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I'll fight ya for her.



Sorry, but you'll have to fight several of us for her.  I think we had already plotted out who will be sleeping to both sides of SWB, and at her head, and at her feet -- she'll be utterly surrounded.  I think there's a spot left for you in the next room.

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I hate parties, too. We have one "friends" party per year. The kids have to rotate who gets it. Last year when DS turned 11 I did one more of those things I was always super judgmental about other people doing (there are a lot of those) and then I found myself in that position .... I had DS's 11th birthday party at a venue. I was always like, "how hard can it be to clean your house, or hire someone to do it, and bake a cake? Blah, blah, blah!" And then I'm having a stressful time of life and it's DS's 11th birthday.... how does one plan an at-home birthday party for an 11 year old boy? I told him he could invite 3 friends (that's how many could fit in our minivan with his dad and brother and me) and we spent the morning at the local miniature golf place and then came home and had pizza. No more judgement about venue birthday parties from this girl, that's for sure!


After chaperoning class field trips I was firmly in the always-at-a-venue camp.  Especially after one child almost drowned at someone else's home-based pool party.  I host at a venue, and make it amply clear that attending parents are part of the party, too, and at times I've invited siblings as well.  My kids' birthdays are both in the summer, however, when it is hard to get people to show, and they had small classes (private school before we switched to homeschooling).

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I have thrown some pretty cool parties back in the day.  We had a spy party where the invitation was in code.  (There was an answer key but even then some people missed that or perhaps were too lazy and called to find out what it said.)  We had a kickball party at the community center with about 30 friends and family - the adults liked playing just as well as the kids.  I think there were others but I can't remember now.


I used to work in Geodetics (think truly accurate locational data).  The geodesists in the group told me about one major, world-wide conference they attended one year.  All of the invitees were geodesists, so the host decided to send out the location in Latitude & Longitude, instead of giving an actual address.  They should figure it out, right?


FYI:  Lat/long is NOT an absolute designation of location on the planet.  Lat/long depends upon the geodetic datum used, and there are several in use in the world.


The event was being hosted at a large university.  Some attendees showed up at one building, because they assumed the datum was the ubiquitous WGS84.  More attendees assumed another datum, and showed up at another building.  Still more (a small minority) showed up at the correct location -- they either knew the host and knew which datum he used by default, or they pointed out the omission and called to ask for the address.


This example is now a favorite example in my former coworker's presentations on the importance of good geodetic information.


Gotta be careful when adding such tricks to invitations!

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I want a time machine to take me back to 2:30 am or perhaps 2:20 just to be safe.  I want a do over.  


I tried to go back to sleep after getting ds and dh off to work.  I got woken up by the phone.  I couldn't find the blankety blank handset.  I finally located ds's handset in his pig sty of a room but it had gone to the answering machine - very loud beeps that went on and on while I tried to figure out how to get it to stop (I wasn't very mentally alert yet at this point.)  The phone has been ringing over and over from this "800 Service" with the non-stop beeps.  There is no person to cuss out.  Dd woke up in the middle of all of this and feels just fine.  She stomped off angrily and slammed her door when I told her that I cannot in good conscience let her go volunteer with the babies and toddlers today since I don't know for sure if she has a virus.  If she has no more trouble all day then I will let her go tomorrow.  


Very wise.

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I really hate kid bday parties.  Also, I am terrible at them.  Fortunately, my boys got over parties a few years back.  Now we just have over a few friends for burgers and bball.  Little dd insists on parties, though.  What we have taken to doing is inviting two friends to do something special.  Last year, though, she had a bday party at the Humane Society we volunteer at (because I am friends with the director).  That location closed, though, and my friend moved on to a different job, so it is back to inviting two friends to the mall and a movie or something.  (Little dd is really into the  mall, probably because we go about once a year.)


DH is not a people person, LOL.

DH gives DS the option:  a party, or we take that money and buy you extra gifts.  DS choses the gifts. :)

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Dd was throwing up at 2:30 a.m. or that is what I think my blurry eyes and brain told me.  

:grouphug:  to your dd.  Hope she's feeling better.



Oh, Okay.  I see now that she is, indeed, feeling better.  Well enough to slam doors and give attitude.  LOL

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I have thrown some pretty cool parties back in the day.  We had a spy party where the invitation was in code.  (There was an answer key but even then some people missed that or perhaps were too lazy and called to find out what it said.)  We had a kickball party at the community center with about 30 friends and family - the adults liked playing just as well as the kids.  I think there were others but I can't remember now.

