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Hey hey! Be sure to check out our new Christmas booya songs!


It's lunchtime. Dd13 is eating a banana dog - hot dog bun, banana, peanut butter, ketchup AND mustard. Dd17 is eating cheese puffs with a knife, pirate style. Dd6 is having a bun with ketchup only.




This hot dog place is my kids' favorite place to go eat while I"m in the ER.  (Yes, they have their favorite spots depending on which ER I go to).  It's closed now and dd14 is very sad.  I'm sure it was not because of their Pb Dog http://www.yelp.com/menu/po-dog-hot-dogs-seattle


Last year dd made me come with her there since I always missed it, being in the ER and all. 

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This hot dog place is my kids' favorite place to go eat while I"m in the ER. (Yes, they have their favorite spots depending on which ER I go to). It's closed now and dd14 is very sad. I'm sure it was not because of their Pb Dog http://www.yelp.com/menu/po-dog-hot-dogs-seattle


Last year dd made me come with her there since I always missed it, being in the ER and all.

Mine have a favorite place too, but it's by urgent care. I even have a favorite doctor there. The kids get really excited when we run into him at Costco. He knows their names.

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I've heard bad things about Discovery of Deduction. Fortunately by the time we want to use it it will be all fixed. ;) I've heard AoA is fun and simple and DoD is boring and too hard. I've heard Traditional Logic is mind blowingly dry. I need to read How To Read A Book. I'm not sure what else.


Yeah, whatever.  I've heard bad things about The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox, too, and my kid has read each one about a bazillion times and still guffaws.  And she's pretty good at spotting fallacies and weak arguments, too. (Darn it.)


It's possible that my child is easy to please.  She really is an easy kid in most respects.  (And she's cute, too.)

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Yeah, whatever. I've heard bad things about The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox, too, and my kid has read each one about a bazillion times and still guffaws. And she's pretty good at spotting fallacies and weak arguments, too. (Darn it.)


It's possible that my child is easy to please. She really is an easy kid in most respects. (And she's cute, too.)

I fear the day my children start winning arguments.
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This hot dog place is my kids' favorite place to go eat while I"m in the ER.  (Yes, they have their favorite spots depending on which ER I go to).  It's closed now and dd14 is very sad.  I'm sure it was not because of their Pb Dog http://www.yelp.com/menu/po-dog-hot-dogs-seattle


Last year dd made me come with her there since I always missed it, being in the ER and all. 


I liked the sharing of the hot dog place (truly, one of God's gifts to humankind), not the whole ER thing.  Now I want to go to Seattle.


(BTW, Tech Support has given me back the controls to the computer.  I shall now go back several pages to Susan's Crayon song [Which is what sent Hey, Stupid! into the tailspin in the first place.  I probably should work, but I am very careful about maintaining priorities which reflect my values.]))

Edited by JoJosMom
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Just had to share since I don't want to make a whole post for this: 

This morning, we both stayed home with a stomach bug, which meant she got to come cuddle in bed with me. I was reading a book at the time, so she kept pointing to words, asking how to say them. 
"What's this say?...and what's this say?" On and on. 
After about ten words, she said "I can not read them." Then, she pouted. 
I asked her if she wanted to learn to read, and she said "Yes, I think I would like that." 

She still won't deign to identify a letter of any kind, but hey, at least she wants to read one day. lol 

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Hey hey! Be sure to check out our new Christmas booya songs!


It's lunchtime. Dd13 is eating a banana dog - hot dog bun, banana, peanut butter, ketchup AND mustard. Dd17 is eating cheese puffs with a knife, pirate style. Dd6 is having a bun with ketchup only.




Actually, until you got to the ketchup and mustard the banana dog was sounding good.


I've sent the hubbie and kids off to his parents' house for the evening while I take another day of not visiting to make sure I'm all better.  I feel fine for the most part, I just had cold sores inside my mouth and a warning from the dentist not to kiss anybody or do anything that could share germs until they have cleared.  Park day I could do, because no food and no kissing.  Visiting family?  Lots of hugs, kisses, and food.  *sigh*  I'm mostly better, so next week I can get back to the regular visits again.


In the meantime I have ordered a pizza all for myself and no one else.  It's got stuff on it the other 3 won't eat, so it's mine, all mine!

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Jean, if your hot dog eaters are ever in Kennewick, there's this.


