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Nothing New Challenge -Week Two


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The "rules" of this challenge are self-defined. Anyone can join in at any time. The aim of the challenge (for me) is to combat consumerism, wastefulness, mindless buying, and overspending. It is meant to nurture creative problem solving, ecology, frugality, intentionalism, and resourcefulness. To support these goals, I seek to buy nothing new. I aim to use existing resources, borrow, hand-craft, and buy existing second-hand materials to the greatest extent possible. However, I recognize that life is unpredictable, and family life increases this factor exponentially, so I will buy new in the following cases, when a non-buying option does not present:


Food, health, and necessary household goods excluded.

Requirements for school, work, or health and well-being which cannot be obtained used.

Gifts, when a creative non-commercial option will not suffice.

Anything animal or gardening related that cannot be obtained used.

Fuel/energy sources.


Posts will appear each Saturday, referring to the week that is ending. Post your successes, creative solutions, relapses and weak moments. It doesn't matter if you have a weak moment! Just keep swimming!


So, it's Saturday! How did you do this past week? For myself, the wicked cold has made it very easy not to go out! I did buy bird seed for my feeders, but man...they eat the feeders clean in one day when there's snow on the ground! Other hungry locals include a fox who has left his foxy footprints all around my chicken run. :/ I hope he can opt for a tasty squirrel instead.


I didn't download any books this week. Library only! I almost went the whole week without any Amazon, but ds had some things he wanted to order (he pays me back) and he (fortunately? Unfortunately?) bought three sets of Tattler Reusable Mason Jar lids that were in shopping cart limbo. I am betting those will be very worthwhile, though, come summer. This past week, I had sliced jalapeĂƒÂ±os I had grown from seed and canned last summer. They make me so happy!

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Last week, I didn't buy anything non-consumable, added several things to a "want/need/look for second-hand" list, and took a few things off the list when I realized I really don't need or want them.


I ended up buying lunch at a museum food court because it was too cold to have a picnic lunch, and had to stop at Costco and Aldi for a couple things that just couldn't wait (contact lens solution and Emergency Stress Chocolate). Other than that I survived being hormonal and cranky without saying screw it and spending money.

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These were all things I considered doing and probably would have done last year, but chose not to do this year:


1. Brown bagged lunch at the Science Center instead of buying. We hate brown bagging. This was a sacrifice to us. Note: We were at the Science Center for homeschool classes that were paid for in December. I consider that an education expense and not part of the no spending challenge. Saved $24


2. Let the boys see the IMAX show at the Sci Ctr alone so I would not have to pay for my ticket: Saved $7


3. Decided not to buy 2 cupcake baking pans. DS12 bakes 2 batches of cupcakes each month for the homeless shelter. I had thought it would be nice to bake all 48 cupcakes in one batch, but then decided that it's probably cheaper to run the oven for 13 extra minutes each month for the extra batch than buying the pans. Saved $20


4. Decided to homemake the scratching post for the new kitten. Saved $30


5. Almost bought a second cat carrying case for the new kitten, but then remembered we might have a broken one in the basement. Delayed buying the case. If we can fix the one we have, we will save $25. Possibly saved $25


6. I was going to buy a new set of cat dishes now that we'll have 2 cats and they'll each need their own water/dry/wet food bowls and then remembered some old dishes in the shed. Those will be the new cat dishes. Didn't price cat dishes in the store, but they're probably at least $10. Saved $10.


Total saved this week: $116


Total not saved: Probably $130 if we count this coming Monday's expense for the kitten itself in that total.

I'm too tired to get the receipt, but had to buy a 2nd cat box, mat for under the new water bowl, pooper scooper, and kitten chow. So, it's almost a wash on saved vs unexpected expense.


I do not count the kitten as a frivolous expense. I take cat ownership very seriously and find that most cats need other feline companionship. This has been my experience in owning 12 cats throughout my life. When we took in a stray last July we knew that it would be likely we'd have to get a second cat. The time has come for that. I consider this a necessary cat ownership expense.

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These were all things I considered doing and probably would have done last year, but chose not to do this year:


1. Brown bagged lunch at the Science Center instead of buying. We hate brown bagging. This was a sacrifice to us. Note: We were at the Science Center for homeschool classes that were paid for in December. I consider that an education expense and not part of the no spending challenge. Saved $24


Last week we made a $30 contribution to science education and received a free gift of food court pizza. ;-). Of course, when we went to the science center last year, we stopped to wash hands, then went out to the grass to have a picnic (me pushing a stroller), then ate, and I ended up in the hospital with a nasty infection. So instead of saving money, I got a hospital bill. The $3.75 I spent on a cup of fresh veggies was cheaper, and I could wash the germs off immediately before eating.

