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*sigh*  Now I have another day's posts to catch up on.  Today got busy, and then we shut down computers and all other non-essential electronics for the latter afternoon.  The power company has asked customers to cut back on their usage during a 4-hour peak usage window today.  I rather expect more such requests in the coming week(s) -- we have had temps firmly over 100 (some lows didn't make it below 88) for days, and nothing but more of the same forecasted for the next 10 days.  Tomorrow I'll tell the kids strange tales of rolling blackouts, brownouts, and other such measures power grids have taken in the past when demand exceeded supply.


We did watch Monument Men after the day began to cool off (well past the requested cut-back time window).  What a great show!  I did have to keep shushing the kids, though, telling them to watch the movie.  They kept asking a LOT of questions, as if I had seen the movie before and knew EVERYTHING that was going on.  I guess they still think I'm an authority on anything historical (which is hysterical).  Tomorrow we will have more explanations, as I promised to get them to be quiet.

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I liked Monument Men! Such an interesting story.


Ds had a little Monument Man that he found while hiking at the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Alas, he was lost on a glacier in Norway (Monument Man was lost, that is; not ds. Actually, I think we decided that he wanted a change of scenery after spending so much time in the blistering heat.)

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Note to self, when you return first read forward from page 266.  Then search the thread for "page" to find your previous reminder of where you left off on reading through the backlog.


Must go to bed now.  I hope everyone is doing fine and not hurting.  I'll try to check back tomorrow, studies with the kids and power company pleas notwithstanding.

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:seeya:   Hi everyone.  I'm still up.  (Ellie would be so proud of me!)  WIDE awake, in fact.  Coffee with supper.  WHAT was I thinking?


Not only am I still up (not rare), but my girls are as well. The 4 yo just can hardly ever sleep before 9. Now it's 10. We're trying to get her to sleep in her own bed with big sis. Sigh.


In other news, I finally finished the purchase order. Now to scan it in and email it, and hopefully pick everything up this weekend. The city is an hour away. But, if they ship it to us, they'll use UPS ground, and it might not get here until after school starts. :huh: yeah...


Scan, email, then homework. A woman's work is never done.

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Ya all remember my dad?



Prayers and good thoughts for my dad please.


He fell and caused his cornea transplant to detach last night around 11:30p:(

He ended up having the eye removed. The nerve was too damaged. He will have an artificial eye, and the doctors say once complete, no one will be able to tell the difference between the two eyes. They were able to attach the muscles to the artificial housing and both eyes will move when he looks at something. They will even match the color of his eye. He has the most beautiful blue color, kinda sky blue, but bluer. (Ds20 has his eye color, the only one in the family.) This has made him feel a lot better about everything.


He has one more surgery to go, around the end of this month.


I had been wanting to update for a while. Thanks for thoughts, good wishes and prayer. It is much appreciated, still needed and working.:)

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Baptists and Mennonites are not the only denomination that believe dancing is a sin. I belonged to a strict Pentecostal church that believed it also. Women had to wear skirts/dresses that fell below the knee (I was once told my witness to a friend didn't count because I was wearing pants), and there were a few other rules I can't remember. But, boy, did those women love their hats! And hair! Sunday was all out fashion.


Interestingly, I had a friend who was in an even stricter denomination than I was. I didn't believe it was possible! Besides the dancing and skirts, they didn't wear makeup (including clear fingernail polish), couldn't do their hair up, had to buy clothes at the thrift store, etc. I don't know why buying in other than a thrift store was a problem. That one was weird to me. (which is to say, although I don't believe in all those other rules, I don't think they are weird - just really strict and legalistic.)

So weird to see pentecostal as one that considered dancing a sin and so strict. I am pentecostal, it is generally a denomination that celebrates dancing in the aisles at church on sundays if the spirit moves you, and to come as you are, no clothing restrictions etc. At least that has been my experience at any pentecostal church I have attended. 

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So weird to see pentecostal as one that considered dancing a sin and so strict. I am pentecostal, it is generally a denomination that celebrates dancing in the aisles at church on sundays if the spirit moves you, and to come as you are, no clothing restrictions etc. At least that has been my experience at any pentecostal church I have attended. 


Brandy! How's it going?


I mention in a later post the difference between church dancing (shouting) and club/worldly dancing. ;) Yep. There are denominations out there...

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So weird to see pentecostal as one that considered dancing a sin and so strict. I am pentecostal, it is generally a denomination that celebrates dancing in the aisles at church on sundays if the spirit moves you, and to come as you are, no clothing restrictions etc. At least that has been my experience at any pentecostal church I have attended. 


Yabbut there is (apparently) a difference between dancing in the Spirit at church and doing the funky broadway with your friends at a dance hall. :huh:

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Ya all remember my dad?




He ended up having the eye removed. The nerve was too damaged. He will have an artificial eye, and the doctors say once complete, no one will be able to tell the difference between the two eyes. They were able to attach the muscles to the artificial housing and both eyes will move when he looks at something. They will even match the color of his eye. He has the most beautiful blue color, kinda sky blue, but bluer. (Ds20 has his eye color, the only one in the family.) This has made him feel a lot better about everything.


