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Hmmmmm..... That's a great idea. I'll have to scan and see if anything good is on. I'm not a big movie fan - I think I don't like to focus that long. (I used to be able to focus for long periods of time. I blame motherhood, lol.)


Yea, I have that problem, too. Which is why generally I binge watch tv shows on Amazon Prime. I'm almost finished with Season 4 of The Glades, which I started in June. That's the final season, so I'm very happy Prime has Blue Bloods now. I love that show. I'll probably get through the 5 Seasons they have by Christmas.
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I never had sisters, either. I wanted at least one badly. And I still do! That's why when we adopted our daughter, we made sure we got her a sister. Well, we applied for one, but they gave us two. And she is the best big sister ever. She really is sweet and adores her little sisters. She's 3 years older than one and 4 1/2 years older than the other.


I'll be your sister.

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That made me cry.


We would be a sight in public together, but you can be my mother AND my sister from another mister.


ETA:  I am so desperate for a sister that I thought you were talking to me! :lol:


I was going to multiquote to offer to be your sister too, but since we were already mother/dAughter, I wasn't sure how that'd work out. :D

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Well, older dd supposed to start school tomorrow. But, I keep thinking - why bother if she's going to get pulled out anyway? She's old enough to stay home alone, or to stay out of the way at my school. She's my built-in babysitter for short periods of time. When I mentioned her not going at all, she said, "YES!" I don't even have school supplies for her. Sheesh.

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Well, older dd supposed to start school tomorrow. But, I keep thinking - why bother if she's going to get pulled out anyway? She's old enough to stay home alone, or to stay out of the way at my school. She's my built-in babysitter for short periods of time. When I mentioned her not going at all, she said, "YES!" I don't even have school supplies for her. Sheesh.

I don't think going back to school is in either one of your plans really.

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I don't think going back to school is in either one of your plans really.




Part of the problem is, I have no homeschool plans either. Other than the classes at VHSG and geometry with Jann.


I have the Notgrass World History books I got from when I started MFW Ancients last year. We can go through them for English, history, and Bible credit. I think. She wants to study Italian. and I have no plan for Spanish language arts. 


AND, I'll have to pay for the evaluation after she turns 16 OOP. OOP! Good grief.


I'm going to the store to get school supplies. She reasoned that she still needs supplies to homeschool.

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That made me cry.


We would be a sight in public together, but you can be my mother AND my sister from another mister.


ETA: I am so desperate for a sister that I thought you were talking to me! :lol:

We can all be sisters! We can do like my mom and her sisters do. They all go to the one sister's condo at the beach for a week and stay up late, eat out a lot, shop and watch movies!
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I'm looking forward to this too in a couple weeks - waves, sun, and salt air.  But we won't be going in the water since we're going to Shark Central.  Bummer.  (That means I'll have plenty of time to check in here while we're gone!  Always a bright side.)



Go Lynn Go!

Go Lynn Go!


Yaaaaaaaaaaaay, Lynn!


And glad you won't be serving yourself up to any sharks while you're there.

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Part of the problem is, I have no homeschool plans either. Other than the classes at VHSG and geometry with Jann.


I have the Notgrass World History books I got from when I started MFW Ancients last year. We can go through them for English, history, and Bible credit. I think. She wants to study Italian. and I have no plan for Spanish language arts.


AND, I'll have to pay for the evaluation after she turns 16 OOP. OOP! Good grief.


I'm going to the store to get school supplies. She reasoned that she still needs supplies to homeschool.

Why do you need an eval? College accommodations? Why do you have pay?
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Hey, Tex! Pick me! Pick me! I'll be your sister too!


I've got a lot of experience living with bossy pantses, and I'm cool with it. Especially since you're tall so you can't borrow all my clothes right out from under me.

I pick you, too! Soon I will have a really awesome virtual family. :D
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Why do you need an eval? College accommodations? Why do you have pay?


