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Those weird coincidences...I have a couple to share...


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DS and I were talking in the car and I said, "Just yesterday, in fact."


He was changing the radio stations and stopped on one and the person on the radio said, "just yesterday, in fact" like an echo of my words.




Then driving through the snow packed streets in double digits below zero wind chill. I said (in the context of a story I was telling DH), "She gives me a bunny-boiler vibe."


A rabbit darted out from a driveway and ran into the street.


Now this second story wouldn't be as weird in the spring or summer...but the weather is so bad and the snowpack is so deep there is practically nothing moving outside, especially little bunnies.

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I was once complaining to DH that the classic rock stations only play The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, and Lynard Skynard and we rounded a corner and there was a classic rock station billboard and the bands listed on it were The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, and Lynard Skynard.

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I was once complaining to DH that the classic rock stations only play The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, and Lynard Skynard and we rounded a corner and there was a classic rock station billboard and the bands listed on it were The Rolling Stones, The Eagles, and Lynard Skynard.

That is awesome!


The overplayed classic rock band I get sick of is Boston.


"More than a feeling..."


I also don't know how I actually gave birth to a kid who says, "can you please not talk during the guitar solos?" :lol:


That is when you're SUPPOSED to talk!

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Glenn Close, the jilted mistress from Fatal Attraction boiled her lover's family pet rabbit.


DH and I call people bunny boiler crazy too, Unsinkable!


I saw that movie!  *shudder*  Now it makes sense--thanks!  


Yes, this is the reference.


My dad used to say, "Crazier than a $h!t house rat" which is a bit more colorful.




And you just had to take his word for it since you had never seen one of those rats before, right???   :laugh:   

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Dh refers to these coincidences as proof we are in a computer construct. Yeah...I know.


They do happen often enough to where it gets spooky.


A coworker was talking about a random company that he had never heard of and dh gets home and there is an email from that company in his mailbox. No he never looked it up on the internet.


We just finished learning about pandas and there in my FB feed is that cute video of Red Pandas playing in the snow and a lazy Giant Panda getting pulled out of a tree and giving a hug. Again, no I did no searches for pandas. We just read Sassafras Science and looked it up in our animal encyclopedia.

They're listening. . .

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Oooh...I forgot one that DD reminded me of at dinner.


We had to go to the Social Security office for her a few days ago and there is a check-in kiosk where you enter your SS# and it gives you a ticket with a number on it. Well, the number was DD's birth date...month and year. Like if DD's birthday is June 19,* our number was A619. So we thought it was generated bc it was hooked up to her SS#.


It turns out the number was just a sequential number that just happened to be her birth date. And they had 3 different letters A, B or X. They were on A610. :svengo:


*not her birthday :lol:

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Unsinkable, my next question about the bunny boiler vibe is: what did the lady in the story you were telling your dh do to give you that vibe? :huh:


And when I was telling my dh about this thread he said, "I've heard of the birdy boiler, but not the bunny boiler!" (Guess that movie.)

Oh, no! Not the birdie boiler!!! :lol:


The lady waits where her boyfriend works until he gets off and bickers with his coworkers while she is waiting.

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One night DH and I at the same time began to sing the Chicken Tonight jingle. I was cooking beef and we haven't seen the commercial for Chicken Tonight in years! We finally realized a Rifftrax movie we were watching the day before had a joke about Chicken Tonight.






I feel like Chicken Tonight... like Chicken Tonight.

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We used an anonymous donor to conceive our kids. He had a 4 digit number. When I delivered my daughter, it turns out it was the same as the room number. And then a few weeks later when the birth certificate arrived, I was shocked to see the time of delivery written in 24 hr time -- also the same number. (Like -- Donor #2109, hospital room 2109, born at 21:09)

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We had two cats that went missing at the same time.

I got a call a few days later that someone had found one of them. They gave me directions to their house ( in my subdivision ) and me and the kids headed that way. As soon as we pulled up I saw our cat in their front yard. I picked it up and went and knocked on the front door to thank them. No one answered. Then my phone rings and the same person wants to know how long till I get there. I said I am here in your yard holding my cat. He sounded confused and said be was sitting on his front porch holding my cat... I ask for directions again, and it turns out I had messed up the first time and went to the wrong house and found one cat and then got the directions right the second time and went to the right house and he had my other cat!

The two house were within 200 ft. of each other, but I think its still a pretty cool coincidence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had this happen, which made me think if this oldish thread:


Two nights ago, I was watching a movie before bed (Tootsie). It was late, so I went to bed and missed the last half.


Next night, flip on the tv to watch something before bed...and Tootsie is on again. AND it's EXACTLY where I left off the night before, so I got to watch the ending of the movie. :D


(No, no TiVo or DVR in this room. Just awesome timing!)

ETA: FWIW, I've seen Tootsie a dozen times. :p

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We had two cats that went missing at the same time.

I got a call a few days later that someone had found one of them. They gave me directions to their house ( in my subdivision ) and me and the kids headed that way. As soon as we pulled up I saw our cat in their front yard. I picked it up and went and knocked on the front door to thank them. No one answered. Then my phone rings and the same person wants to know how long till I get there. I said I am here in your yard holding my cat. He sounded confused and said be was sitting on his front porch holding my cat... I ask for directions again, and it turns out I had messed up the first time and went to the wrong house and found one cat and then got the directions right the second time and went to the right house and he had my other cat!

The two house were within 200 ft. of each other, but I think its still a pretty cool coincidence.

Wow...that is incredible!

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I can't think of any of those moments that stand out though my dd15 has decided I have ruined her life forever because lately she and I have said the exact same witty 1-liner at the same time.  So I have told her she is turning into her mother.  she is not impressed with that idea.  


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Yesterday I was reminded somehow that I haven't received a rebate from Christmas that I was hoping to get back from Radio Shack. The day I sent it, the mail lady said she heard they had filed for bankruptcy. I told dh yesterday that I probably wasn't going to get it.


A few minutes later while in the car with dd, dh called dd to tell her my rebate came! I hadn't even thought of it since I mailed it and then I get it on the same day that I brought it up.


(Yeah Radio Shack for still honoring the rebate even after filing for bankruptcy)

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One night DH and I at the same time began to sing the Chicken Tonight jingle. I was cooking beef and we haven't seen the commercial for Chicken Tonight in years! We finally realized a Rifftrax movie we were watching the day before had a joke about Chicken Tonight.






I feel like Chicken Tonight... like Chicken Tonight.

We had that ad in Oz, as well.

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We were going to a concert on Saturday night where dd was asked to join the band on stage. The woman in the band was supposed to send me a message through Facebook telling me what time to bring dd so she could be told what to play and do a sound check but I never got a message (turns out she did not have internet all day). I decided to take dd at a certain time figuring it would be a bit before the concert, enough time for everything she needed to do, but not too early. We parked in the garage across the street from the venue, walked out of the parking garage, and there was the entire band coming across the street on their way to supper. Five minutes in either direction and we would not have run into them.

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