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Could I just get some encouragement please?

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This is such a silly thing, really. I have an appointment for my annual tomorrow at 3 pm. I am SCARED out of my mind!!! I am a bit of a hypochondriac (understatement of the year here! LOL) and tend to put these appointments off. I decided to face my fears and catch up on ALL dr's appointments this year. This is my last one. It's been 2 1/2 years since I've had an exam (at dd's 6 week visit).


Now, here's the irrational part - nothing has been found that's been wrong with me in any of the other appointments. So, surely there'll be something found tomorrow - right? Ugh. Sometimes I hate my brain when it won't shut off!!!! (All of this stems from some REALLY bad experiences at doctor appointments when I was a young child. I SWEAR I will NOT let this happen to my kids!!!)


Anyway, I have no weird symptoms, no lumps, no pain, etc. So, I shouldn't worry - right? RIGHT???? I'm waiting for 5 pm so I can have some wine and relax a bit.

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You will be totally fine. The worst part is the build up in your head. Which is pretty bad in my own sometimes. I understand. But you are doing a good thing. You have lovely children that depend on you and look to you to set the example. Preventive care is just the thing. Plus it sets up a relationship with the DR so when you need them, you have a history.


No worries my friend. You will come out tomorrow with a huge weight lifted off your shoulders with the worry being gone. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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You're right--it sounds like you've got nothing to worry about. I know--that's easier said than done sometimes. Can you find something to do/clean/bake until 5:00?


Let us know tomorrow when you're done and you've checked out fine. And kudos to you for getting caught up! :cheers2:

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Oh Sweetie, you sound just like me. Hang in there. Keep talking to us about it. I think you'll be fine.


Big hugs,

Tracy in Ky


So, there's someone else's brain that works like mine? It's SOOO hard sometimes isn't it? It really does help to talk about it.


See - I did something stupid the other night that I thought would help. I googled all the things I was scared I might have. I figured, because I didn't have symptoms, then it would actually help - right? HA!!! Do you know how many sypmtoms of these things I have that I didn't know were symptoms??? Google is OFF limits from now on.

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You will be totally fine. The worst part is the build up in your head. Which is pretty bad in my own sometimes. I understand. But you are doing a good thing. You have lovely children that depend on you and look to you to set the example. Preventive care is just the thing. Plus it sets up a relationship with the DR so when you need them, you have a history.


No worries my friend. You will come out tomorrow with a huge weight lifted off your shoulders with the worry being gone. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I can't rep you again yet or I would. Yes, the buildup is AWFUL!!! And, the worst part is that this is a new set of doctors for me. Before, I was seeing a midwife who I loved, but she is 45 minutes from my house. I decided I needed a closer ob/midwife. So, this person is new to me.


Yup - I look forward to 3:30 tomorrow feeling MUCH lighter than I am right now! (And, then I'll finally be able to look forward to our vacation the following week!)


You're right--it sounds like you've got nothing to worry about. I know--that's easier said than done sometimes. Can you find something to do/clean/bake until 5:00?


Let us know tomorrow when you're done and you've checked out fine. And kudos to you for getting caught up! :cheers2:


I'm on here until 5 pm!! I'll check in tomorrow for sure!!!

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Hang in there, it is my most dreaded appointment too and I tend to put it off also. :grouphug:


Glad I'm not the only one!!!


You've had four kids. This is nothing.


At my doctor's most of the nurses are good friends, and we yap so much the doc will get ignored, or aggravated.



LOL! True - I've birthed four kids. I can handle anything!! At my midwife appointments, I would always gab forever. It was nice!!! I hope I hit it off with this new one!!

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I just went for my "yearly" gyn exam in January. I hadn't been in 11 years! There was nothing wrong. I even found a nice, older female gynecologist that was gentle and who I will go back to next time. You'll be fine.


LOL about the googling, too! I just did that the other day and blogged about it today. Don't freak yourself out like that!

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So, there's someone else's brain that works like mine? It's SOOO hard sometimes isn't it? It really does help to talk about it.


