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I'm venting so that Tex can invent and say some rude words for me since I'm kind of lame and don't do that.  I am exhausted.  To use Tex's metaphor, I'm toast but I'm the charred black kind that got stuck in the toaster.  I was sleeping in.  I even managed to satisfy the attention seeking cat by sleeping with one arm on him so that he felt the love without having to wake me up.  Then dh couldn't sleep and woke up four hours earlier than normal (but two hours earlier than my goal since I go to bed earlier than he does).  The man is incapable of getting up quietly but I was ignoring him and would have fallen back to sleep.  But then he let one of the dogs out front to pee without checking to see if anyone else was out there and I woke up for good to a dog fight.  (No one was hurt.)


Now I'm up.  The latest round of antibiotics has brought the C-diff back in all it's awful glory.  I know what to do but it isn't fun.  The good news is that the bad antibiotic was only meant to be a stop gap measure and the real antibiotics were delivered last night so I am already switched over to better ones.  The bad news is that it will take me some time to get my tummy back to normal.  Sigh.  


Sorry your sleep was interrupted. I am usually a big grump when that happens to me. What is C-diff?

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PS - once I was up and dressed and ate breakfast, dh decided that he was tired and went back to bed.   :glare:


My dh can sleep at the drop of a hat (except in the middle of the day). But, then, he says he hasn't slept. While I, meanwhile, have actually tossed and turned the entire night and really didn't sleep. He'll swear he wasn't sleeping. Until I let him know he was snoring - then he knows for sure he was actually asleep. The brat.

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Sorry your sleep was interrupted. I am usually a big grump when that happens to me. What is C-diff?

it is a very bad bacteria that can take over your G-I tract if you've been on antibiotics a lot like I have.  I take huge amounts of probiotics and a beneficial yeast called Florastor to help fight it but this new antibiotic killed off the good stuff and let the bad stuff get the upper hand again.  

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I'm venting so that Tex can invent and say some rude words for me since I'm kind of lame and don't do that.  I am exhausted.  To use Tex's metaphor, I'm toast but I'm the charred black kind that got stuck in the toaster.  I was sleeping in.  I even managed to satisfy the attention seeking cat by sleeping with one arm on him so that he felt the love without having to wake me up.  Then dh couldn't sleep and woke up four hours earlier than normal (but two hours earlier than my goal since I go to bed earlier than he does).  The man is incapable of getting up quietly but I was ignoring him and would have fallen back to sleep.  But then he let one of the dogs out front to pee without checking to see if anyone else was out there and I woke up for good to a dog fight.  (No one was hurt.)


Now I'm up.  The latest round of antibiotics has brought the C-diff back in all it's awful glory.  I know what to do but it isn't fun.  The good news is that the bad antibiotic was only meant to be a stop gap measure and the real antibiotics were delivered last night so I am already switched over to better ones.  The bad news is that it will take me some time to get my tummy back to normal.  Sigh.  


:crying: That sounds miserable, Jean.  Hugs to you.



I'm so glad the good stuff finally arrived.  

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My dh can sleep at the drop of a hat (except in the middle of the day). But, then, he says he hasn't slept. While I, meanwhile, have actually tossed and turned the entire night and really didn't sleep. He'll swear he wasn't sleeping. Until I let him know he was snoring - then he knows for sure he was actually asleep. The brat.

My dh is the same way. When I had to take my dd to the ED a few weeks ago, he dell asleep in the other bed. When he woke up he swore he wasn't sleeping when when I told him he was snoring.

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My doctor mailed me a letter saying she quit. She quit the practice, not just me. I heart her so I don't know what to do. I only go to the doctor once a year because they make me in order to get my B12 refills, but still! I don't wanna get a new doc.
:iagree: We hope to move within 2 years, but my rule is that we must remain within reasonable driving distance of our doctor and dentists.  
Also, I wrote out ten pages of my experience having Nan here, about 6,000 words. It took a long time. I'm almost finished. It seemed important. I think my paradigm on dying/the eternal is permanently shifted in a positive direction. 
Oh, I just love that you are writing about Nan!   And especially love the paradigm shift.  Hoping you'll share someday with your ITT friends???
Bought purple paint for little dd's room and also some fabric for the curtains on the french doors to her room. Now I need to break it to my friend that she will be helping me make curtains.   I hope I got enough fabric.  Not my strong suit...

Our curtains are from the 1970s (passed on to me from my deceased grandmother's home).  Feel free to send any extra material our way.  Better yet, I'll just pm you the measurements, k? k. 

Our long-term chiropractors/friends (husband and wife team), lost a baby to a disorder at birth a year ago. They have an opportunity to adopt a newborn in the NICU (born today) and posted a secret FB page for updates. I volunteered to do a free adoptive home study for the court if needed. They lost a baby boy, and this baby is a boy.  (FYI, I am qualified and experienced with adoptive home studies.  I didn't just pull that out of my rear.)


Prayers on the adoption!  That is incredibly exciting news.  

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I just had an absolutely delightful conversation with my 90 year old mom while I cleaned my kitchen.  (I do my best work while I have someone to distract me).  She is so witty and mentally agile and just makes me laugh.  