He has one more surgery to go, around the end of this month.


I had been wanting to update for a while. Thanks for thoughts, good wishes and prayer. It is much appreciated, still needed and working. :)


  :grouphug: to your dad and best wishes for a speedy recovery. 


It's amazing what doctors can do these days.

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All. Caught. Up.   Boo to the Yah!


Though that was some MAJOR skimming there so please forgive me if I get a few of the details mixed up.  I've missed a.lot.  Tex owns Jean's butt and is sending her to naughty bunny camp because she is only up to lesson 9? AMJ is starving because all she eats is steak on a stick? Someone's children everyone's children are driving them crazy?  Lynn is stopping by on Saturday to fix my dishwasher and Ikslo is painting my basement next week?  Slachey-poo is off conquering Rome?  I match my refrigerator?  




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Thank you for posting that.  That's awesome that you get started so early!  I do agree with you about getting one-on-one (or one-on-two!) skill work done early.  I'm toast after lunch, even if they're not.  But we don't start quite that early!  When my oldest was little, my dh worked evening/night shifts and we never got going really early.  Now, dh and I get up early and have our coffee in quiet without kids.  It's usually the best (only) time that he and I are alone, so I don't mess with that.  Our pattern has been to start "morning time" at 9:00 and then at 10:00 I start one-on-one instruction.  By 1:00 or so hopefully only independent reading, quick workbook stuff, piano and chess are left to do because I don't want to keep teaching that long.  But I am hoping to get an 8:30 start instead of 9:00.     


Anyway, I digress, but your routine is helpful!   


A bit of good news.  My 12yo dd took the practice test at the end of the first Key to Fractions workbook and only missed a couple little things, and that's after not doing math all summer.  So that was encouraging.  I think I might be able to have her progress though some of the other fraction concepts without doing every single exercise.  The other thing is that the girls' sewing lessons won't start back up until the end of September, so hopefully we'll be in a good routine by then.         


I lovelovelove that you and dh get quiet time in the morning!  I kinda wish we could do the same, but in reality I need totally ALONE AND QUIET time for about an hour each morning before I'm a nice person, and dh... well.... he talks incessently in the mornings.  So it's a bad mix.  But at least now after 12 years of marriage we know how to work around each other without any hurt feelings.   :laugh:

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Brandy, it's good to see you back!


No typing program has worked in my house. I feel like hiring my old high school typing instructor Miss Cooper. She did a good job teaching me how to type! On an electric typewriter, no less. We had to have those cardboard covers over our hands so we wouldn't look!


And regarding the Booya/Booyah/Booyuh/Buuyah/Boughya/Bewya debate..... I am Switzerland.


Switzerland??? Hmpf.   :glare:

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Ugh - had hotel pool dreams last night. Do you have dream themes? One of mine involves hotel pools. In last night's episode, my family and parents went swimming in a huge resort pool even though the pool was closed and our clothes somehow disappeared and we had to walk through the resort/hotel naked. We did manage to steal a couple of towels as we walked through.


I also have tornado dreams. Essentially, a tornado is coming and I warn everyone and/or find them a safe place to hunker down. Once we were driving around St. Louis (in my dream) and saw a triple tornado storm on the other side of the city. It was pretty cool.


Back when I was still working, I used to have panic dreams about teaching every August before the fall semester started.  You know, the classic in-front-of-a-lecture-hall-nekkid  kinda dreams.   Every single August, usually multiple times.  


Then I quit to be a SAHM.  The August panic-dreams didn't stop, but they morphed.  Now I was in a sweatshop in some foreign land, washing mountains and mountains of laundry.  All my professor colleagues were there too, washing away just fine and meeting their quotas.  I was drowning in my laundry pile, and the shift manager was threatening to whip me.    


That went on for years.  None so far this August, though!  Maybe I've finally conquered my laundry thing.  

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Ya all remember my dad?




He ended up having the eye removed. The nerve was too damaged. He will have an artificial eye, and the doctors say once complete, no one will be able to tell the difference between the two eyes. They were able to attach the muscles to the artificial housing and both eyes will move when he looks at something. They will even match the color of his eye. He has the most beautiful blue color, kinda sky blue, but bluer. (Ds20 has his eye color, the only one in the family.) This has made him feel a lot better about everything.


He has one more surgery to go, around the end of this month.


I had been wanting to update for a while. Thanks for thoughts, good wishes and prayer. It is much appreciated, still needed and working. :)



:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Thanks for the update.  I'm so sorry to hear this news.  Though I'm glad that such amazing things can be done medically now, it must be very difficult to adjust to.   Prayers for your dad.

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Back when I was still working, I used to have panic dreams about teaching every August before the fall semester started.  You know, the classic in-front-of-a-lecture-hall-nekkid  kinda dreams.   Every single August, usually multiple times.  


Then I quit to be a SAHM.  The August panic-dreams didn't stop, but they morphed.  Now I was in a sweatshop in some foreign land, washing mountains and mountains of laundry.  All my professor colleagues were there too, washing away just fine and meeting their quotas.  I was drowning in my laundry pile, and the shift manager was threatening to whip me.    