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On Friday were went to Zoolights, and spent $10 for the third ticket (two came with the membership the in-laws bought us), and another $10 for a hot cocoa and warm roasted cinnamon almonds to share.


Saturday we went to Wal-Mart and got DD her long-promised bicycle. We did look at goodwill and the consignment place next to it first. We also spent $70 on clothes and a few games/puzzles for DS. DS got several pairs of pants that actually fit, as did DD, who also got a few tops and a couple dresses. I got myself some pants and dress shirts and ties. The non-clothes items cost maybe $5 and it was all secondhand.


For all of those clothes, New, I might have gotten one shirt and tie at someplace like Nordstrom Rack (the shirts are high-quality items, most with laundry tickets attached so probably donated after being abandoned at a dry cleaners). Savings: several hundred $$.


OTOH, we just spent $700 on car repairs.

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These were all things I considered doing and probably would have done last year, but chose not to do this year:


1. Brown bagged lunch at the Science Center instead of buying. We hate brown bagging. This was a sacrifice to us. Note: We were at the Science Center for homeschool classes that were paid for in December. I consider that an education expense and not part of the no spending challenge. Saved $24


2. Let the boys see the IMAX show at the Sci Ctr alone so I would not have to pay for my ticket: Saved $7


3. Decided not to buy 2 cupcake baking pans. DS12 bakes 2 batches of cupcakes each month for the homeless shelter. I had thought it would be nice to bake all 48 cupcakes in one batch, but then decided that it's probably cheaper to run the oven for 13 extra minutes each month for the extra batch than buying the pans. Saved $20


4. Decided to homemake the scratching post for the new kitten. Saved $30


5. Almost bought a second cat carrying case for the new kitten, but then remembered we might have a broken one in the basement. Delayed buying the case. If we can fix the one we have, we will save $25. Possibly saved $25


6. I was going to buy a new set of cat dishes now that we'll have 2 cats and they'll each need their own water/dry/wet food bowls and then remembered some old dishes in the shed. Those will be the new cat dishes. Didn't price cat dishes in the store, but they're probably at least $10. Saved $10.


Total saved this week: $116


Total not saved: Probably $130 if we count this coming Monday's expense for the kitten itself in that total.

I'm too tired to get the receipt, but had to buy a 2nd cat box, mat for under the new water bowl, pooper scooper, and kitten chow. So, it's almost a wash on saved vs unexpected expense.


I do not count the kitten as a frivolous expense. I take cat ownership very seriously and find that most cats need other feline companionship. This has been my experience in owning 12 cats throughout my life. When we took in a stray last July we knew that it would be likely we'd have to get a second cat. The time has come for that. I consider this a necessary cat ownership expense.

I really like your list. I know sometimes my first thought is, "I need to buy a _________." If I step back and think about it a bit, I often realize I have another substitute that is totally sufficient, or I can rig up a suitable option from things I have.

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I've done really well this first two weeks of January, mainly because I HATE (sorry if that's too strong for some people) January and am not feeling like going anywhere and I have had a ton of bookwork/paperwork to do for our business. I've only bought groceries so far and haven't even spent much in gas, because I haven't been out and about much. However, this challenge is making me be more conscious of my spending and therefore I didn't go shopping online last week when I thought about it. Instead I checked out a couple books from the library on simplifying and the book Zero Waste Home. I also resisted the urge to buy a coffee on my way back from running with a friend. I came home and made it instead. I know that is such a tiny thing, but sometimes I think it's the little things that add up to the big things. It also helps me be more mindful of the big things when I am also being mindful of the little things.


One of my goals this year is to save (as in put it into savings and/or investing accounts) a large sum of $$. Luckily, my dh has no hobbies, work is his hobby :(, so that makes it easier for me.

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I purchased some curricula this week for $137. It was much needed and non-consumable. Therefore, I'll be able to use it throughout the years with all three of my kids.


My favorite gold chain necklace broke a few weeks ago, and to support my new efforts, dh took it to the jewelers to have it repaired and wrapped for my anniversary gift instead of buying something new. He bought the chain for me when our youngest was born, and it has sentimental value, so it was a sweet surprise to have it fixed - and only $30 instead of who knows what he would have spent!


