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Is this normal among your neighborhood teenagers?


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My friends and I did that as teens here in Central Florida. We usually laid out in the back yard, but if someone's backyard was too shady we used the front yard. It was quite common. I don't think laying out to get sun is common anymore, which is possibly why I don't see many teens doing it today.

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I think the girls will sun bathe wherever the SUN is. My friend and I used to sunbathe on the south side of her house where there were no trees and it must have driven the neighbor over there nuts because she had teenage sons. If the back yard is shaded by a fence or trees, the girls will go to the front.


We used to sunbathe on the roof of the sorority house in college. We had to move as the sun moved, because even up there it was a bit shady in some spots.

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I think most of my teenage neighbors are hiding in air-con places from the heat. It was hot during the weekend. Plenty of pools and beaches here too. We see seniors in deck chairs relaxing on their front lawn.


You mean, they take off their thermals?


A day over 70 degrees F here is a wonder.

It was hot enough during the weekend. Temperature suppose to hit 76dF today where I am.
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I see this occasionally.  I did it occasionally as a teen.  It was less about being seen, and more about where the sun was in my case.  Also, when spring is just ramping up, it can feel warmer to be on a driveway than over swampy lawn. 


I cannot imagine having to brown bag liquor in my front yard.  Maybe I shouldn't mention the playgroup I had when my kids were little with friends within walking distance.  We put out the kiddie pool and the sprinkler in the front yard and had a pitcher of margaritas.  LOL.  Our current neighborhood is very front yard oriented.  People are friendly and social and lots of back yards are very shaded with mature trees. 

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I live in Southern California and this is not common around here. Kids here get enough outdoor sun exposure during their regular day to day living year round to actually feel the need to lie down and sunbathe. If anything, they seem quite careful with applying sun screen lotion when I see them at the pool or the ocean, even when out running or playing outdoor sports.

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I have never seen a teen in my neighborhood in a bikini of any kind.  I have never seen anyone sunbath, or wear daisy dukes even on the hottest day of summer.  they're probably out there is a park somewhere, but not in my neighborhood.

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I cannot imagine having to brown bag liquor in my front yard.  Maybe I shouldn't mention the playgroup I had when my kids were little with friends within walking distance.  We put out the kiddie pool and the sprinkler in the front yard and had a pitcher of margaritas.  LOL.  Our current neighborhood is very front yard oriented.  People are friendly and social and lots of back yards are very shaded with mature trees. 


Halloween was always interesting around here.


One year the people at one house gave out jello shots to adults. They were careful to give them only to actual adults and not to anyone driving. 


A sheriff's deputy who had his garage turned into a mini haunted house had all his deputy friends helping out. He appeared to have paid them in beer. 

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When we actually had neighbors, my daughter tanned in the back yard. She didn't do bikinis because we encouraged modesty and she honored that. She also didn't go out to tan much because we discourage a lot of purposeless exposure to the sun.. 😊


When I was in high school, I had a pool and put on all types of tanning oils, and I regret it. I didn't ever tan in the front yard. I knew a girl who had a cinder block fence and would tan on that or on her roof. The main purpose was to be seen. ðŸ˜

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Cause nobody can see you in the backyard. Duh!


Yes that was me. I also went to publix and the swap shop decked out in a bikini with the addition of dolphin shorts. It was the 80s, I had my big hair and frosty lipstick, it was Ft. Lauderdale. There were few places you couldn't sport the bikini and dolphins combo.


I was waiting for someone to point that out! That's why my friends and I would wear bikinis in the front yard (or the tops to the store) as teens! It was all about flaunting the assets!

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I'm glad you posted as I was beginning to think my memory was going more than I thought.  I've never seen it around here either.  If/when anyone is out basking in the sun it's in their backyard.  That was the same in northern NY where I grew up AND the same in FL when we lived there (southern Atlantic coast and central Gulf coast).  We haven't lived in NY or FL in many years now, so things could have changed in those places.


Here, only my ponies will lay out in the sun in front of the barn (essentially our front yard) on a nice, sunny day and they're naked, not wearing skimpy stuff.   :coolgleamA:


Oh wait!  Our cats will lay out on our front steps totally naked too.  They'll even do this on cold days.  When we come home and catch them at it they'll be ashamed of themselves and come indoors (most of the time).  Ok, they're cats.  It's probably a stretch assuming they can feel any sort of shame.  They're just shaming us for not being on-time door servants.


I grew up in Northern NY, almost as northern as one can get, lol,  and we were in the front yard if we were laying out at my house. That is where the sun was. My sister and her friends would put their towels in our driveway in the hope of getting even more tan!   At my friend's house it would be the back yard b/c that was where the sun was. At another friend's house we moved from the front yard to the back depending on the time of day.


At college, it was where ever the sun was, so on the lawns where ever there was a sunny patch.


I think this is really more a matter of sunshine than anything else. What is the big deal anyway? Front yard, back yard, beach or home? If a bathing suit is worn, then what is the difference if it is your front yard or back or at the public pool or beach?

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How interesting. A strict dress code for a private front yard? That almost sounds sharia-like. No wonder people swear to never live in HOA neighborhoods😄


I've lived in many HOA neighborhoods. NONE of them had rules about what you could WEAR anywhere on your property.

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I grew up in Northern NY, almost as northern as one can get, lol,  and we were in the front yard if we were laying out at my house. 




At college, it was where ever the sun was, so on the lawns where ever there was a sunny patch.


I think this is really more a matter of sunshine than anything else. What is the big deal anyway? Front yard, back yard, beach or home? If a bathing suit is worn, then what is the difference if it is your front yard or back or at the public pool or beach?


Ogdensburg/Lisbon here (pending whether I was with mom or dad).  You've gotten me curious as to how small a world it is!


And yes, at college (in VA for me), anything went for those who chose to sunbathe though it was never my thing.  If there was sun, there were sunbathers!


In general, I don't care if others are doing it or not (or where).  It falls under "to each their own" for me.

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I was only saying that I always considered the front yard just as much my property (so, can do what I want) as the backyard. I just never saw a difference as to what is "acceptable" there before I came to WTM. If it was ok in the backyard, it was ok in the front--no difference. Here (forum) I see lots of people who consider the front yard to be more "public space--" not ACTUAL public space, but I hear people tend to think of it as more "in public."

That's all I meant.

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