The route back and forth to California went through Kennewick.  This place was a favorite for DH when he was still living/working and we were all moved to our happy place.


I have a sister near Kennewick!  I'll have to ask her if she's been at this place.

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I am making sugar cookies with my questionable homemade vanilla. I will report back if I survive.


I'm on pins and needles.  Homemade vanilla extract is one thing I attempted (probably after reading a few months ago about you doing it) so far for the homemade family Christmas presents.  Mine is looking decidedly wimpy, however (it's only been about 3 or 4 months), so I'm thinking I need something else for the presents so I can let the vanilla sit another year.


I am therefore hoping your vanilla turns out quite fine and yummy, because I only made enough to give away (couldn't get enough beans for one more for me), and I haven't opened any of the ones I have going to taste them.


I've got my fingers crossed for you!

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I am cussing once again about the bonehead builders of this house.  After living here more than 11 years I still have problems from time to time.  This time I backed up after peeking outside to see if my pizza was here yet and I tripped over the stairs because MY ENTRY IS LESS THAN 4 FEET DEEP.




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I've heard bad things about Discovery of Deduction. Fortunately by the time we want to use it it will be all fixed. ;) I've heard AoA is fun and simple and DoD is boring and too hard. I've heard Traditional Logic is mind blowingly dry. I need to read How To Read A Book. I'm not sure what else.


I'm working my way backwards through the posts, so if this seems odd or out of place I'm sorry.


We are currently working our way through Discovery of Deduction.  It's certainly not as much fun as Art of Argument and for some reason they changed the artwork, too, but the kids like it well enough.  It is a bit more sloggish and they have to think more carefully about things, but I've paced it to last the entire year so we can go slow and easy where we need to.  They especially like it when the pieces come together and they can spot other peoples' inconsistencies and faulty logic, so this heartens them and helps them slog through the boggier bits.


My pizza is here!  Time to eat and watch something the others don't want to watch!

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I don't really like Jump In much either.  Ds15 did a few assignments.  Dd13 did even fewer.  (And she likes to write.  A lot.)


We ended up using WWS.  We started it later than usual, but according to SWB, it's ok to do that.  And she would know.   ;)


(Ds15 is currently in WWS 2 and DD13 is in WWS 1.)




And why are we still talking about educational things.  Hmmm?   :toetap05:




I tried WWS 1 with oldest also, once upon a time.  I didn't like it either.  BUT, I was thinking I might be able to try it again tweaked quite a bit.  For one thing, if I used it one on one with her instead of expecting it to be used independently.  And, if I streamlined some of the more tedious parts.  And, if it still got too tedious, I thought if nothing else, we would use the outlining lessons.  Because in 5 years of searching for decent resources to outline from (in an open and go manner), I have never found anything I like. 


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I just meant something. There are probably 200 open and go writing programs. :) I just pee my pants at the thought of writing my own.


I would love open and go.  But I'm beginning to be of the opinion that open and go writing programs lead to poor writing.  Maybe.  Just a hypothesis.  Not very scientific. 


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I would love open and go. But I'm beginning to be of the opinion that open and go writing programs lead to poor writing. Maybe. Just a hypothesis. Not very scientific.


Do you want to borrow my copy of TWSS? ;)


Eta: Thanks for your thought about open and go writing programs. It's always good to get the opinions of people that have been there before you.

Edited by Slache
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Hi, everyone.  I'm so very, very sorry I have been gone so long.  With luck I will be making more regular appearances again.  I've missed this thread.


The last three months of every year always get a bit hectic in our family, and even though I had a plan -- more than one, actually -- things still got hectic beyond my control.  Seasonal allergies and the usual accompaniment of sinus infections and other bugs started in earlier than usual this fall.  DD11 broke her elbow, and I broke a sesamoid bone in my foot.  We have dealt with the usual 7 birthdays, wedding anniversary, Halloween, Thanksgiving (we hosted 22 this year, 5 of which were very welcome out-of-towners), NaNoWriMo (woohoo!  I "won" it again!), and now we are in Christmas prep.


I have learned a few things.  When you are the stay-at-home parent you get to diagnose, arrange for doctor appointments, and take the kids to whichever appointments they need (which comes in handy when your youngest is getting a cast off and you casually ask the doctor if he would look at your toe that keeps hurting -- lookie there!  You have a broken bone!)  I knew this before, but some lessons seem to come around again and again and again....