I spent $250 at Costco for groceries I needed for the rest of the month. The rest of the food will come from pantry storage. I cleaned the pantry and made a list last weekend - there was so much more than I thought there was, so we'll weed that out. I made it through the month WAY under my allotted grocery budget.


We did take the kids out for lunch last week. That came out of our entertainment budget. We made a list of all the free places we can go during the week to keep us busy, instead of our daily book store and cafĂƒÂ© haunts that cost us way more than I want to admit! So we decided on a twice a month family outing, like lunch or a movie, and we'll stick to the free places during the week on days we just feel like getting out. It's going to be so hard when we drive by that French patisserie with Barnes and Noble conveniently next door!


I stuck to the YNAB this payperiod. It's already very clear how much extra money there is for savings after cutting out the nonsense. Having a set monthly entertainment budget is going to work great for us in being more practical and cutting out spontaneous spending.

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I have been lurking and reading along, now I will jump in.


My goal is to cut back on spending, be more mindful of spending and on what I choose to bring home, and to just generally simplify.


I am also decluttering and will be doing some home improvement projects. I know these will cost $$ so I want to cut back elsewhere.


This past week, I went to Ross and did some window shopping. I didn't buy anything but some supplements they had for a good price. I was going to purchase those type of things anyway. and they were much less expensive at Ross.


Normally I would be buying clothing of some sort but I didn't.



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I only bought a book! I needed it for a book club and my library still didn't have it.


DD needs leotards for gymnastics. I still haven't found a good thrift store locally so I've been perusing ebay.


Eta: my husband just reminded me I bought another pair of yoga leggings. In my defense I've been going 6 times a week. Running away in shame again.

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I've done really well this first two weeks of January, mainly because I HATE (sorry if that's too strong for some people) January and am not feeling like going anywhere and I have had a ton of bookwork/paperwork to do for our business. I've only bought groceries so far and haven't even spent much in gas, because I haven't been out and about much. However, this challenge is making me be more conscious of my spending and therefore I didn't go shopping online last week when I thought about it. Instead I checked out a couple books from the library on simplifying and the book Zero Waste Home. I also resisted the urge to buy a coffee on my way back from running with a friend. I came home and made it instead. I know that is such a tiny thing, but sometimes I think it's the little things that add up to the big things. It also helps me be more mindful of the big things when I am also being mindful of the little things.


One of my goals this year is to save (as in put it into savings and/or investing accounts) a large sum of $$. Luckily, my dh has no hobbies, work is his hobby :(, so that makes it easier for me.


I HATE January too.  And yes, it deserves all caps!  I would hate February just as much if my birthday wasn't in it. :lol:

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Mindful spending for us :)


Bought groceries (only fruit, veg, dairy, eggs, and cornmeal (how could I have run out of cornmeal?)).


I used my Christmas Amazon gift card to download two eagerly-anticipated ebooks :)


Spent $25 on a gift, slightly more than I wanted but it was for one of dd's very good friends.


This week I will need to get more fruit, veg, and eggs. I will also need to buy shampoo and conditioner---but the huge size is on sale for $16 at Ulta right now (that size lasts three months). I expect a vehicle will need gas. That's about it.


We are going on vacation on the 22nd. I will not be discussing those expenses :lol:

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We had to spend $150 for special shoes for my spouse (prescribed by a podiatrist for plantar fasciitis = unavoidable). Looks like this episode will also cost us a couple of hundred dollars in copays for PT.


We managed to keep our grocery spending way down as I have designated January an "eat out of the pantry/freezer" month.


We had to pay in advance for DS's voice and drum lessons (pre-planned, but still a budget ouch).


Other than the shoe incident, we're doing pretty well.


This coming week I am desperately hoping to avoid having to transfer money from savings to checking. Unfortunately, our insurance payment will come out of the checking two days before payday.

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It's worked well using grocery gift cards to limit my grocery spend.  We had been given a gift card at Christmas from m-i-l & got another using some loyalty points that were going to expire.  Knowing that I only have a limited amount has caused me to really choose just what we NEED.  Dh isn't always happy when we run out of something he is used to always having, but the boys are fine with eating tortillas if we run out of bread, etc.  I plan to continue using grocery gift cards as my version of the envelope system to help us budget.  I'll buy a card in the amount we have budgeted for the month the first week of the month & when it's gone, it's gone.  We won't starve (at least for the first half of the year) as our freezer is full & the garden is producing well.  By mid-year choice may not be as great, but soups & homemade bread are filling.  


