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Salt cravings - comfort foods or physiological deals?


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I know animals crave salt when they need it for their bodies.


I'm wondering if humans do too (assuming a typical diet where there is already salt present).  I know when I get feeling "blah" or have headaches - esp headaches - I seriously crave salt.  French fries or mashed potatoes that are "frosted" hit the spot - as would ramen or salty chips or similar deals.  At those times, sweet foods make me think I'd be nauseous.  Water can do that too.  Anything else I just don't want (sometimes Green Tea) is ok.


And one of those times came last night - so it got me curious.  Is it a comfort food deal and actually doing nothing or is there a physiological deal that is going on "fixing" things (more akin to why animals crave salt when they need it)?



(If it matters, I do give in to the cravings as I tend to think the body knows what it needs AND my Na level when tested was at the bottom rung of normal - Cl level was right in the middle of normal - so it doesn't appear to be doing harm.  Hubby never gets those excessive/exclusive cravings, but his numbers are far more in the normal range than mine even with eating less salt in his normal diet.  His cravings are more typical - "wow that ____ looks good - yum!")

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 I know when I get feeling "blah" or have headaches - esp headaches - I seriously crave salt.  French fries or mashed potatoes that are "frosted" hit the spot - as would ramen or salty chips or similar deals.  At those times, sweet foods make me think I'd be nauseous.  Water can do that too.  Anything else I just don't want (sometimes Green Tea) is ok.



Me too!



I do try to limit processed/snack food in the house, but when there's no chips around when I have a headache....NOT GOOD!!


I buy chips and try to stash them away for when I need them. They sometimes last till I need them. I do like chips a lot.


I do make popcorn on the stove with coconut oil and pink salt. But when I have really bad headaches popping corn isn't appealing.


My blood work and blood pressure are perfectly healthy. So, I don't know.


I also craved salt and potato chips when I was pregnant. Maybe because the body is trying to hold water? Or get trace minerals?

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I crave salt, esp with headaches. It also helps with POTS, so I am on a high salt diet per doc's orders.


This may be unlikely, but I will mention it just in case. When my salt cravings were at their highest, I was heading into adrenal insufficiency, but didn't know. Salt craving can be a symptom of Addison's Disease. If you notice darkening skin, excessive fatigue, other symptoms, I'd mention it to the doc. Getting the Addison's treated lessened the salt craving here. But it's still comfort food!

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I'm the same with salt cravings.  I could give a hoot about chocolate or sweets in general, but sometimes I really need some salty chips, pretzels or fries when I'm not feeling well.



Our bodies need exercise, but few of us crave going to the gym  :lol:


I don't crave going to the gym (gyms are NOT for me), but I often feel an intense need to move.  For me that means a long, brisk walk or working in the yard or doing some heavy cleaning.

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When I have a salt craving, I think what I really want is to have that delightful taste combo of fat/salt in my mouth. Chips, fries, etc. all have that. if it was just salt I needed, I'd be content to salt some watermelon or steamed broccoli. But no, I want it combined with fat. 

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Physiological. Here is the kicker though: the salt in processed food rarely is iodized. So you will satisfy the need for salt, but not for iodine unless you are supplementing.


Multi-quote still doesn't work...


HOW does salt work?  I can, of course, google this later when I have time I suppose.  Today I am actually getting a bunch of "stuff" done that needs to be done (around the house).  I'm only taking small breaks online.  This one was technically to ask my boys about their spring breaks - did that - and accidentally hit the bookmark for the Hive page afterward.   :D  But I can't get distracted or my to do list won't get done...

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I've had problems with low cortisol on and off for years. I generally have to salt my water to be able to exercise without feeling wiped out. When I am doing better cortisol wise, the salt water goes from tasting better than plain to tasting a bit yucky. Normal people find it disgusting, probably because they don't need extra salt.


If you want to know if the craving is mental or physical, take salt by itself or in water. If you feel better, then it was a legit physical need. If not, perhaps you were craving junk food that just happened to be salty.

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Me too!



I do try to limit processed/snack food in the house, but when there's no chips around when I have a headache....NOT GOOD!!


I buy chips and try to stash them away for when I need them. They sometimes last till I need them. I do like chips a lot.


I do make popcorn on the stove with coconut oil and pink salt. But when I have really bad headaches popping corn isn't appealing.


My blood work and blood pressure are perfectly healthy. So, I don't know.


I also craved salt and potato chips when I was pregnant. Maybe because the body is trying to hold water? Or get trace minerals?


One awesome thing about the vastness of the Hive is it can let us know we're not the only one with any sort of deal out there!


