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WTM--Meet In Person!--South Central PA/MD


WTM--Meet In Person!--South Central PA/MD  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Simple question for a basic count - Are you coming?

    • Yes! Barring contagious sickness or last minute emergency, I'm there!
    • I'd like to, but I'm on the fence. I'll see when the date gets closer.
    • I'm too introverted to actually want to meet folks, but I like you online.
    • No, I'm just here for the discussions.
    • Would love to, but I think you're too far away.
    • Would love to, but that date just doesn't work for me.
    • Other - there always has to be an other, right?

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Have fun!


I am equally jealous and horrified...horrified because I think you guys are so brave! I don't think I could ever work up the nerve to show up to something like this! Dang anxiety.


I'd probably need to be medicated or drunk to not be just crying in the corner...I'd make such a good impression!


Seriously, have a great time, you brave boardies!!!


I'll admit it...it is a little scary. 

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Creekland, it's not my opposition to someone else covering the course, it's that he cannot miss the live class.

I still can't figure out multi-quote, but if you want the option, the wifi here is strong (I sound like Yoda) and I've been watching Sleepless in Seattle on Netflix on the ipad in the gym and play area. There are quiet classrooms that he could go into. No pressure, of course. We just want you to know your options.



eta: i'm here at the church.

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Thanks Ladies! We were up in Hanover last night because I work part time in Baltimore and I wanted to see how long it took on a Friday (the only day I work full day) traffic was like to Hanover. Of course, last night wasn't too bad, the cars were moving and I got there in an hour. Then we went shopping at the Walmart in Hanover and checked out how the neighborhood was like at night. I wanted to know how much light pollution there was. Which was basically very little compare to where we live now.


We actually saw a beautiful sunset on the property that we want to build on! So, that was a treat. Also, we saw a skyful of stars!!! A plus for me! I am getting excited.


We are waiting for our W-2's to come in to apply for a mortgage. We also have to sell our house. I am praying that everything falls into place easily with selling the house and building the house and moving in by September this year. How's that :)


We moved here from Arbutus Maryland. We went to closing in Gettysburg, which is a country road 1/2 hour from Hanover. The people we bought the house from said, "Since closing is at rush hour, you should leave early. Traffic gets really bad in Gettysburg at rush hour."


There were maybe 3 extra cars on the road? Maybe? We thought they had been joking. We sat in our car on the empty streets of Gettysburg (except for those three cars) for a half hour because we'd left early for "traffic."


Don't ever believe the locals about "traffic" in Hanover or Gettysburg. They do NOT understand rush hour. They see an extra couple of cars and flip out. It's like snow in Georgia. They see a flake and think they're snowed in. The people here see an extra car and think they're in rush hour.


I love it here!

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Have fun!


I am equally jealous and horrified...horrified because I think you guys are so brave! I don't think I could ever work up the nerve to show up to something like this! Dang anxiety.


I'd probably need to be medicated or drunk to not be just crying in the corner...I'd make such a good impression!


Seriously, have a great time, you brave boardies!!!

If you showed up, I'd be nice to you, so never fear. I'm exactly at 50 on the scale (from 1-100) for extroverted/introverted. I can pop on my extroverted hat and walk up to extroverts and happily make small talk with them or I can pop on my introverted hat and sit quietly by the introverts. If you show up and look like you're feeling out of place, I'll go introverted and sit quietly next to you so you aren't all alone. :) I promise.

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We'd accept medicated or drunk... just be careful driving. ;) And if crying in the corner, chances are someone would notice and give you a hand up or at least a tissue.


I don't believe we've extended the invitation to any perfect boardies - or bullies - so if you want to chance it, please do!


There's no dress code or expectations - not that I've been made aware of anyway. :D

Everybody wear Yoga Pants.

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We moved here from Arbutus Maryland. We went to closing in Gettysburg, which is a country road 1/2 hour from Hanover. The people we bought the house from said, "Since closing is at rush hour, you should leave early. Traffic gets really bad in Gettysburg at rush hour."