See - I did something stupid the other night that I thought would help. I googled all the things I was scared I might have. I figured, because I didn't have symptoms, then it would actually help - right? HA!!! Do you know how many sypmtoms of these things I have that I didn't know were symptoms??? Google is OFF limits from now on.


Oh dear. Google will make you insane. Ask me how I know. And yes, your brain works like mine. It takes very little for me to have myself or a loved one 6 feet under. I was in this shape just *yesterday* and *today*. :eek: I just got a call a few minutes ago that put my mind to rest. Yep, I'm right there with you. Last night, I took a nice big piece of my sleeping pill before bed! :lol:


It is so hard to trust God when you have such paralyzing fear. I wish it wasn't. Talk to your dr. tomorrow about your concerns. He/She will probably put your mind at ease very quickly.


Just about 15 minutes until 5!!!:D




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Please don't worry! I've gone in with a list of probs I thought I had, with aches, pains, symptoms, the whole thing, and I have ended up with nothing wrong with me! (while ago) Most things you will have will have symptoms--I've even had vitamin deficiencies that manifest in obvious signs in my body.


I'm sure all will be well. I am glad you are going. Always the best thing to do :).

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Now, here's the irrational part - nothing has been found that's been wrong with me in any of the other appointments. So, surely there'll be something found tomorrow - right? Ugh. Sometimes I hate my brain when it won't shut off!!!! (All of this stems from some REALLY bad experiences at doctor appointments when I was a young child. I SWEAR I will NOT let this happen to my kids!!!)



No. The very fact that nothing has ever been wrong with you makes the odds of something being wrong with you this time much lower.


Be encouraged. You're afraid of your fear. When you're this nervous and fearful, plaster on a smile and raise your eyebrows just a bit. The act of doing so will send signals to your brain that you are excited, not scared. It could be enough to get you through til tomorrow, intact.


As to the childhood stuff, do the "inner child" exercises where you, the adult, tell the little child inside that you are in charge and that you will not let anything bad happen. Hug your little child, give her some wine (! :lol:), and imagine a strong, confident woman walking in to that doctor's office to do what strong, confident women do -- taking care of your health in a proactive way.







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Have the wine, it is close enough to five.


Okay - wine has been drunk. I feel a bit better. Now, do you think if I showed up at my appointment after having a glass they'd wonder if I had a problem??? LOL


Aw Jennifer! I think, too, that everything will be just fine. I think you should feel really good about doing the right thing by making the appointment even when you are scared. You aren't letting your fears get the best of you!


Thanks!! I know deep down I'm doing the right thing. I'm just kicking myself that I waited so long!


I just went for my "yearly" gyn exam in January. I hadn't been in 11 years! There was nothing wrong. I even found a nice, older female gynecologist that was gentle and who I will go back to next time. You'll be fine.


LOL about the googling, too! I just did that the other day and blogged about it today. Don't freak yourself out like that!


I think I remember reading about that!! The woman I'm seeing is a midwife and comes highly recommended. So, I'm sure she'll be wonderful! I'm so glad everything went well for you. That must've been scary after 11 years!!!


I'm going to read your blog next!!!


No worries, Jennifer!! Everything will be fine.

In the mean time, I'll be thinking of you and wishing you peace of mind.


P.S. Drink the wine. drinking-41.GIF


Wine is drunk. (I am not!!) Thanks!!!!


Oh dear. Google will make you insane. Ask me how I know. And yes, your brain works like mine. It takes very little for me to have myself or a loved one 6 feet under. I was in this shape just *yesterday* and *today*. :eek: I just got a call a few minutes ago that put my mind to rest. Yep, I'm right there with you. Last night, I took a nice big piece of my sleeping pill before bed! :lol:


It is so hard to trust God when you have such paralyzing fear. I wish it wasn't. Talk to your dr. tomorrow about your concerns. He/She will probably put your mind at ease very quickly.


Just about 15 minutes until 5!!!:D





Oh man, would you please move next door!? I think we could have wonderful conversations and we'd be great support for each other!