What a blessing that you still have your mother with you!  :001_wub:



My mother was only 63 when she died of lung cancer. :crying:

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My cat is under the desk, snoring. Loudly.  :001_wub:


I love the kitteh snores. :001_wub:


We are still petless. I haven't decided yet if I want to go down that road again, primarily because Mr. Ellie and I have realized how freeing it is not to have to worry about the critters if we want to be out all day (or all week). And when I do any background work, it sure makes life easier if I can just walk out the door and not worry about whether my neighbor can critter-sit for me or not.

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Hugs to those of you have lost your mom. I lost my dad last year at age 92. I always cry a bit missing him when I talk to my mom. Today was no exception.


I did a 20 min. "strong core and back" workout. Tex promised to send chocolate. I don't see any! :toetap05:

Here you go, Jean. Dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel. My favorite. Hopefully yours, too. :-D

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Darn it.  I just typed out a long "I'm back!" post, and lost it! :(


It was something like:


Hugs, Renai; stay strong.

Congrats AMJ or getting through all your back posts!

Slash, hope your back is feeling better and you don't have to spend money on a doc.

Jean, glad your good drugs came in.

Happy belated Canada Day, wintermom.

Thanks for the hulas, Ellie!


I'm sure I missed some this time around...

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I have one word for you all.








So I stopped by Kroger today to get a couple things that Aldi doesn't carry and guess what they had way too much of? Right. $2 for a 2 lb box. I bought 12. Then I sent dh out and he bought 16 more boxes. We eat a lot of blueberrries around here. And with the Georgia peaches coming next week, it is time to make jam. I will freeze a lot of the blueberries to eat through the year with yogurt and pancakes and things.


Maybe I should ask dh to get more? You just can't beat $1/lb.

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I have one word for you all.








So I stopped by Kroger today to get a couple things that Aldi doesn't carry and guess what they had way too much of? Right. $2 for a 2 lb box. I bought 12. Then I sent dh out and he bought 16 more boxes. We eat a lot of blueberrries around here. And with the Georgia peaches coming next week, it is time to make jam. I will freeze a lot of the blueberries to eat through the year with yogurt and pancakes and things.


Maybe I should ask dh to get more? You just can't beat $1/lb.

That is a dadgum lot of blueberries.



Edited by texasmama
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I have one word for you all.








So I stopped by Kroger today to get a couple things that Aldi doesn't carry and guess what they had way too much of? Right. $2 for a 2 lb box. I bought 12. Then I sent dh out and he bought 16 more boxes. We eat a lot of blueberrries around here. And with the Georgia peaches coming next week, it is time to make jam. I will freeze a lot of the blueberries to eat through the year with yogurt and pancakes and things.


Maybe I should ask dh to get more? You just can't beat $1/lb.


Ohhhhhh…. YUM. 


Dh and I shared an incredible blueberry crunch dessert this past weekend at a restaurant overlooking Lake Winnipesaukee.


Maybe it was just the fact that we were at a fancy restaurant overlooking a gorgeous lake sunset while friends sat for our babies for free, but that was the BEST blueberry concoction I've ever had.  Still kinda sore that, at $8.50 a serving, dh made me share it with him instead of buying his own.   :glare:  But all 8 bites that I managed to wrangle away from his greedy little fork were heavenly.


Gotta go google up a recipe for that.   :drool:

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You have a lot of advice this morning, Renai!  


Lol! Well, I'm responding here to posts that I'm not responding to but have thoughts about. At least, I did respond to the one about being fully dressed, but no one liked my smile comment. I brought it over here because I knew ya'll would like it. :D

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I have one word for you all.








So I stopped by Kroger today to get a couple things that Aldi doesn't carry and guess what they had way too much of? Right. $2 for a 2 lb box. I bought 12. Then I sent dh out and he bought 16 more boxes. We eat a lot of blueberrries around here. And with the Georgia peaches coming next week, it is time to make jam. I will freeze a lot of the blueberries to eat through the year with yogurt and pancakes and things.


Maybe I should ask dh to get more? You just can't beat $1/lb.


We like blueberries too. Unfortunately, it is the favorite of youngest dd but I had to take it away due to the Feingold diet. I let her eat her fill yesterday, and this morning, well ... holy poop batman!

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That is a dadgum lot of blueberries.


Ds12 started to paint little dd's room today, but he planned poorly.  I think all will be well, but it was dicey for a hot minute.


I will be dyeing my roots in a bit.  I know you were all "dyeing" to know that.  hardy har har.


Poor planning, eh?  Well it's all good, as long as you don't end up with champagne blonde walls and purple hair.  


I spent the morning spraying weed-b-gone on our lawn.  It's a little late in the season (though still cool here), so I'm expecting I'll have to reapply a few times more.  Hmpff. I hate chemicals, but I hate clover and violets even more. 


My 2015 Goals:  Weed-free lawn, new roof, new steps/walkway, new carpets, refinished wood flooring, and drywall back on all my demolished walls (we are down to the studs in 3 rooms right now).   