Planned spending for this coming week include:


---bill for windows for the renovations

---bill for building supplies for the renovations

---bill for carpenter for the renovations


***new underwear for ds#2

***school shoes for ds#2

***hockey shorts for ds#2


+ price tech options for ds#2 to use as BYOD for school.  To up-grade our old netbook from XP to Windows 7 I've been quoted $200, but the battery lasts just over a hour when watching a video.  I'll get a price on a new battery when I am in town today, but it's looking more like it isn't worth up-grading.

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Mindful spending here:


Needed to prep house for sale:

2 handtowels and 2 soap dispensers ($40)--the previous soap containers were cracked yellow plastic ones in use since 2007.

Tape--for protecting woodwork while I paint walls ($17)


Tempting purchases I did not make:

Weekender bag--perfect size and material and I want/need one


Papermate flair pens for my planner

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I believe I posted my updates to the other thread but the bullet list version:


-$6 on a sweater (used)

-$6 on consumables- personal care, cleaning, etc

-$6.50 on a gift- new- on a high point I finally found something that I'm happy to give that fits my budget and seems useful, I discovered tons of craft kits at Hastings this Christmas

All in budget- as I mentioned previously I went back the next day for the sweater and am very glad I bought it, I've already worn it, it will be well used. 


We also spent a boatload of money for the girls dance classes as we paid in full for the semester to get a discount, ds also had TKD belt testing to be paid. The van had to have a hose replaced.


We've had to add some things to the budget, like a doctor consult for me and a new hose for the van. On the plus side they are begging dh to work, so we should be able to cover everything and paying ahead on dance will ease up the budget the until May (when we have to pay for next semester).


I realized something, it is not so much that we've bought more than usual lately, although that is part of it, but we had gotten a bit lazy in shopping around. It is just plain easier not to think about it. So, we are on the look out now for used sparring equipment for ds as he needs it with his new belt and also I just realized today that I need to start shopping for communion dresses for dd. We're trying to think ahead a little bit better and I'm trying to practice different methods to remind me of things.


I'm also been doing a lot of reading and contemplating. I have this desire to re-do my room, for the most part this is due to aesthetics and not functionality, although that is a small part of it. However, I'm trying to be honest with myself about the need for this. Before we wore our frugality as a badge of pride but as of late we seem to act like it is a bit of something to be embarrassed about. One cannot play both sides though, have everything nice and new and pinch pennies. Not that we've been living high on the hog exactly but certainly higher than we were. I'm not sure how or why that crept in, part of that was a bit of entitlement though. We've paid off everything so we should be able to afford to loosen up a bit, but in reality that just isn't the case and is dangerous thinking, even if we didn't voice it. We're not rolling in money and our income and expenses still yet require us to put thought into prioritization, not to mention there are compelling reasons why we were frugal in the first place which have nothing to do with the bottom line. 


I've been reading some blogs for renewed inspiration and it also has made me think that part of it is just too much going on period. I need to work on streamlining life, it is such a challenge with 4 kids! I'm trying to stop multi-tasking so much and focus on the present. I've not been feeling well again, which stinks but is another reminder to prioritize and cherish what really matters. I've got to drop something though with my current energy level and it is hard to think about what. 


I got The Simple Living Guide from the library today and am eagerly awaiting a moment to read it.


Upcoming events/spending for this week:

entertainment/activities- swimming

sparring equipment- were watching a few auctions right now

ballet shoes for dd- she just told me hers were getting tight so I need to see if I can find some cheaper online than local


(that is all my tired brain can think of for the moment....)

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Freezing cold and ice here so not much spending going on. Dh spent his cash for the week on a haircut and allergy shot copay. (He only has to pay when he starts a new vial, which is every 9 weeks or so. I am glad we don't have to pay every week. That'd be $100/month!) So he was forced to eat lunch at home or pack it if he wasn't working nearby and take drinks from the fridge rather than buying a drink while filling up the gas tank.


I spent my cash on a collection that went through our circle of friends for a single mom with 3 kids that is on FMLA leave from her job due to a surgery in which she lost a massive amount of blood and almost didn't make it. So she's having a hard time paying her bills during her recovery. Worked out well that I didn't have any money to spend foolishly and couldn't complain about it either. :)


I've been good and not spent any money on books. Went an extra trip to the library this week to avoid buying a specific book.