There were maybe 3 extra cars on the road? Maybe? We thought they had been joking. We sat in our car on the empty streets of Gettysburg (except for those three cars) for a half hour because we'd left early for "traffic."


Don't ever believe the locals about "traffic" in Hanover or Gettysburg. They do NOT understand rush hour. They see an extra couple of cars and flip out. It's like snow in Georgia. They see a flake and think they're snowed in. The people here see an extra car and think they're in rush hour.


I love it here!


my son rented an apt. in Arbutus his last 2yrs at UMBC.  He was right next to the overpass for.... 95??? 695??  Not sure which major road it was actually.  :closedeyes:


I wish we could have Gettysburg traffic down here.  That would be such a treat.

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my son rented an apt. in Arbutus his last 2yrs at UMBC. He was right next to the overpass for.... 95??? 695?? Not sure which major road it was actually. :closedeyes:


I wish we could have Gettysburg traffic down here. That would be such a treat.

95. It runs right alongside of Arbutus. I used to live on Elm which was parallel to 95. We tried to pretend the car noises were ocean waves crashing on the beach but we could never quite believe it.

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Um...I don't own yoga pants. Are thrift store jeans ok?


Sure. As long as everyone wears bottoms, I couldn't care less what they are. And something to suffice as a top. Unless nursing. ;)

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Quill, forward some of the Hershey's cake to California? :crying:

I'm so sad for you. You probably can't have Maryland Blue Crab or Berger cookies, either.

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We moved here from Arbutus Maryland. We went to closing in Gettysburg, which is a country road 1/2 hour from Hanover. The people we bought the house from said, "Since closing is at rush hour, you should leave early. Traffic gets really bad in Gettysburg at rush hour."


There were maybe 3 extra cars on the road? Maybe? We thought they had been joking. We sat in our car on the empty streets of Gettysburg (except for those three cars) for a half hour because we'd left early for "traffic."


Don't ever believe the locals about "traffic" in Hanover or Gettysburg. They do NOT understand rush hour. They see an extra couple of cars and flip out. It's like snow in Georgia. They see a flake and think they're snowed in. The people here see an extra car and think they're in rush hour.


I love it here!


This makes me laugh so hard!  I'm always shocked when I go up north a bit and hit traffic and stoplights.  I adore the zero traffic.  DH commutes three times as far in distance as he did from our previous location, but it takes him half as long.  (Yeah, that's how we ended up living where we do -- it seemed like such a great deal that it was so fast!)


And I will almost certainly be wearing jeans.  And most of my children will be in their martial arts uniforms, unless they bring clothes to change into.  

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Don't ever believe the locals about "traffic" in Hanover or Gettysburg. They do NOT understand rush hour. They see an extra couple of cars and flip out. It's like snow in Georgia. They see a flake and think they're snowed in. The people here see an extra car and think they're in rush hour.


I love it here!

Did you go through Gettysburg during the summer of the anniversary? It was impossible to get through the square on a Friday evening. Real traffic then!

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I'll be wearing jeans - assuming we can get home.  Y'all had an ice storm today... :glare: so we're stuck in Nassau - which normally would give me great thrills - except this time there were oodles of other people also stuck so the few remaining hotels are the expensive ones and those are WAY, WAY, WAY overpriced IME.  We're paying almost as much for one night here as we did for one week on Grand Bahama and the beach isn't even on the same 1-10 scale.  If the beach we were at on Grand Bahama (right in front of our condo) was a 10, the one here (Cable Beach) would be a -20 (using the same scale).


There is one good thing about it (besides missing the ice and cold)... we've been wanting to explore all the different Carribean Islands to see what their differences are.  This allows us to cross one off our list pretty quickly!