That went on for years.  None so far this August, though!  Maybe I've finally conquered my laundry thing.  


Wowzers! You have a fertile imagination. ;)


My panic dreams are about teaching basketball to high school boys. On a bad night, I'm teaching basketball in Norwegian.  Uncomfortable, but luckily no whipping threats. 

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Back when I was still working, I used to have panic dreams about teaching every August before the fall semester started. You know, the classic in-front-of-a-lecture-hall-nekkid kinda dreams. Every single August, usually multiple times.


I'd have teacher panic dreams, too, when I was teaching (for pay, with a full classroom ). Except my standard dream was that there was a scheduling mix-up and I was teaching 2 (or more) classes simultaneously, so I would come into one classroom, start the lesson, then run next door to my other class, but every time I walked in they'd be completely out of control, throwing things, talking,running around. And I never knew how to manage both classes at the same time. I have no idea how any times I had that dream, but it was always awful!

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Wowzers! You have a fertile imagination. ;)


My panic dreams are about teaching basketball to high school boys. On a bad night, I'm teaching basketball in Norwegian. Uncomfortable, but luckily no whipping threats.

That would be a nightmare! Do you know Norwegian?


That reminded me of the year I taught boy's Bible (jr. high boy's Bible, no less, in a Christian School I used to teach at). Talk about a nightmare. One boy had gas so bad he literally cleared the room. The only ones left were him and me. He was sitting there with a sheepish grin on his face and I was standing in front of the room not exactly knowing what to do.

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You all will be proud of me,  (Please be proud of me.)  I slept in this morning.  Well sort of.  First I got up at 6:30 to get ds and dh out the door to work.  Then I went back to bed until 9 when dd got up.  But I would have had to make a major effort to get out of bed - which is what I normally do.  But this time I didn't.  I stayed in bed and dozed.  Even when she crawled in too and was talking to me.  When she wasn't getting much of a response she left me alone for the next half hour.  So perhaps I get bad mothering points but I actually feel functional now.  

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I'm proud of you, Jean.  I will now send you a funny video in which you are mentioned by ds12 since I know you are awake.  Backstory:  Ds14 is not allowed to answer "I didn't do anything" when given feedback.  Well, "not allowed" is a strong term.  Asked not to do that because it lights me up like a Christmas tree since it is his stock answer.  But at the end, you get a mention.


If anyone else wants to see a funny video in which Jean has an honorable mention, pm me your phone number.  It is classic and shows both of my boys as they really are - Mr. Bossypants and Mr. "I didn't do anything".  Good times.

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I'd have teacher panic dreams, too, when I was teaching (for pay, with a full classroom ). Except my standard dream was that there was a scheduling mix-up and I was teaching 2 (or more) classes simultaneously, so I would come into one classroom, start the lesson, then run next door to my other class, but every time I walked in they'd be completely out of control, throwing things, talking,running around. And I never knew how to manage both classes at the same time. I have no idea how any times I had that dream, but it was always awful!



This vaguely reminds me of something........




Oh.  Yeah.  My life.  



j/k.   Sort of.   :D

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I'm proud of you, Jean.  I will now send you a funny video in which you are mentioned by ds12 since I know you are awake.  Backstory:  Ds14 is not allowed to answer "I didn't do anything" when given feedback.  Well, "not allowed" is a strong term.  Asked not to do that because it lights me up like a Christmas tree since it is his stock answer.  But at the end, you get a mention.


If anyone else wants to see a funny video in which Jean has an honorable mention, pm me your phone number.  It is classic and shows both of my boys as they really are - Mr. Bossypants and Mr. "I didn't do anything".  Good times.


Consider yourself pm'ed.  Well, almost.... 

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Oh.my.word.  This coffee hangover is worse than a real hangover.  So, dh and I went to a retirement info meeting for him.  Supposed to last from 8:00 to 3:00.  We left at lunch (Praise the Lord) and ate and came home and crawled into bed for naps.  Now I have been forced from my bed to revive and get ready to go to ds's (10) birthday party.  It's at a venue.  (Praise the Lord).  I cannot wait until it is over so I can come home, crawl back in bed and die. 

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A corollary to my slogan "Sleep Deprivation:  It makes you dopey".   Fury:  It is energizing.  Got to release that adrenalin!  

Queen Ellie has pointed out my negligence in welcoming the new page.


Boo to the Yah!  (or boo to ya!)


This is the song that never ends. . . .  etc. etc. etc.  (to be said like Yul Brynner in The King and I)

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Oh.my.word.  This coffee hangover is worse than a real hangover.  So, dh and I went to a retirement info meeting for him.  Supposed to last from 8:00 to 3:00.  We left at lunch (Praise the Lord) and ate and came home and crawled into bed for naps.  Now I have been forced from my bed to revive and get ready to go to ds's (10) birthday party.  It's at a venue.  (Praise the Lord).  I cannot wait until it is over so I can come home, crawl back in bed and die. 



:grouphug: Lynn. Hope you get through the evening, have a restful night, and sleep later than normal. I won't expect your good morning post until 9ish or so.:)

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