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I'll have to think about this tonight. Her husband was just diagnosed with cancer and he doesn't have long. My tooth (jojosmom stop reading) is infected and broke into pieces.


JOJOSMOM IT'S SAFE. I don't think this is really her fault. I think she was in a bad place and I was a bad patient.


Talk to the oral surgeon.  Get them to take lots of pictures documenting the condition you are in before they start work.  I understand you feel sorry for the dentist, but you also must find out how bad things are now.


I am surprised, too, that the dentist wasn't calling in favors with an oral surgeon to get you in and taken care of immediately.  As soon as they knew the problem was bad they should have been involved in getting you set up, not sending you home expecting you to think clearly and be able to make all of your own arrangements.  Yes, bad cases come in that are worse than anticipated (I was one, and no, I didn't sue afterwards, but they took care of me and I didn't need further treatment).  But when that happens the ethical dentist makes every effort to help their patient arrange for further treatment.

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Slashabooya? I'm tired and high.


Ah, there it is!


Good night, dear.  I hope you can get some rest.  Please keep us posted tomorrow when you can.  Take good care of yourself.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Oh, and if you see stuffed animals coming in your dreams that's just DD10's cohorts coming to love on you.

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Dental Warning

They could only get 1/2 of my tooth out. The root is exposed and I'm in so much pain. I won't have the money for an oral surgeon for months and I don't know what to do. I can't stop crying.


When I graduated high school my grandmother paid for my plane tickets or me to go to Germany over the summer.  On the flight over I was chewing gum, as so many recommend, and pulled out a filling.  I was 17,  in a foreign country, with an exposed nerve.


I spent a week and a half packing that sucker with bread to mute the pain.


I was staying with the mother and father of my grandmother's former foreign exchange student.  I was supposed to stay with him, which was the plan until I stepped off the plane and his girlfriend said no way.  (She was a tall, blond, blue-eyed law student.  All things I am not.  Still scratching my head on that one.)  At any rate, his parents were awesome, and so was his grandmother. 


Father noticed one day I was in pain, and started dosing me with bourbon.


Grandmother took me out shopping one day, noticed the continued pain (could barely walk), and brought me to an apothecary who gave me AWESOME drugs which one can't get here in the states, and recommended I see a dentist.


Going to the dentist in Germany was an experience.


Anyhoo, I completely forgot this had happened until you mentioned you had an exposed nerve.  I think it was a repressed memory.  It sucked.  And I haven't chewed gum since.


Here's to hoping it gets resolved quicker than mine (three weeks).

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I am catching up. I wish I had seen this earlier.


Slache, that is awful! I've spent so many nights awake crying because of tooth pain and can imagine what you are going through right now. I temporary fix is some stuff at the pharmacy for packing a tooth. I don't remember what it is called, but it was the consistency of gum. I had to use that when I was pregnant with youngest, and they refused to refill a tooth because I was 38 weeks pregnant. I think I numbed it with benzocaine (otc), then packed it with that stuff. I wish I could remember the name...I'm looking for it now. I remember getting it at Walgreens.

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Percocet go down the hole.


What cartoon is that?


Mooies had a nightmare. Daddy comforted her and let her watch let it go (frozen song on YouTube). He's a good daddy. For some reason my phone's suggestion was he's a cannibal. Goodnight.

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Percocet go down the hole.


What cartoon is that?


Mooies had a nightmare. Daddy comforted her and let her watch let it go (frozen song on YouTube). He's a good daddy. For some reason my phone's suggestion was he's a cannibal. Goodnight.


Nighty-night, Slash.  Go back to sleep until the dentist calls.  :grouphug:

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Praying for a quick resolution to your problem, Slache, and that it will be as painless as possible!




I probably won't be on here much the next few days. We have family coming in town today and tomorrow for dd's graduation ceremony and reception tomorrow night. Ds is getting baptized on Sunday since they will all be here for the weekend. 



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I am catching up. I wish I had seen this earlier.