Raided fil's pantry to restock mine with jams and pickles. (The kids help him do the picking in the summer and I help with the canning so we are free to take as we please. I enjoy our little arrangement very much!)


Used what I had on hand to throw together a little dinner when guests showed up last minute. Previously, that would've been an excuse to order pizzas.


This coming week will not be as great. Tubo Tax, a repair for our garage door, and at least one more thing I'm forgetting...

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Okay, disregard my previous post. I bought an external hard drive today. I should have done this long ago as I need to get my many, many pictures off my old computer. The people at the computer store told me they can refurbish it and sell it for $200, so I should get my money back and then some on what I spent on the hard drive.

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I bought plumbing supplies for our home repair (planned, thankfully).


Paid to eat out once over the weekend, but we were without water all weekend, so not bad.


Last week I went to Costco and did a stock up for food.


This week, we have 2 field trips, so I may have to pay for parking.


I am also going to Ikea (kitchen remodel pieces, I am doing a command center wall, they have a wall file rack I need). Also I have to buy some fabric bins either at Ikea or Menards. They are on sale this week at Menards, but I want to check on the Ikea ones before I purchase...these are for the new entry closet shelves for mittens, hats, etc.


$5 will go to buy dd1's AWANA derby car kit


That's about it planned.

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I found some used ballet shoes for dd, saving about $10.


On the simplifying front I withdrew from 3 activities this am, one didn't have much responsibility but I had it hanging over my head. The other 2 were pretty big time sink, one especially was going to require a lot of time for me and I just don't have the energy or time right now. It feels good to have that done, although I dreaded doing it.


I started reading the Simple Living Guide, love it so far. She talks about how simplicity isn't so much about the numbers(what you make, what you own etc) but the intention and thought behind what you do. 


Something I read last week really struck me, as I mentioned I have a thing with books and the post mentioned this ladies to read pile and how she was happy to have it under 100. It occurred to me that my pile of books here that I could read would likely be that high as well. So, why do I have all these books? Am I really going to read them? If not then I shouldn't be keeping them around, the same goes with curriculum. I need to use what we have or sell it. I've purged some that just wasn't a good fit but I've hung onto some I really need to be a little more ruthless than I have been.

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I had to buy two new tyres for the car today to get it through rego. I had budgeted for it in YNAB and it came in under budget, so that felt pretty good. I popped into the local op shop to find that all clothing was half price and books were $5 a bag. So, for 10 bucks I got three pieces of clothing, including a linen shirt and rather funky jacket, and 6 books, including two for geography which was a black hole until today. I am car-free now until friday, so apart from DH buying petrol, it should be a cheap few days!

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Semi-discretionary spending: $24 at Ulta for liter shampoo and conditioner


While we were that far away, we drove a few more miles to Whole Foods for the wild rice I can only get there. Dh added a new-to-him hot sauce and a pound of coffee beans :rolleyes:


Costco on the way home for fruit, veg, eggs. We also bought another set of Pyrex storage containers (w leakproof lids) as we're trying to eliminate plastic food storage when possible. I guess that was a mindful purchase :)

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I did buy some books at Barnes and Noble this week.  I needed something to read while I'm sick.  Dd found a new series to start based upon a friend's recommendation, which made me happy.  Books are my weakness, apparently.


Need to re-evaluate some possible upcoming shortfalls in income and make the necessary adjustments.  


I will probably only get out for milk, bread this week.  



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I'm having an internal debate about two things: uniform pants for DS, and fixing my hair color.


Ds15, like many boys his age, has grown an absurdly healthy amount in the past year - or even the past six months. The uniform pants I custom-ordered for school last fall are too short and too tight in the waist. I am dithering between ordering two new pairs so he will have something definite by next week, (This week is exams and he can wear jeans.) or perusing the two Goodwills (especially the "upscale" Goodwill) this week and hoping something turns up.


As for my hair color, I have two boxes to color it at home, but I keep thinking about how much better it will look if I go see my hairdresser. I have a two-step process done - highlights and toner - which covers grey and yet makes my hair color look natural. The box will cover grey, but it will be perfectly clear that it is colored. Then, yesterday, a perfect stranger had to go and tell me I have beautiful hair, so i thought that was a hint from The Universe that I should not mess up a good thing! ;)

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I agree with texasmama- go hit Goodwill and see if you can find the pants and then order them if you cannot. 


I don't think I've bought anything this week....


