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Merry third day of Christmas, I have the flu


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You have my full sympathy. I have a cold that has been hanging on for 3 weeks now. I'm sure I don't feel as bad as you do with the flu  but I feel rotten and I imagine you are feeling even worse. So, big cyber-hugs and lots of cyber-cranberry juice  (that's the K family's go-to choice for forced liquids) being sent your way.  I hope you gets lots of chance to rest so you can kick it quickly. {{{hugs}}}}

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My son and husband had it with symptoms starting Tuesday.  Both started Tamiflu Wednesday (Christmas Eve).  My son was okay-but-not-great Tuesday, miserable Wednesday (fever 104) and 100% all day Thursday.  My husband's, we think, has turned into pneumonia.  He feels better but is coughing and short of breath.  None of the rest of us have gotten it, but I followed them around with a can of Lysol--not exaggerating here--and washed my hands obsessively.  I suggest the Tamiflu.  My son really only felt bad Wednesday, the day he started Tamiflu.  He didn't start it until 4 in the afternoon and bounced back the next day.  My husband only felt bad from the flu that one day as well, but the post-flu issues have lingered.  It pays to be 11, apparently.

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Just found out this morning that my mom has the flu. It came on really fast! We spent most of the day with her yesterday and she was fine. She had to be taken to the ER this morning. Now we have to wait and see if we get it. My family all had the flu shot but my mom did not. She has flu B. 😷

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I took Sambucol at infection level doses when my son was diagnosed. His twin came down with it within 24 hours, hubby (who wouldn't do the Sambucol) within 2 days, and I never got it. I really think the Sambucol helped me avoid it. I gave it to the sick ones too. Eldeberry has some research behind it.  I bought some from CVS last week, so I would have it just in case we get sick this year.  :grouphug:

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I have influenza. I'm worried it's going to trickle through all of my kids and husband and I am so MISERABLE. The data on tamiflu looks terrible.


What can I do to feel better?


Everything hurts.

(((My friend))))


I am so sorry. The only thing that helped my family was OTC pain meds, sleep and time.


I wish I had better news and that I could come and help you. :-(

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I am so sorry! We all had it the week before Christmas. Didn't do Tamiflu--it was going to cost us $100+ per person and the pharmacist said it really only cuts off maybe one day of illness. Rest, plenty of fluids, more rest, I took Benedryl when I couldn't sleep at night because of the cough, that helped. It did work it's way through the whole family, but was only mild for some. We're still a bit fatigued and coughing occasionally, but mostly better.


Dr. said the strain making the rounds in our area is one not covered by this year's vaccine.

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I got it a week ago, so all extended family things were cancelled. No one else got it. I'm no longer sick, but just have the leftover total exhaustion. Our first of three (delayed) big family things is today. I haven't made a thing so it looks like we are going out for a meal instead. Short of a miracle that may be what happens on the 31st and 1st, too.

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