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I also discarded my old toothbrush. Because dentist. They beat me up for not flossing for the last few weeks. I still maintain that sleep was the better option.

But now that I am no longer getting up at two in the morning to feed the kitten I can go back to flossing.


Have not got a clue what I am, although I do remember the concepts of people being Spring/Summer/Autumn/Winter, etc. I look really cute in pink. I hate pink. Some greens look okay. Some make me look green. Pretty much every other color is just meh. So I just wear gray all the time. That looks okay.

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I wear dead people clothes (clothes given to me when someone's relative died - perhaps not so coincidentally, all my size). Whatever color clothes they bought, I wear.



Mark, that picture scares me. I much prefer Chewy:-)


Ellie, one of the consultants did my profile and thought it was weird. I now know she was just wrong. Because the Queen.


Renai, I am trying to consolidate my posts. We should all do this or at the rate we are going, we are all going to have to be reading this thread all.day.long just to keep up. Actually, never mind. That sounds like fun;-)


And I honestly think we are winning the Internet. We should see if the Guiness Book of World Records has a "longest running forum thread" category. We would so win. And then you all can thank me for making you famous :D

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Hey, Renai, THANKS! This Destinos isn't just a Spanish-language TV show, it's part of an educational website! I've got to look into this stuff more -- they have other educational stuff, too! I briefly saw something that mentioned world history. This might be right up the kids' alley as well as mine.


Thank you thank you thank you! :party: :party:


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I can't wear yellow. I look good in navy, brown, dark red, violet purple, darker greens. Don't know what that means.


Mark, you look freaky in that makeup. I am so glad it is not your avatar any more!


Make up I wear (when leaving the house): Covergirl aquasmooth foundation/powder, a little blush & eyebrow pencil, lipstick if I am in any way dressing up. I hate all eyeliners I have ever tried, so I don't bother with it. Mascara inevitably gets in my eyes.



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I ought to go learn makeup. I never did it right as a teen, and never had the patience for it. I let somebody else worry about my hair for me--very freeing. I ought to go to somebody to figure out the makeup thing, because I could actually use some improvement.


Or you can be like me and just not worry about it.  When I really needed to look good for photos (wedding, later a boudoir photo shoot as an anniversary present for DH) I hired professionals to do it for me.  With the photo shoot the gal did air-brush make-up on me, and I LOVED it!  No smudging or smearing no matter how much I rubbed my eyes, and it didn't even feel like I had anything on my face.  It was awesome, and I was a little disappointed that I had to take it all off before DH saw me.  I was trying to keep the photos a surprise.

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Back in the day before some of you were even born, I learned to do seasonal color analysis. I am a Summer. Mr. Ellie is an Autumn. One of my dds is a Summer, one is a Winter. I only buy clothing in colors that are my season, and I only buy make-up in colors that are cool (as opposed to warm).


Even before then, I went somewhere--that particular factoid of my memory is buried way too deep for me to find it--and learned how to care for my skin: cleanse (with something made for skin, not Dove or Ivory or any other soap like that), tone, moisturize. I have never strayed from that routine.


I wear mascara and eyebrow stuff any time I leave the house. Other make-up...meh...


That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


I can't put on mascara at all.  I get it all over my face.  Friends and professionals have tried to teach me how to apply it, and I STILL got it all over my face.  I am mascara deficient.

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Easy way to know if you're warm or cool:


Go to your friendly neighborhood department store that has a make-up counter. On one side of your face, do warm colors for lipstick and blush. On the other side, do cool colors for lipstick and blush. If you're a warm season, the cool colors will look awful; if you're a cool season, the warm colors will look awful.


If you're a Spring, you can wear orange, and lime green, and bright turquoise. If you're an Autumn, you can wear Century 21 gold, avocado green, and khaki brown..


So, go to a public place with high traffic, during holiday season, and paint half of your face a set of awful colors?!?


I used to think I looked good in Autumn colors until my Mom made me try Winter colors.  I am SOOO a Winter.  Chill, ya know?

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I actually am very good at putting on make-up.  I've had job offers in the make up field because of it.  I used to do a lot of acting and got good at it (though obviously I would use a lot less when not on a stage!)   But. . .   after dealing with multiple auto immune problems, I am very wary about what I expose my body to.  Prairie, I've wondered too about mineral make up but the truth is that it can take me a couple of days to get the energy to shower and half a day to put on clothes.  Make up?  Fuhgeddaboudit.


edited because of stupid homophones

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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There's gotta be a website where you upload your face and it tells you what makeup to buy. It's 2015 for crying out loud.


Vain booya.


They can do this with jeans now.  You stand in front of something with a camera and it 3D scans you.  The website or whatever then runs your measurements and shape through their clothing database and tells you what will fit.  Or so DH tells me -- I haven't gone looking for it yet, though I wanna.  I'm tired of trying on everything in the store to find one pair of pants that sort-of fit.

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And black eye shadow really brings out my hazel eyes:




I don't see any lipstick here, much less red.  Another picture please!


I did get a giggle as I was scrolling your picture up.  It stopped right where my pointer was picking your nose.  Yup, still juvenile after a half century!

