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Duck was here.  She misses y'all.  


Crazy week with relatives visiting.  All good stuff;  just never at home!


Thanks for all the concern re: my mother... the good news is that she not only survived the stroke, but that now, many years later, there are very few remaining traces of the damage it caused.  We are all very thankful for her (almost) full recovery.  


Ack!  And SWB's been at RAR???  This I did not know.  <running off to listen to the podcast right now>   :leaving:

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Good Morning!


Tex, wow, riding old Nessy.  Very impressive.  Did you wear a cowboy hat and hold one hand up in the air?  (I'm picturing bull riding, obviously).  But maybe Nessy doesn't move that fast.  You are very brave.


Ikslo, you have hit homeschooling nirvana.  Way to go!


Ducklings, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to the SWB RAR podcast.


Wintermom, yay for getting rid of flowered borders!!!

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I am wiped out.  Two trips into town - one on each side of rush hour - since dh was unavailable (on surveillance).  But, I did do C25K this morning.  However I backed up to repeat week 6 because I didn't feel ready for a 25 minute run.  :svengo:


I've made a big pile of stuff for Goodwill.  (I'm 14th or more on the list for the kon mari book at the library, but Slache's thread on the chat board is quite inspiring!)


I have "decluttered" the next few weeks' commitments.  I gave the girls a list of 3 summer home school things that they must complete before Labor Day, and told them that the sooner they got them done the more completely school-free days they will have to enjoy before we start the new school year.  I've given myself permission to stop planning out the school subjects until the closet is finished.  Ditto on any housework beyond the immediate-needs basics, and ditto on any planned out cooking.


As part of Monday's outings run I took the 2 boxes of donatables (only 2) over to our local charity thrift shop instead of waiting for a few more to accumulate.  As I started emptying my stuff out of our closet yesterday I realized that as we put stuff back I will have the perfect opportunity to cull through my clothes again with refreshed eyes -- something that needs doing, even though I Konmaried cloths several months ago.  Sometimes things need a second pass after an interlude.


I've also given myself permission to NOT worry about exercise until the weather cools off, which will be about mid-October.  I have enough other stuff going on and I'm having a really rough time in this heat.  I have something hormonal going on, possibly triggered (or just worsened) by my recent attempts to adjust my diet.  Youngest is sometimes wrapping up in a blanket because I keep turning on all of the fans, in addition to the a/c (we don't have good airflow between rooms in our house, so the fans move the a/c'd air around more effectively).


By the time I took youngest to Aikido yesterday afternoon I had emptied some of my stuff out of the closet and tidied up the spare bedroom and a corner of the master bedroom so DH would have someplace to put his things.  I also found and boxed up all of the hand-me-down clothing that somehow defaulted to being stored at my house -- I will take these over to ILs' house the next time the Dallas part of the family comes down so we SILs can all go through them together, pick out what we WANT, and then donate the rest.  This might take a month or two to occur, but I might be able to guilt-trip Dallas SIL into considering coming down sooner.  Maybe Labor Day weekend?


When the girls and I got back from Aikido I told DH (who was home by then) that I was noised out (the usually quiet room there had a lot of talkative activity that day), and he suggested I take a restful and quiet break in our closet.  Not only had he emptied out all of his stuff -- he had already started ripping out the builder-installed bar and shelf on his side.  I sent him down to fix dinner for the kids and proceeded to finish emptying my side.  Quite satisfying and peacefully quiet.  After super the girls and I watched the last of a series on Netflix while he ripped out the rest and spackled.


My job today is to do any more spackling I feel necessary, then clean (vacuum like crazy and shampoo the closet carpet -- possibly for the first time in 11 years) and prep for painting the walls and ceiling.  If all goes well we should be able to get one coat on the ceiling and two coats on the walls (they really need it) before the weekend.  If we can manage this we can have the closet finished by Sunday evening.


And then I'll want to paint the commode in the master bathroom, and I might decide it's time for DH to build scaffolding so we can paint the main part of the master bath.  Who in their right minds puts 10' or higher ceilings in a bathroom?  There's no place for ladders to reach the ceiling or high on the walls!


After that I'll see if I can get DH to help me paint the half bath downstairs.  Then the downstairs hallway.  Then the breakfast area.  Then the kitchen.  He won't touch the 2-story high entry until much later.  DH wants to eventually replace the upstairs carpet with wood flooring, so the general, vague plan is to tackle the upstairs rooms one at a time, emptying them, painting, replacing the floor, and then moving whomever back in.  By New Year's 2017 we should have a completely overhauled interior.  DH will then want to get the siding painted, most likely, and someday we plan to build a deck.


Bite off more than we can chew?  I think we are masters at that.  Must get to work now.

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Last night I dreamed that I got in our van and ds14 was driving. I told him to slow down and realized that he was driving on the wrong side of the road directly into oncoming traffic. I had my seatbelt on, and I turned to see that little dd had hers on. He was not responding to me yelling at him to slow down and that he was headed into traffic. It was a 4-6 lane road packed with cars, nowhere to go. I braced for the impact. It was just the three of us in the car.


