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Tsuga, I cannot believe you have been brainwashed into the H.




I was born with an H. Booya is like writing "ya" instead of "yeah". Incorrect. For the "ah" instead of the short "a" we require an "h".


If you look at my post history you'll see I am consistently pro-H.


And that's all I will say about that, besides BOOYAH.


I have a really nice table of home prices and homes sold in our price range in certain areas within the last year.


Long story short... it's possible to buy here.

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It is ds11's (!) birthday today! Dh found a Belgian waffle maker on clearance at Walmart, so that will be birthday breakfast today.


Tonight is Dd17's opening night performance; I got to video her solo in N.Y.C at the dress rehearsal last night. (Smiles and hearts). My chamber concert is tonight (more smiles and hearts) and no one has to go to the dentist today!


Have a great day! Hugs to you all!

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It is ds11's (!) birthday today! Dh found a Belgian waffle maker on clearance at Walmart, so that will be birthday breakfast today.


Tonight is Dd17's opening night performance; I got to video her solo in N.Y.C at the dress rehearsal last night. (Smiles and hearts). My chamber concert is tonight (more smiles and hearts) and no one has to go to the dentist today!


Have a great day! Hugs to you all!

:party: Happy Birthday Susan's ds!!!!!!


Wow!!! So excited for your dd!!!!


Good luck with your concert tonight. Some videos would be nice. I would love to see the performances.


Yay, no dentist! Another reason for a :party:

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Good morning ITT people.


As usual I refuse to read your absurd midnight back log. 


I hope everybody's doing well and if you're not doing well, I hope it gets better. Except for that one person. You know who.


As of this morning ~4,000 people have seen my paintings and prints. Not a sale out of those, but I wasn't really expecting one until I clean up and populate my shop better. I'm also thinking about doing some pop culture stuff just to get attention. I'm thinking Bill Murray as Peter Venkman on black velvet with animated fiber optic lighting. Can't go wrong... right?


Also: feck.

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Good morning.


Jolking Day 6. 

Sunrise was beautiful this morning.  It was a deep salmon color, with pinks and lavenders thrown in.   Amazing. 


Jolking sounds like that thing my cat does where he makes a noise like a clogged garbage disposal before delivering... well...

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Jean and Renai, hope you both have much better days today than yesterday :thumbup:


Guys are working on finishing our cabinets today. (We can't remodel the kitchen for a few years because in-laws, so we put beadboard inside the cabinets and painted the outside. Dh also inset beadboard in the cabinet doors and added new hardware, so they look purty. They were NOT purty to begin with. Luckily, they are old enough that they are really well-built and sturdy. Sometime I will post a picture. Maybe.)


This also means that I have pots and pans and Tupperware and serving spoons all over my house. It is giving me hives:-)


I will be taking kids on a field trip to the Historical Society in our state Capitol so they can learn.things. They are working on research this year with a friend of mine, and she is awesome!


I am glad Ellie is back. I am not your run of the mill usurper. I am happy to be her number 2. :lol: I am also happy she found an outfit. I hope to hear her story soon. I will be ready to take a bazooka to anyone who hurt her:-(


Need coffee badly.

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Good morning ITT people.


As usual I refuse to read your absurd midnight back log. 


I hope everybody's doing well and if you're not doing well, I hope it gets better. Except for that one person. You know who.


As of this morning ~4,000 people have seen my paintings and prints. Not a sale out of those, but I wasn't really expecting one until I clean up and populate my shop better. I'm also thinking about doing some pop culture stuff just to get attention. I'm thinking Bill Murray as Peter Venkman on black velvet with animated fiber optic lighting. Can't go wrong... right?


Also: feck.


Note to Slache - it's safe to have female only conversations at night. Mark doesn't read then.  :hat:


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Checking in and catching up before I have to go teach two squirrels that are dressed up in boy clothes. It's cold outside, sunny and the wind is blowing and they want to go nuts. 

Also, I hate history. Again. But I will hit 40,000 on my story by this weekend, so that is something.

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But, I like her. I just can't stand her. She brings out a side in me that is rarely seen. So rare, it's like, zombie. We got into it so bad yesterday, I think we were both on the verge of tears. All I told her is to actually listen to the words coming out of my mouth and stop treating me like a moron. I have no idea why she brings out that side of me. I try to smile and nod, but can't. I refuse to have my intelligence insulted. The last job that did that to me, about 12 years ago, I quit. I know she doesn't try to insult me, she is actually really nice and wants to help, but she goes about it the wrong way and doesn't listen to where I could actually use help. Witch.


Well if you won't let me bring the bazooka, how about a :grouphug: .