New glasses for dd but I'm going to count that as ok, we kept it very cheap though, close to our frame allowance, while still being a pair she liked. I also went for the scratch coating, which seems stupid to pass up with kids, especially with the 2 yr warranty/replacement. 


I haven't been shopping otherwise, I just went to Goodwill to drop and not shop, although the girls wanted to go in I told them I was wanting to save money for our vacation. 


I was tempted by some boots, although I already have boots I like, I would have bought these instead if I had seen them. I've done much better staying out of stores. 


I missed a sparring gear set on ebay for ds, we're watching another right now, here's hoping we get it. We've set a max price we want to pay and I'd really like to keep it that much or less. 

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Nothing new or nonconsumable this year so far. DH picked up Taco Bell for him and the kids this weekend, and I spent $30 at Aldi for perishable groceries (and chorizo, I stock up the 1-2 times a year they carry it) on Monday, but other than that we haven't shopped or spent. DH will be stopping at Walgreens tonight for toddler pain meds and new kids toothbrushes. DS1 has either nasty eruption cysts on his gums or a weird mild case of hand, foot, and mouth, and I caught him using the other kids toothbrushes last night while they were dawdling getting ready for bed. Ick. Last year I would have just gone to Target but I've accepted my lack of willpower for what it is.


We've decided to really crack down on getting the house fixed up, so I'm extra motivated to not spend money. I want this nasty carpet gone!


Every time I've thought of something I've wanted, waiting long enough has provided an alternative that I already had on hand. With apologies to Sun Tzu, if you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of... things you could use instead of going shopping will float by.

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Barbecuemom, I am also motivated by the desire to get rid of my awful carpet.


In decluttering my kitchen, I realized I will need some new muffin pans. I got new cookie pan for Christmas, but still need muffin tins. I will check the outlet store this Friday, when I can get an extra 15 percent off. 


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Quill, I feel you on the pants for ds.  Ds2 has outgrown pants that were bought around Thanksgiving.  Unlike you, the chances of finding some at Goodwill are slim to none.  Our Goodwill doesn't sort by size, just smashes all the stuff together.  


As for hair color, if you have a stylist that does a good job and the color lasts for awhile, go for it.  I've been experimenting with using chamomile tea to color my roots.  The results aren't immediate, and it's something that has to be done consistently over time.  I'll see how it goes.  

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Wow...so your Goodwill is really that good that you actually have a shot at finding pants for your ds that fit?!?! Ours is not that great in terms of selection so I've given up going there. I would have already ordered the pants. ;)


Is your hair natural right now or do you have color growing out? What's making you want to dye it? I have my moments here and there. I have a box under my sink waiting in case I get to the point I can't take it anymore. Right now I'm trying to view them as silver highlights. Isn't grey hair supposed to be trendy right now? That's what I keep telling myself, even though it's the 20 year olds dying their hair grey, not the 40 year olds who are actually grey. Sigh....

The highlights are growing out, which bugs me. The grey is not that noticeable unless I try to wear my hair up (temples/ear area has the most grey). I think the grown-out highlighting looks worse to me than it does to the general public. I think I'm going to use my box color (which is semi-permanent) to tide me over until mid-to-late Feb, when I will go to the salon. This will make the grown-out highlighting unnoticeable and cover grey for the time being, but I can still have it look its best for, say, Valentine's Day.

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Quill, I am going through a similar hair thing. I was having highlights and lowlights done every 6-8 weeks for years. Last November I had an overall lowlight woven in that is close to my natural hair shade. That has grown out now and I am debating whether I should have some small highlights put in just to blend it all, whether I should leave it alone, or whether I should do an allover color.


I am inclined just to do nothing at this point. It's hard to break the cycle and I certainly don't want to have an awkward period when I am even more grey.

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Well, I went to Target. I wanted to get some more steps in, and when I looked at my lunch sandwich, the bread was moldy. I was really hungry, so of course I'm telling myself it's okay to stop at Arbys or Subway! Now, remember, I had no cards with me, and the only cash I have is egg money. Which by that point, I was hungry enough to spend it! So I decided on Target and some popcorn. I spent $1.30 for popcorn, and after walking around the whole store, I remembered I needed lotion to keep in my purse (my hands crack open in winter), and blush. I have needed these for weeks. I had even cut open my tube of blush, and went digging for the last bit! I wrote a check for those, $8.30. Nothing else in the store looked appealing!