Doctors freak me out, too, so no words of wisdom, just: :grouphug:


I SOOO get this!!!


Please don't worry! I've gone in with a list of probs I thought I had, with aches, pains, symptoms, the whole thing, and I have ended up with nothing wrong with me! (while ago) Most things you will have will have symptoms--I've even had vitamin deficiencies that manifest in obvious signs in my body.


I'm sure all will be well. I am glad you are going. Always the best thing to do :).


THank you!!!! It must have been scary to go in with symptoms!!! See - I make them up!! Really - I'm not crazy, but I get crazy when I have to go to the dr!!!

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No. The very fact that nothing has ever been wrong with you makes the odds of something being wrong with you this time much lower.


Be encouraged. You're afraid of your fear. When you're this nervous and fearful, plaster on a smile and raise your eyebrows just a bit. The act of doing so will send signals to your brain that you are excited, not scared. It could be enough to get you through til tomorrow, intact.


As to the childhood stuff, do the "inner child" exercises where you, the adult, tell the little child inside that you are in charge and that you will not let anything bad happen. Hug your little child, give her some wine (! :lol:), and imagine a strong, confident woman walking in to that doctor's office to do what strong, confident women do -- taking care of your health in a proactive way.


I could kiss you right now!!!!! I had never thought about that! I have been to my primary dr (after 3 years), eye dr (after ahem, 18 years), and dentist (I'm not tellin'!) so far and everything has been fine!!! So, THAT'S why I should believe everything will be fine tomorrow and NOT why it's going to be bad! Talk about a curve ball! Thank you!!!!


I'll think of this post as I walk in tomorrow!!! Thank you! Seriously - you made me cry!!! (In a good way!)


It's 5:40, did you have the wine?:D


You will be fine, I just know it.:grouphug: Check in after you are done so that we know you survived.;)


Oh yea baby!!! Sure did!!!!


It does feel good to hear I'll be fine!!! I'll definately let you know!!!

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I just took myself to the ER the other night because of paralyzing fear such as you have. I was having pain in my lymph nodes under my arms and into breasts. YIKES! My mat. g.mother died of B. Cancer at 31 (I am 34) So you can only imagine the panic I had worked myself into after a month of trying to ignore this pain. I too googled myself crazy and also happened to read a sad post here about someone's friend named Christy who has a diagnosis and a baby on the way. Well, that did it. I took myself right away and after 6 hrs at the ER I left (at 5am) with a clean bill of health. I had alot of time to pray for Christy while I was there. I was convinced that something horrible was going to be wrong with me in fact I think I was surprised when the Dr said all was fine. So, all I can say is BTDT and I'm on your side.




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Ugh. See? This is why I don't go. Everything was fine until she felt an "enlarged uterus." She said that it could be just because my uterus is tilted funny and she couldn't get a good feel. But, she wanted an ultrasound to make sure. This office didn't have an appointment until NEXT Friday. So, I went to our local hospital and begged them to do the ultrasound for me. They did.


I was freaking out on the table. The US tech took pity on me about halfway through and told me that she didn't see anything to worry about. Instant relief!! I know a doctor still has to look it over, but still.


Then, on my way out the door, I asked again about what she saw and she said again, "I don't see anything you need to worry about - nothing life threatening." Now we had been talking about how I was so scared they'd find something life threatening, so that could be why she said it like that. But, now I'm worried that she found something, just nothing life threatening!!! See how my brain works????


Anyway, I'm refusing to google it. My mom did and said that the most common cause of an enlarged uterus is fibroids. She also read off the symptoms of the thing I most worry about - uterine cancer. I have none. So, I shouldn't worry - right??? I should go on with my life - right???

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Ugh. See? This is why I don't go. Everything was fine until she felt an "enlarged uterus." She said that it could be just because my uterus is tilted funny and she couldn't get a good feel. But, she wanted an ultrasound to make sure. This office didn't have an appointment until NEXT Friday. So, I went to our local hospital and begged them to do the ultrasound for me. They did.