***  NOTE:  For those who prefer the "action," albeit with super high costs, and great looking buses/taxis/pools, etc, this is more of your island.  We prefer inexpensive, laid back, are ok with buses/taxis that would have no chance passing any state inspection, and absolutely put great beaches/snorkeling high on our list.  The same lodging cost that got us a month on Grand Bahama with the beach at our condo would get us 4-5 days here, and that doesn't even account for food, etc.  We had 2 bedrooms + 2 bathrooms and a kitchen in our condo with free Wifi.  This is just a puny motel room where the view isn't even as good, but it's supposed to be a "deluxe ocean view."  Deluxe apparently has different definitions.  Resort fees were extra - and mandatory - of course.   The pool here closed at 5pm.  The one at our condo closed at 10pm.


Here's hoping we can get out tomorrow!

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Yeah, we are entombed in ice. The schools have already issued a delay for tomorrow morning. Probably in part because the bus drivers will not be able to open the doors to the buses, much less drive them anywhere!


I almost needed Ox Treads just to go shut the chicken coop for the night.

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Did you go through Gettysburg during the summer of the anniversary? It was impossible to get through the square on a Friday evening. Real traffic then!

Ok, I'll grant you that there is traffic 3 days a year in Gettysburg. :) I love it here!

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Everybody wear Yoga Pants.

I have to wait to get my 30% off coupon at Kohls before I can buy yoga pants. I'm so sick of jeans, but they're all I have.


Do people wear yoga pants in the summer? Hey! Don't tell me now. That can be a topic of conversation on the 12th!

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Actually, I wish you all would wear yoga pants so I can see if I like them. I feel like I've never seen them on people, but I must have and just not known it. Will everyone model their yoga pants for me?? I'm thinking I might have to buy new shoes to go with the yoga pants as I have no idea what to wear with them.

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Yeah, we are entombed in ice. The schools have already issued a delay for tomorrow morning. Probably in part because the bus drivers will not be able to open the doors to the buses, much less drive them anywhere!


I almost needed Ox Treads just to go shut the chicken coop for the night.


I just checked and our school is on a 2 hour delay as well this morning. I don't think we got as much ice/snow as Baltimore either, but whatever we got, it was enough for a delay.


We should be flying out at 6pm tonight and we need to check out of here by 11am, so I anticipate card games and/or internet surfing for quite some time at the airport.  I'm missing Grand Bahama - where we were - but I'm certainly not going to miss Nassau where we are now.  At least the beds were comfortable.


I saw a really neat statement at Freeport's domestic airport terminal.  It was on a mirror in the Ladies room (hubby tells me there was one in the Men's room too):


"You are looking at the person responsible for your health and well-being."


Personally, I love that attitude!  Such a switch from the "everyone else is responsible for me" attitude of the states (and the "sue in court" mentality some have).


Our meet up is 10 days away now!  I'm looking forward to it!!!


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Oh, and add me to those who aren't totally sure what yoga pants are.


I really, really don't get into fashion or styles in any manner.


I have a guess, but it's just a guess.


The sun is rising here.  In our "non-deluxe" ocean view condoI could see it every morning and there were days we went out walking on the beach to enjoy it.  Here we don't get to see sunrise or sunset.  I have a prime view of Sandals resort (not a place for us - it's a dinky little island with a tiny stretch of beach even compared to ours) and the cruise ships entering port though.

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"You are looking at the person responsible for your health and well-being."


I LOVE this! A hundred times over! I am SO making a mirror with this on it to send DD when she heads off to college!


I have a soft spot in my heart for Freeport. That was where we honeymooned.

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Actually, I wish you all would wear yoga pants so I can see if I like them. I feel like I've never seen them on people, but I must have and just not known it. Will everyone model their yoga pants for me?? I'm thinking I might have to buy new shoes to go with the yoga pants as I have no idea what to wear with them.

I do have yoga pants and could wear them, though I don't normally wear them as everyday clothes. Be aware that what people wear as "yoga pants" are not always actual yoga pants. Some wear TIGHTS or leggings that are NOT meant to be stand-alone bottoms. I recently saw this at Costco to no good effect. I could see that she was wearing white undies with multi-colored polka dots under the "pants." Now that I think about it, I probably should have mentioned it to her. Clearly, she thought her ass was covered, but...it was not.