If, by "egg money" you mean money you just made selling eggs from you backyard chickens, I did this today, too! *blush* I earned $6 selling eggs to my friend who met us to jump at the trampoline park, but was too too hungry afterwards and I spent $5.49. Oops.


On the up side, I did find three suitable pants for dS at Goodwill. *clap!* It also happened to be Student Discount Day, unbeknownst to me, so, with my college ID card, I got another $1.49 off each pair.

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If, by "egg money" you mean money you just made selling eggs from you backyard chickens, I did this today, too! *blush* I earned $6 selling eggs to my friend who met us to jump at the trampoline park, but was too too hungry afterwards and I spent $5.49. Oops.


On the up side, I did find three suitable pants for dS at Goodwill. *clap!* It also happened to be Student Discount Day, unbeknownst to me, so, with my college ID card, I got another $1.49 off each pair.

Woot, you did find some!

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My only non-food purchases since the last post I made on last week's thread are part of my niece's birthday present and a bag of cat litter. I am giving her two books (purchased gently used a month ago)- Three Questions and Zen Ties both by Jon Muth and doll glasses. She's 6, getting an AG doll for her birthday from her dads and I picked up little blue glasses for the doll because she wears blue glasses. $10.95 for a few cents of plastic, yes. But in terms of the joy she will get from it (she's talked about the doll and wanting glasses forever), it's a bargain.


About the cat litter, that's an area I don't economize in at all. We have an old, fattish, picky cat and I refuse to smell cat litter or deal with her peeing outside of the box. So that's $16-18 a month for one brand of fancy butt litter. But it doesn't give off odor and it doesn't need to be changed daily or weekly. It also seems to suit her because she doesn't pee elsewhere anymore. That's worth a lot to me, lol.

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My only non-food purchases since the last post I made on last week's thread are part of my niece's birthday present and a bag of cat litter. I am giving her two books (purchased gently used a month ago)- Three Questions and Zen Ties both by Jon Muth and doll glasses. She's 6, getting an AG doll for her birthday from her dads and I picked up little blue glasses for the doll because she wears blue glasses. $10.95 for a few cents of plastic, yes. But in terms of the joy she will get from it (she's talked about the doll and wanting glasses forever), it's a bargain.


About the cat litter, that's an area I don't economize in at all. We have an old, fattish, picky cat and I refuse to smell cat litter or deal with her peeing outside of the box. So that's $16-18 a month for one brand of fancy butt litter. But it doesn't give off odor and it doesn't need to be changed daily or weekly. It also seems to suit her because she doesn't pee elsewhere anymore. That's worth a lot to me, lol.

What a very sweet and thoughtful gift for your niece. You are the best aunt.

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Wow Quill, I am baffled by how great your Goodwill is. Jealous here.


Lucystoner---what kind of cat litter are you using? How often do you have to change it? I'm curious.

I use DR. Elsey's Precious Cat Seniors formula. One bag a month for one cat, don't have the change it. No odor. No joke. We found it not long after we moved to a smallish apartment and no longer had the ability to put the litter in an unused corner of the garage level of three story townhouse. Honestly, I'd pay way more than they charge for the no odor thing.
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DH went to the shops by himself (insert warning smilie). He needs some new reading glasses. He is too tight to go to the optometrist, so he went to the chemist and spent $20 on pair of +1 because they had the sturdiest, most manly frames. He needs +1.5, which was obviously a minor consideration. He already has a headache. I will put the manly +1s aside until I age into them (eyesight wise - I don't want any manly hair growth or anything else!) and we will go and find some +1.5s today. Bah!

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Wow Quill, I am baffled by how great your Goodwill is. Jealous here.


Lucystoner---what kind of cat litter are you using? How often do you have to change it? I'm curious.

Seriously. We have the best Goodwills. I didn't have a ton of time, but I saw lots of great things I could have investigated. There was a staff member putting heaps of Mason jars up on the shelf. I usually will scarf up any canning jars I find. I got all my quilted jelly jars from GW. Quite the perfect thing, as I now have jam, relish and jalapeĂƒÂ±os canned in the pint jars.

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I bought mechanical pencils today. 50% off on the grocery clearance rack, so like $2 for 10. My son practically eats wood pencils. It's disgusting. So I keep a good stock of mechanical pencils on hand and like to get them on sale when I can. He doesn't chew on pens or mechanical pencils. Just wood pencils. Shudder.


