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Has anyone seen a physical therapist for "leaking"?


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You know that type of leaking when you cough, sneeze, etc?


Just wondering if anyone has seen a physical therapist for this.  If you have, did it help?  Where they are specialist in that area or just a general physical therapist?


Normally it is not an issue for me but I just had a flu/virus/nasty terrible, hacking up a lung type cough and had some "leakage".  I ended up with those wonderful special panty liners, etc.


I am seeing a physical therapist for my knee and didn't know if it would be helpful to ask her for ideas or not.  Sorta embarrassing but if it might help, might be worth asking.  I know about the kegals and we are working on basic core strength but maybe there is more????

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It's your Kegels, and yes tell your PT!!!!!!!!!!  They can give you exercises that combine your knees and kegels (and core too!) into one, so with no more trouble you'll improve this as well.  Yes, it's just doing kegels, but they weave them into the other exercises so you're doing more of them without really trying.  And really I was surprised, because the way the PT wanted them done was *different* from what I had read in books.  In this case different was good since it actually worked.

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You're searching for information on Pelvic Floor Disorder, and some of the best info you'll find is from Katy Bowman.  A quickie little blog post she made: http://www.katysays.com/4-fast-fixes-for-pelvic-floor-disorder/  (The "UI" in the paragraph quoted at the beginning stands for Urinary Incontinence, which is the specific type of pelvic floor disorder you're interested in.)


An interview with her on another blog: http://mamasweat.blogspot.com/2010/05/pelvic-floor-party-kegels-are-not.html


A DVD she has on the subject: https://www.alignedandwell.com/shop/down-there-for-women/  (I've never actually seen this DVD, but I'm sure it would be great.)




You can find a lot of information on the subject on her blog and in her books -- it's one of her passions.



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My PT specializes in pelvic floor exercises.  I have a back issue and she was able to get me out of pain, by working on my core by starting with my pelvic floor muscles.  I know that the kegles she had me work on were very specific and involved very specific muscle and tiny muscle movements.  It was not the overly simplified/ vague, 'hold and release your pee' movements. 


I would wholeheartedly ask your PT, but I would find someone who specializes in the pelvic floor, because he methods were very different than any other PT I have ever worked with. 

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It's your Kegels, and yes tell your PT!!!!!!!!!!  They can give you exercises that combine your knees and kegels (and core too!) into one, so with no more trouble you'll improve this as well.  Yes, it's just doing kegels, but they weave them into the other exercises so you're doing more of them without really trying.  And really I was surprised, because the way the PT wanted them done was *different* from what I had read in books.  In this case different was good since it actually worked.


Incorrect kegels can exacerbate the problem.  See interview with Katy Bowman linked above; or just google something like Katy Bowman Kegels to come up with a bunch of hits on the subject. 

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Definitely look for someone who specializes in pelvic floor issues.  My doctor's office recommended someone, but it turns out she just went to a couple of workshops and decided to add "pelvic floor issues" to her resume.  She should have stuck to hot guys with shoulder issues.  I did go to someone who's whole practice is pelvic floor problems.  She was fantastic.  But, alas, she moved away.  I'm looking again. 

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It goes beyond kegels.  Really, often times people need to rebuild their entire core to help with their pelvic floor issues.


The American Physical Therapy Association has a "find a PT" feature that will help you find PTs who specialize in women's health.  And for PPs who are unfamiliar with this, yes, it is in the scope of practice for PTs in most states. 


Click on urinary incontinence or women's health to find some options in your area.  If none come up, call a few outpatient PT practices and ask if they know of anyone in your area.  You might also ask a few midwives and OBs.  http://www.womenshealthapta.org/pt-locator/ should get you started with finding someone though.


Find someone who does this as a substantial % of their caseload, not someone who only sees a few cases per month or year and took just a one weekend course.  Look for someone who does this work as a major part of their caseload.


You could also see a urogynecologist, although they often will jump right to a pessary or surgery, so you may want to try conservative management and see if the therapist considers you a good candidate.


Your PT may not do women's health (probably they likely do not) but may be able to offer some suggestions.  I'd ask them to ask around about who is good in your area for addressing urinary incontinence and women's health issues.

My mom had some improvement after seeing a women's health PT.  I practiced as a PT pre-kids, but women's health is not my specialty.  I helped my mom connect with a practitioner.

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I know a few women who swear that exercising on a rebounder helped them immensely and that leakage is no longer a problem for them.


I'm not sure how long they used the rebounder before they got results, though.


I wish I had more information for you, but you might be able to google and see if there are any articles about it.

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Hopefully I can talk to my therapist Monday about this as I am sure she can refer me on if this isn't her area.  Today though we were in the main gym area as they had construction workers in the private rooms and I was not going to start asking questions there :-)  

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Ok, don't laugh but I've solved my admittedly modest problem with this while running by squatting clear down ( like I was stuck in the woods minus a bathroom) multiple times a day. I don't remember where I read this trick but it worked after a couple weeks.