My salt "go tos" are fries dipped in salt, chips or potato sticks, dried beef straight out of the jar, or if I'm really desperate, saltines.


Ramens or Campbell's chicken noodle soup are "sometimes" deals too.


Fortunately, now that I know I need to add more salt in my everyday life I don't get the headache/massive craving bit much anymore.  It mainly comes when I try to be "healthy" or just plain don't eat enough overall and aren't getting adequate amounts (I think).

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I've craved salt when I needed it.  I was recovering from a stomach bug, and really wanted chips.  my then not quite 3yo son, wasn't recovering well (another thing his then ped didn't consider a problem.), and realizing how much I was craving chips - and realizing it was the salt - I let him eat as many chips as he wanted. the next day he finally recovered.


His electrolytes were out of balance.  (and his ped didn't care.)

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Try using something like Celtic Sea Salt.  Maybe it isn't the NaCl you're craving but some other mineral that is usually associated with salt.


We have a different variety of natural sea salt that I use at home.  With basic blood testing (offered at school), Na is the only deal that turned out very borderline low.  Everything else was comfortably in the normal range.  I don't know that they tested for everything, of course.

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This may be unlikely, but I will mention it just in case. When my salt cravings were at their highest, I was heading into adrenal insufficiency, but didn't know. Salt craving can be a symptom of Addison's Disease. If you notice darkening skin, excessive fatigue, other symptoms, I'd mention it to the doc. Getting the Addison's treated lessened the salt craving here. But it's still comfort food!


Something to keep in mind, I suppose.  Again, I can't get on rabbit trails looking things up at the moment.  Sometime in the near future I might have that ability again, but for the next few days, I actually have an agenda I need to stay (mostly) on.

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When I have a salt craving, I think what I really want is to have that delightful taste combo of fat/salt in my mouth. Chips, fries, etc. all have that. if it was just salt I needed, I'd be content to salt some watermelon or steamed broccoli. But no, I want it combined with fat. 


I detest salt on watermelon, but the broccoli would likely work.  I'll actually keep that in mind next time as it's easier to pull some broccoli out of our freezer, then use that to dip into salt, rather than dealing with potatoes to make fries.  Thanks for the idea!

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I think both. People who do very low carb sometimes feel nauseous because they are not getting enough salt.


I had to give up chips. I used to crave them, but no more. Otoh, toasted nori is an excellent substitute for those times one is feeling a need for salty. :) Trader Joe's Wasabi. :) (But the over-packaging. Grrr....)

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Our bodies need exercise, but few of us crave going to the gym  :lol:


bah on the gym. lol  Gym rats love gyms, sure,  but others play sports, bike, walk, or are lucky enough not to live in winter 6 mos of the year. (Unless you ski or snowboard or what not.) It's so much easier to be active when there isn't ice and snow on the streets and sidewalks.  Gosh, it is so much easier!

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I think both. People who do very low carb sometimes feel nauseous because they are not getting enough salt.


I had to give up chips. I used to crave them, but no more. Otoh, toasted nori is an excellent substitute for those times one is feeling a need for salty. :) Trader Joe's Wasabi. :) (But the over-packaging. Grrr....)


I'm not doing very low carb.  There are just times we eat at home without much salt or I'll skip dinner since I'm not hungry.  When those build up I think I'm just not getting enough salt - or perhaps there's something else at play.  It doesn't happen often enough now for me to put a pattern to it as I actively try to always get enough.  At this point it could be simple coincidence - or building up a love of the taste/addiction of sorts.  My curiosity made me wonder.


Before I figured out what it was (or at least thought I did), it was very common.  The weird thing is I figured it out by just getting frustrated enough (with life) that we'd stop at McDonald's.  The next day I would always feel better.  McD's would have LOVED it as a commercial.   :lol:  I, however, didn't really think McD's could ever be health food, so the "puzzle" surprised me.  But it continued.  I'd feel awful (for days) and eat there - then feel better the next day.  Then I thought I would test BK, Arby's and Taco Bell.  Same deal with feeling better.  So... what do all have in common?  High salt.  Add much higher salt at home and it worked just as well - with healthier stuff under the salt.


Then the opportunity came last Oct to get Na tested (among other things).  I was actually concerned with how high it would be knowing how much salt I was eating - but no - it was as low as it could be and still be "normal."


I like the idea of testing salt water next time.  I suspect it will work just fine as the cravings literally are for as much salt (taste) as possible.  Contrast that to when I'm just feeling "blah" and want salty snacks - but no headache - and no nauseous feel at the thought of other things.  They are different.  It's an interesting point that was brought up.

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I know animals crave salt when they need it for their bodies.