If you google "yoga pants fail" you will see a montage of poorly-chosen bottoms.

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I LOVE this! A hundred times over! I am SO making a mirror with this on it to send DD when she heads off to college!


I have a soft spot in my heart for Freeport. That was where we honeymooned.


That is such a good idea as a present for college students!  I'll quite probably consider doing the same thing if I can figure out how to do it creatively.  ;)


I also need to update that what I suspected was Sandals (due to the huge neon Sandals sign lit up at night) is actually just a segment of their resort - their small private island.  The main part of their resort is closer to Atlantis.  This makes FAR more sense.  I was wondering how in the world they could convince so many people to come to that puny little thing for a vacation and call it all "good!"


Hubby and I walked the length of Cable Beach this morning.  To all those coming here and thinking this is a terrific beach worth paying these huge amounts for... IMO they need to travel more and see what beaches can be.  :coolgleamA:  As a resort it's so-so, we've definitely been to better and paid less.  The Caribbean waters are gorgeous, but they are gorgeous throughout the Caribbean.


If one wants to come to Nassau for Atlantis (akin to how one goes to Orlando for Disney), I suspect that's still good but I have no BTDT experience - only reflections from kids at school.  Coming here for the beach?  There are better places to choose pending budget. There may even be better beaches on this island.  We don't have time to check it out, nor do I plan to come back to do so - unless stuck at the airport again!


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Today's flight all went without a hitch aside from my ears still not adjusting to landing - grr - a major reason why scuba was out since if they can't adjust to air, they certainly can't adjust to underwater  :glare: .  I was lucky enough to sit next to a very interesting gentleman on the way home - native Bahamian who currently lives and works in our (collective) area - and is considering homeschooling his daughter.  Besides my inviting him to our get together (and the Hive in general), he shared areas of the Bahamas for us to consider for future vacations.  North Eleuthera sounds very, very appealing... far more than the busy-ness of Nassau - and with better beaches!


Getting back to the point... have jeans + will dig out some long sleeved tops and plan on making it there next Thursday!  Only two more weeks of winter according to the groundhog, right?

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Considering the snow forecast I just saw, it's good that we didn't plan this for tomorrow!


A quick look at the long range forecast for next week has it in the lower 50's - far, far more appealing!  Hopefully that won't change much.


In the meantime, enjoy the rain, then snow.   :tongue_smilie:

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>>>>>Don't ever believe the locals about "traffic" in Hanover or Gettysburg. They do NOT understand rush hour. They see an extra couple of cars and flip out. It's like snow in Georgia. They see a flake and think they're snowed in. The people here see an extra car and think they're in rush hour. <<<<<


Hi Garga-- Traffic for me would driving from Hanover, PA to southern part of Baltimore.  I am more concerned about taking the beltway up to Rt 140.  It's quicker to go to Rt. 70 from Rt 95 than Rt 95 to Rt. 140 on the Beltway.  I wasn't talking about Hanover traffic as opposed to Baltimore traffic.  I hit traffic in Manchester, MD because of the Light.  I had to wait for atleast 2 red lights to cross Rt. 27.  After that, it's home free to Hanover, PA.


ANother Side Note:  We go to church in Arbutus.  I always like that little town.


Update: we are putting our house for sale in April and then we will start building our house in Hanover.  I am planning to go to CHAPS Homeschool conference in MAy.  Depending when the house gets built, we should be moving into PA in Sept/Oct, so I am doing my planning based on homeschooling laws in PA.

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It was definitely good that we didn't plan the event for today.  We ended up with 8.5 - 9 inches or so of new snow (which hubby and I just finished shoveling out of our driveway).


How much did everyone else get?


Let's hope next week's forecast of 50+ and nice is true!

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It was definitely good that we didn't plan the event for today.  We ended up with 8.5 - 9 inches or so of new snow (which hubby and I just finished shoveling out of our driveway).


How much did everyone else get?