I was freaking out on the table. The US tech took pity on me about halfway through and told me that she didn't see anything to worry about. Instant relief!! I know a doctor still has to look it over, but still.


Then, on my way out the door, I asked again about what she saw and she said again, "I don't see anything you need to worry about - nothing life threatening." Now we had been talking about how I was so scared they'd find something life threatening, so that could be why she said it like that. But, now I'm worried that she found something, just nothing life threatening!!! See how my brain works????


Anyway, I'm refusing to google it. My mom did and said that the most common cause of an enlarged uterus is fibroids. She also read off the symptoms of the thing I most worry about - uterine cancer. I have none. So, I shouldn't worry - right??? I should go on with my life - right???



You and I reason a lot the same! It sounds like you have nothing to worry about though! If they thought it had been bad, they wouldn't have let you go home! :grouphug:

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Oh, Jennifer! My brain works just like yours. I am so glad that they could do the u/s today and the tech would tell you something. "Not life threatening" is good. I would take not life threatening = not cancer.


Let us know when you hear from the dr. I would assume if it's anything serious they will call immediately. I'll be praying for ya!

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Ugh. See? This is why I don't go. Everything was fine until she felt an "enlarged uterus." She said that it could be just because my uterus is tilted funny and she couldn't get a good feel. But, she wanted an ultrasound to make sure. This office didn't have an appointment until NEXT Friday. So, I went to our local hospital and begged them to do the ultrasound for me. They did.


I was freaking out on the table. The US tech took pity on me about halfway through and told me that she didn't see anything to worry about. Instant relief!! I know a doctor still has to look it over, but still.


Then, on my way out the door, I asked again about what she saw and she said again, "I don't see anything you need to worry about - nothing life threatening." Now we had been talking about how I was so scared they'd find something life threatening, so that could be why she said it like that. But, now I'm worried that she found something, just nothing life threatening!!! See how my brain works????


Anyway, I'm refusing to google it. My mom did and said that the most common cause of an enlarged uterus is fibroids. She also read off the symptoms of the thing I most worry about - uterine cancer. I have none. So, I shouldn't worry - right??? I should go on with my life - right???


:grouphug: Try not to worry, and you're smart not to google (almost nothing good comes from googling medical stuff). I'm sorry this happened, but I still really think you don't have a reason to worry. It's 5:00 where you are--drink that wine. :grouphug:

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You and I reason a lot the same! It sounds like you have nothing to worry about though! If they thought it had been bad, they wouldn't have let you go home! :grouphug:


LOL!!! I wish you'd been with me today!! I didn't know that they could keep you if they had a concern. Good to know!


Uterine cancer is definitely life threatening. I had a friend die last yr from it.


Fibroids are very common and cause some or no symptoms.


I'm so sorry. :grouphug: Cancer is such an AWFUL disease.


Oh, Jennifer! My brain works just like yours. I am so glad that they could do the u/s today and the tech would tell you something. "Not life threatening" is good. I would take not life threatening = not cancer.


Let us know when you hear from the dr. I would assume if it's anything serious they will call immediately. I'll be praying for ya!


You're right!!! Thank you! The us tech said I should hear by Friday. I'll let you know!!


:grouphug: Try not to worry, and you're smart not to google (almost nothing good comes from googling medical stuff). I'm sorry this happened, but I still really think you don't have a reason to worry. It's 5:00 where you are--drink that wine. :grouphug:


Oh yea - nothing good from google and medical stuff. You're SO right. Yup - already had a glass. Things are looking much better. Thanks.


Well another cause of an enlarged uterus is having had 4 kids. :)


LOL!!! My dh said the same thing!!!

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Ugh. See? This is why I don't go. Everything was fine until she felt an "enlarged uterus." She said that it could be just because my uterus is tilted funny and she couldn't get a good feel. But, she wanted an ultrasound to make sure. This office didn't have an appointment until NEXT Friday. So, I went to our local hospital and begged them to do the ultrasound for me. They did.


I was freaking out on the table. The US tech took pity on me about halfway through and told me that she didn't see anything to worry about. Instant relief!! I know a doctor still has to look it over, but still.