Slache, that is awful! I've spent so many nights awake crying because of tooth pain and can imagine what you are going through right now. I temporary fix is some stuff at the pharmacy for packing a tooth. I don't remember what it is called, but it was the consistency of gum. I had to use that when I was pregnant with youngest, and they refused to refill a tooth because I was 38 weeks pregnant. I think I numbed it with benzocaine (otc), then packed it with that stuff. I wish I could remember the name...I'm looking for it now. I remember getting it at Walgreens.


Probably a better choice than bread. :)

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Praying for a quick resolution to your problem, Slache, and that it will be as painless as possible!




I probably won't be on here much the next few days. We have family coming in town today and tomorrow for dd's graduation ceremony and reception tomorrow night. Ds is getting baptized on Sunday since they will all be here for the weekend. 


Enjoy your family time!

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Up again with nausea. Yay Percocet!  I'm taking the minimal amount and feeling very little pain and I'm completely coherent. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm hoping for surgery today I'd send Matt to work. I'd even work out if I thought it was a good idea. So that's a good sign.

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Praying for a quick resolution to your problem, Slache, and that it will be as painless as possible!




I probably won't be on here much the next few days. We have family coming in town today and tomorrow for dd's graduation ceremony and reception tomorrow night. Ds is getting baptized on Sunday since they will all be here for the weekend.

Ha! You *just* got here and you're already sucked in. Muwahahaha.

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Nan was up all night!  She never slept a wink!  So the paid caregiver was up all night, too.  Alzheimer's sucks.  She had no idea it was night.  She sat all night bolt upright in her wheelchair.




Slache, I hope today brings tooth resolution for you!

Edited by texasmama
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:grouphug:  texasmama.  I'm sorry. 


I've had a few moments this week with stresses microscopic compared to yours, where I knew everything was good and well thought, but still felt the tremor of anxiety.  I'm guessing that's a normal response to unusual problems or stress - kind of a mild version of PTSD?  I hope today with your dds is light and joyful and your boys have a great time!

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Well, after all this negative stuff, how about something positive.  DS and I made it through his first end-of-year evaluation with flying colors yesterday. 


It was a little awkward, though, when she asked DS what his favorite book was.  He looked at me and said nothing.  So she said, "It doesn't have to be a school book," and DS smiled really wide and blurted out, "The Walking Dead!"  I crawled into a hole as I meekly explained to this former Christian school teacher friend of my mother's that he really likes Zombies.  And then SHE LISTED IT ON HIS EVALUATION.  Ha!

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Nan was up all night!  She never slept a wink!  So the paid caregiver was up all night, too.  Alzheimer's sucks.  She had no idea it was night.  She sat all night bolt upright in her wheelchair.




Slache, I hope today brings tooth resolution for you!


I will be moving college girl out of her townhouse today while leaving Nan with another paid caregiver so will be gone all day.  Little dd is coming with me.  My boys are going with friends to a Rangers game.  I packed them a huge lunch and gave them $20, and now my heart is in my throat.  They are 12 and 14.  They are going with a mom and kids I know and trust.  What the heck???

I become significantly more emotional when I'm tired. You *might* be tired. Or stressed.


Well, after all this negative stuff, how about something positive.  DS and I made it through his first end-of-year evaluation with flying colors yesterday. 


It was a little awkward, though, when she asked DS what his favorite book was.  He looked at me and said nothing.  So she said, "It doesn't have to be a school book," and DS smiled really wide and blurted out, "The Walking Dead!"  I crawled into a hole as I meekly explained to this former Christian school teacher friend of my mother's that he really likes Zombies.  And then SHE LISTED IT ON HIS EVALUATION.  Ha!

This is awesome.

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Slache, hope you're getting that tooth fixed now.


Texasmama, hope your day goes well


Another Lynn, it's been quite a week for us too. Especially dealing with marriage stuff.


Mom31257, enjoy your family in town!


AMJ, Jojosmama, hornblower, Ellie, where are you guys?


Isklo, congrats on a successful evaluation. Glad our state doesn't have to deal with that. But, if we did, as a former teacher I can educationalese anything!


Thinking about next year again. Oldest has just informed me she wants to study paleobiology. Hmm. Ok. Basically, if she doesn't get into a dance company, traineeship, or apprenticeship for dance right out of high school, that is what she wants to go for. Interesting.