Let's hope next week's forecast of 50+ and nice is true!


We got about 6-8"...not sure exactly.  My son checked at 6" and that was before it stopped.   They still haven't plowed our street.  It is a good thing it wasn't today.


BTW, is there going to be a mass PM to let us know the address?  I'm going to be out of town Mon-Weds. night.  I'm not sure I'll have internet.  I'll be home in time to pick up any info. though.

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BTW, is there going to be a mass PM to let us know the address?  I'm going to be out of town Mon-Weds. night.  I'm not sure I'll have internet.  I'll be home in time to pick up any info. though.


Not a mass PM as this is open to anyone who wants to come!


Here's the address and details again for anyone - like me - who still needs to google directions (copied from post 2 if anyone wants to find it more easily later rather than remembering this later post number):



Location - NOTE - the church is a convenient (and free!) meeting place.  This is NOT a religious event of any sort.


Bethel Assembly of God

1125 Frederick Pike

Littlestown, PA 17340 


Garga's details:  (cut and pasted from the original discussion of the get together thread)


Thursday March 12th

12 until 3:00 

Church gym (it's ugly--be prepared! But huge. There are fold out tables and chairs if we want to sit and eat.)

Kid's play area (is not ugly--is very nice, but littles would have to be supervised by parents--we can all sit in there if we like while we watch the littles. Only littles allowed in the ballpit/slides etc. Just like at McD's.)

Kitchen (sinks, fridge, microwave, whatever is needed if we want to bring snacks).


We'd need to tidy up after ourselves. There are things like balls and hula hoops to use in the gym. Those would need to be put away. If we leave crumbs, we'd have to vacuum them up. We'd need to look over the bathrooms and make sure there aren't any messes in there. 


I can be sure cleanup gets done and if someone else can offer to help, too, that would be awesome. 

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And I do believe we decided to bring snacks or other simple foods IF those coming want to.  No one HAS to bring anything - esp if busy, on a strict budget, or coming from a great distance, etc.  It's far more important that folks just plain come if they can.  I'd love to meet as many of you as can make it!  If anyone prefers to just bring their own snacks, etc, that's fine too.  No one gets to skip due to food issues of any sort!


I'm contemplating bringing a cheese and cracker platter with muenster, cheddar, and whatever else looks appealing as options along with Multi-grain Club Crackers.


I'll likely bring something else too, but I'm not sure what yet.  If others are thinking of bringing things, feel free to mention them and I'll see if I can figure out what's "missing."  I rarely bake though, so don't expect baked goods from me unless some weird inspiration hits like I decide to make my grandmothers coconut cookies or something.  ;)


We expect to have name tags there so we don't need to have to worry about who's who.

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Not a mass PM as this is open to anyone who wants to come!


Here's the address and details again for anyone - like me - who still needs to google directions (copied from post 2 if anyone wants to find it more easily later rather than remembering this later post number):



Location - NOTE - the church is a convenient (and free!) meeting place.  This is NOT a religious event of any sort.


Bethel Assembly of God

1125 Frederick Pike

Littlestown, PA 17340 


Garga's details:  (cut and pasted from the original discussion of the get together thread)


Thursday March 12th

12 until 3:00 

Church gym (it's ugly--be prepared! But huge. There are fold out tables and chairs if we want to sit and eat.)

Kid's play area (is not ugly--is very nice, but littles would have to be supervised by parents--we can all sit in there if we like while we watch the littles. Only littles allowed in the ballpit/slides etc. Just like at McD's.)

Kitchen (sinks, fridge, microwave, whatever is needed if we want to bring snacks).


We'd need to tidy up after ourselves. There are things like balls and hula hoops to use in the gym. Those would need to be put away. If we leave crumbs, we'd have to vacuum them up. We'd need to look over the bathrooms and make sure there aren't any messes in there. 


I can be sure cleanup gets done and if someone else can offer to help, too, that would be awesome. 


oops. :blush:   should have gone back to the first page. 