I'm wondering if humans do too (assuming a typical diet where there is already salt present).  I know when I get feeling "blah" or have headaches - esp headaches - I seriously crave salt.  French fries or mashed potatoes that are "frosted" hit the spot - as would ramen or salty chips or similar deals.  At those times, sweet foods make me think I'd be nauseous.  Water can do that too.  Anything else I just don't want (sometimes Green Tea) is ok.


And one of those times came last night - so it got me curious.  Is it a comfort food deal and actually doing nothing or is there a physiological deal that is going on "fixing" things (more akin to why animals crave salt when they need it)?



(If it matters, I do give in to the cravings as I tend to think the body knows what it needs AND my Na level when tested was at the bottom rung of normal - Cl level was right in the middle of normal - so it doesn't appear to be doing harm.  Hubby never gets those excessive/exclusive cravings, but his numbers are far more in the normal range than mine even with eating less salt in his normal diet.  His cravings are more typical - "wow that ____ looks good - yum!")

We NEED salt.  I need it more than most.  I eat a LOT of Sea salt (and Himalyan), but a lot of raw and healthy food as well.  My blood chemistry was perfect in all categories just a couple of months ago in a CBC.    My husband can't even  begin to eat as much salt as me. 


I give in to all cravings except for sugar.  Processed sugar is bad and makes you want more and more. 

It is a preservative.  Maybe I will stick around a long, long time.   ;)

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I tend to crave salt sometimes. I always used to eat popcorn, but now I steam up some broccoli and salt the heck out of that. 


I think the reason that I tend to end up wanting salt is because I rarely, rarely eat fast food or any other kind of pre-prepared food (maybe once a month tops, counting both -- fast food is more like twice a year) so I'm not getting the constant inundation that we tend to get. 

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I crave salt, esp with headaches. It also helps with POTS, so I am on a high salt diet per doc's orders.


This may be unlikely, but I will mention it just in case. When my salt cravings were at their highest, I was heading into adrenal insufficiency, but didn't know. Salt craving can be a symptom of Addison's Disease. If you notice darkening skin, excessive fatigue, other symptoms, I'd mention it to the doc. Getting the Addison's treated lessened the salt craving here. But it's still comfort food!


My daughter was told by her doctor that she needs to up her salt intake due to an adrenal problem too.  However, she craves sugar.  :)


I think there is often an explanation for our cravings.  For example, my daughter (above) who craves sugar also has chronic migraines, and I've read that craving sugar before a migraine is quite common.  Maybe there is a drop in blood-sugar before certain types of migraines, and therefore the craving.


I sometimes crave salty foods but I also know that what I really want is just solid food that isn't sweet.  Maybe my body interprets it as salty foods because that's what it knows and likes.


On the other hand, I don't know why I crave chocolate all the time.  :)

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My daughter was told by her doctor that she needs to up her salt intake due to an adrenal problem too.  However, she craves sugar.  :)


I think there is often an explanation for our cravings.  For example, my daughter (above) who craves sugar also has chronic migraines, and I've read that craving sugar before a migraine is quite common.  Maybe there is a drop in blood-sugar before certain types of migraines, and therefore the craving.


I sometimes crave salty foods but I also know that what I really want is just solid food that isn't sweet.  Maybe my body interprets it as salty foods because that's what it knows and likes.


On the other hand, I don't know why I crave chocolate all the time.  :)


Interesting!  I crave sugar before migraines, too.  Once in a while I will crave red meat before a migraine, which is unusual for me.  Does that happen with her once in a while, too?  Might just be me.  :)   I have chronic migraines as well - and ooooh, I am sorry to hear your daughter does as well.  That's just rotten.  

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I can't think of a time when I've craved sugar or chocolate - or anything else besides salt.


Once when I was pregnant I wanted cinnabon buns - hubby was so happy to oblige! He was out the door before I could think about changing my mind! But that was just once and it was more the cinnamon flavor I wanted than the sugar.  I didn't even eat much once he brought them home.  This made him super happy as someone needed to eat them so they wouldn't go to waste.  :lol:

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Interesting!  I crave sugar before migraines, too.  Once in a while I will crave red meat before a migraine, which is unusual for me.  Does that happen with her once in a while, too?  Might just be me.   :)   I have chronic migraines as well - and ooooh, I am sorry to hear your daughter does as well.  That's just rotten.  


I'll have to ask her about the red meat!  I haven't heard that she craves that before a migraine.  I'm sorry to hear that you have them too.  They are really awful.  She has tried lots of different diets to try and help hers (avoiding all typical trigger foods), and finds that the Mediterranean diet helps make her feel better overall, though it doesn't really take away her migraines...

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