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I. Hate. Conventional. School.


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Seriously, what is the point of piling so much work on kids that they're cramming to make the grades and then tossing that information aside so they can rush into the next assignment? Let's rush through these assignments and mark them done. Who cares about the students? As long as they keep up those grades, that's all the matters. They're not retaining the information. Any love of a subject is quickly squashed. Subjects that they don't really care for soon become hated. And if any student can't keep up with the mountains of work thrown at them, it's their fault. They're just "not college material."


:cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:


/vent off

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Seriously, what is the point of piling so much work on kids that they're cramming to make the grades and then tossing that information aside so they can rush into the next assignment? Let's rush through these assignments and mark them done. Who cares about the students? As long as they keep up those grades, that's all the matters. They're not retaining the information. Any love of a subject is quickly squashed. Subjects that they don't really care for soon become hated. And if any student can't keep up with the mountains of work thrown at them, it's their fault. They're just "not college material."


:cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:


/vent off

I'm sorry.  I've heard this a lot.

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Seriously, what is the point of piling so much work on kids that they're cramming to make the grades and then tossing that information aside so they can rush into the next assignment? Let's rush through these assignments and mark them done. Who cares about the students? As long as they keep up those grades, that's all the matters. They're not retaining the information. Any love of a subject is quickly squashed. Subjects that they don't really care for soon become hated. And if any student can't keep up with the mountains of work thrown at them, it's their fault. They're just "not college material."


:cursing:  :cursing:  :cursing:


/vent off


Don't forget the endless, endless repetition of the subjects. Can't trust kids to remember "noun" and "verb" and "hypothesis" and "centimeter" and "Columbus" from year to year, better to reteach it at the start of EVERY year!


Thus giving the kids the not unwarranted view that there's no point in really learning this, because if it's important they'll just do it again! (And again, and again, and again.)

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I've been looking at this at the college level too.  Those classes are soooooo $$$$$.  I've heard several returning freshman say things about learning just for the test or repeat what the professor wants and move on.  Dd has asked why she should pay money to take classes like that.  The answer is usually the class is needed for core/basics or some such.  I keep thinking there has got to be a better way. 

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Thank you all for commiserating with me. I considered sending my younger ones off to school next year, but they enjoy learning. I don't want to kill that. Isn't that so ironic...and ridiculous? I sincerely see co-ops being our future. The teachers are free to be creative and do such a wonderful job keeping learning fun and productive!  I just can't keep doing it all myself. It's a shame there's not more options with sports...that's the only reason ds is even at his school.

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Thank you all for commiserating with me. I considered sending my younger ones off to school next year, but they enjoy learning. I don't want to kill that. Isn't that so ironic...and ridiculous? I sincerely see co-ops being our future. The teachers are free to be creative and do such a wonderful job keeping learning fun and productive! 


But you know what I've found interesting this year?


I teach Biology at a large and well-respected co-op in our town. But really - we are driven by the tyranny of the urgent. Gotta finish the biology text by May xx day, so many days for so many chapters. And what do these kids want to know?


"Is this going to be on the test?" 




But I don't feel like I have the time or the luxury of really doing interesting, hands-on stuff. It's just - get the material across - correct the errors/incomplete/out-of-date information in this text (anyone want to guess what text I have to use? :glare: ) and move on.


I guess it's one struggle I have with co-ops. Love/hate relationship here.

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We have lived in a couple areas of the country and have not seen these issues. We have thought a few classes to b be to easy. We have not seen hours of homework. My kids have enjoyed their ap classes and have Done very good act's,received scholarships as did many of their friends.

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I can't really speak to the assignment issues, but I recently learned my local school is pulling pretty low SAT scores.  Not that I hold SAT results up to some fabulous standard, but they're quite below state average, and the lowest of the schools in my region.  Why does this bother me?  Because our graduation rate is well above the state average.


Churn, churn, churn.

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