(That was for you, not her.  This bonk.gif is for her.)

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In other news, Gymnast wants to read so bad. About 2-3 weeks ago, I got a set of beginner Bob books from Scholastic. She picked a couple out for me to read to her. She started trying to sound out words, even though the only sounds she has down are Y, M, S, and O. The first book has A, P, and T. So I read it through with her several times, sounding out words, etc., then move on to my own homework. She kept trying to go over the book herself. When she couldn't consistently remember the new sounds, she threw the book across the bed and exclaimed "I'll never learn how to read!" and cried. It was so sad.  :crying:  Thankfully, my school is over, and I can now start teaching her how to read. But in Spanish first. Probably.


Leap Frog videos.  Seriously.  They're awesome.

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But, I like her. I just can't stand her. She brings out a side in me that is rarely seen. So rare, it's like, zombie. We got into it so bad yesterday, I think we were both on the verge of tears. All I told her is to actually listen to the words coming out of my mouth and stop treating me like a moron. I have no idea why she brings out that side of me. I try to smile and nod, but can't. I refuse to have my intelligence insulted. The last job that did that to me, about 12 years ago, I quit. I know she doesn't try to insult me, she is actually really nice and wants to help, but she goes about it the wrong way and doesn't listen to where I could actually use help. Witch.

Is she young and enthusiastic?  That's how I picture her.  Imma punch her in the throat, too.  I'm kinda feeling it lately.  :)


:crying: :crying: :crying:


What is this world coming to??? :svengo:

Things go completely to bits when you are absent.  You appear to be our glue.  Or the Chair, as in Robert's Rules of Order.



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Good morning all you throat punching, bazooka carrying, sunrise watching, schwa people! I'm eating Raisin Bran and drinking coffee with peppermint mocha creamer while looking at the Chinese Pistasche tree outside my window that is in the throes of the autumn color change. It's lovely this year!

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And I just finished preparing "Cauliflower 'Fried Rice,'" from Mickey Trescott's Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook." It's better than I expected it to be, but it sure did require lots of prep. o_0


I've made several recipes from this book, and they were all pretty good, but most require lots of prep, i.e., chopping/slicing/dicing, which is ironic since one of the symptoms of autoimmune diseases is pain in the joints and hands...my poor hands were aching by the time I was finished!

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Over the weekend I hired a couple of graphic designers on Fiverr to do new banners for my Etsy shop. I paid them... errmmm.. not very much, but more than they asked, and they did some seriously great work (I think)!




Beats the heck out of my cheesy wood-grain-with-a-fancy-font hackjob that was up there before.


Today Izzy is at my MIL's house. She's only got one arm that works and she's already watching my SIL's two kids, one of whom is an infant. The only help she's got is her mother, who's 96 and whose wrist is about as big around as my thumb.


Should go well...


Haven't followed up with the boss yet on that per diem/hourly/part time/work from home/whatever it's gonna be, thing. I'm hoping we can get it done before the end of the year but that also makes me panic a bit about Christmas let alone next month's bills. Something's gotta give, though. She wants me to give her an estimate of the hours needed in a week for me to fulfill the requests I normally get. The truthful answer is that it takes about 3 hours out of the entire week to provide the reports they ask for, now that I've finished reverse engineering their systems (because the software vendor's reporting tool is garbage I just go straight to the database.) There's no way she's going to go to her boss, though, and tell her that they're not utilizing an FTE position that they fought like heck to get.


In a way it's kind of like that story about the engineer who draws the million dollar chalk mark. Yes, it took me 5 minutes, but you couldn't do it in ten years. 



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And I just finished preparing "Cauliflower 'Fried Rice,'" from Mickey Trescott's Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook." It's better than I expected it to be, but it sure did require lots of prep. o_0


I've made several recipes from this book, and they were all pretty good, but most require lots of prep, i.e., chopping/slicing/dicing, which is ironic since one of the symptoms of autoimmune diseases is pain in the joints and hands...my poor hands were aching by the time I was finished!




We had fried rice for dinner last night.  Yum!


I have rheumatoid arthritis that is especially bad in my wrists/hands.  I so hear you on the chopping, etc.

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Try again, Mark.  The cheerleader has to BE the elephant.  See it's all about the grammar. 


elephant cheerleader

elephant is an adjective describing cheerleader


she did not ask for elephant with cheerleaders

see?  no preposition.


That is your educational lesson for the day.  You're welcome.

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I see no one cheering in that picture. 


Ellie!!!  We need a ruling on this.


They're on a break. The other examples proffered don't seem to have been captured in a particularly celebratory state either, I'll point out. There is clear bias going on here. :P

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