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I Will Not Cry, I Will Not Cry (oh, boo hoo!)

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I just walked dd8 into 3rd grade at public school. She has a nice teacher, the room looks interesting and organized, they have a Smart Board, she'll have gym, and she looked absolutely darling in her little red dress with the plaid skirt and red knee socks.


I made it all the way to the door out before the tears started. That'd be my tears, of course!


So, just for today, can we say No posts bashing school? Just for today.

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My 3rd grader is in public school and she so loves it!!! Her school started last week but yesterday there was no school (a holiday) and she complained about how she wished they would not bother with holiday's so she could go to school. Her homeschooled sister was glad her sister went off today... lol..


Your daughter sounds so adorable in that outfit, I love that look, reminds me of the Nancy Drew movie.


I know it is hard to send them off to PS, and I have no idea of your reasons, but I certainly understand your tears! Hang in their mom! I hope she enjoys her school year.

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I just walked dd8 into 3rd grade at public school. She has a nice teacher, the room looks interesting and organized, they have a Smart Board, she'll have gym, and she looked absolutely darling in her little red dress with the plaid skirt and red knee socks.


I made it all the way to the door out before the tears started. That'd be my tears, of course!


So, just for today, can we say No posts bashing school? Just for today.



(((Chris))) I'm sure she'll be just fine. And you will, too. Give us an update when she gets home?


And I agree with JudoMom about the cookies, but then again I always think cookies are a good idea.

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Hugs to you this morning...I don't know your situation but I think about this more often than ever as my husband and parents would like that to happen. I know there are many good things about ps...she will do great and you will too when you see how she is doing!!!

Have a cup of tea or coffee, take a walk outdoors and when she comes home, sit and listen to news about her day!!

Hope this all works out for you!

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:grouphug: Chris. That is so hard. No ps bashing here...I might be joining you if my kids don't shape up soon. Today has been STRESSFUL! My neck is in knots right now b/c I'm so stressed out. 35 min. on a handwriting assignment that should have taken 5 min. That is all. Hang in there...it'll get easier...esp. when she comes home with stories of how she loved it and how much fun she had.

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Thanks, all.

I had to go into work (setting up my preschool room), but I did have time to actually take her to school. We had seen her teacher/room on Friday, so she was excited to go. I was able to help her with the myriad things she had to bring in (who needs 40 pencils per student? :001_huh:), and make sure she got to the right class.


We had a little glitch as hubby told the school via phone call that dd was coming home by bus--I told him NOOO! I'm going to pick her up!!! (ie, don't change the plan!) We worked it out and she was waiting in the "kiss and ride" in the right spot at pick up. Tomorrow it's bus both ways, but two kids in her class ride her bus, so she's not intimidated.


They made a graph about getting to school. Teacher read a Berenstain Bear's school story (dd was rather disdainful of that choice), gym was fun, they had an "assembly line" ("That's called an assembly, Dear, not an assembly line" :D), and everyone was nice to dd.


Not a bad day.

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Chris, I'd be worried about making it to the classroom before bursting into tears! You are so strong!


I'm sure it will get better--do something really nice for yourself tomorrow (since today is almost over), to make yourself forget it, and appreciate a little time to yourself. I'm sure this will go well for you both. I have no smilies (why are quick replies like this? I miss my smilies!), but BIG HUG!!!

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We put our 3rd and 5th grade daughters in public school for this year only. I told them that before we enrolled them. My 3rd grader loves it. I am glad but also sad. I feel like I wasn't making it fun enough for her. We just moved to a new state and she is making new friends, so that is probably her main reason for loving it.


It is killing me. I want to have them at home, but we made the decision to put them in for 1 year. I have a 5 yo daughter at home too. So, hopefully I can focus on her. At least my 5th grader said she wants to hs next year. She doesn't care for the way the middle schoolers act.


My 3rd grader came home on the first day (4 hours) and said, "I want to go to public next year too." I was so sad.

I hope you are handling it better than I am. I am still pouting.:angelsad2:


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