I liked riding the Loch Ness monster better. I had no fear of death in that one.

This would not have happened if you had better control over your children. Tisk tisk.

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Bah. Day has not started well. Couldn't get to sleep until about 2am, and this morning I got a call from the lady who thought I could cram 6 weeks of violin lessons into her 10yo by Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I came across a little unfeeling because I simply told her it was not possible. And she said thank you and hung up. I'm not upset with her, just with the program director who had the audacity to suggest that ridiculous idea to her.

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Bah. Day has not started well. Couldn't get to sleep until about 2am, and this morning I got a call from the lady who thought I could cram 6 weeks of violin lessons into her 10yo by Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I came across a little unfeeling because I simply told her it was not possible. And she said thank you and hung up. I'm not upset with her, just with the program director who had the audacity to suggest that ridiculous idea to her.


I'm glad you told her no.  What a ridiculous thing to suggest.  What a ridiculous thing to believe.




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Bah. Day has not started well. Couldn't get to sleep until about 2am, and this morning I got a call from the lady who thought I could cram 6 weeks of violin lessons into her 10yo by Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I came across a little unfeeling because I simply told her it was not possible. And she said thank you and hung up. I'm not upset with her, just with the program director who had the audacity to suggest that ridiculous idea to her.


Could you refresh violin skills from the 2 months of summer time without lessons by next Tuesday? How about the following Tuesday? ;)  If so, can I pack up my ds and send him to you? He's also great with flooring, carpet removal, and will do all you ask as long as you feed him cereal. 

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Could you refresh violin skills from the 2 months of summer time without lessons by next Tuesday? How about the following Tuesday? ;) If so, can I pack up my ds and send him to you? He's also great with flooring, carpet removal, and will do all you ask as long as you feed him cereal.

Yes! How does he feel about rug cleaning? What kind of milk does he like in his cereal? :)

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It's 'cause Tuesday is the final day of "placement exams" where she would be evaluated to see if she is ready to join orchestra class.


So what was she going to do if you bent over backwards to give her dh the last-minute lessons, and her daughter still didn't make orchestra?  Blame you?  Geesh.

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Well, school started today. DS had a half day at his new school. He had a good day, I think, but came home in a bad mood. Everyone is in a bad mood. Quarreling, fussing. I don't know why. It puts me in a bad mood.


The air is bad because of all the smoke, and my eyes are burning. Even in the house. And I have the AC going 24/7. I go out for a minute to pick DS up from school and my eyes are burning and my throat is scratchy. This state is a tender box, fires are everywhere.

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Well, school started today. DS had a half day at his new school. He had a good day, I think, but came home in a bad mood. Everyone is in a bad mood. Quarreling, fussing. I don't know why. It puts me in a bad mood.



Hopefully it's not indicative of how the school year will go.


ETA:  the bad mood stuff, not the good first day. :)

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Yes! How does he feel about rug cleaning? What kind of milk does he like in his cereal? :)


Lucky for him, he`s already got a place in the string ensemble already (phew!). He`d probably be a little weak in the cleaning departement. His strengths seem to be in destruction and building; quality cleaning isn`t a priority for him (rugs, clothing, teeth).   :laugh:   

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Well, school started today. DS had a half day at his new school. He had a good day, I think, but came home in a bad mood. Everyone is in a bad mood. Quarreling, fussing. I don't know why. It puts me in a bad mood.


The air is bad because of all the smoke, and my eyes are burning. Even in the house. And I have the AC going 24/7. I go out for a minute to pick DS up from school and my eyes are burning and my throat is scratchy. This state is a tender box, fires are everywhere.


Maybe the smoke is making everyone`s mood off?   Hope you get some rain and relief from the smoke soon. 

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The air is bad because of all the smoke, and my eyes are burning. Even in the house. And I have the AC going 24/7. I go out for a minute to pick DS up from school and my eyes are burning and my throat is scratchy. This state is a tender box, fires are everywhere.

That sounds just awful! Hope you can get some relief soon - I'm sure that would make anyone start feeling just a little crazy after a while!

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Krissi, I hope that your evening goes better than your afternoon.


I heard from Jean.  Camp is floating her boat.   :)


I also took a kid to the doctor because of lingering illness which turned into specific complaints.  Kid has bronchitis and a double ear infection.  She has been going about saying that the smoke got her, and she got bronchitis.

Edited by texasmama
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Three weeks left of summer vacation. Labour Day weekend is late this year (yay!).  I'm not stressed about school start because I'm distracting myself with flooring.


And I think I managed to convince dh to paint the master bedroom at the same as we do the flooring!!!  I'm SO EXCITED to get rid of the flower wallpaper border that's been there since we bought the house 13 years ago.   :hurray:



Oh, and HOOYAH!!!


This is the thread that never ends.... 


Paint first, then lay the new flooring.  You will be a lot less stressed out, trust me.  I know from experience.