When you are the stay-at-home parent you are the one who will be dealing with the fish tank, and very quickly fish tanks.  It doesn't matter that DD11 and DH promised that they would take care of the fish themselves and you won't have to deal with them at all.  They cross their hearts, earnest faces sincerely nodding at you.  Over the next few months you are the one who gets to "help" DD11 rescue not one, but two batches of small fry that have been born to the "only females" fish DH selected at the pet store.  (He selected a breed that not only bears live young, but a breed in which some females will turn into males if there aren't enough males around for "getting busy".)  You are the one who will set up not just one additional tank, but eventually another three tanks as well, to separate the guilty and prolific pair from each other and every fish else AND protect the newest babies from larger fish AND have another tank for separating males from females of the first batch (and wonder what on earth you will do if that batch of females decide to start switching sexes, too).


And amazingly you are the one, despite your new need for bifocals, you are the ONLY one who sees the algae that needs scrubbing out of the tanks.  Only you.


Why didn't I say, no, never again on allowing another fish tank back into this house?  Why did I let them get more?   :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:  :banghead:   Obviously I hadn't learned this lesson well enough.




Anybody want some creamsicle mollies?  

No thank you on the fish, but you win the internet for most informative and entertaining update.  I do feel your pain regarding the care and keeping of small animals and such.





:lol:  :lol:






Booyah bells, Booyah bells, Booyah all the way!

Oh what fun it is to Booyah; or to Booya Slashe's way! 




Happy Holidays, y'all!


I like those blinking, jumpy emoticons.




I have resolved to not worry about writing. Even though my child turns every written assignment into a humor piece. Susanne Barrett at Brave Writer (who is awesome sauce) has told me that it is better to delay academic writing (BW is sort of Charlotte Mason-ish) and that my short person will be fine. Since that is absolutely what I want to hear, I'm going with Susanne.


And we finished Art of Argument today.


I am done.


I have a strong feeling I would love Brave Writer because what pieces I have garnered really resonate with me.  I do like the Windows to the World/Teaching the Classics combo I'm teaching at co op this year.  It is not high output and is incremental and formulaic.  It does put creative and natural writers in a box, but I've told them they can escape the box after learning the formula.  It is heavily literature analysis-driven.  I have a crush on Adam Andrews of the TtC DVDs.  (Also Richard R of AoPS, but this is not a math post.)

I've heard bad things about Discovery of Deduction. Fortunately by the time we want to use it it will be all fixed. ;) I've heard AoA is fun and simple and DoD is boring and too hard. I've heard Traditional Logic is mind blowingly dry. I need to read How To Read A Book. I'm not sure what else.

We did AoA and then The Argument Builder, which was more along the same vein as AoA.  We did them orally because we are, apparently, a low output family pre-high school.


I fear the day my children start winning arguments.

It's coming.  I promise you that.  I've been there for a while now. :laugh:

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oh em gee 


you guys are all still here! 


I logged in first time in ages, have 19,603 notifications & I'm betting 19,000 are from this thread...... 




hi again  :seeya:

Hornblower!!! :001_wub:


It is old home week here, for sure.  (My mom used to say that. :001_tt1: )

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Amusing stories from my odd day...


Went to the Asian market for the first time.  Had to go to the bathroom so I went to the Women's bathroom (mall set up with Men's on the right and Women's on the left).  Walked past a man peeing in a toilet with the door wide open.  Turned quickly and walked out.  An Asian lady walked out quickly and warned me in a thick accent to not go in.  I nodded with wide eyes.  Ds12 was in the men's restroom so when he came out I quickly waved him over FAR away from the restrooms and explained the odd man in the women's restroom.  After that man left, I went in but did not go near the toilet he used.  I think he was just clueless because he didn't look drunk or homeless but what the heck, he was old enough to see that there were no urinals?  The Asian market was odd and interesting, but it smelled of shrimp and raw fish so I could not abide by it.  I got a couple of things and left.


Then I went to the salvage grocery store where we get a lot of quality food for a low, low price.  Filled the trunk for $100.  While there in the frozen foods, an older man asked me if I was gluten free.  I told him I was.  He asked if I was vegan. :confused1:  So I said no.  Then he asked if it was because I couldn't get my husband to give up the meat. :huh:  So I said that I like meat, too, but eat mostly chicken.  Big mistake.  Then he told me how most chicken has salmonella and I was spreading salmonella all over my kitchen.  So that's when I stopped responding. :glare:   


What an odd day!