This is the mom I am not.

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:willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:

I just talked to the camp co-director.  I might have up to 20 kids in my group!  At least half boys.  And at least one very very troubled boy will most likely be in the group (he's on the cusp age wise so we're not sure on that).  I will have assistants.  I did not tell her about my current health problems.  They know about my general problems anyway and I figured they didn't need the stress when they are obviously overloaded at the moment as we get closer and closer to camp.  But can I just say  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:   (I should finish all my lesson plans today so I'm good on that front.  She was actually impressed and relieved that I have that much done!  And she's going to look for some more rainbow looms for me.)  

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Sorry, but you'll have to fight several of us for her.  I think we had already plotted out who will be sleeping to both sides of SWB, and at her head, and at her feet -- she'll be utterly surrounded.  I think there's a spot left for you in the next room.

Really creepy.  You people have entered into a dark, dark place.


BTW, I have a guest room in my home just for her, and the rest of you must camp out in the back yard and pee behind a tree.  

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:willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:

I just talked to the camp co-director.  I might have up to 20 kids in my group!  At least half boys.  And at least one very very troubled boy will most likely be in the group (he's on the cusp age wise so we're not sure on that).  I will have assistants.  I did not tell her about my current health problems.  They know about my general problems anyway and I figured they didn't need the stress when they are obviously overloaded at the moment as we get closer and closer to camp.  But can I just say  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:  :willy_nilly:   (I should finish all my lesson plans today so I'm good on that front.  She was actually impressed and relieved that I have that much done!  And she's going to look for some more rainbow looms for me.)  

Do you have some energetic teen boys and girls to help?  I was so very grateful for the fabulous 18 yo boy and girl who kept up with the kids at camp while I dragged my middle aged self around.  They were amazing - in the pool, doing cheers, running, etc.  I did the paddle boats repeatedly, which tired my legs, but that was the extent of my energy.

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She's not coordinating very well if she's trying to make your kid fit a preformed hole.


I'm glad your DD is appreciating the homeschooling more.


I'm glad she's appreciating, but I'm not sure how motivated she is to actually get work done. She still can't even manage to keep the kitchen done daily - a job she's had for 2 years, and she'll be 16 next month! Her attitude is one of the reasons I've been wishy-washy about wanting to go back to homeschooling her.

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Do you have some energetic teen boys and girls to help?  I was so very grateful for the fabulous 18 yo boy and girl who kept up with the kids at camp while I dragged my middle aged self around.  They were amazing - in the pool, doing cheers, running, etc.  I did the paddle boats repeatedly, which tired my legs, but that was the extent of my energy.

We have an excellent group of staff of all ages.  I am specifically responsible for Bible teaching so my group is specifically the group of kids (from a mix of cabins) who will come to me for the teaching times.  I will have at least two set assistants and some other floaters who will help as needed.  I have the young group so some needs are greater esp. as my age span will go from age 5 to 12.  We also have a very high ratio of kids with troubled backgrounds etc, and in the young kids that can come out more than with the older kids who have either worked through some of it or just have better self control.  The number of kids aren't even set yet because we get a lot of last minute applications esp. those who want to come on scholarship.  We've never ever turned a kid down and God has always provided but it does make planning a bit of an adventure at times!  

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Renai, I think your dd is going to homeschool.  But it is a good process to walk this out and let her see and remember.  You are a very patient person.




She is already talking as though this is a done deal. She will have to be in school for at least the first three weeks because her school starts on the same day as teacher work days begin on Monday. (all  other schools begin the week after) I also have training in the next city over because prek is a state program, not district. I'm having enough problems finding care for the 4.5 year old.  :willy_nilly:  


I keep thinking that once she's there with her friends, she might not want to leave. She's brushing up on her math to make sure she's strong in it, because she wants to make a case for chemistry still. She said she does not want to do French, because with her dyslexia, the spelling is just going to kill her. So, I just sent off an email (with dd's permission) that I am still looking for an online Italian course.


I do think it is the best option for her. I may be patient, but she has an attitude. That balance (patience vs attitude) ran over two years ago which is the reason she wound up in school to begin with. See previous post to AMJ. I don't want to be fighting her every step of the way for her to get her work done. And getting everything else done. And being nice to her sister because she's 11 years older and knows better. She has the attitude from he**. 

