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Am I alone in being a big, mean mom?

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I'm having school today! Does that make me mean?


Seriously, we only started last week. We only did spelling, vocab, math, and Greek last week. It's not like we've been working hard for weeks on end and have earned a break.


I just don't want to drop the momentum and take a day off.


So, am I being too mean?


Needless to say, you know what my kids said!:lol:

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We actually started today. They had the whole summer off (not to mention the weekend). I see no need to take Labor Day off.


We just did handwriting, spelling and grammar.


We are taking a break. Then, we'll do math, science and history. Oh, and their reading lesson and read aloud.

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We're not doing school, but only because my oldest is enrolled in BJU's live satellite classes, and they're not holding class today. It didn't seem fair to let her have the day off and make the little two work.


(Ordinarily, we do not take Labor Day off, and I keep having to remind myself that it's not going to kill us to not do school today. I am irritated by this little break and I'd prefer to be doing school.)

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I'm having school today! Does that make me mean?


Seriously, we only started last week. We only did spelling, vocab, math, and Greek last week. It's not like we've been working hard for weeks on end and have earned a break.


I just don't want to drop the momentum and take a day off.


So, am I being too mean?


Needless to say, you know what my kids said!:lol:


My dd's school started today -- not home school, but still a big, mean thing to do!


Poor babies. Tell them that you're going to do school on Thanksgiving and Christmas, too, if they don't hush.


And it's LABOR Day. What do they think, that it's TAKE A BREAK Day? Pfffft.


(Take a number, Mom, and get in line. )

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I'm having school today! Does that make me mean?


Seriously, we only started last week. We only did spelling, vocab, math, and Greek last week. It's not like we've been working hard for weeks on end and have earned a break.


I just don't want to drop the momentum and take a day off.


So, am I being too mean?


Needless to say, you know what my kids said!:lol:

If that makes you a mean mom, then what am I? I tried to homeschool today--during the Hurricane :lol: I was worried about how many days we might end up missing, and I wanted to do school while we still had electricty. Well, needless to say, I had to give it up. No one could concentrate with the howling wind outside. lol


(still waiting for Gustav to bring it on!)

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Labor Day always seems like a non-holiday to me. We're not really "celebrating" anything, and we have no traditions to speak of surrounding the day. There is a social event at our church this evening that we will attend, but I can't think of a single good reason not to have school today, except that my husband is off work and home.


So, our compromise was that my son did a couple of things this morning--a math lesson and some Greek--so that he wouldn't fall behind later in the week. Honestly, though, if my husband were at work, we'd totally be doing a full day.

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If my kids were home we would be starting school today too, so you are not alone. I get called a big mean mommy for enforcing baths, bedtime, healthy meals, restricting tv, so I know I would be called it if I started school today too. And if truth be told, I am very proud to be a big mean mommy, it means I am doing something right lol

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My inlaws are here. The boys were supposed to have today off. Dh is off of work, but he has a Calculus assignment due.


So I brought the boys up to my room and we're doing History, Latin, Spelling, and Handwriting. On a holiday. With the Grandparents here.


Bwahahahaha. Yeah, they aren't happy.

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We don't take off every little holiday because I plan my school schedule on the flow of a five day week and that really messes me up. My son just spent all day on Friday hiking and creeking at a local nature preserve. This Wednesday, we will spend all day at a nearby fish hatchery, creeking there after we tour the hatchery. Why take off today, too?

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I'm having school today! Does that make me mean?


Seriously, we only started last week. We only did spelling, vocab, math, and Greek last week. It's not like we've been working hard for weeks on end and have earned a break.


I just don't want to drop the momentum and take a day off.


So, am I being too mean?


Needless to say, you know what my kids said!:lol:


Yes, you're being mean. I know, because that's what my ds told me.

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I solemnly told them it is a day set aside for people to be especially diligent about their work and strive to do it extra-well. So we did a lot of work, and they actually paid extra attention!


I suppose I get an "F" for social studies, failing to tell my kids the true meaning of the holiday.

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Are you kidding? My kids don't even know it's Labor Day, let alone that they are supposed to have the day off. Now back to school.....;)



My son is on the high school soccer team, so this is the first 'real' chance my kids have had to interact with the school year calendar.


Mostly they were joking about me being mean to require school on a holiday, but there was a bit of an edge to it. I think they were testing my resolve! Sorry kids! I've had two Diet Cokes this morning and I have enough energy to leap mountains! SCHOOL IS ON!!!

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I say you are mean. With all the rest of us! But if you want the meanest of the mean that would be me. We do school year round and only take breaks when we need to. But with a dozen children I HAVE to keep them occupied!! twenty four-seven as they say.


We were wrapping up the school year in early August and after taking less than 2 weeks off, my oldest was "bored" and wanted to go to the library or the computer labs.


That was my sign that it was time to get back to school!

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I solemnly told them it is a day set aside for people to be especially diligent about their work and strive to do it extra-well. So we did a lot of work, and they actually paid extra attention!


I suppose I get an "F" for social studies, failing to tell my kids the true meaning of the holiday.


We were working on last year's standardized tests on Labor Day. One of the STUPID social studies questions was whether a picture represented a hill, a mountain, or a cliff. HUH? Social Studies? A 2nd grader who can't identify a hill? PL-A-EEEZE!


After that, everyone wanted to "help" the poor 2nd grader with her testing and laugh at the STUPID questions.


I'm just glad there wasn't a "national holiday" question on the test! LOL

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Oh, the injustice of having to do school on Labor Day! Why don't you just put them in shackles and throw them in the dungeon while you're at it? Sheesh. ;)


We just started today (Tuesday), but that's only because our school week goes Tu-Fri (and somtimes Sat. - gasp!) so that it corresponds with my husband's work week. Last year, I even made my son do school on the THANKSGIVING WEEKEND because my husband had to work. I figured hey, we're not doing the big turkey meal (not going to the trouble of that huge spread for two kids who will only turn their nose up at half of it anyway) or having anybody over, what's the point in taking the day off?


I should at least be in the running for a Bronze Medal of Meanness for that, I think.

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