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I can't put on mascara at all.  I get it all over my face.  Friends and professionals have tried to teach me how to apply it, and I STILL got it all over my face.  I am mascara deficient.

You have to open your mouth until you have a freakish look.  That is the secret.  You're welcome.


I was airbrushed once.  It felt amazing, so lightweight.

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AMJ, I discarded my old toothbrush for a new one, all thanks to your sound advice.


And you got a bit of house cleaning done by doing this, too!  Way to go!   :hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:

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Educational post of the day:


I am closely following this thread:




Our own Prof is on there.  I am befuddled regarding what to do with ds12.  I have had to speak sternly too him and insist that yes, he will take the two placement tests for the AoPS online Introduction to Algebra A course.  Mostly because I will not plunk down $330 for kicks.  The kid is way stuck with math.  We are in a bad place here.  


And apparently, the sequence is different for the AoPS classes versus the WTMA classes.  I need this spelled out here, folks.  I need the official name of the books with chapter numbers, not what the different folks decided to name online courses.  Stat.  Thankyouverymuch.





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I don't see any lipstick here, much less red.  Another picture please!


I did get a giggle as I was scrolling your picture up.  It stopped right where my pointer was picking your nose.  Yup, still juvenile after a half century!

I just made my cursor pick Mark's nose. :lol:  :smilielol5:  :001_huh:  :leaving:

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They can do this with jeans now.  You stand in front of something with a camera and it 3D scans you.  The website or whatever then runs your measurements and shape through their clothing database and tells you what will fit.  Or so DH tells me -- I haven't gone looking for it yet, though I wanna.  I'm tired of trying on everything in the store to find one pair of pants that sort-of fit.




There is no way in H E Double Hockey Sticks I would EVER, in a MILLION BAZILLION YEARS let someone do a 3D scan of me.



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There is no way in H E Double Hockey Sticks I would EVER, in a MILLION BAZILLION YEARS let someone do a 3D scan of me.



I know. There's this thing at the mall that will take a 3D scan of you and spit out a little statue. Talk about a weight loss plan! I would work out 3 hours a day until I didn't cry anymore over the stupid figurine. Or kill myself. It would be easier.

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Educational post of the day:


I am closely following this thread:




Our own Prof is on there.  I am befuddled regarding what to do with ds12.  I have had to speak sternly too him and insist that yes, he will take the two placement tests for the AoPS online Introduction to Algebra A course.  Mostly because I will not plunk down $330 for kicks.  The kid is way stuck with math.  We are in a bad place here.  


And apparently, the sequence is different for the AoPS classes versus the WTMA classes.  I need this spelled out here, folks.  I need the official name of the books with chapter numbers, not what the different folks decided to name online courses.  Stat.  Thankyouverymuch.






I feel your pain.


We jumped onto the speeding bullet train that is AoPS last spring.  We did the first 7 chapters of the Intro to Algebra book together, and then DD took the Intro A (Chs. 1- 13 or so) class.  Even though the first part was review, IT WAS HARD.  In fact, it made the whole term hard.  But she has adjusted.  I think.  She took a MathCounts class over the summer for fun, and she is finishing up Intro to Counting and Probability now.  Which is making Algebra look easy (for her.)  She's looking forward to the Intro to Algebra B class now for the break.  :huh:   I'm sweating bullets about Geometry because of it.  That's supposed to be the hardest class (comparatively), so what the heck is going to happen? 


Urgh.  And, given her problems with the current class, I have told myself that I'm going to have to suck it up and take these stupid classes with her.  And math is so not my thing.  But at least now she's open to help, because she knows the feeling of "butt-kicked-itis."  So it's a good, growing thing, right?




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I've got to go take some Afrin so I can breathe tonight and then go to bed.  My nasal airways are swelling shut thanks to whatever that last storm front brought through.  I'd really love for the next storm front to get here if it would just blow these allergens away again!



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I can't, either.  I think people with darker hair/eyes and skin look great with red lipstick.  I have a HIspanic friend who rocks the red lipstick look.


I look so silly, like I am four and got into my mother's make up or something.


Yes, I look incredibly hot in red lipstick, so much so that I don't wear it because I don't want comments.


I wear dead people clothes (clothes given to me when someone's relative died - perhaps not so coincidentally, all my size).  


Oh dear. I fit my grandmother's clothes and my mom fits her grandmother's. But I fit on my paternal line--she, her maternal line.


I can't put on mascara at all.  I get it all over my face.  Friends and professionals have tried to teach me how to apply it, and I STILL got it all over my face.  I am mascara deficient.


Try more expensive mascara, like Chanel. I don't mean buy it--lord, don't buy it if you won't wear it--but use a sampler. I'm sure if you go to the counter and explain that you can't put on mascara but your friend said you had to try Chanel, they won't mind.

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I know. There's this thing at the mall that will take a 3D scan of you and spit out a little statue. Talk about a weight loss plan! I would work out 3 hours a day until I didn't cry anymore over the stupid figurine. Or kill myself. It would be easier.


No.  Just no.


Who would do this?