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After chaperoning class field trips I was firmly in the always-at-a-venue camp. Especially after one child almost drowned at someone else's home-based pool party. I host at a venue, and make it amply clear that attending parents are part of the party, too, and at times I've invited siblings as well. My kids' birthdays are both in the summer, however, when it is hard to get people to show, and they had small classes (private school before we switched to homeschooling).

I never liked venue parties because some friends of ours always threw them for their daughter at some swimming place. Oh, and they also had one at this inflatables place. And they had 2 hours to have the party. And I always felt rushed and the poor girl didn't ever get to open her gifts in front of her friends and then we were rushed out the door and they were cleaning up the tables as we left. And I hated that. We were always in the middle of talking with someone and then.... Ok, goodbye, thanks for coming!
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I'm going to ramble on about camp because I love camp.  I live for camp.  It is the one time all year that I get to use all my training in special ed and regular ed and Bible and music and art and everything and use it in one intense but glorious week.  I do not do any of the canoeing or horseback riding or paintballing (is that a word?) or swimming (though I will often take a lifeguard position and will threaten the kids by telling them that they'd better not make me have to jump in to get wet!) or the millions of other things we do during camp.  I teach and I sing and I sit back at camp as backup for emergencies or sick kids and drive into town for last minute supplies.  

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Really creepy.  You people have entered into a dark, dark place.


BTW, I have a guest room in my home just for her, and the rest of you must camp out in the back yard and pee behind a tree.  


Dibs on sleeping under her window!!!!

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I'm glad she's appreciating, but I'm not sure how motivated she is to actually get work done. She still can't even manage to keep the kitchen done daily - a job she's had for 2 years, and she'll be 16 next month! Her attitude is one of the reasons I've been wishy-washy about wanting to go back to homeschooling her.


I get it.  Periodically I check in with my girls to see if they still want to do homeschooling.  Sometimes they are quite tempted to drop it and go back to b&m school, but when they stop to compare and consider they always come back to wanting homeschool.  I use this, sometimes, when DD14 gets too resistant to doing her work. 

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She is already talking as though this is a done deal. She will have to be in school for at least the first three weeks because her school starts on the same day as teacher work days begin on Monday. (all  other schools begin the week after) I also have training in the next city over because prek is a state program, not district. I'm having enough problems finding care for the 4.5 year old.  :willy_nilly:


I keep thinking that once she's there with her friends, she might not want to leave. She's brushing up on her math to make sure she's strong in it, because she wants to make a case for chemistry still. She said she does not want to do French, because with her dyslexia, the spelling is just going to kill her. So, I just sent off an email (with dd's permission) that I am still looking for an online Italian course.


I do think it is the best option for her. I may be patient, but she has an attitude. That balance (patience vs attitude) ran over two years ago which is the reason she wound up in school to begin with. See previous post to AMJ. I don't want to be fighting her every step of the way for her to get her work done. And getting everything else done. And being nice to her sister because she's 11 years older and knows better. She has the attitude from he**. 


Yeah, sounds like b&m school might actually be the place for her, at least for now.  I'm glad she will still try to pursue getting into chemistry.  Is Italian closer to Spanish in spelling?  Does she actually have to have another language, since she has both English and Spanish?


And hoo boy on attitude.  Unfortunately, my DD11 is starting to show signs of approaching puberty and the attitude, too.  I've got an interesting few years ahead with the prospect of 2 teen girls in the house.



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I should clarify that I think homeschool is the best option, not the school.


Oh, okay, I misunderstood.


B&m school for the interim, since you said you need someplace for her to be for those weeks.  Then, I guess it's back to the big old balancing act -- will she learn more with you at home?  Or will she fight you too much and sabotage her own progress?



I have a 17-year-old friend who right now is facing the choice of going for one more year to finish high school and get a diploma (she had been advanced a year, so this "extra" year has her right with her age group) or give up entirely and just get the GED.  Her mother and I agree that finishing school would look better to colleges and prospective employers, but she is really burned out, mostly due to a LOT of family upheaval.  Her mother and I will support her no matter what she decides.  Her mother has decided it will be her own choice, since she has to do whatever work is involved (has actively fought school for the last year or two), and will have to live with the consequences.

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Oooh boy. The teacher at crochet camp had a minor breakdown today. We know this lady very well and she is not accustomed to working with kids (and has no kids of her own). Sometimes she is very quick in her actions in correcting the kids' work, not being harsh, but expecting them to instantly stop and not giving them much time to process what is going on.


