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I am actually going to go to bed soon.  And I just remembered that ds doesn't work tomorrow morning so I can sleep in to the late hour of 7 am.  Woo hoo!  


My feet hurt big time.  We are going to go shoe shopping tomorrow for nice sensible athletic shoes.  Ds asked if we could get him some new ones too since his are held together with duct tape.  Sure.  We're living large.  (We'll send the bill to Tex.)

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Take the 3rd day of school, add in a whiny kid, stir in some flopping on the floor, and what do you have?  A mother who goes ballistic and threatens to call the local PS in the morning to enroll a new student.  And a clean living room and kitchen floor.  'Cause you ain't sittin' 'round all nite playing on the iPad kiddo, and I am D.O.N.E. - done!  Done with listening to you whine, done with fighting.  You think I am going to work all day, come home and take you for a bike ride to the park, cook for you, wait 2 hours while you eat, so that I can listen to you whine and fight with you about schoolwork?  Nope.  Not going to happen.  What is going to happen is you are going to march down there and clean up you mess.  And you will do it without speaking, unless those words are to apologize.  And when you are finished cleaning - apology or no, you are still cleaning - then you will come up here and finish your math.   Again, without speaking.  Because I am done.  You want to homeschool?  You better start showing it.


It was cathartic. 


Then again, come to think of it, I slept horribly last night.  Sigh.

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Worst. first run. ever.


I got half way down the block and my pants fell down. I assumed it was because my phone was clipped to them so I carried it. I was at the second block and they fell down again, but this time they took my panties down too! What the crap? So there you have it. I ran 2 blocks and then turned around and walked home.


Ikslo, way to be firm!


Renai, yes.

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Worst. first run. ever.


I got half way down the block and my pants fell down. I assumed it was because my phone was clipped to them so I carried it. I was at the second block and they fell down again, but this time they took my panties down too! What the crap? So there you have it. I ran 2 blocks and then turned around and walked home.


Ikslo, way to be firm!


Renai, yes.


:ohmy:  :blushing:

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Slashie- I am so sorry! I really have no other words!

Ikslo- I am going to memorize your speech and give it to my oldest dd. She's been giving me grief lately. I wish it wasn't too late to sign her up at the school we're sending DS to this year. They have literally performed a miracle on that boy.

Renai- I wish it wasn't. I need a bit more sleep!

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I am actually going to go to bed soon.  And I just remembered that ds doesn't work tomorrow morning so I can sleep in to the late hour of 7 am.  Woo hoo!  


My feet hurt big time.  We are going to go shoe shopping tomorrow for nice sensible athletic shoes.  Ds asked if we could get him some new ones too since his are held together with duct tape.  Sure.  We're living large.  (We'll send the bill to Tex.)


Do send the bill.  I will send it to my accountant to pay, via my personal assistant.

Worst. first run. ever.


I got half way down the block and my pants fell down. I assumed it was because my phone was clipped to them so I carried it. I was at the second block and they fell down again, but this time they took my panties down too! What the crap? So there you have it. I ran 2 blocks and then turned around and walked home.

I'm sorry for laughing at this.  I actually started a thread once about running pants for tall girls because mine started sneaking down when I started running.  I never lost my drawers, though.  I ended up spending a lot of time clutching my pants while running with the dog, and that is not good form in anyone's book.

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Worst. first run. ever.


I got half way down the block and my pants fell down. I assumed it was because my phone was clipped to them so I carried it. I was at the second block and they fell down again, but this time they took my panties down too! What the crap? So there you have it. I ran 2 blocks and then turned around and walked home.


Ikslo, way to be firm!


Renai, yes.






That means you need new pants and new panties cuz clearly the old ones are too big.  Happy morning to you!

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All these threads on kids resisting school.... I am resisting school. I don't want to do it. I've taken DS to school, I got dinner in the crock pot (poor white girl's chile verde) and I've cleaned out the dishwasher. Isn't that enough? I'd take a field trip today except that it's supposed to be 103 stinkin' degrees today and that is absolutely unreasonable! I want to go back to bed!

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Public school doesn't start here until next week.  I haven't figured out when we'll start yet.  We might start then - at least with some stuff.  Dd is bored and so starting school would be good for her.  But I really wanted to get some fun stuff together for her and haven't had time to do that yet.  


We're going light this week since DH and I are on vacation next week so I told him no school next week. 


I had fun stuff planned, that's the kicker.  It was going to be spelling review, math review, and then I was introducing him to code.org's Code Studio.  His student profile was all set up, ready to go.  He's been bugging me to learn this stuff so he can be an all-star gamer...but we couldn't even get past the spelling and math review.  Grr...

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Hugs Ikslo. Way to be strong!


Tex, what was the outcome?


Resistance - yes, that will be me after we're home again. Sitting on the beach all day is something I could keep doing for many days to come. A corona state of mind, eh?


Slache - (your name auto corrects to Apache) I agree with ducklings - good first day run!

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My favorite time of the day .... school work is done, dishes in the dishwasher, kids are otherwise entertained and I am sitting on the floor of my bedroom in relative peace and quiet with my afternoon cuppa and "Blue Bloods".


Jean and Ikslo, have a good nap! Separately, in your own homes!

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Public school doesn't start here until next week. I haven't figured out when we'll start yet. We might start then - at least with some stuff. Dd is bored and so starting school would be good for her. But I really wanted to get some fun stuff together for her and haven't had time to do that yet.