I have heard of this.  I need to hold on to something to squat way down yet thanks to the torn meniscus in my knee but I can try that.

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Also... It is possible to drink too much water. The average person drink about 500ml per day more than 20 years ago. Physio said this is mostly due to marketing from the bottled water industry. You need eight cups of fluid total so if you are drinking tea and coffee they should count towards your eight cups. You can add a little for exercise and breastfeeding.

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I put on my "big girl panties" this morning and talked to my physical therapist.  She immediately had ideas for me and several hand outs of things to try.  Some of them we are already doing for my basic core and a few new things.  She did say if I wasn't seeing improvement or needed more "help" finding the correct muscles etc. they have "things" to measure that, etc. :confused1: .


I think the plan right now is for me to try these exercises at home for a bit while we continue to work on my knee and core strength (I only have 6 visits left with her before my insurance for the knee runs out and she leaves for 3 months of maternity leave) and if that isn't enough then I will get a referral from my doctor to see the PT in the office that more specializes in this.....which would likely then restart my therapy visits as it would be for a new condition/therapist, etc.


Thanks to those who encouraged me to ask her.  She was very easy to talk to understood immediately what was going on.........and thankfully there was a private room we could use today.  Wasn't something I wanted to bring up in the main workout gym with lots of others around.

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Ok, don't laugh but I've solved my admittedly modest problem with this while running by squatting clear down ( like I was stuck in the woods minus a bathroom) multiple times a day. I don't remember where I read this trick but it worked after a couple weeks.


I don't think that's laughable at all. Strong glutes are critical to pelvic floor health. 

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Ok, don't laugh but I've solved my admittedly modest problem with this while running by squatting clear down ( like I was stuck in the woods minus a bathroom) multiple times a day. I don't remember where I read this trick but it worked after a couple weeks.

That is on the list of things to do.  They have the kegels (done a bit differently) along with a list of other exercises in a progressive list.

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Ok, don't laugh but I've solved my admittedly modest problem with this while running by squatting clear down ( like I was stuck in the woods minus a bathroom) multiple times a day. I don't remember where I read this trick but it worked after a couple weeks.




I have heard that deep bodyweight squats like this are far better than kegels.  So not silly at all.

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I would like to just empathize.  I have a terrible problem with this.  I can't jump on a rebounder, jump rope, do jump squats, etc without peeing all over myself.  I love exercise so this was crushing to me.  I have been using a diva cup to take care of it while exercising but I have been reading some great information that I hope can help me solve the deeper issue.  The funny thing for me is that most people have this problem after childbirth and I had four kids and no bladder problems.  It struck me out of no where about 9 months ago.  Hang in there.  Hopefully we can figure this out. 

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.  The funny thing for me is that most people have this problem after childbirth and I had four kids and no bladder problems.  It struck me out of no where about 9 months ago.  Hang in there.  Hopefully we can figure this out. 

Well, mine are all adopted.........but I have parented over 100 foster kids.........


Mine also seems to have a hormonal component as it is noticeable from ovulation til my period and then mostly absent for the next 2 weeks.


On a positive, I have notice since i have been doing all of this core things (obviously not the specific things she gave me today) that I have been sleeping through the night and not getting up to pee nearly as much.  Before it was 6-7 nights a week and occ. more than once a night and now I have slept through the night 5 out of the past 6 nights..


I just decided though that I will NOT post these new exercises :huh:  :huh: in the living room where I have the rest of mine posted.  I think the beautiful illustrations on the directions would scar my kids for life.

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Well, mine are all adopted.........but I have parented over 100 foster kids.........


Mine also seems to have a hormonal component as it is noticeable from ovulation til my period and then mostly absent for the next 2 weeks.


On a positive, I have notice since i have been doing all of this core things (obviously not the specific things she gave me today) that I have been sleeping through the night and not getting up to pee nearly as much.  Before it was 6-7 nights a week and occ. more than once a night and now I have slept through the night 5 out of the past 6 nights..


I just decided though that I will NOT post these new exercises :huh:  :huh: in the living room where I have the rest of mine posted.  I think the beautiful illustrations on the directions would scar my kids for life.



I can't remember ... is it a book or website that you got these from?  You can PM me if you don't want to post it.  or maybe you did already and I can't find it now :confused1:

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I can't remember ... is it a book or website that you got these from?  You can PM me if you don't want to post it.  or maybe you did already and I can't find it now :confused1:

Are you asking me about the exercises I was given?  Mine are print outs from the physical therapist.  If you are interested you can pm me and I can figure out a way to get them to you.


There are several things on the internet as well that seem very similar.

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Are you asking me about the exercises I was given?  Mine are print outs from the physical therapist.  If you are interested you can pm me and I can figure out a way to get them to you.


There are several things on the internet as well that seem very similar.



Yes but if it is print outs then don't worry.  I really don't want you to go through too much trouble.  I will search some more :)

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