I'm glad her algebra tutor thinks she's ready for geometry next year (the tutor is a math teacher at E's old school), even though she is flunking algebra right now. Biology looks bad because she hasn't turned in work; same with English. History we pushed and got all except one chapter completed. So, she's getting a C. So, all her core courses look abysmal. We'll see what her end of year exams looks like. Tests don't usually go over well. I told her she needs the grades whether she is homeschooled or not. I don't know if that has sunk in or not.

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Slache, hope you're getting that tooth fixed now.


Texasmama, hope your day goes well


Another Lynn, it's been quite a week for us too. Especially dealing with marriage stuff.


Mom31257, enjoy your family in town!


AMJ, Jojosmama, hornblower, Ellie, where are you guys?


Isklo, congrats on a successful evaluation. Glad our state doesn't have to deal with that. But, if we did, as a former teacher I can educationalese anything!


Thinking about next year again. Oldest has just informed me she wants to study paleobiology. Hmm. Ok. Basically, if she doesn't get into a dance company, traineeship, or apprenticeship for dance right out of high school, that is what she wants to go for. Interesting.


I'm glad her algebra tutor thinks she's ready for geometry next year (the tutor is a math teacher at E's old school), even though she is flunking algebra right now. Biology looks bad because she hasn't turned in work; same with English. History we pushed and got all except one chapter completed. So, she's getting a C. So, all her core courses look abysmal. We'll see what her end of year exams looks like. Tests don't usually go over well. I told her she needs the grades whether she is homeschooled or not. I don't know if that has sunk in or not.



Lots of hugs to you, as well as Slache, Texasmama, and anyone else who needs them.


:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


I'm here, I've just been busy this morning teaching, doing laundry (sheets), taking the kids out to lunch, and running one errand.  We celebrated finishing a couple more of our school topics for this year, and are dealing somewhat successfully with we-want-another-break-itis.  I did cancel my appointment for a massage I've been promising myself because I'm covered in mosquito bites, but I can reschedule that for a later week when the bites heal and stop itching.


Nothing earth-shaking here.  I hope Slache is getting treated TODAY, and treated well.  I hope Texasmama's day goes well and her boys have fun (I SO understand the qualms!).  I hope everything goes well for everyone, and am pleased and proud for everyone's accomplishments.


Dryer bell is doing the dryer bell thing

Dryer bell, dryer bell ring!


I have been summoned.  I'll check back later to see if anyone can identify the music reference....

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Update. It will cost us just over $100, maybe closer $200, but significantly less than originally thought.


If you missed it I'm going in in about an hour.


I'm glad you are getting taken care of.   :grouphug:  :grouphug:

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I'm here. I've been cleaning poop & pee. Bear is trying to die again, exactly a week after his last big flare up :(


Ds needs rides to places today so I've been in & out too.

And then I got all happy that someone I know had a neat work exp opportunity for ds & when I mentioned it to him, he didn't recoil in horror at it. Alas - it turns out it's the same weekend he's already got a commitment to be at a maker faire. Grrrr. Seriously?  All the weekends in June, July & Aug and these have to fall on the same 2 days??  Sigh.

Also someone is ticking me off on fb again.

so you know, same old, same old.


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Update. It will cost us just over $100, maybe closer $200, but significantly less than originally thought.


If you missed it I'm going in in about an hour.




I've been grumpy this afternoon, but this great news, plus my lunch--- at 5:15pm mind you --  has helped my outlook on life tremendously.


Hope you are home recovering soon!

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:grouphug:  texasmama.  I'm sorry. 


I've had a few moments this week with stresses microscopic compared to yours, where I knew everything was good and well thought, but still felt the tremor of anxiety.  I'm guessing that's a normal response to unusual problems or stress - kind of a mild version of PTSD?  I hope today with your dds is light and joyful and your boys have a great time!

My dh said he was nervous about the boys going, too, so it made me feel less "helicopter mama nuts".   :D  Score!  They seem like babies and like they should be in a stroller or something, not hanging out with friends all day at the ballpark!



Edited by texasmama
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Also, while I was in town, I was rear-ended by a man who spoke only Spanish.  Fortunately, I was in the truck, and he was in a little car so his car was the worse for wear, but my truck bumper held solid.  I speak a little Spanish so I told him to wait in Spanish while I looked at the truck and then told him there was no problem.  





