while he was out.   :coolgleamA:   I have scored big today with dyed roots and a table top tree.

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GoPhone. Unlimited data at $45/mo month to month. No pay, no service, but you keep your #.


TMobile has a similar offer.


iPhone old model (6 was out when I bought a 5) bought used at Gazelle for $250 or so 32 Gigs.


But I got a free AT&T Nokia, two years old, hand me down, before that and used that for four years w/o data, just wifi, and that cost me only $25/mo plus tax. When the screen shattered it was six years old and I'd paid nothing on insurance or guarantees and I just bought a new to me phone cash.


I like tech but I am careless and clumsy and $200 already seems insane to me to spend on something so easily lost. I will probably sell back to Gazelle or on CL or something if I go back to Nokia.

We have t mobile family. 4 phones for $100+cost of phone, unlimited everything. We pay less than you, but her bill is now $146. She's now blocked from putting anything on an installment plan or altering the plan in any way. She flat out lied to me. First she said she wasn't going to do it, then she denied doing it. Chick, the bill is in front of my face! Do you think I'm too stupid to know what $40 unlimited streaming means? Anyway, lesson learned. We're considering paying our equipment balance off and switching. She can be responsible for her own bill. Do you know anything about ting?

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Our tax return is our one pretty check a year and I'm trying to think of wise things to do with it. We've always been so behind in bills that it had to go, and what was left was for shoes and dental work, but we aren't behind and we have great insurance so help me think of some smart ideas. We're paying off our two smallest debts to lose the monthly payments and putting a smidgen in savings. Assuming there's some left (fingers crossed) I was also considering...


Putting a years worth of gas money in a cabinet.

Pay our phones off to lower phone bill.

Pay for a years worth of car insurance (I can dream!)


What else? Our bills are pretty simple and we don't shop because poor.


Money booya!

Edited by Slache
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Pay the phones off. Get out of any contracts with family members.


Put money away in an emergency fund.

We won't pay hers off. She'll never pay us back. Do you mean pay ours off and give the plan to her? That's what started this thought process. Her bill would be higher if she wasn't on a family plan and she would hold it against us. We have a lot to consider. :glare:

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