My 2016 Goal:  Move out.   :D  

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Lol! Well, I'm responding here to posts that I'm not responding to but have thoughts about. At least, I did respond to the one about being fully dressed, but no one liked my smile comment. I brought it over here because I knew ya'll would like it. :D


Love and hugs and smooshy kisses to you, Nai-Nai.  You're always welcome here!   :001_cool:   

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Dd16 threatened to haul me off to "Summer Fruit Rehab" when I mentioned the 50lbs of peaches that are coming next week. They are 2nds/culls, but freshly picked and delicious and only $.68/lb. How can I resist that?


Fortunately we have a large pantry and full-sized upright freezer to handle all of it. Course, we should probably eat a couple of the turkeys that are hogging room in there.

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We like blueberries too. Unfortunately, it is the favorite of youngest dd but I had to take it away due to the Feingold diet. I let her eat her fill yesterday, and this morning, well ... holy poop batman!

Oh - are blueberries not on the Feingold list? I had forgotten. We did that many years ago and it made a huge impact on ds (now 20yo).

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I'm venting so that Tex can invent and say some rude words for me since I'm kind of lame and don't do that.  I am exhausted.  To use Tex's metaphor, I'm toast but I'm the charred black kind that got stuck in the toaster.  I was sleeping in.  I even managed to satisfy the attention seeking cat by sleeping with one arm on him so that he felt the love without having to wake me up.  Then dh couldn't sleep and woke up four hours earlier than normal (but two hours earlier than my goal since I go to bed earlier than he does).  The man is incapable of getting up quietly but I was ignoring him and would have fallen back to sleep.  But then he let one of the dogs out front to pee without checking to see if anyone else was out there and I woke up for good to a dog fight.  (No one was hurt.)


Now I'm up.  The latest round of antibiotics has brought the C-diff back in all it's awful glory.  I know what to do but it isn't fun.  The good news is that the bad antibiotic was only meant to be a stop gap measure and the real antibiotics were delivered last night so I am already switched over to better ones.  The bad news is that it will take me some time to get my tummy back to normal.  Sigh.  


I'm sorry.  I think Renai had an icon for this.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   Here, have some chocolate.

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Oh - are blueberries not on the Feingold list? I had forgotten. We did that many years ago and it made a huge impact on ds (now 20yo).


Yes. I did it with my oldest (now almost-16) as well and it made a big difference. She's talking about getting back on it because she's noticing issues in herself.


I've been trying to start it with the youngest for the past 6 weeks, but it keeps getting sabotaged by others that want to give her whatever, regardless of how many times I say we need to go 100% with it. Anyway, all berries are out. As is almond milk. Which I had totally forgotten about. Dd 4 is lactose intolerant and had been drinking almond milk since about 18 months! Sheesh.

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Renai, do you think they will think you are well dressed if you are wearing nothing but a smile?


I'm switching the question around to "are you well dressed..."


Depends on who I'm dressing for. :D


With my 4yo, it seems underwear and a smile is sufficient.

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Yes. I did it with my oldest (now almost-16) as well and it made a big difference. She's talking about getting back on it because she's noticing issues in herself.


I've been trying to start it with the youngest for the past 6 weeks, but it keeps getting sabotaged by others that want to give her whatever, regardless of how many times I say we need to go 100% with it. Anyway, all berries are out. As is almond milk. Which I had totally forgotten about. Dd 4 is lactose intolerant and had been drinking almond milk since about 18 months! Sheesh.

So what substances is the Feingold diet trying to get rid of?  I'm assuming that these foods must have something in common. . . 

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What a blessing that you still have your mother with you!  :001_wub:



My mother was only 63 when she died of lung cancer. :crying:


Mine was 66, and my aunt/godmother/second mother died 4 weeks to the day after Mom.  She was age 67.  For both of them (not blood relatives to each other) cancer was the root cause, though it was technically aftereffects of cancer treatments that ultimately got them.

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Hugs to those of you have lost your mom.  I lost my dad last year at age 92.  I always cry a bit missing him when I talk to my mom.  Today was no exception.


I did a 20 min. "strong core and back" workout.  Tex promised to send chocolate.  I don't see any!   :toetap05:


more hugs!  :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:   It's tough losing a parent, no matter what age we are at the time.

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Yaaaay! The night when Uncle Sam slides down the chimneys of all good boys and girls and leaves sparklers and whistling Petes in their swimsuits.


Um, I was going to like this but the imagery of children wearing fireworks-bearing swimsuits got in the way.


Quick, where's a safer place for him to leave them?


Never mind.  I just realized with the kids in our family there is NO safe place to leave fireworks.  Uncle Sam had better leave us fire extinguishers instead.



ETA:  lookie there, a Booyah!








Thread that never ends


It just goes on and on, my friends!




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It is so dry here that cities all over the place have fireworks bans.  There was a really good focused interview yesterday which hammered in the point that "if you light it, you are responsible". . . for all damages to life and property.  I hope people listen.  We will connect the hose today to have it ready.  I am so glad that the "frat boys" who used to live across from us and had drunken 4th of July parties are no longer there.  

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