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Bah. Day has not started well. Couldn't get to sleep until about 2am, and this morning I got a call from the lady who thought I could cram 6 weeks of violin lessons into her 10yo by Tuesday. I'm pretty sure I came across a little unfeeling because I simply told her it was not possible. And she said thank you and hung up. I'm not upset with her, just with the program director who had the audacity to suggest that ridiculous idea to her.


Why on earth would anyone think that 6 weeks of lessons in anything could be learned in just a few days?  And why did she have such a short deadline?

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It's 'cause Tuesday is the final day of "placement exams" where she would be evaluated to see if she is ready to join orchestra class.


If the parents aren't prepared to take their child to appropriate lessons on an appropriate schedule then the parents aren't ready for their child to join orchestra.  It's sad for the child, but parental readiness is a major limiting factor.


Unfortunately they will likely blame the child for not being ready yet so they could brag.

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Which is why riding with them is so darn scary!



Just yesterday my eldest (age 14) was wishing aloud about getting her driver's license.  Mostly it's all fantasy about having unlimited freedom to go where and when she pleases.  I started describing to her the months of driving she will first do with one or the other parent in the front passenger seat telling her exactly what to do and where to go.  She's a lot less eager to go through that, though she seems to understand that by the end she really will know how to drive well.  DH and I simply won't let her try the driving test until we are positive she is ready.  I think she's satisfied to wait a while now, thankfully.

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Well, school started today. DS had a half day at his new school. He had a good day, I think, but came home in a bad mood. Everyone is in a bad mood. Quarreling, fussing. I don't know why. It puts me in a bad mood.


The air is bad because of all the smoke, and my eyes are burning. Even in the house. And I have the AC going 24/7. I go out for a minute to pick DS up from school and my eyes are burning and my throat is scratchy. This state is a tender box, fires are everywhere.


Smoke and fires can do that to people.  Be sure to mention this to your kids, and explain that if they or anyone else is crabby it's understandable.  Doesn't help much, but can encourage just a smidgen more patience with themselves and everyone else. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Lucky for him, he`s already got a place in the string ensemble already (phew!). He`d probably be a little weak in the cleaning departement. His strengths seem to be in destruction and building; quality cleaning isn`t a priority for him (rugs, clothing, teeth).   :laugh:   


Dang, we could have used him yesterday evening, when we were tearing the guts out of our closet!

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Just yesterday my eldest (age 14) was wishing aloud about getting her driver's license.  Mostly it's all fantasy about having unlimited freedom to go where and when she pleases.  I started describing to her the months of driving she will first do with one or the other parent in the front passenger seat telling her exactly what to do and where to go.  She's a lot less eager to go through that, though she seems to understand that by the end she really will know how to drive well.  DH and I simply won't let her try the driving test until we are positive she is ready.  I think she's satisfied to wait a while now, thankfully.

Here, as well.  This means I will be a chauffeur for a long time for one kid.  :)

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Dang, we could have used him yesterday evening, when we were tearing the guts out of our closet!


Hey, I could make some money and rent him out! He was great helping rid the master bedroom of junk. Dd was good, too, though ds was more my kind of guy, "Just haul out the goods; ask no questions." Dd wanted to look through EVERYTHING, ask questions, admire photos, etc. It took a lot longer than it should have, but I will chalk up "good mommy points" for use later. ;)

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I told oldest dd the other day that this year we would focus on grammar and comp, with fewer papers than she did in school last year because I wanted to make sure she has a good foundation in grammar. She stood with her mouth open and said that was exactly what her 10th grade teacher had said before she withdrew. It's not the first time she said that I said the same things her teachers had been saying in school. (did you follow that?) I just finished purchasing her grammar and logic books. Need a good price on chemistry.


Today was a meet and greet with my prekers and their parents. The only child that cried was my own. She was supposed to go to the other teacher's room, the room where she had played daily for the past two weeks, but she came back to me with big crocodile tears. sigh... I'm pretty sure that tomorrow we'll have a few more tears as the children are actually left at school for their 3 hour session.

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Hi all y'all!  We fed the ducks today.  (The real ones.)  SIL declared tomorrow a rest-day.  She and I both need one.  We've been exhausting ourselves with fun and my house is still a wreck from my 36 hour vacation last weekend.  Time to clean up.  And sleep in. 


Prayers for smooth sailing for all of you starting school already (Renai, Krissi, and anyone else).  Thank goodness I have a few more weeks to regroup before we start!  


Nighty night, everyone!


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Younger had been sleeping in Older's room (has a bed in there) for the past few nights. She landed in our bed tonight out of sheer laziness. She passed out in the car at 5pm, barely awoke when walking into the house, then laid on the sofa and has been asleep since. She didn't even wake for dinner. :( It was just easier to take her to our bed than navigate the narrow hallway to Older's room.


Oh, lookie, it's a BOOYA! Yay.

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I forgot to mention that during the parent orientation, I introduced my oldest daughter as someone that would be helping out in the classroom periodically as part of her "Occupational Education" credit. Sounds good (and impressive), doesn't it?

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