So today one of the younger girls (9yo) mentioned to "Miss R" that she is sometimes a little impatient with them, and "Miss R" was apparently very offended and hurt. My dd17 was there (she is a teacher's assistant) and got stuck in the middle of the whole thing with "Miss R" asking dd17 over and over if she was ever impatient and what she could do differently. Dd17 finally said it might be helpful to go a little slower when helping the girls with mistakes, and Miss R apparently got so upset she left the room, and when she came back she went around the room asking each girl their opinion on whether or not she was impatient. Then she had a "heart-to-heart" talk with dd17 about how hurt and offended she was and when dd apologized, Miss R told her that "sorry was just not going to cut it."


Poor dd17 is so upset over the whole thing, as am I. What is with that woman - how completely inappropriate!

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I took my odd father to get his odd car, and I got lost and spent an hour and a half trying to get home. 

Does the Oddfather have an Oddmobile? Yeah- I know, dd would say that I'm trying too hard.  Actually, I'm trying not to fall asleep in my hard chair at the library.  This chair has no arms (chosen purposefully because it is one of the more uncomfortable ones here) and I would fall over onto the floor and that would be really embarrassing.

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Lesson 9 done!  And it came around neatly full circle almost as if I had planned it that way.  Which I hadn't.  The last two lessons sort of took on a life of their own.  But it worked out beautifully!  Woo hoo!   Shaka Shaka boom boom!  Partay!   :party:  :party:  :party:


PS. - for some reason my throat isn't really swollen today but that variable nature makes me wonder if it isn't somehow allergy related or something.  (Which is one of the things being considered.)  Of course that variable nature also makes every day somewhat of a crap shoot.  

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Lesson 9 done! And it came around neatly full circle almost as if I had planned it that way. Which I hadn't. The last two lessons sort of took on a life of their own. But it worked out beautifully! Woo hoo! Shaka Shaka boom boom! Partay! :party: :party: :party:


PS. - for some reason my throat isn't really swollen today but that variable nature makes me wonder if it isn't somehow allergy related or something. (Which is one of the things being considered.) Of course that variable nature also makes every day somewhat of a crap shoot.



What is up with Nature anyway? All that stupid pollen and crap. And feathers and trees and food.

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I learned how to drive in a Lincoln Continental. Yep. Little 'ole me.

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My odd father has this odd car, very few of which were made. It is even this color. He can drive only this odd car because other cars have scents in them, and he is allergic. I told him I got lost, and he apologized. :lol: He knows me well. He said he meant to tell me what way to go out because it is confusing. He also has called me three times since I dropped him off, once to tell me his friend has a feral mama cat with a bunch of kittens and did I know anyone who could come trap them all.




I love big cars like that. I would love to trade my mini-van in for a Lincoln Town Car.
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Last month I was a passenger with my 80 year old father for the first time in a few years. I keep looking for grey hairs on my head. It was not fun. He drives like he's drag racing after every red light, and doesn't slow down much before stopping. In future, I will gladly be "taxi driver" for him and listen to any weird and wacky comments as long as I have control of the gas and breaks. ;)

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I'm back from dance lesson. Tonight we learned the foxtrot and tango (I feel like I am speaking in code). That makes 5 dances all together with the waltz, rumba, and push-pull swing. On Friday night we are going to the group lesson where we get to learn fun turns and stuff and then have a "practice party." I am having fun despite my awkwardness. And our teacher is really good.


I think I need some dancing shoes.


Yeeeeeeee Haw!

Its a booya for me!


(Come on now, sing it with me! You know you want to!)

This is the thread that never ends!

It just goes on and on my friends!

People started posting not knowing what it was!

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends!

You'd best come join it with your friends!

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze!

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days!


This is the thread that's always there!

They'll cheer you up so don't despair!

The group is growing well as more people start checking in!

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive!


This is the thread that never ends...

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Last month I was a passenger with my 80 year old father for the first time in a few years. I keep looking for grey hairs on my head. It was not fun. He drives like he's drag racing after every red light, and doesn't slow down much before stopping. In future, I will gladly be "taxi driver" for him and listen to any weird and wacky comments as long as I have control of the gas and breaks. ;)

Ha! I rode with my father in law once and that's what it was like. He had road rage before starting the car!
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