Yes. The school needed an updated eval. We got there on Friday, and the evaluator realized that dd doesn't turn 16 until the end of September. I know you know this, but for others who don't - an eval at age 16 and above carries to college for accommodations. So she just did the academic part so the school can work out accommodations (which will probably be the same as always), and the school agreed to wait on the other part until she turns 16.


If she's going to school, the school will pay for it. If she's not going to school, we'll have to pay for it. Unless we go through the district. Which will take forever, and may not be as comprehensive as this private contractor.

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REally? Can it be past 1am? Why, it is! I guess i should go to bed, considering I should attend a training with VSHG @ about 7am, and then have to go to work at 8am. I think older dd will attend the first day of school, because she has something to prove to the special ed coordinator concerning the chemistry class. And, she wants to see the school tour, since she started late last year, she never got one.  :glare:  I told her regardless, we're homeschooling, even if she changes her mind at this point. She's all for it. I wonder what dh will say when he finds out she's attending the first day. He'll be here with Little (I'll already be gone), so he might just tell her no. Guess i'll find out when I get back home.

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I don't have a sister.  I do have cousins that were like sisters, but without the stealing clothes part, lol.  Somehow the word sister immediately gives me the connotation of someone who won't respect my boundaries, and I like y'all too much to go there.  Maybe we could be cousins? 


I never had that problem with my sisters. But, I can be your cousin.

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I always wanted a brother (only child).

   Me too (too many girls).  


I think Quackers and I have the same taste in food.

    Agreed.  I'm printing the sweet potato and chicken hash as we speak. Garam masala sells me on anything. 



A super hot guy at the playground checked me out.

   A super hot guy at the grocery store checked me out.



   But I'm not sure that's quite the same thing.



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But suddenly being denied those post-midnight snacks and drinks leaves you feeling like you're stranded in the Sahara, right?  

I'm thirsty!    Water. . . give me water. . . .!  I tend to run towards dehydrated anyway . . . no  water this morning is torture.  Oh, well, I get to leave for the test in less than an hour.  

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We have a new roof!


Twenty plus guys (most of them Guatemalan, sans shirts  :coolgleamA: ) swarmed in like locusts last week, ripped the roof clean, slapped on the new one (along with new flashing and new wood to replace the rot), cleaned up beautifully, and were gone in less than three hours.  


Wild.  Three hours of rolling thunder with debris swirling like we were in the middle of a tornado.  Pretty cool.   


I'm glad I went with Pewter Gray.  


The mason is supposed to be here any minute but he comes alone so we'll be seeing him for next couple of weeks.  

Now, if I could just find someone willing to hang our drywall... apparently our job is too small for anyone to want to bother with.   :glare: But once the drywall and new carpeting are done, I'll be about to move us back into our schoolroom.   :hurray:

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I'm thirsty!    Water. . . give me water. . . .!  I tend to run towards dehydrated anyway . . . no  water this morning is torture.  Oh, well, I get to leave for the test in less than an hour.  


Ahhhhh.... kicking back to enjoy my chilled bottle of crisp, refreshing Poland Springs right now.  



I hope the test goes well, and they get you in and out quickly so you can treat yourself to a nice lunch out afterwards.

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Boo! I'm at home watching over our sick puppy when I was supposed to be on a bus to Montreal with dh to watch men's pro tennis at the Rogers Cup. :crying:  Oh well, at least dh and ds can get in some quality time together enjoying the tennis action. 


On a happy note, we finished the floors in dd's room and it looks awesome! :hurray:  We'll get to the other rooms and hallway later this week. 

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We're on our way to vacation. I was literally up all night. Did not sleep at all. Going to a huge water park thing. Staying one night. The whole fam is here, even college girl. I currently have to pee but dh is stingy with potty breaks.


Isn't the whole stay-up-all-night-to-pack-for-vacation supposed to come to an end as your kids get older?  Please don't tell me I have 18 more years of that to look forward to!