I also bought daffodils but that's food for the soul, right? ;)

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Bought new sheets for all the beds today.  Just had to, and it's not something I'm willing to buy used.  

Picked up last birthday gift for dd at 70% off.  

Picked up mechanical pencils on clearance while making copies today.  $2 for 3 packs of 10.  

Picked up some cozy sweatshirt pj tops (80% off) at Target.  These are going to be my "uniform" after surgery.  


Doesn't really go with the no "new" theme, but things were needed and prices were more than reasonable.  


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Yesterday wasn't a great day for not spending.  


Dentist (me) ---$405  ouch!  I had 2 unexpected cavities that were cheaper to deal with ASAP, so I went ahead & got them filled rather than waiting.

new shoes (me) ---$99   I got myself some Skechers a few months back & LOVE them.  I've been watching sales to get a pair with the small heel that would go better with skirts for work.  As I have small feet, I need to grab them when I see them as the small sizes sell out fast.  Believe it or not, $99 is a sale prices as it is about 30% off.

haircut (ds#2)---$20   He gets his hair cut about 4 times a year, at the beginning of each school term.  

McDs breakfast combo (me)---$5.90  This is my one a week treat for me.  I go after the gym & enjoy an hour or so quietly checking my emails, etc.  With free refills on soda, I get my money's worth.  



On the Pantry Challenge I've done really well.  We are starting to run out of things & I've needed to get creative.  Rather than run to the store I ask myself if I can wait one more day before chopping.  Usually I can find enough to put some sort of meal on the table.  Dinner yesterday was zucchini fritters cooked in the waffle iron then used as bases for mini pizzas (using up the opened jar of pasta sauce & little bits of this & that in the fridge.  Tonight I found a few small bits in the freezer & made fried rice for the boys (+ enough for ds#1's lunch for work tomorrow).  I made dh baked eggs cooked in a tomato sauce with a large scoop of the veg mix from the fried rice.  I ate a dinner salad plate.  I've thawed out some black beans I found in the freezer & will use them to make a texmex dish of some sort to have over rice or in tortillas for tomorrow.  It may be just ds#1 & I as dh & ds#2 have an overnight hike planned with the venturers.  



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This challenge has been interesting for me as I discover the behaviors behind impulse buying. Apparently I am inclined to pick up clothes at Costco because it's convenient and cost effective. I made it out alive without buying clothes but I was surprised by how much I wanted to browse.


I also resisted the urge to buy toiletries kits for the kids. They all have various supplies that are solely theirs and they needed new organizers for those. I was able to make do with some old freebie Clinique bags.


On the irritating side, ds "needs" a bunch of winter camping equipment for a campout next weekend. We are going to make do but I am frustrated with his troop leaders for making the camp date known so little in advance--and we still don't have a pack date.

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I took the dogs to the vet yesterday for their yearly checkups - city license, shot updates, heartgard Supscription, etc... $442. Signed the kids up for a local homeschool gym class - $33 a month for all three of them to go twice a week. I figured that was a great price to keep us busy during the week. I'd consider both of those necessary spending.


I had a slip of the wallet when I walked by the Under Armor store. 3 new pair of pants, 3 new shirts, and a new jacket - $200 later, and I'm back on the no spending wagon. Ă°Å¸ËœÂ³

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We bought balloons, two small cakes, and birthday presents for one of our kids this week. It was his first birthday with us and other than Christmas the first time he had gotten presents "of his own" so I have zero guilt about those purchases.


Otherwise everything was either food for us or food for the animals. My husband picked up a few boxes of markdown cake mix and some chicken to put in the freezer, but the rest was milk and bread and fruit and oatmeal to round out our menu from the pantry for this week. We have enough food for lunches and dinners for probably another whole month, but we get low on breakfast foods quickly. Last night was the second time this month we ate differently than the meal plan. The first time my husband brought home food from his restaurant and then last night the pork wasn't done after four hours, so I saved it for tonight and we had sandwiches instead. I was able to turn some slightly stale corn tortillas that no one would eat into chips, so that was a win.

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Still "nothing new" this month. I went around the house room by room and made a list of "fixer-up" things we need/want, with specific measurements, and saved it to my phone. That way, if I see something on my list at a thrift store or yard sale, I can get it. Not on the list, no go.


I have a clothing needs list now too. I'm also bad about browsing Costco clothes and making impulse buys!


I did spent a lot of time mentally spending on IKEA's website yesterday. I'm going to be in so much trouble when our local one opens this fall.

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