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We all flock home at this time of year, don't we.


Turns out you're all some of my favourite people 





I mostly avoid the Chat Board now because it scares me. :leaving:


(Google Teresa Mannion video and watch it so you can get hip to the new lingo.  Oh, and Slache is pregnant.  And we picked up a man.)

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Then he told me how most chicken has salmonella and I was spreading salmonella all over my kitchen.  So that's when I stopped responding. :glare:   


What an odd day!

I assume that you don't take unnecessary risks and actually cook your chicken! 


I don't know what happened to your quote.  My part is bolded. 

Edited by Jean in Newcastle
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Then he told me how most chicken has salmonella and I was spreading salmonella all over my kitchen.  So that's when I stopped responding. :glare:   


What an odd day!

I assume that you don't take unnecessary risks and actually cook your chicken! 


I don't know what happened to your quote.  My part is bolded. 



I did tell him this, and he persisted.  I told my kid that I wasn't taking any health or nutritional advice from a random man who is missing a lot of teeth.  Ds noted that he put a frozen food containing chicken in his cart.  I suppose it is the salmonella special at his house tonight.

Can I show it to DS and count it as health class?

Of course!  You do have to tell the entire story of how I cared for it and also google Bartonella.  I do not have cat scratch fever disease.  If you do all of that, I would consider it a full high school credit for health and animal safety.

Edited by texasmama
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How come I didn't get to vote?  You just sent it to me without even a warning label.  I bet I got Salmonella just watching it

Sisters don't get to vote. :laugh:


You should rush to the doctor for essential oils to treat your Salmonella cat scratch Bartonella disease.  


Salmonella and Bartonella rhyme.  I think we could make something of that for a booya(h).

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I have a strong feeling I would love Brave Writer because what pieces I have garnered really resonate with me.  I do like the Windows to the World/Teaching the Classics combo I'm teaching at co op this year.  It is not high output and is incremental and formulaic.  It does put creative and natural writers in a box, but I've told them they can escape the box after learning the formula.  It is heavily literature analysis-driven.  I have a crush on Adam Andrews of the TtC DVDs.  (Also Richard R of AoPS, but this is not a math post.)


I'll have to check out Mr. Andrews.  Ditto re. Richard R.  I make sure that DD watches ALL the videos before attempting her homework.  Because, hot education!


We did AoA and then The Argument Builder, which was more along the same vein as AoA.  We did them orally because we are, apparently, a low output family pre-high school.


Dude, the only classes with grades here are math and science.


It's coming.  I promise you that.  I've been there for a while now. :laugh:


I realized that the short person is smarter than me when she was in 3rd grade.  Seriously.  OUCH.


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I mostly avoid the Chat Board now because it scares me. :leaving:


(Google Teresa Mannion video and watch it so you can get hip to the new lingo.  Oh, and Slache is pregnant.  And we picked up a man.)


No. Stop with the "we" stuff.  I don't pick up men.

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1. 4 of the last 5 reports I have done at my "day" job have been said to be "just going into a black hole anyway, they'll never use this, we just have to check the boxes" and the one I was really happy with and proud of was said to be "too thought provoking" (I WORK IN ACADEMIA!) and therefore that I should let my boss decide whether to distribute it.


2. My commute gets two minutes longer every day due to traffic issues in Seattle. :P


3. The old people I work with are all really bitter and fearful and I don't want that to be my job when I grow up.


I'm going to apply to some jobs in the â€‹private, for-profit, money-making, mother loving bastards tech sector this week. Wish me luck. I'm going to ask for double my salary. I'm going to get rich, or at least moderately well-off, since nobody in this country respects education anyway, and those who do, have no money to fund it.


I need a website. I need to re-do my CV to impress people who care more about money than people. I can do that. I've spent quite enough time listening to them tell me that we should do what the private sector does... I think I can figure it out. I have an MBA backwards.

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Yes, every DAY since the trolleys started.


My kids gonna go to college. I am so tired of this bullcrap. I might have to stop posting on message boards while my data loads because they might actually have a functioning IT department.

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