Hope you have a fabulous time, and the all-nighter-hangover doesn't hit until after the fun is over.  So happy you are getting a much-deserved vacation!  :hurray:

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Isn't the whole stay-up-all-night-to-pack-for-vacation supposed to come to an end as your kids get older? Please don't tell me I have 18 more years of that to look forward to!


Hope you have a fabulous time, and the all-nighter-hangover doesn't hit until after the fun is over. So happy you are getting a much-deserved vacation! :hurray:

Thank you. Right now everything strikes me as funny in my sleep deprived state. :D I wasn't even packing. When I have to get up early I have trouble sleeping.
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Cape May is wonderful.  DH prefers Diamond Beach just north of there, however.


I have two IRL sisters.  No brothers.  Always wanted a brother.


I don't like chickpeas.  Not at all.   Perhaps I should have put that on my list of dislikes on that other thread.  Meh.  I'll just tell you all here because you're the ones that matter. 


I can't stand up straight today.  Nor can I get comfortable in my chair at work.  This is going to be a long day.  I keep stretching, but it doesn't help the pain.  I hear thinks creaking and racking and boy do I feel old and out of shape.  I told DH last night that I am now on a mission to get in the best shape of my life by the time I'm 50.  So that I don't have to start right now I gave myself a few extra years. LOL



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Finally caught up again.  So youngest 2 are off on adventures again, my sister took youngest with her and nephew to BC for vacation, ds11 wheedled gramma and poppa into taking him on their vacation (to same resort sister was going to though they will not often actually meet up). Both teens have job interview this morning, dd16 is in a flurry getting ready, ds16 is pouting.  We have to leave in 12 minutes to get there on time, should be interesting.  Then off to work for me, the teens have to come help me at work until my lunch break when I can drive them home (they are interviewing in same town I work in which is 26km from the town we live in).  I registered for my fall courses, taking 4 of them, 3 for my early childhood program, 1 from mental health.  THe end is coming close for early childhood, I will only have 1 course and 1 practicum remaining for winter term and then I will graduate from that one.

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I don't like chickpeas. Not at all. Perhaps I should have put that on my list of dislikes on that other thread. Meh. I'll just tell you all here because you're the ones that matter.


I really don't like them, either. Except I like hummus, and I tried this recipe I fund on a list of salad toppers - sauté chickpeas in butter until they're brown and crunchy, salt them and throw them on top of a green salad. They're pretty good like that!
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I really don't like them, either. Except I like hummus, and I tried this recipe I fund on a list of salad toppers - sauté chickpeas in butter until they're brown and crunchy, salt them and throw them on top of a green salad. They're pretty good like that!



I love chickpeas in any form.   :D  But at the bottom of that recipe post there's a link to a similar recipe at desert candy that roasts the chickpeas crispy instead.  

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So.  (Because some of us really like starting sentences with so.  I do.)  So, I have an old weight watchers packet.  I say old because a) it was a hand me down; I never joined and b) they've revised their point system since this one was published.  So, theoretically I'm allowed 22 points.  I'm not really using this in strict way, but as a way of paying attention to portion size, etc.  So (here is where I really meant to use "so"), So, I discovered that 2 Tbsp of peanut butter are worth 5 points.  This might explain why I don't lose any weight.  (Who only eats 2 Tbsp of peanut butter, anyway?)  :drool5: :svengo: :nopity: :sad:

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So.  (Because some of us really like starting sentences with so.  I do.)  So, I have an old weight watchers packet.  I say old because a) it was a hand me down; I never joined and b) they've revised their point system since this one was published.  So, theoretically I'm allowed 22 points.  I'm not really using this in strict way, but as a way of paying attention to portion size, etc.  So (here is where I really meant to use "so"), So, I discovered that 2 Tbsp of peanut butter are worth 5 points.  This might explain why I don't lose any weight.  (Who only eats 2 Tbsp of peanut butter, anyway?)  :drool5: :svengo: :nopity: :sad:


Crazy people who count calories...?



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