We started last week when DS started his "real" school. I hate calling it that because my other kids are in real school, too. We just do it at home.
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And how did that go?


Jesus showed up.


Did they meet Jesus?  


They did.

All these threads on kids resisting school.... I am resisting school. I don't want to do it. I've taken DS to school, I got dinner in the crock pot (poor white girl's chile verde) and I've cleaned out the dishwasher. Isn't that enough? I'd take a field trip today except that it's supposed to be 103 stinkin' degrees today and that is absolutely unreasonable! I want to go back to bed!

Recipe, please!


Hugs Ikslo. Way to be strong!


Tex, what was the outcome?


Resistance - yes, that will be me after we're home again. Sitting on the beach all day is something I could keep doing for many days to come. A corona state of mind, eh?


Slache - (your name auto corrects to Apache) I agree with ducklings - good first day run!


The outcome was grudging acceptance of sins committed and a realization that the mother figure would not stop preaching until everyone saw the light and was baptized by fire.

I've been text bombing Tex all day with pictures from the various places where we've been doing errands.  I am tired.  My feet hurt.  I'm going to join Ikslo in a nap (separately in our own homes).  

It's fun to stalk Jean via text.  :D


We started last week when DS started his "real" school. I hate calling it that because my other kids are in real school, too. We just do it at home.

We started last week, thus the need to meet with Jesus.


We had the come to Jesus meeting on school schedules and expectations this morning.  This evening, we will have the come to Jesus meeting on bedtimes.  We will begin and end the day with Jesus.  Amen.

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Come to Jesus meeting has concluded, and it was successful. 


The syrup rug is gone, taken to the Goodwill.  I blame it for the carpenter ants, and ain't nobody got time for those.  Dh bought a fill in temp rug which is far too small, an ugly color and cheaply made.  It cost $30 so when the kids shred it, I will not cry.  I vacuumed and swept and walked the dog.  

Edited by texasmama
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Tomorrow I'll be on set again. This time I get to dress for a cocktail party, for which I went to wardrobe today, and call time is not until 4:30. That means I'll be able to get in a nap, which I will need, because we can expect to spend 8 hours on set. o_0

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A sweet hula for tonight:







Translation of the hula auana lyrics:



Ka Nohona Pili Kai


The spray of the sea comes as a breath
Rustling the leaves of the ti plants
Like a perfumed whisper scenting the air
Ever calling to me


Beloved, beloved indeed!
Beloved is the sweet remembrance
Beautiful, beautiful indeed!
Beauty embodies that seaside home


The mind wanders freely in the dark of night
Wakeful from the spirit-like voice of the sea
Precious images drift through my thoughts
Always bringing a sense of peace


The shade of the coconut grove is like family
Embracing me like the morning glory
Those who are gone become a thing of beauty
An everlasting adornment to hold dear


The spray of the sea recounts the story
That perfumed murmur of the deep of night
The pathway lies before us that we tread
Beckoning us ever forward

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Texie, I can't really recommend the recipe for Poor White Girl's Chile Verde because it was my first time making it and it needs a little tweaking. This is how I made it. Cubed pork chops and browned them. Threw them in the crock pot with a jar of Herdez Green Salsa. That wasn't enough to cover the meat so I threw in a can of green enchilada sauce. Cooked it all day.

1) pork chops were easy to cut, but too lean. They were dry. Very dry. Next time.... pork shoulder.

2) sauce - not thick enough and too spicy. I need to find a milder green sauce.

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I finished my book. In a timely manner. Usually books take me months, maybe even years to read. This one only took me a month and it was a good one. "Dead Wake:The Last Crossing of the Lusitania" by Erik Larson. Not light, easy reading, but still... an excellent book.


Now, I'm going to bed!

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For my Canadian friends...dd6 was coloring a map of the early American colonies and decided to designate the area of Canada with colorful polka dots "because it looks like a good party place". :D


We could use some party polka dots to help us out in the long, cold winters!!  :hurray:

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I`m putting in a request for a few hot, humid summer-like days. It`s getting cold here already and I`m having flashbacks to last winter. Whaaaa! I want more summer. :crying:

I'll trade places with you. It was 101 degrees here yesterday!


Oh wow! It's Booya #2 for me! But who's counting! Certainly not me. ;)

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I`m putting in a request for a few hot, humid summer-like days. It`s getting cold here already and I`m having flashbacks to last winter. Whaaaa! I want more summer.  :crying:


I'll be glad to send some to you from Texas in trade for some cold, k? I want winter!!!

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Texie, I can't really recommend the recipe for Poor White Girl's Chile Verde because it was my first time making it and it needs a little tweaking. This is how I made it. Cubed pork chops and browned them. Threw them in the crock pot with a jar of Herdez Green Salsa. That wasn't enough to cover the meat so I threw in a can of green enchilada sauce. Cooked it all day.

1) pork chops were easy to cut, but too lean. They were dry. Very dry. Next time.... pork shoulder.

2) sauce - not thick enough and too spicy. I need to find a milder green sauce.

Oh dear.  Bad recipe problems.  We don't even eat pork.


It is morning. I like that I have no students on Fridays.

Indeed.  Students are the most difficult part of teaching.


I'll be glad to send some to you from Texas in trade for some cold, k? I want winter!!!

True dat.  Fall is my favorite season, and it lasts about two days here.

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