Should have called me. I would have translated for you.

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We broke the internet!  :D   Good to be back on.


Slash, glad you're tooth ordeal is over.  Hope the pain is over by now too!


Tex, always good to get confirmation we're not losing it.  Good for dh!  Hugs for you and college girl both.  Those are days I'm so glad I don't have to re-live!  And the fender-bender on top of that - did you just wonder, what next?  Praying for Nan to find her peaceful, cooperative place!


Duckilings - I'm right there with you with the grumpiness.  Hoping to shake it off here soon!


Hornblower, Hope Bear is doing better today. 


mom31257, Congratulations!  Hope you have a great time with family this weekend.


Renai, Working?  Studying?  Planning next school year?  Teaching 4yo?  Keeping dh in-line?  Hope your having a great day today. 


Isklo - Bask in the satisfaction of a good evaluation - that's wonderful!   (Thankful we don't have to do that here.  :leaving: )


Ok, I know I missed some folks.  Hope your Friday is off to a great start with plans for fun later. 

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Okay, as Matriarch I guess this falls to me.


Girls, please learn to be a little more thoughtful in your phrasing, as people really will judge you by it as you grow older.  Lynn, moderate your tone, and learn to whine like an adult (half the volume, and more wheedle).  Slache, try to sound more educated.  For instance, "cease and desist your useless prattling", or "I advise closing that gaping maw before the bison migrate in there".  Using lots of words and throwing in the occasional big one causes people to glaze over and assume you are saying intelligent things.


Now, go play nicely, and don't get blood on my rugs.


Okay.  I am desperately trying to catch up, but OH, the magnificence!

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My dh said he was nervous about the boys going, too, so it made me feel less "helicopter mama nuts".   :D  Score!  They seem like babies and like they should be in a stroller or something, not hanging out with friends all day at the ballpark!


I only have one baby left.  <sob>


It was hard being with college girl today.  She is so angsty, and I realized that I have bad memories from my own college experience.  She is going to my alma mater (for undergrad), and it pushes buttons!  Also, she is not doing well academically and has gone round and round trying to decide what to do with her life.  She was going to drop out, then transfer, then change her major, etc.  Now, she wants to get the same degree I got from the same school.   :lol:   It is weird.  lol


Also, while I was in town, I was rear-ended by a man who spoke only Spanish.  Fortunately, I was in the truck, and he was in a little car so his car was the worse for wear, but my truck bumper held solid.  I speak a little Spanish so I told him to wait in Spanish while I looked at the truck and then told him there was no problem.  




My boys had a great time, though ds14 told me that some girls around his age were interested in him and one of his friends and were "inappropriate".  I will find out later what that means because he is at his other friends' house with ds12 swimming.  I'm glad they have friends.  <heart>  When did all my babies grow up?  I want to sit and cry over it!!!  Thank God for little dd, who is such a sweet thing.  She made a video about the dog's birthday and sung to her and gave her a treat.  I wish I could post it.  I will see about it later.  Right now I have to take her to American Heritage Girls.  


BTW, the caregiver said that Nan slept 15 minutes all day.  She is hell on wheels!  She is shushing the cat and saying that cats shouldn't be in the house.  There is also a lot of what we call "word salad" today, which is when various words get stuck together in no particular meaning.  After I greeted her when i came in, she asked me if I knew the second verse.  Ummmm, not really.  Then she laughed and said she was counting on me!  Dude, I don't even know what song we're talking about.  I also have to talk long and fancy to get her to take her pills now.  


Second verse, same as the first!

I am Henry the Eighth I am

Henry the Eighth I am I am....


Don't you know that song?  If you don't you really should learn it -- it can drive people NUTS!


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Hmmm…. do I detect a hint of skepticism????  It's there.  AND the Grand Poobah also "liked" one of my posts, which I daresay is an honor bestowed only upon me so far in this thread?  So  :001_tt2: .    Go look and see you for yourselves.   :D




I asked her to, Quackers.  It seemed to me that you needed the boost.


You're welcome.


Post-confession edit:  Booya!

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