Then, on my way out the door, I asked again about what she saw and she said again, "I don't see anything you need to worry about - nothing life threatening." Now we had been talking about how I was so scared they'd find something life threatening, so that could be why she said it like that. But, now I'm worried that she found something, just nothing life threatening!!! See how my brain works????


Anyway, I'm refusing to google it. My mom did and said that the most common cause of an enlarged uterus is fibroids. She also read off the symptoms of the thing I most worry about - uterine cancer. I have none. So, I shouldn't worry - right??? I should go on with my life - right???


I am not laughing at you, but with you. When I went in for my ultrasound, the tech looked around and said my right ovary looked great. After I walked out, I realized she never said anything about the left one. So, I worried that there was something on the left and she didn't want to say anything. :001_huh: Needless to say, I eventually got the report from the doctor and there was nothing but a fibroid and that was no where near my left ovary. :D

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"Not life threatening" sounds very good. I would have thought the same thing though! I think waiting is the absolute worst!! I'll pray that you can relax until you hear from the doctor.


LOL Good to know my brain isn't alone in its thinking!!! Yes - waiting is SOOOOO hard!!!!


I am not laughing at you, but with you. When I went in for my ultrasound, the tech looked around and said my right ovary looked great. After I walked out, I realized she never said anything about the left one. So, I worried that there was something on the left and she didn't want to say anything. :001_huh: Needless to say, I eventually got the report from the doctor and there was nothing but a fibroid and that was no where near my left ovary. :D


LOL - seriously - I would've thought the exact same thing!!!! Weird that she would comment on one and not the other though . . . . Hmmmm. I love to hear the "success" stories!!!

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Quit worrying and go do something to get your mind off of it. Doesn't sound like anything to me, and I'll bet you're finished with appointments pretty quick.


LOL!!! Thank you! You remind me of a skit that Bob Newhart did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYLMTvxOaeE Seriously - watch it. It's SOOOO funny. My entire family's new motto is, "Just STOP IT!!!!" It'll make sense when you watch it!!!

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Quit worrying and go do something to get your mind off of it. Doesn't sound like anything to me, and I'll bet you're finished with appointments pretty quick.


LOL!!! Thank you! You remind me of a skit that Bob Newhart did: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYLMTvxOaeE Seriously - watch it. It's SOOOO funny. My entire family's new motto is, "Just STOP IT!!!!" It'll make sense when you watch it!!!

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:grouphug: I totally understand how you feel. I am always jumping to the worst conclusion about my health. I guess it's better than simply ignoring everything, but it's no fun! I hope you get a conclusive answer soon, and that it isn't anything to worry about after all.



Isn't it hard?! I really hate this about myself!! But, i'm so glad I'm getting it checked out. :grouphug:

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Ugh. See? This is why I don't go. Everything was fine until she felt an "enlarged uterus." She said that it could be just because my uterus is tilted funny and she couldn't get a good feel. But, she wanted an ultrasound to make sure. This office didn't have an appointment until NEXT Friday. So, I went to our local hospital and begged them to do the ultrasound for me. They did.


I was freaking out on the table. The US tech took pity on me about halfway through and told me that she didn't see anything to worry about. Instant relief!! I know a doctor still has to look it over, but still.


Then, on my way out the door, I asked again about what she saw and she said again, "I don't see anything you need to worry about - nothing life threatening." Now we had been talking about how I was so scared they'd find something life threatening, so that could be why she said it like that. But, now I'm worried that she found something, just nothing life threatening!!! See how my brain works????


Anyway, I'm refusing to google it. My mom did and said that the most common cause of an enlarged uterus is fibroids. She also read off the symptoms of the thing I most worry about - uterine cancer. I have none. So, I shouldn't worry - right??? I should go on with my life - right???


How did I miss this earlier?? I'm sorry I didn't give you a boost before you went but now. Well, I think she's just trying to make you feel better. Since you were talking about "life threatening", that's what she said. If you are having no symptoms, I really think you are just fine!

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