Well, other than 19 year olds who haven't even developed hips.  Actually, that's probably it.  I'd like to sit on 'em and squash 'em.

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No.  Just no.


Who would do this?


Well, other than 19 year olds who haven't even developed hips.  Actually, that's probably it.  I'd like to sit on 'em and squash 'em.


I would have my partner do this so I could use it for the "Sexiest Man of the Year" trophy award I am planning on giving him. He would probably get the hiccups sucking in his gut for so long but I don't care. I think he's sexy the way he is.

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I love having punctuation as a tattoo and I don't mean to be rude but does your semicolon have a butt?

Haha, no, the semi colon makes up part of the side of a heart.  I got it as part of the semi colon project for mental illness.  The heart is because it is my love for my kids that keeps me fighting.  taking a selfie image of your inner wrist is not easy lol so you can't see it in the best way.  The way it is on my wrist, is that when I am typing on the computer I can almost fully see it.  



Here is more on project semicolon for anyone curious  http://www.projectsemicolon.org/

Edited by swellmomma
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No. Just no.


Who would do this?


Well, other than 19 year olds who haven't even developed hips. Actually, that's probably it. I'd like to sit on 'em and squash 'em.

I've got an insanely hot picture of myself on my boyfriend's motorcycle. Pig tales, aviators, and a very short skirt. I'd love to have a figurine of that. I was 17.

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I know. There's this thing at the mall that will take a 3D scan of you and spit out a little statue. Talk about a weight loss plan! I would work out 3 hours a day until I didn't cry anymore over the stupid figurine. Or kill myself. It would be easier.


This is just horrifying.


I concur.

I feel your pain.


We jumped onto the speeding bullet train that is AoPS last spring.  We did the first 7 chapters of the Intro to Algebra book together, and then DD took the Intro A (Chs. 1- 13 or so) class.  Even though the first part was review, IT WAS HARD.  In fact, it made the whole term hard.  But she has adjusted.  I think.  She took a MathCounts class over the summer for fun, and she is finishing up Intro to Counting and Probability now.  Which is making Algebra look easy (for her.)  She's looking forward to the Intro to Algebra B class now for the break.  :huh:   I'm sweating bullets about Geometry because of it.  That's supposed to be the hardest class (comparatively), so what the heck is going to happen? 


Urgh.  And, given her problems with the current class, I have told myself that I'm going to have to suck it up and take these stupid classes with her.  And math is so not my thing.  But at least now she's open to help, because she knows the feeling of "butt-kicked-itis."  So it's a good, growing thing, right?




This is similar to the position we are in, with the exception that ds12 lacks a mother who is ready, willing, or able to take a class with him.  Not gonna happen.  He is stale with Algebra.  




Go watch a movie with your kids.  Or eat some chocolate.  Heck, brush the dog.




I'm worried.


Edited by texasmama
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Haha, no, the semi colon makes up part of the side of a heart.  I got it as part of the semi colon project for mental illness.  The heart is because it is my love for my kids that keeps me fighting.  taking a selfie image of your inner wrist is not easy lol so you can't see it in the best way.  The way it is on my wrist, is that when I am typing on the computer I can almost fully see it.  



Here is more on project semicolon for anyone curious  http://www.projectsemicolon.org/


That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 

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Educational post of the day:


I am closely following this thread:




Our own Prof is on there. I am befuddled regarding what to do with ds12. I have had to speak sternly too him and insist that yes, he will take the two placement tests for the AoPS online Introduction to Algebra A course. Mostly because I will not plunk down $330 for kicks. The kid is way stuck with math. We are in a bad place here.


And apparently, the sequence is different for the AoPS classes versus the WTMA classes. I need this spelled out here, folks. I need the official name of the books with chapter numbers, not what the different folks decided to name online courses. Stat. Thankyouverymuch.





I am not sure what the sequence is different means? I think you might mean that WTM runs the Intro to Algebra book for chapters 1-10 for Algebra I. (I think I would go ch 1-13 so we will keep going a bit after the class ends.) Then, you can go into geometry. But, for a geometry class, you do not have to do the whole book. There are math competition chapters and some that just go above and beyond the traditional scope for geometry. Then, for Algebra 2, you pick up the second half of the Intro to Algebra book plus some of the Intermediate book. Then, Precalc.


I think the aops classes go through the whole Intro to Algebra book at a crack, if I recall correctly. In a scary, short time frame. Maybe that is different now? I haven't looked in a few months.


Is that what you mean? (I am sure that is clear as mud.) I have a list of chapter splits somewhere. If I can find it, I will send it to you.


Eta: this booya is dedicated to our super smoking hot young selves... I could probably rhyme that with elves in the Christmas spirit, but I am beyond bushed.

Edited by Professormom
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I have one really amazing picture of myself at 16. Holy crap. If only I knew how hot I was!!!!

I know! I was so hot. I mean just so hot. It was ridiculous. Such incredibly low self-esteem though. I didn't realize until after I graduated that so many guys were interested. No clue. I'm an idiot. I guess it's for the best. Those boys sucked. I dated the sweet ones that liked my personality. For some strange reason...

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