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Aw!  I'm going to be down there the following week.  Bummer!


Definite bummer!  We'd have loved to have met you!


oops. :blush:   should have gone back to the first page. 



Actually, I'm glad you didn't as it's good to put all the details up again I think.  If I'd been thinking better, I'd have already done that, but... my brain is getting older (sigh).


I will be staying to help - and arriving early (if all goes as planned) to help set anything up.


Banana bread - fudge - it all sounds good!

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Remember how we all agreed that it was ok to bring our kids?  


We just picked middle son up from the airport and on our drive home got discussing the week's plans/schedules, etc.   When I got to Thursday and mentioned our get together that I'd be going to, my young lad (aka college junior now) asked if he could come... so he's coming.   :D


I mentioned that he might get roped into supervising some of the younger kids - he's ok with that too.


So if there are any older teens or other kids who might or might not be coming... they won't be alone.  And this college boy won't corrupt any of them either - he's definitely not the partying kind.  He might regale them with stories of research or extra curriculars at college - he dances and does American Sign Language - plus works in research.  His majors are Brain and Cognitive Studies + Biology with minors in American Sign Language and Psychology.  Then he's applying for their Take 5 program - free tuition for a 5th year to study something unrelated to his majors - that would be African History and Development.  We don't know if he'll get accepted to that yet, so it's a maybe (and I might have remembered the official name of his studies wrong, but the content is similar).  Otherwise, he's an RA (over freshmen) and TA (Organic Chem and a Brain and Cognitive Course), ... he could be good inspiration to any aspiring serious academic Hive kids.


And seriously, he volunteered to come!  I'm wondering if he thinks I make y'all up.  ;)

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His majors are Brain and Cognitive Studies + Biology with minors in American Sign Language and Psychology.


ooooooooooooo, I wish we were coming.  Ds and I are studying the brain and ds would LOVE to converse with a former homeschooler turned college student and talk ALL about the brain.  My dh is a psychotherapist so ds knows cognitive stuff intuitively from us.

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ooooooooooooo, I wish we were coming.  Ds and I are studying the brain and ds would LOVE to converse with a former homeschooler turned college student and talk ALL about the brain.  My dh is a psychotherapist so ds knows cognitive stuff intuitively from us.


I definitely can't say he will be able to be there at future meetings to be honest.  He's going to be interning somewhere this summer (at U Roc if none of his other options come through) and he stays busy over many breaks.  I feel fortunate he's here now.  That's only due to a (return) trip he had planned to Haiti fell through.  I sort of feel badly for him, but I'll admit to being fortunate to see him here too.  Bad mama!


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Sadly, I'm willing to admit we may not be able to make it after all. Stomach bug ran through our family and I'm not leaving this house until all kids are back to normal entirely. Even though they all feel great my oldest is still having emergency runs to the bathroom that he doesn't always make it in time.

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Three days from today... anyone else willing to admit they're coming?


I'll be there (with middle son - college junior). :D

Still planning to come. I might have lost my conviction to wear Yoga pants, however.

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Sadly, I'm willing to admit we may not be able to make it after all. Stomach bug ran through our family and I'm not leaving this house until all kids are back to normal entirely. Even though they all feel great my oldest is still having emergency runs to the bathroom that he doesn't always make it in time.


Well, if you were thinking of bringing nasty bugs along with you, I don't think anyone minds that you stay home.  If the bugs are banished from your house by then, we'd still love to see you!


In either case, I hope the bugs are all expelled soon.


Still planning to come. I might have lost my conviction to wear Yoga pants, however.


I'm still planning to wear jeans - probably some sort of shirt too.  ;)

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Well, if you were thinking of bringing nasty bugs along with you, I don't think anyone minds that you stay home. If the bugs are banished from your house by then, we'd still love to see you!


In either case, I hope the bugs are all expelled soon.



I'm still planning to wear jeans - probably some sort of shirt too. ;)

I'm going to wear my Jag Pull-on Jeans, because every woman older than 26 really ought to know about them.

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